Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VI. Time
2. Time with reference to a particular Period
128. Age.
NOUN:AGE; oldness &c. adj.; old age, advanced age; senility, senescence; years, anility, gray hairs, climacteric, grand climacteric, declining years, decrepitude, hoary age, caducity [rare], eld [archaic], superannuation; second childhood, childishness; dotage; vale of years, decline of life, senectitude [rare], “sear and yellow leaf” [Macbeth]; threescore years and ten; green old age, ripe age; longevity; time of life.SENIORITY, eldership; elders (veteran) [See Veteran]; firstling; doyen [F.], dean, father; primogeniture.
[SCIENCE OF OLD AGE.] nostology; gerocomy [med.].
VERB:BE AGED &c. adj.; grow old, get old &c. adj.; age; decline, wane; senesce [rare].
ADJECTIVE:AGED; old [See Oldness]; elderly, eldern [archaic], senile; matronly, anile; in years; ripe, mellow, run to seed, declining, waning, past one’s prime; gray, grayheaded; hoar, hoary; venerable, time-worn, antiquated, passé [F.], effete, decrepit, superannuated; advanced in life, advanced in years; stricken in years; wrinkled, marked with the crow’s foot; having one foot in the grave; doting (imbecile) [See Imbecility. Folly]; like the last of pea time.
years old; of a certain age, no chicken [colloq.], old as Methuselah; ancestral; patriarchal (ancient) [See Oldness]; gerontic.
OLDER, elder, oldest, eldest; senior; firstborn.
- Give me a staff of honor for my age.—Titus Andronicus
- Bis pueri senes.
- Peu de gens savent être vieux.
- Plenus annis abiit plenus honoribus.—Pliny the Younger
- Old age is creeping on apace.—Byron
- Slow-consuming age.—Gray
- The hoary head is a crown of glory.—Proverbs xvi, 31
- The silver livery of advised age.—II Henry VI
- To grow old gracefully.
- To vanish in the chinks that Time has made.—Rogers