Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Index Guide
223 Coverley, Sir Roger de –
840 covert
abode 189 shade 424 invisible 447 latent 526 refuge 666 – way
627 feme – e
903 coverture
903 covet
desire 865 envy 921 covetous
miserly 819 covey
assemblage 72 multitude 102 covin
545 cow
animal 366 female 374 intimidate 860 – pony
271 coward
862 cowardice
862 cowardly
862 cowboy
370 cowcatcher
717 cower
stoop 308 fear 860 cowardice 862 servile 886 cowherd
370 cowhide
lash 972 whip 975 cowhouse
189 cowkeeper
370 cowl
sacerdotal 999 (
dress 225) cowled
223 cowlstaff
215 coworker
690 coworking
178 cow-puncher
370 coxcomb
854 coxcombry
affectation 855 vanity 880 coxswain
269 coy
timid 860 modest 881 coyote
366 cozen
545 crab
crustacean 298,
368 sourness 397 – like motion
deviation 279 regression 283 crab apple
397 crabbed
sour 397 unintelligible 519 obscure style 571 difficult 704 uncivil 895 sulky 901a crabmeat
298 crack
split 44 discontinuity 70 instantaneous 113 fissure 198 furrow 259 brittle 328 sound 406 excellent 648 injure 659 skillful 698 boast 884 – a bottle
food 298 social 892 drunken 959 – a joke
842 – of doom
end 67 future 121 destruction 162 – one’s invention
515 – shot
700 crackajack
698 crack-brained
insane 503 (
foolish 499) cracked
unmusical 410 mad 503 faulty 651 – bell
408a – voice
581 cracker
biscuit 298 firework 406 crackle
406 crack-loo
621 cracksman
792 cradle
beginning 66 infancy 127 origin 153 placing 184 bed 215 crossing 219 training 673 aid 707 – hole
259 – song
834 in the –
129 craft
shipping 273 business 625 skill 698 cunning 702 craftsman
690 craftsmanship
680 crag
cliff 212 pointed 253 hard 323 land 342 craggy
rough 256 craichy
160 craig
height 206 crake
884 cram
crowd 72 stuff 194 choke 261 teach 537 learn 539 gorge 957 – down the throat
compel 744 crambo
597 crammed
52 – to overflowing
641 crammer
teacher 540 lie 546 cramp
fastening 45 paralyze 158 weaken 160 little 193 compress 195 spasm 315,
378 hinder 706 cramped
style 579 cramp iron
45 cran
191 cranberry
298 cranch [
see craunch] crane
angle 244 elevate 307 bird 366,
386 – neck
245 crane’s-bill
845 craniology &c.
450 cranium
450 crank
fanatic 504 instrument 633 wit 842 treadmill 975 – shaft
272 crankle
fold 258 crankling
rough 256 cranky
weak 160 ill health 655 cranny
198 crape
crinkle 248 mourning 839 craps
621 crapulence
intemperance 954 gluttony 957 drunken 959 crash
destruction 162 collision 276 brittle 328 sound 406 crasis
nature 5 coherence 48 composition 54 crass
great 31 dense 321 semifluid 352 unintelligent 493 bad taste 851 – ignorance
491 crassamentum
352 crassitude
breadth 202 density 321 thickness 352 crate
receptacle 191 crater
deep 208 hollow 252 craunch
shatter 44 chew 298 pulverize 330 cravat
225 crave
ask 765 desire 865 craven
cowardly 862 craw
191 crawfish
298 recede 283 apostatize 607 crawl
elapse 109 creep 275 withdraw 283 apostatize 607 servile 886 crawly 380 crayon
556 crazy
weak 160 mad 503 creak
410 creaking
410 cream
emulsion 352 oil 356 yellow 436 important part 642 best 648 – color
white 430 yellow 436 – of tartar
662 – of the jest
842 creamy
352 crease
258 create
cause 153 produce 161 imagine 515 created
being 366 creation [
see create]
effect 154 world 318 creative
153 creativeness
20 Creator
976 creator
producer 164 poet 597 creature
thing 3 effect 154 animal 271,
366 man 372 slave 746 – comforts
food 298 pleasure 377 the –
food 298 crèche
542 credence
belief 484 church 1000 credenda
484 credential
467 credible
possible 470 probable 472 belief 484 credit
belief 484 influence 737 pecuniary 805 account 811 repute 873 approbation 931 desert 944 to one’s –
property 780 creditable
right 924 credit mobilier
802 creditor
805 credulity
486 (
heterodoxy 984) credulous
849 – person
dupe 547 creed
belief 484 theology 983 Apostles’ –
983a – bound
606 creek
interval 198 water 343 creel
191 creep
crawl 275 tingle 380 (
inactivity 683) – in
294 – into a corner
893 – into the good graces of
933 – out
529 – upon one
508 – with
multitude 102 redundance 641