Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By Thoughts and Fancies (1887). III. “O’er land and sea”Walter Chalmers Smith (1824–1908)
Its dear ones in their troubles, griefs, and cares;
There is no spot
On which it does not drop this tender dew,
Except the grave, and there it bids adieu,
And prayeth not.
By prayer, which to our hearts is most endeared,
And sacred grown?
Living, we sought for blessings on their head;
Why should our lips be sealed when they are dead,
And we alone?
Yet, were it so, I think no harm could well
Come of my prayer:
And O the heart, o’erburdened with its grief,
This comfort needs, and finds therein relief
From its despair.
And call upon His love to shield from ill
Our dearest, best,
And bring them home, and recompense their pain,
And cleanse their sin, if any sin remain,
And give them rest?
As for the living, for the dead each day.
They will not grow
Less meet for heaven when followed by a prayer
To speed them home, like summer-scented air
From long ago.
Beyond the limit of the things we know?
In heaven above
The incense that the golden censers bear,
Is the sweet perfume from the saintly prayer
Of trust and love.