Write about it goddess, 332. and cipher too, 397. and read comes by nature, to, 51. as funny as I can, 689. at any time, a man may, 371. fair, hold it baseness to, 145. finely upon a broomstick, 294. force them to, 211. he who would, heroic, 580. his single day, none truly, 685. in rhyme, those that, 213. in water, their virtues we, 100. it before them in a table, 1026. it for him upon earth, none, 685. look in thy heart and, 34. me down an ass, 53. nothing to, about, 934. pen devise wit, 55. the characters in dust, 494. the evangel-poem of comrades, 741. the vision and make it plain, 1028. though an angel should, 520. upon the sky, 817. well hereafter, hope to, 253. with a goose pen, 76. with ease, you, 443. |
Writes, it, Shakespeare, 620. the moving finger, 954. |
Writer, one, excels at a plan, 403. pen of a ready, 1012. |
Writers against religion, 407. |
Writhing, reeling and, 782. |
Writing, easy, is curst hard reading, 443. maketh an exact man, 168. scarcely any style of, 367. true ease in, 324. well, nature’s masterpiece is, 279. |
Written a book, that mine adversary, 1009. as he could have, Hamlet, 585. out of reputation by himself, 284. that my words were now, 1009. to after times, 253. troubles of the brain, 125. wise above that which is, 1037. with a pen of iron, 1027. |
Wrong, always in the, 268. because of weakness, feeble, 659. cradled into poetry by, 566. day of, I have seen the, 56. dread of all who, 649. engaged in opposing, 693. follow the king, right, 677. forever on the throne, 732. fust gits mad ’s ’most ollers, 737. great right of an excessive, 712. him who treasures up a, 555. his argument, 399. his can’t be, whose life is right, 318. how easily things go, 759. in some nice tenets might be, 260. majorities have been, 773. multitude is always in the, 278. no room to hold memory of a, 621. nothing marred to do you, 849. only one idea and that was, 371, 627. oppressor’s, 135. |
Wrong, others shall right the, 651. our country right or, 863. pursue yet condemn the, 295. side of thirty, 292. sow by the ear, 19, 971. that does no harm, 500. the burning hate of, 786. they may gang a kennin’, 448. they ne’er pardon who have done the, 275. through present, the eternal right, 649. to dally with, 500. to right, 797. vengeance waits on, 344. was to beget, to do him any, 684. way seems the more reasonable, 835. we are both in the, 348. |
Wrongs in marble, some write their, 314. of base mankind, 345. of night, 203. unredressed, 480. |
Wrongdoer has left something undone, 941. |
Wronged orphans’ tears, 194. |
Wrongly win, wouldst, 117. |
Wrote down for men, as he, 726. like an angel, 388. reading what they never, 419. them in the dust, 314. with ease, gentlemen who, 329. |
Wroth with one we love, 500. |
Wrought and afterwards he taught, 2. brain too finely, 413. by want of thought, 592. in a sad sincerity, 614. its ghost upon the floor, 655. lies close at home, beauty, 650. not into evil, 809. of the leaves, 817. where’er a noble deed is, 646. |
Wry-necked fife, squeaking of the, 62. |
Wum, w’en he fine, a, 828. |
Wust, on which one he felt the, 736. |
Wut’s words to them, 737. |
Wynken Blynken and Nod, 831. |
Xanadu, Kubla Khan in, 500. |
Xanthophyl, chlorophyl to, 851. |
Xarifa, rise up, 865. |
Xerxes did die and so must I, 873. |
Yaller pines, under the, 737. |
Yarn, is of a mingled, 74. |
Yawcob Strauss, mine leedle, 818. |
Yawn confess, everlasting, 332. when churchyards, 139. |
Yawp, I sound my barbaric, 742. |
Ye are better than all the ballads, 647. distant spires, 381. gentlemen of England, 176. gods it doth amaze me, 110. mariners of England, 514. quenchless stars so eloquently, 635. that, will seek hereafter, 579. |
Yea-forsooth knave, 88. |
Year, a, whose days are long, 836. |