Year, almanacs of the last, 258. and a day, sailed away for, 703. bewaileth the fall of the, 715. by year we lose friends, 569. Christmas comes but once a, 20. days saddest of the, 573. each day is like a, 836. happiest of the glad new, 667. heaven’s eternal, is thine, 270. I tread on another, 808. if I preach a whole, 439. is all but done, to think the, 728. mellowing, 246. memory outlive life half a, 138. moments make the, 311. no winter in thy, 438. of my most immemorial, 656. old, never read book that is not, 620. rich with forty pounds a, 396. rolling, is full of Thee, 357. russet, inhaled the dreamy air, 751. seasons return with the, 230. since what unnumbered, 749. starry girdle of the, 513. the, I met with Rose, 785. three hundred pounds a, 46. through many a weary, 766. vernal seasons of the, 254. wait till you come to forty, 697. were playing holidays, 83. where are the snows of last, 955. will bloom another, 577. winter comes to rule the varied, 356. winter ruler of the inverted, 420. wisdom with each studious, 544. |
Years, an happy, 541. and years together, 609. days of our, 1014. declined into the vale of, 153. dim with the mist of, 541. edge of tempestuous, 591. eternal, of God are hers, 573. fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore, 276. flag has braved a thousand, 514. flight of, unmeasured by the, 497. following years, 330. fourteen hundred, ago, 82. full of honor and, 723. had come and fled, seven long, 868. hopes of all the, 792. if by reason of strength they be fourscore, 1014. knelled the woe of, 707. laden with unhonoured, 449. life seemed formed of sunny, 662. love of life increased with, 432. man of wisdom is the man of, 309. measured by deeds not, 443. nature sink in, 299. none would live past, again, 276. O tide of the, 783. of Europe, better fifty, 670. of love have been forgot, 654. of man, the first, 368. of peace, thousand, 676. outweighs, whole, 319. return, the golden, 566. |
Years, rung in ears for thousands of, 750. sad presage of his future, 427. slow, sailed by and ceased, 646. steal fire from the mind, 542. tears of boyhood’s, 523. that bring the philosophic mind, 478. that perished to make us men, 809. that shall be, gleam on the, 631. that shall live for unnumbered, 726. thought of our past, 478. thousand, in thy sight, 1014. thousand, to form a state, 541. three thousand, ago, 517. threescore, and ten, 1014. through endless, 526. through many changing, 637. time who steals our, 518. to a day, ran a hundred, 691. to be let for life or, 204. untold millions of, 774. vanity in, 85. we do not count a man’s, 620. we live in deeds not, 721. we spend our, as a tale, 1014. weight of seventy, 479. when with the ever-circling, 695. where sleep the joys of other, 497. wisdom not acquired by, 886. with all the hopes of future, 641. young, seventy, 692. |
Year’s crops, little good watering last, 730. |
Years’ pith, seven, 149. |
Yearning cry, the spirit’s, 819. of the soul can sting, 756. |
Yellow candle-light, 829. leaf, my days are in the, 555. leaf, sere the, 124. melancholy, green and, 76. primrose was to him, 468. sands, come unto these, 42. to the jaundiced eye, 325. |
Yells, know the rage that, above, 578. |
Yemen sword, with his, 1003. |
Yeoman’s service, it did me, 145. |
Yes an’ say no, mebby to mean, 736. |
Yesterday and to-day, 1040. great families of, 286. in embryo, man, 939. O call back, bid time return, 81. sweet sleep which thou owedst, 154. the word of Cæsar, 113. when it is past, but as, 1014. |
Yesterdays, cheerful, 481. have lighted fools, 125. look backwards with a smile, 307. |
Yesterday’s errors let yesterday cover, 824. sneer and frown, 728. wounds, 824. |
Yestreen, I saw the moon late, 404. |
Yet love, 790. not for all his faith can see, 614. |
Yew, hails me to yonder, 180. never a spray of, 753. |
Yielded, by her, by him received, 232. |