Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (II) Communication of Ideas
Section II. Modes of Communication
530. Ambush. [Means of Concealment.]
NOUN:AMBUSH, ambuscade; stalking-horse; lurking-hole, -place; secret path, back stairs; retreat(refuge) [See Refuge].HIDING PLACE, hidlings [Scot. & dial. Eng.]; secret -place, – drawer; recess, hole, cubbyhole, hidie-hole [Scot.], holes and corners; closet, crypt, adytum, abditory [rare], oubliette [F.]; safe, safe-deposit box, safety-deposit box.
SCREEN, cover, shade, blinker; veil, curtain, blind, purdah [India], cloak, cloud.
MASK, visor or vizor, vizard [archaic], disguise, masquerade dress, domino.
PITFALL (source of danger) [See Pitfall]; trap (snare) [See Deception].
VERB:AMBUSH, ambuscade; lie in ambush (hide oneself) [See Concealment]; lie in wait for; set a trap for (deceive) [See Deception].
ADVERB:aux aguets [F.]; januis clausis [L.] [See Concealment].