Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VI. Time
3. Time with reference to an Effect or Purpose
135. Intempestivity.
NOUN:INTEMPESTIVITY [rare]; unsuitable time, improper time; unreasonableness &c. adj.; evil hour; contretemps [F.], misventure [archaic], misadventure; intrusion; anachronism [See Anachronism].VERB:BE ILL-TIMED &c. adj.; mistime, intrude, come amiss, break in upon; have other fish to fry; be busy, be occupied, be engaged.
LOSE AN OPPORTUNITY; throw away an opportunity, waste an opportunity, neglect [See Neglect] an opportunity; allow or suffer the opportunity or occasion to -pass, – slip, – go by, – escape, – lapse; waste time (be inactive) [See Inactivity]; let slip through the fingers, lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.
ADJECTIVE:ILL-TIMED, mistimed; ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred; untimely, intrusive, unseasonable; out of date, out of season; inopportune, timeless [archaic], inconvenient, intempestive [rare], untoward, mal à propos [F.], unlucky, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unfavorable; unsuited [See Disagreement]; inexpedient [See Inexpedience].
unpunctual (late) [See Lateness]; too late for; premature (early) [See Earliness]; too soon for; wise after the event.
ADVERB:INOPPORTUNELY &c. adj.; as ill luck would have it, in an evil hour, the time having gone by, a day after the fair.
QUOTATION:After meat mustard, after death the doctor.