Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By Thoughts and Fancies (1887). II. “Be still”Walter Chalmers Smith (1824–1908)
Working the purpose of His holy will,
And if His high designs He do not tell
Till He accomplish them—do thou be still.
As if His way, being dark, must bode thee ill?
If thine own way be clearly pointed out,
Leave Him to clear up His, and be thou still.
And hoping in Him, did He not fulfil
The word on which He caused thee to rest,
Though not as thou had’st thought, perchance? Be still.
Is not the rough road best for thee, until
Thou learn by patient walking in the truth
To trust and hope in God, and to be still?
Would’st thou have ocean like a babbling rill?
God without mystery were not good news;
Wrestle not with the darkness, but be still.
Who reigns in glory on His holy hill,
Yet once upon the Cross did hang and bleed,
And heard the people raging—and was still.