Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral PowersSection II. Personal Affections
2. Discriminative Affections
845. Beauty.
NOUN:BEAUTY, beautifulness, pulchritude; the beautiful, to kalon [Greek].beauty unadorned; form, elegance, grace, belle tournure [F.]; symmetry [See Symmetry]; concinnity, delicacy, refinement, charm, je ne sais quoi [F.], nescio quid [L.], style.
comeliness, fairness &c. adj.; polish, gloss; good effect, good looks; trigness.
BLOOM, brilliancy, radiance, splendor or splendour, gorgeousness, magnificence; sublimity, sublimification [obs.].
BEAU IDEAL, le beau idéal [F.]; Venus, Aphrodite, Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo, Hyperion, Adonis, Antinous, Narcissus, Astarte; Helen of Troy, Cleopatra; Venus of Milo, Apollo Belvedere.
[COMPARISONS] butterfly; flower, flow’ret gay; garden, anemone, asphodel, buttercup, crane’s-bill, daffodil, lily, lily of the valley, ranunculus, rose, rhododendron, windflower.
the flower of, the pink of; bijou [F.]; jewel (ornament) [See Ornament]; work of art.
LOVELINESS, pleasurableness [See Pleasurableness].
BEAUTIFYING, beautification [rare]; landscape gardening; decoration &c. [See Ornament]; calisthenics, physical culture.
VERB:BE BEAUTIFUL &c. adj.; shine, beam, bloom; become one (accord) [See Agreement]; set off, become, grace.
RENDER BEAUTIFUL &c. adj.; beautify; polish, burnish; gild (decorate) [See Ornament]; set out.
“snatch a grace beyond the reach of art” [Pope].
ADJECTIVE:BEAUTIFUL, beauteous, handsome; pretty; lovely, graceful, elegant, exquisite, flowerlike, delicate, dainty, refined.
COMELY, fair, personable, seemly [obs.], decent [archaic], proper [archaic or dial.], bonny, good-looking; well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well-proportioned, shapely; symmetrical (regular) [See Symmetry]; harmonious (color) [See Color]; sightly, fit to be seen.
bright, bright-eyed; rosy-cheeked, cherry-cheeked; rosy, ruddy; blooming, in full bloom.
goodly, dapper, tight, jimp or gimp [Scot. & dial. Eng.], jaunty or janty, trig, natty [orig. slang], quaint [archaic], trim, tidy, neat, spruce, smart, tricksy [rare].
BRILLIANT, shining; beamy, beaming; sparkling, radiant, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing; glossy, sleek; rich, gorgeous, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime.
ARTISTIC or artistical, æsthetic; picturesque, pictorial; fait à peindre [F.], paintable, well-composed, well-grouped, well-varied; curious.
enchanting &c. (pleasure-giving) [See Pleasurableness]; attractive (inviting) [See Motive]; becoming (accordant) [See Agreement]; ornamental [See Ornament]; of consummate art.
PERFECT, unspotted, spotless [See Perfection]; immaculate; undeformed, undefaced.
PASSABLE, presentable, tolerable, not amiss.
- Auxilium non leve vultus habet.—Ovid
- Beauty born of murmuring sound.—Wordsworth
- Flowers preach to us if we will hear.—C. G. Rossetti
- Winter makes water solid, yet the spring, That is but flowers, is a stronger thing.—Masefield
- Butterflies, the souls of summer hours.—Masefield
- Gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus.—Vergil
- None but the brave deserve the fair.—Dryden
- Thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty.—Byron
- Was this the face that launch’d a thousand ships?—Marlowe