Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class VI. Words Relating to the Sentient and Moral PowersSection IV. Moral Affections
5. Institutions
967. Judge.
NOUN:JUDGE, justice; justiciar [Eng. & Scot. hist.]; justiciary [Eng. & Scot. hist.]; chancellor; justice -, judge- of assize; recorder, common serjeant; puisne -, assistant -, county court- judge; conservator -, justice- of the peace; J. P.; “the Great Unpaid” [Eng.]; court (tribunal) [See Tribunal]; deemster [Isle of Man & archaic], moderator, bencher [archaic], jurat, magistrate, police magistrate, beak [slang]; his worship, his honor, his lordship; the court.Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice; Master of the Rolls, Vice Chancellor; Lord Chief -Justice, – Baron; Chief Justice; Mr. Justice; Baron, – of the Exchequer.
assessor; arbiter, arbitrator, doomsman or domesman [obs.], umpire, referee, referendary [rare]; revising barrister [Eng.], receiver, official receiver; censor (critic) [See Judgment]; barmaster [Eng.].
archon, tribune, prætor, ephor, syndic, podesta [It.]; mollah, ulema, hakim, mufti, cadi or kadi [all Moham.]; alcalde [Sp.]; Rhadamanthus, Minos, Solomon.
JURY, grand jury, petty jury, inquest, panel, country; twelve men in a box.
JUROR, juryman, talesman; grand-juror, grand-juryman, recognitor; petty-juror, petty-juryman.
LITIGANT (accusation) [See Accusation].
VERB:ADJUDGE (determine) [See Judgment]; try a case, try a prisoner.
ADJECTIVE:judicial [See Jurisdiction].
- A Daniel come to judgment.—Merchant of Venice
- The law: it has honored us; may we honor it.—Daniel Webster