Alexander Pope (1688–1744). Complete Poetical Works. 1903.
Poems: 1713–17The Basset-Table
Why stays Smilinda in the dressing-room?
Rise, pensive nymph! the Tallier waits for you.
I joyless make my once adored Alpeu.
I saw him stand behind Ombrelia’s chair,
And whisper with that soft deluding air,
And those feign’d sighs which cheat the list’ning Fair.
A mightier grief my heavy heart sustains:
As you by love, so I by Fortune crost;
One, one bad Deal, three Septlevas have lost.
With ease the smiles of fortune I resign:
Would all my gold in one bad Deal were gone,
Were lovely Sharper mine, and mine alone.
And prudent nymphs against that change prepare:
The Knave of Clubs thrice lost: Oh! who could guess
This fatal stroke, this unforeseen distress?
She all the cares of love and play does know.
Dear Betty shall th’ important point decide;
Betty! who oft the pain of each has tried;
Impartial she shall say who suffers most,
By cards’ ill usage, or by lovers lost.
Though time is precious, and I want some tea.
With fifty guineas (a great pen’worth) bought.
See on the toothpick Mars and Cupid strive,
And both the struggling figures seem alive.
Upon the bottom shines the Queen’s bright face;
A myrtle foliage round the thimble case.
Jove, Jove himself does on the scissors shine:
The metal, and the workmanship, divine.
When rival beauties for the present strove;
At Corticelli’s he the raffle won;
Then first his passion was in public shown:
Hazardia blush’d, and turn’d her head aside,
A rival’s envy (all in vain) to hide.
This snuffbox—on the hinge see brilliants shine—
This snuffbox will I stake, the Prize is mine.
Have made a soldier sigh, a lover swear.
And oh! what makes the disappointment hard,
’T was my own Lord that drew the fatal card.
In complaisance I took the Queen he gave,
Tho’ my own secret wish was for the Knave.
The Knave won Sonica, which I had chose,
And the next pull my Septleva I lose.
The cruel thought that stabs me to the heart,
This curs’d Ombrelia, this undoing Fair,
By whose vile arts this heavy grief I bear,
She, at whose name I shed these spiteful tears,
She owes to me the very charms she wears.
An awkward thing when first she came to town,
Her shape unfashion’d, and her face unknown:
She was my friend; I taught her first to spread
Upon her sallow cheeks enlivening red;
I introduced her to the park and plays,
And by my int’rest Cozens made her Stays.
Ungrateful wretch! with mimic airs grown pert,
She dares to steal my favourite lover’s heart.
When Winnall tallied, I would punt no more!
I know the bite, yet to my ruin run,
And see the folly which I cannot shun.
How many curs’d the moment they believ’d?
Yet his known falsehoods could no warning prove:
Ah! what is warning to a maid in love?
To gaze on Basset, and remain unwarm’d?
When Kings, Queens, Knaves, are set in decent rank,
Exposed in glorious heaps the tempting Bank,
Guineas, half-guineas, all the shining train,
The winner’s pleasure, and the loser’s pain.
In bright confusion open Rouleaux lie,
They strike the soul, and glitter in the eye:
Fired by the sight, all reason I disdain,
My passions rise, and will not bear the rein.
Look upon Basset, you who reason boast,
And see if reason must not there be lost.
Can harken coldly to my Sharper’s vows?
Then when he trembles! when his blushes rise!
When awful love seems melting in his eyes!
With eager beats his Mechlin cravat moves:
‘He loves’—I whisper to myself, ‘He loves!’
Such unfeign’d passion in his looks appears,
I lose all mem’ry of my former fears;
My panting heart confesses all his charms,
I yield at once, and sink into his arms.
Think of that moment, you who Prudence boast;
For such a moment Prudence well were lost.
Some dukes at Mary-bone bowl time away;
But who the Bowl or rattling Dice compares
To Basset’s heav’nly joys and pleasing cares?
Prudina likes a man, and laughs at show:
Their several graces in my Sharper meet,
Strong as the footman, as the master sweet.
I grow impatient, and the tea’s too strong.
Attend, and yield to what I now decide;
The equipage shall grace Smilinda’s side;
The snuffbox to Cardelia I decree;
Now leave complaining, and begin your tea.