H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.
List of Words and Phrases 21
spread one’s self, vp., 93 |
spring, v., 275, 279 |
spritely, 247 |
sprung, 275, 279 |
spry, 40 |
spuke, 39 |
spun, 279 |
square, n., 127 |
square-head, 333 |
square-meal, 95, 163 |
squash, 51, 52, 184 |
squat, 60, 62 |
squatter, 39, 50 |
squaw, 52, 160 |
squaw-man, 100 |
squealer, 406 |
squinch, 316 |
squint, 316 |
squirrel, 219 |
squirrel-whiskey, 100 |
squs me, 319 |
staebel, 412 |
stag, a., 15, 15 |
stage, 40 |
stage-manager, 145 |
stag-party, 95, 163 |
stallion, 149 |
stalls, 115, 123 |
stalwart, 98 |
stamp, v., 111, 317 |
stampede, 54 |
stamping-ground, 58 |
stanch, 222 |
stand, v., 124 |
standard, 120 |
ständchen, 250 |
standee, 43 |
ständen, 398 |
stand-pat, a., 188; vp., 128 |
stand-patter, 190 |
standpoint, 36, 37, 61, 105, 162 |
stang, 263, 275 |
stank, 275, 278 |
star, 214 |
start-off, 193 |
start off, vp., 193 |
statehouse, 57 |
Statler-operated, 192 |
statutory offense, 150 |
staunch, 222, 240 |
stave off, vp., 39 |
stay put, vp., 193 |
steady, 230, 232 |
steal, n., 188; v., 188 |
steam-roller, n., 362; v., 363 |
stegnosis, 224 |
stein, suf., 338 |
steam-roll, v., 193 |
steam-roller, n., 124; v., x, 192, 193 |
steam-rollered, 363 |
steddy, 232 |
stein, 104 |
stem-winder, 35, 116 |
stenog, 184 |
stenosis, 224 |
stent, n., 319 |
ster, suf., 187 |
stew, n., 219 |
steward, 124 |
stewed, 100 |
stick, n., 100, 113, 127, 168 |
stick-work, 129 |
stiff-ticket, 407 |
stim-sciabola, 410 |
stimulis, 252 |
sting, v., 275 |
stink, v., 275, 278 |
stinkibus, 99 |
stint, n., 319 |
stirrup, 219 |
St. Martin’s Summer, 114 |
stock, 67, 123, 216 |
stock-broker, 123 |
stock-holder, 116 |
stocking-feet, 95 |
stocks, 116, 123 |
stogie, 122 |
stole, v., 275, 277 |
stomach, 148, 149, 245 |
stomp, 317 |
stone, 132 |
stone-fence, 99 |
stone-ginger, 99 |
stone-wall, 99 |
stoop, n., 39, 54, 406 |
stop, v., 134 |
stop-over, 97, 193 |
stop-over (or off), vp., 97, 193 |
store, n., 63, 172 |
store-clothes, 95 |
store-fixtures, 116 |
storekeeper, 144 |
stores, 114, 116, 117, 118 |
storey, 222, 237, 240 |
storo, 410 |
story, 222, 237, 247 |
strafe, 190, 369 |
straight, 100 |
straight-ticket, 98, 124 |
strap, 317 |
strata, 252 |
stratas, 252 |
street-car, 414 |
street-cleaner, 116, 122 |
street-railway, 116 |
street-walker, 151 |
stricken out, 125 |
strike, v., 275 |
strike it rich, vp., 93 |
strike out, vp., 125, 128 |
string, n., 127 |
strit-kar, 414 |
stroll, 129 |
strong-arm-squad, 122 |
strop, 317 |
struck, 275 |
struggld, 245 |
stuck on, vp., 318 |
stud, 114 |
study for the ministry, vp., 130 |
study medicine, vp., 119 |
stump, v., 32, 55, 60, 161 |
stumping-trip, 124 |
stump-oratory, 161 |
stunk, 275, 278 |
stunning, 135 |
stunt, 159, 319 |
style, 232 |
sub, 185 |
subaltern, 122 |
sub-deb, 188 |
submarine, 370 |
subpena, 245 |
subway, 116, 127 |
succede, 245 |
successor, 227 |
succor, 221 |
succotash, 39, 41, 52 |
succour, 221 |
sucker, 15, 159 |
suffragan, 130 |
sugar, 159 |
sulfite, 225 |
sulfur, 246, 247 |
summon, 308 |
sundae, 43, 194, 405 |
sunflower, 352 |
sung, 278 |
sunk, 275 |
sung, 275 |
supawn, 52 |
super, pref., 202 |
supergobsloptious, 196 |
superior, 227 |
supertax, 126 |
supper, 119, 249 |
sure, 181, 306 |
surely, 307 |
sure Mike, 407 |
surprise, 225, 237 |
surprise-party, 414 |
surprize, 225 |
surprized, 237 |
surtax, 126 |
suspenders, 26, 96, 116, 118, 239 |
sut, 231, 232 |
suveran, 232 |
svindlar, 413 |
swagger, a., 170 |
swam, 275, 279 |
swamp, n., 125 |
swang, 275 |
swat, 129 |
swatfest, 199 |
swear off, vp., 162 |
sweater, 116, 401, 405 |
Swedes, 119 |
sweep, v., 275 |
sweetheart, 154 |
sweet-potato, 56, 126 |
sweets, 113, 118, 127 |
swell, a., 401; v., 275 |
swelled, 275 |
swelldoodle, 196 |
swep, 275, 280 |
swim, v., 275, 279 |
swing, v., 275 |
swingle-tree, 67 |
switch, n., 97, 116, 405; v., 97, 116 |
switchman, 97 |
switching-engine, 97 |
switch-yard, 97 |
swoboda, 196 |
swole, 275 |
swollen, 275 |
sword, 71 |
swore, 275 |
swum, 275, 279 |
swung, 275 |
sycamore, 352 |
syphilis, 150, 151 |
syphon, 223 |
syren, 223, 237 |
syrup, 219 |
t, p., 318 |
tabernacle, 131 |
table, v., 59 |
table-tapping, 163 |
table-turning, 163 |
tactic, 308 |
taffy, 223, 225 |
tailor, 145 |
tailor-made suit, 118 |
take, 275 |
take a back seat, vp., 93 |
take in, vp., 118 |
taken, 275, 278 |
take on, vp., 39 |