Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
Dies Iræ
By Abraham Coles (1813–1891)D
Seer and Sibyl speak concerning,
All the world to ashes turning.
When the Judge shall come in splendor,
Strict to mark and just to render!
Rending sepulchres asunder,
Shall resistless summons thunder.
And great Nature’s frame shall quiver,
When the graves their dead deliver.
Evil done nor evil plotted,
Shall be brought and dooms allotted.
He’ll unfold all here occurring,
Vengeance then no more deferring.
Ask what advocate’s befriending,
When the just man needs defending?
Saving freely those confessing,
Save thou me, O Fount of Blessing!
Thou didst bear earth’s spite and treason,
Nor me lose in that dread season!
On the cross Thy soul death tasted:
Let such travail not be wasted!
Make me gift of absolution
Ere that day of execution!
On my cheek shame’s crimson token:
Let the pardoning word be spoken!
Heard’st the dying Thief’s petition,
Cheer’st with hope my lost condition.
What is needful, Thou confer it,
Lest I endless fire inherit.
With Thy sheep, from goats divided,
Kindly to Thy right hand guided!
To eternal burnings given,
Call me with the blessed to heaven!
Heart as ashes, contrite, sighing,
Care for me when I am dying!
Man shall rise to hear his sentence:
Him, the child of guilt and error,
Spare, Lord, in that hour of terror!