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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 352 John Bartlett

Touch, wound with a, 350.
Touches him who made it, and, 685.
of sweet harmony, 65.
Touched by her fair tendance, 237.
by its influence in the soul arise, 607.
his harp and nations heard, 597.
nothing that he did not adorn, 367.
spirits are not finely, 46.
the highest point, I have, 99.
Toucheth pitch, he that, 1029.
Touchestone, man’s true, 197.
Touchy testy pleasant fellow, 300.
Tough is J. B., 702.
wedge for a tough log, 898.
world, rack of this, 149.
Toves, the slithy, 782.
Tower, age shakes Athena’s, 541.
and tree, light on, 861.
guardian on the, 725.
intending to build a, 1034.
of strength, king’s name is a, 97.
of strength, that, 671.
Towers above her sex, Marcia, 298.
along the steep, 514.
and battlements, 248.
disparting, trembling, 358.
distant spires ye antique, 381.
elephants endorsed with, 240.
of Ilium, burnt the topless, 41.
of Julius, ye, 383.
of sail at dawn, two, 727.
old palaces and, 565.
the cloud-capped, 43.
trembling all precipitate, 358.
ye antique, 381.
Towered citadel, 158.
cities please us then, 249.
Towering falcons, hopes like, 287.
in his pride of place, 120.
in the confidence of twenty-one, 376.
passion, put me into a, 145.
Town, axis of the earth in every, 692.
callen daisies in our, 6.
gaze with all the, 865.
in the town, from a proud, 654.
man made the, 417.
of Bethlehem, O little, 791.
proud tower in the, 654.
that boasts inhabitants, a, 644.
this poor little one-horse, 795.
worth a month in, 777.
Towns, elephants for want of, 289.
Townsman of a stiller town, 842.
Toy-dog, the little, is covered with dust, 831.
Toy-soldier, the little, is red with rust, 831.
Toys, fantastic, 391.
of age, beads and prayer-books, 318.
of simulated stature, 659.
to the great children, 357.
we spent them not in, 260.
Traced, racer and hack, to one horse, 605.
with his golden pen, 726.
Track, drive on your own, 915.
pursue, each other’s, 275.
Tract behind, leaving no, 109.
Tract, one untrodden, 797.
Tracts, leaves no, 36.
of calm from tempest made, 677.
through torrid, 398.
Trade, doing good is not our, 417.
of lying, 960.
thou learned, love the little, 938.
two of a, can never agree, 349.
Trades, ugliest of, 612.
Trade’s proud empire, 367.
Tradition, marrow of, 510.
wears a snowy beard, 650.
Traffic blows, deep bark goes where, 751.
Tragedie, go my little, 6.
Tragedies, Attic, 254.
Tragedy, gorgeous, 250.
of Hamlet with the prince left out, 494.
to those who feel, 389.
Tragic years, the, 839.
Trail of the serpent, 526.
Trails her robes of gold, evening, 613.
Trailing clouds of glory, 477.
garments of the night, heard the, 645.
in the dust, thy plume is, 623.
Train, a melancholy, 395.
a royal, believe me, 100.
every motion of his starry, 485.
fear and bloodshed miserable, 476.
loveliness descending from the, 759.
of night, last in the, 235.
of thy amber-dropping hair, 246.
starry, heaven her, 233.
up a child, 1019.
when I am dead no pageant, 571.
woes love a, 308.
Traitor, arrant as any, 93.
love treason but hate the, 182.
or true, 850.
to humanity is traitor most accurst, 733.
Traitors, fears do make us, 123.
our doubts are, 47.
Traitorous kiss, 676.
Trammel up the consequence, 117.
Tramping over the heather, 844.
Trample a kingdom down, 820.
on my days, 263.
Trampling out the vintage, He is, 747.
Tramplings of three conquests, 219.
Trance, no nightly, 251.
or breathed spell, no, 251.
unimaginable, stood in, 504.
Trances, all my days are, 655.
Tranquil hour of night, in the, 597.
life, to lead a, 1044.
mind, farewell the, 154.
Tranquillity, heaven was all, 527.
of mind, 952.
thou better name, 501.
Transatlantic commentator, 602.
Transcend our wonted themes, 264.
Transcendent, genius means the, capacity, 584.
moment, one, 733.
Transcribed, what is, 369.