Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (I) Formation of Ideas
Section VII. Creative Thought
515. Imagination.
NOUN:IMAGINATION, originality, invention; fancy; inspiration; verve.warm -, heated -, excited -, sanguine -, ardent -, fiery -, boiling -, wild -, bold -, daring -, playful -, lively -, fertile- -imagination, – fancy.
“mind’s eye” [Hamlet]; “the mind’s internal heaven” [Wordsworth]; “such stuff as dreams are made on” [Tempest].
IDEALITY, idealism; romanticism, utopianism, castle-building; dreaming; frenzy or phrensy, ecstasy; calenture (delirium) [See Insanity]; reverie or revery, brown study, pipe dream, daydream, trance; somnambulism.
conception, Vorstellung [Ger.], excogitation, “a fine frenzy” [M. N. D.]; cloudland, dreamland; flight -, fumes- of fancy; “thick-coming fancies” [Macbeth]; creation -, coinage- of the brain; imagery; word painting.
FANTASY, conceit, figment, myth, dream, vision, shadow, chimera; phantasm, phantasy, fancy; maggot, whim, whimwham, whimsey or whimsy, vagary, rhapsody, romance, gest or geste, extravaganza; “air-drawn dagger” [Macbeth], bugbear, nightmare; flying Dutchman, great sea serpent, man in the moon, castle in the air, castle in Spain, château en Espagne [F.], pleasure dome of Kubla Khan, Utopia; Heavenly City, New Jerusalem; Atlantis, Happy Valley [Johnson], millennium, fairyland; land of Prester John, kingdom of Micomicon; Estotiland or Estotilandia [Milton]; Laputa; Cockagne, Lubberland; Arabian nights; le pot au lait [F.]; pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow; dream of Alnaschar (hope) [See Hope]; golden dream.
CREATIVE WORKS] work of fiction (novel) [See Description]; poetry [See Poetry]; play, tragedy, comedy (drama) [See The Drama]; sonata (music) [See Music].
ILLUSION (error) [See Error]; phantom (fallacy of vision) [See Dim-sightedness]; Fata Morgana [L.] (ignis fatuus) [See Luminary]; vapor (cloud) [See Bubble, Cloud]; stretch of the imagination (exaggeration) [See Exaggeration]; mythogenesis.
IDEALIST, romanticist, visionary; mopus [slang], romancer, daydreamer, dreamer; somnambulist; rhapsodist (fanatic) [See Madman]; castle-builder, fanciful projector; “sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy’s child” [Milton].
VERB:IMAGINE, fancy, conceive; idealize, realize; dream, – of; “gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name” [M. N. D.].
set one’s wits to work; strain -, crack- one’s invention; rack -, ransack -, cudgel- one’s brains; excogitate.
give -play, – the reins, – a loose [obs.]- to the- -imagination, – fancy; tilt at wind-mills; indulge in reverie.
conjure up a vision; fancy -, represent -, picture -, figure- to oneself; vorstellen [Ger.]; “see visions and dream dreams” [Bible].
float in the mind; suggest itself (thought) [See Thought].
CREATE, originate, devise, invent, make up, coin, fabricate; improvise, strike out something new.
ADJECTIVE:IMAGINED &c. v.; ben trovato [It.]; air-drawn, air-built.
IMAGINATIVE; imagining &c. v.; original, inventive, creative, fertile, productive, ingenious.
EXTRAVAGANT, romantic, high-flown, flighty, preposterous; rhapsodic or rhapsodical; fanatic, enthusiastic, Utopian, Quixotic.
IDEAL, unreal; in the clouds, in nubibus [L.]; unsubstantial [See Unsubstantiality]; illusory (fallacious) [See Error]; fictitious, theoretical, hypothetical.
fanciful; fabulous, legendary, mythic or mythical, mythological, chimerical; imaginary, visionary; dream-beset, dream-ridden, dreamy, entranced, notional, fancy, fantastical, high-fantastical, fantasied, maggoty, made of empty air, vaporous, whimsical; fairy, fairylike.
- A change came o’er the spirit of my dream.—Byron
- Ægri somnia vana; delphinum appingit sylvis in fluctibus aprum.—Horace
- Your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions.—Bible
- Fancy light from fancy caught.—Tennyson
- Imagination rules the world.—Napoleon
- L’imagination gallope, le jugement ne va que le pas.
- Musæo contingens cuncta lepore.—Lucretius
- He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass.—Julius Cæsar
- For he on honey-dew hath fed And drunk the milk of Paradise.—Coleridge
- Forms more real than living man, Nurslings of immortality.—Shelley
- Tous songes sont mensonges.
- Wahrheit und Dichtung.
- Magic casements, opening on the foam Of perilous seas, in faëry lands forlorn.—Keats
- O sweet Fancy! let her loose.—Keats
- The centre of every man’s existence is a dream.—Chesterton
- This is visionary mania.—Galsworthy