Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
Reward to Safety-first
Rewardfrom God, 517
good conscience our only sure r., 7
in heaven, 102
is great, 2022
no enemies to r., 1407
pecuniary r., 1561Rewards
of ambition, 783
of industry, 783
of learning, 783
of virtue, 783Rhee, Syngman (1875–1965), 1878Rhine
frontier of America is on the R., 2064Rich, 1631–1633
America in which people can still get r., 1384
bales of study and jeweled ideas, 129
cannot help the poor by destroying the r., 1117
if we make the r. richer, 479
impassable gulf divided the R. from the Poor, 1631
it cannot save the few who are r., 623
law to prevent a man from getting r., 1633
materially r., 1632
no nation is r. enough to pay for both war and civilization, 1919
shows that others may be r., 1547
to make the people r., 781
to protect them in making themselves r., 781
the well-born, and the able, 259
who are always a minority, absolutely at its mercy, 1139
Who is r., 1146
widows, 2005Richer
and r. consumers in filthier and filthier communities, 17Riches
greed and lust for r., 833
There lies Peru with its r., 834
they had hoped to divert to a nobler cause, 1456
When r. take wings, 446Riddle
wrapped in a mystery, 1652Rider
was lost, 1240Riders
in a race do not stop short, when they reach the goal, 1115
on the earth together, 1742Ridiculous
his position on almost every public question was … r., 1274Right, 1634–1637
advocacy of what is just and r., 1851
aggressive fighting for the r., 1637
all the time, 653
and fair, 256
are swept aside by the rage of angry men, 1929
at the time, 1551
because it is r., 623
both of making and of enforcing laws, 788
cannot r. every wrong, 1735
champion of justice and r., 533
desire to do r., 1307
fashionable to be r., 1563
fight for the r., 1634
firmness in the r., 1325
For every r. that you cherish, 1605
God will bless the r., 601
God-given r. to kick the government around, 743
Government … has no r. to interfere with anything other than that general class of things, 1761
greatest r. in the world, 1642
If well made at the r. time it is effective, 1824
is more precious than peace, 2049
isn’t r. to gloat over the dead, 365
It is his legal r., 982
Lord is always on the side of the r., 704
make the r. things happen, 1636
makes might, 1490
men who have neither the r. nor the knowledge, 747
motive, 1909
My country, r. or wrong, 345, 1641
no r. where there is no justice, 946
not only his [the President’s] r., 1505
not r. to glory in the slain, 365
of free speech, 673
of independent thought, 61
of the Government to lie, 1083
of voting for representatives, 1906
our country, r. or wrong, 346, 1641
Our country—when r. to be kept r., 1641
politically r., 1640
praise him when he does r., 1507
rather be r. than be President, 1503
see what is r. and not to do it, 1635
she [justice] will her owne cause r., 962
Stand with anybody that stands r., 1639
stand with him while he is r., 1639
strengthen his natural r. to exist and work without injury, 785
study the r. time, 1824
subjects, which I once thought r., 321
ten angels swearing I was r., 110, 1490
that which I believe to be r., 1638
time is always ripe to do r., 1693
to be different, 645
to be heard, 678
to be wrong, 1642
to be wrong in his facts, 1262
to buy, 170
to censure, 959
to criticise their own public officials, 171
to criticize, 61
to his opinion, 1262
to his property, 1548
to hold unpopular beliefs, 61
to independent thought, 61
to liberty, 776
to life, 776
to live, to work, to be himself, 68
to make their own mistakes, 1618
to one country, 883
to protest, 61
to the pursuit of happiness, 776
to worship God, 776
the unrightable wrong, 459
victory to the r., 1903
the wrongs of many, 1695Right and wrong, 1638–1642Righteousness
as a mighty stream, 931
pulpits flame with r., 829Rightful
intention, 1909Rights, 1643–1644
and interest of every or any person, 1644
become a prey to the active, 1054
civil r. movement, 116
duty to give him the full r. of an American, 883
endowed by their creator with certain inalienable r., 397
fight for his r., 1191
inherent & inalienable, 396
natural r. of mankind, 1058
of every man, 219
of Man, 347, 394
of nations, 864
of one man, 219
of property, 1549
of the States, 1849
other man’s r., 1761
political r., 1653
private r. and public happiness, 82
protection of every individual’s private r., 1643
sacred r. of mankind, 865Rights of man. See Human rights.Riot
is a spontaneous outburst, 1939Riots
more r. that come on college campuses, the better world for tomorrow, 157Ripple
of hope, 8Rise
Great nations r. and fall, 1238
without his [God’s] aid, 703Rising
expectations, 182, 1618
sun fresh from the burning, 59
tide lifts all the boats, 1667Risk
of wearing out, 11
reach out to the r. of living with both arms, 1127Risks
