Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class II. Words Relating to SpaceSection IV. Motion
1. Motion in General
268. Traveler.
NOUN:TRAVELER, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, passenger, transient, commuter, straphanger [colloq.].tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, Alpine Club; peregrinator, wanderer, rover, straggler, rambler; landsman, landlubber, horse marine; bird of passage; gadabout [colloq.], gadling [obs.]; vagrant, scatterling [obs.], landlouper or landloper, waifs and estrays, wastrel, stray; loafer, swagman or swagsman [Australia], tramp, vagabond, nomad, Bohemian, gypsy, Arab, Wandering Jew, hadji or hajji [Ar.], pilgrim, palmer; peripatetic; comers and goers, immigrant; émigré [F.], emigrant; runagate, runaway, renegade, fugitive, refugee; beachcomber; booly [Irish hist.]; globe-girdler, globe-trotter [colloq.]; hobo [U. S.], runabout, trekker [S. Africa], camper, zingaro (pl. zingari) [It.].
SLEEPWALKER, somnambulist, somnambulator [rare], nightwalker, noctambulist.
COURIER, messenger, express, estafette [F.], runner; Mercury, Iris, Ariel; comet.
PEDESTRIAN, walker, foot passenger, hiker [colloq.], perigrinator [rare], tramper.
RIDER, horseman, horsewoman [fem.], equestrian, equestrienne [fem.], cavalier, jockey, roughrider, trainer, breaker, huntsman, whip, postilion or postillion, postboy.
DRIVER, coachman, Jehu [humorous], charioteer, carter, wagoner, drayman; cabman, cabdriver; voiturier [F.], vetturino [It.], condottiere [It.], gharry-wallah or gari-wala [Hind.], hackman, syce [India], truckman.
[RAILROAD] engine driver [Brit.], engineer [U. S.], fireman, stoker, conductor, guard [Brit.], motorman.
[AUTOMOBILE] driver, chauffeur, chauffeuse [fem.], automobilist, motorist, truck driver, mechanician; scorcher [slang], speed maniac, road hog [slang].
QUOTATION:Of the cannibals that each other eat, And anthropophagi, and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders.—Othello