Animal Farm Characters

Old Major

He is one of the pigs in the farm, an old boar to be precise. He seems to be based on Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. With his vision of a utopian society, he inspires the animals to rebellious action.


Napoleon is one of two pigs who compete for power following Old Major’s death. A very persuasive speaker, he is powerful and becomes the leader of Animal Farm after the rebellion.


Based on Leon Trotsky, Snowball is Napoleon’s rival. He does not gain leadership and is eventually expelled from Animal Farm. Napoleon conveniently blames him for any failure.


A male cart horse who works hard for the farm after the Rebellion, Boxer is a combination of great strength and low intelligence. Napoleon takes advantage of Boxer for his personal ambitions and gains.


In charge of propaganda, Squealer is Napoleon’s ally who explains the inconsistencies in the Seven Commandments. The Commandments originally contained the guiding principles for Animal Farm.


A female cart horse who is suspicious of the pigs, Clover is good friends with Boxer. She is motherly and provides comfort and solace to other animals.


Moses serves as a symbol of the religious mode of being. He tells the animals stories about Sugarcandy Mountain.


Representing the bourgeoisie of Animal Farm, Mollie misses the perks she’d enjoyed on account of her privileged position prior to the rebellion. She leaves Animal Farm after the rebellion and goes to work for the owner of a pub.


A surly and suspicious donkey who is not at all enthusiastic about the rebellion, Benjamin has valuable insights about how Animal Farm is run after the rebellion. He, however, does not challenge the pigs. He is also very loyal to Boxer.


Muriel, a goat, is also a propagandist like Squealer.

Mr. Jones

He runs the farm. Mr. Jones also drinks a lot and treats the animals of the farm, originally called Manor Farm, very poorly. He is made to leave the farm after the rebellion. Notably, Mr. Jones is based on Tsar Nicholas II.

Mr. Frederick

Based on Adolf Hitler, he operates Pinchfield, a neighboring farm. His enemy is Mr. Pilkington.

Mr. Pilkington

He runs Foxwood, another neighboring farm. He represents the USA and England, capitalist nations and allies and, by extension, the enemies of the Soviet Union.

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