man sits as many r. as he runs, 1105River, 1646
build a bridge even where there is no r., 1398
is more than an amenity, 1645
One r. born of many streams, 1866
our magnificent r. system, 311Rivers
turn our r. and streams into sewers, 313Road
ahead is not altogether smooth, 220
covered with blood, 1937
Fork in the political r., 62
in search not merely of its r. but even of its direction, 474
rise to meet you, 1478
to hell is paved with them [good intentions], 291
to success, 1777Roads
Good r., 217
two r. that lead to something like human happiness, 845Roar
called upon to give the r., 1276Robbers
don’t put r. to work in a bank, 1588Robs
Peter to pay Paul, 1796
you on business principles, 535Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de (1725–1807), 897Rock
of the national resources, 813
solid r. of human dignity, 1693
upon which states are built, 526Rockets
rattle their r., 1881Rocking chair
sit here in our r. c. … and let the Communists, 243Rocky Mountains, 476Rogers, Will (1879–1935), 65, 966Roman
citizen, 215
Emperors, 1653
Empire, 334
noblest R. of them all, 1160
Republic, 1867Romantic
life is a r. business, 1089Rome, 1071, 1646–1648
Empire of R., 1019
lest R. become bankrupt, 795
more glorious edifice than Greece or R., 755
strongest state that history has known, 206
there will not be different laws at R. and at Athens, 1000Rome’s
decline lay in her people, 1646
liberties were not auctioned off in a day, 1648Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (1884–1962)
tribute by Adlai E. Stevenson, 448Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882–1945), 249, 379, 986, 1463, 1499, 1512Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919), 1392, 1488Root
tap r. of civilization, 1437Rope
of sand, 1004
sell us the r. to hang them with, 246Rose
more nourishing than a cabbage, 870
smells better than a cabbage, 870Roses
days of wine and r., 460
Don’t strew me with r. after I’m dead, 1217
give me my r. now, 1217Ross, Betsy (1752–1836), 65Rot
and dissolution, 60Route
short r. to chaos, 1764Ruin
inevitable r. must follow, 525Ruinous
always discreditable, and sometimes r., 713
free / From r. discords, 915Ruins
disease-soaked r. of a slum, 1162Rule
Here the people r., 761
under This Roof, 1462
Wars are, of course, as a r. to be avoided, 1965
which has been made by the legislature, 1040Ruled
by tyrants, 746Rulers
not let our r. load us with perpetual debt, 381
Of the best r., 1020
protect the people against their r., 292Rules, 1649
are mostly made to be broken, 1649
by terror, 1653
for campus conduct, 153
governing the relations between members of the same society, 1013
Who r. East Europe, 2041
Who r. the Heartland, 2041
Who r. the World-Island, 2041Run
He can r. But he can’t hide 1651Running, 1650–1651
all the r. you can do, to keep in the same place, 1650Runs
man sits as many risks as he r., 1105Rural-life
policies, 312Rush, Richard (1780–1859), 1172Russia, 1652–1658
collapse in R. followed by communism, 2046
has lost the cold war, 236
is one of the worst tyrannies, 1653
is threatening us with her might, 155
Red China and R. are having their differences, 2043
riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, 1652
runs from Dantzic or perhaps Stettin to Trieste, 1654
So you’ve been over into R., 696
world’s troubles are not due just to R., 1618Russian
comedy, everybody dies, 1655
is at grips with men, 2045
national interest, 1652
serf, 1698
tragedy, everybody dies, 1655Russians
I want them to be Americans and not R., 1259
in the over all drain on the nation, 2070
two great nations in the world … the R. and the Anglo-Americans, 2045Russia’s
[conquests are made] with the sword, 2045
policy, 2042Rust
unburnish’d, not to shine in use, 575Rusting
out, 11Sabbath
Remember the s. day, 1804Sacred
cause half so s. as the cause of a people, 1570
fight for things s., 100
not disgrace my s. arms, 100
rights of mankind, 865
trust, 1604Sacrifice, 1659
final s. for life and freedom, 660
highest act of religious teaching, 1728
his enlightened conscience, he ought not to s., 280
Too long a s., 1659
unpitied s. in a contemptible struggle, 560
worship without s., 1697Sacrifices
it [unbiased opinion] to your opinion, 280Sacrificing
absurdly s. the end to the means, 1009Safe
deposit of these but with the people themselves, 492
depository of the ultimate powers of the society, 491
where shall a man be s., if it be not in his house, 859Safeguard
of our liberties, 333Safer
to be wrong before it has become fashionable to be right, 1563Safety
clamorous to be led to s., 1421
deserve neither Liberty nor S., 1056
fear is the mother of s., 595
sit in s. under his own vine and fig-tree, 670
to obtain a little s., 1056
to purchase a little temporary S., 1056Safety-first, 58