Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Index Guide
936 barracoon
717 barrage
loudness 404 drumming 407 attack 716 barranco
198 barrator
941 barratrous
940 barratry
940 barred
crossed 219 striped 440 barrel
vessel 191 cylinder 249 – organ
417 barrel house
189 barren
169 barricade
fence 232 obstacle 706 defense 717 prison 752 barrier [
see barricade] barring
save 38 excluding 55 except 83 – out
resist 719 disobey 742 barrister
968 revising –
967 barrow
mound 206 vehicle 272 grave 363 barter
reciprocate 12 interchange 148 commerce 794 barway
294 barytone
408 bas bleu
scholar 492 affectation 855 base
low 207 lowest part 211 support 215 evil 649 menial 746 cowardly 862 shameful 874 servile 886 dishonorable 940 vicious 945 – coin
800 – note
408 – of operations
plan 626 attack 716 baseball
840 baseboard
211 baseborn
876 based on
ground of belief 467 baselard
727 baseless
unreal 2 unsubstantial 4 basement
cellar 191 lowest part 207,
211 baseness [
see base]
inferiority 34 bashaw
tyrant 739 ruler 745 bashful
881 bashfulness
881 bashi-bazouk
726 basilica
1000 basilisk
unconformity 83 sight 441 cannon 737 serpent 366,
949 basin
dock 189 vessel 191,
211 hollow 252 plain 344 basis
lowest part 211 support 215 preparation 673 bask
physical enjoyment 377 warmth 382 prosperity 734 moral enjoyment 827 – in the sun
384 basket
191 – of
190 basket ball
840 bas-relief
convex 250 sculpture 557 bass
music 415 – clarinet
417 – note
408 – tuba
417 – viol
417 basset
446 basset horn
417 bassinet
cradle 191 helmet 717 bassoon
417 basso profondo
408 basso-rilievo
convex 250 sculpture 557 bastard
spurious 545 nameless 565 illegitimate 925 baste
beat 276 punish 972 Bastille
752 bastinado
972 bastion
717 bat
strike 276 club 727 spree 840 batch
quantity 25 collection 72 bate
diminish 36 subtract 38 reduce price 813 bateau
273 bated breath with –
faint sound 405 expecting 507 hiding 528 whisper 581 humble 879 bath
652 -s
remedy 662 warm –
386 Bath chair
272 bathe
immerse 300 plunge 310 water 337 bathhouse
652 bathometer
466 bathos
anticlimax 497 (
ridiculous 853) bathroom
652 bathybic
341 bathycolpian
208 bathymeter
208 bathymetry
208 bathypelagic
208 bathysmal
208 batik
556 bating
55 batman
637 baton
support 215 scepter 747 batophobia
867 batrachians
368 batta
973 battalia
726 battalion
726 batten
298 – on
886 batter
destroy 162 beat 276 pulpiness 354 battered
worse for wear 659 tired 688 battering-ram
276 battering train
727 battery
artillery 726 guns 727 floating –
726 plant a –
716 battle
killing 361 contention 720 warfare 722 – array
order 60 prepare 673 war 722 – ax
727 – cruiser
273 – cry
sign 550 war 722 – field
arena 728 – ground
discord 713 – with
oppose 708 half the –
642 win the –
731 battled
722 battledore
325 – and shuttlecock
interchange 148 game 840 battlement
embrasure 257 defense 717 battleship
726 battologize
573 battology
repeat 104 diffuse style 573 battue
kill 361 pursuit 622 attack 716 bauble
trifle 643 toy 840 bavardage
unmeaning 517 chatter 584 bavin
388 bawarchi-khana
191 bawcock
892 bawd
962 bawdy,-house
961 bawl
411 bawn
189 bay
concave 252 gulf 343 cry 412 brown 433 at –
danger 665 difficulty 604 defense 717,
719 – leaf
400 – the moon
useless 645 bring to –
716 bayadere
840 Bayard
271 bayard
bay 433 bayberry
400 – candle
423 baygall
345 bayonet
kill 361 attack 716 weapon 727 at the point of the –
war 722 severity 739 coercion 744 crossed -s
708 bayou
343 bay rum
400 bays
trophy 733 crown 877 bay salt
336 bay window
260 bazaar
799 B. C.
106 be
1 – alive with
102 – all and end all
whole 50 intention 620 importance 642 – all up with
162 – off
depart 293 eject 297 retract 773 – it so
488 – that as it may
30 beach
342 beach comber
348 beacon
sign 550 warning 668 (light
423) – fire
550 bead
847 beading
847 beadle
janitor 263 law officer 965 church 996 beadledom
737 beadroll
list 86 prayers 990 ritual 998 beads
847 tell one’s –