The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- G
ENERAL AUTHORITIES - Benn, A. W. English Rationalism in the 19th century. 1906.
- Forsyth, J. M. English Philosophy. 1910.
- Hicks, G. Dawes. In Ueberweg-Heinze, Geschichte der Philosophie, 10th edn., part
IV, §§54–62. 1906.- Höffding, H. Die englische Philosophie unserer Zeit (German tr.). 1889.
- M’Cosh, J. Present State of Moral Philosophy in England. 1868.
- Masson, D. Recent British Philosophy. 1865. 3rd edn. 1877.
- Merz, J. T. History of European Thought in the 19th century (especially vols.
III, IV ). 1896–1914.- Seth, J. English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy. 1912.
- Stephen, L. The English Utilitarians. 1900.
- Forsyth, J. M. English Philosophy. 1910.
- J
OHN ABERCROMBIE (1780–1844) - Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers or the Investigation of Truth. 1830.
- The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 1833.
- The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 1833.
- R
OBERT ADAMSON - Roger Bacon: the philosophy of science in the 13th century. Manchester, 1876.
- On the Philosophy of Kant. Edinburgh, 1879. (German tr. 1880.)
- Fichte. (Blackwood’s Philosophical Classics.) 1881.
- The Development of Modern Philosophy, with other lectures and essays. 1903.
- The Development of Greek Philosophy. 1908.
- A Short History of Logic. 1911.
- Cf. Hicks, G. Dawes, Adamson’s Philosophical Lectures, in Mind (new series), vol.
XIII. - On the Philosophy of Kant. Edinburgh, 1879. (German tr. 1880.)
- A
RCHIBALD ALISON (1757–1839) - Essay on the nature and principles of Taste. 1790.
- G
RANT ALLEN (1848–1899) - Physiological Aesthetics. 1877.
- The Colour Sense. 1879.
- The Evolutionist at large. 1881.
- The Evolution of the Idea of God. 1897.
- The Colour Sense. 1879.
- J
AMES ANDERSON - Enquiry into the nature of corn-laws. 1777.
- G
EORGE DOUGLAS CAMPBELL, 8TH DUKE OF ARGYLL (1823–1900) - The Reign of Law. 1866.
- Primeval Man. 1869.
- The Unity of Nature. 1884.
- The Unseen Foundations of Society. 1893.
- Autobiography and Memoirs (ed. by his widow). 1906.
- Primeval Man. 1869.
- J
OHN AUSTIN - The Province of Jurisprudence determined. 1832. New edn. 1861.
- Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the philosophy of positive law. 1863.
- Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the philosophy of positive law. 1863.
- W
ALTER BAGEHOT (1826–1877)- See, post, bibliography to Chap.
III. - S
AMUEL BAILEY (1791–1870) - See, post, bibliography to Chap.
- Essays on the formation and publication of opinions and other subjects. 1821.
- Critical Dissertation on the nature, measure, and causes of value. 1825.
- Essays on the pursuit of Truth and on the progress of Knowledge. 1829.
- Rationale of Political Representation. 1835.
- Review of Berkeley’s Theory of Vision. 1842.
- Theory of Reasoning. 1851.
- Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 1855, 1858, 1863.
- Critical Dissertation on the nature, measure, and causes of value. 1825.
- A
LEXANDER BAIN - The Senses and the Intellect. 1855. 4th edn. 1894.
- The Emotions and the Will. 1859. 4th edn. 1899.
- On the Study of Character. 1861.
- Mental and Moral Science. 1868.
- Logic, deductive and inductive. 2 vols. 1870.
- Mind and Body. 1873.
- Education as a Science. 1878.
- Practical Essays. 1884.
- Dissertations on leading philosophical topics. 1903.
- Autobiography. 1904.
- Cf. Davidson, W. L., Bain’s Philosophy, in Mind, 1904.
- The Emotions and the Will. 1859. 4th edn. 1899.
- A
LFRED BARRATT (1844–1881) - Physical Ethics or the Science of Action. 1869.
- Physical Metempiri. 1883.
- Physical Metempiri. 1883.
- T
HOMAS SPENCER BAYNES - An Essay on the new analytic of logical forms. 1850.
- E
DWARD SPENCER BEESLY (1831–1915) - Religion and Progress. 1879.
- Comte, the successor of Aristotle and St. Paul. 1883.
- Comte as a moral type. 1885.
- Comte, the successor of Aristotle and St. Paul. 1883.
- G
EORGE BENTHAM (1800–1884) - An Outline of a new System of Logic. 1827.
- G
EORGE BOOLE - The mathematical analysis of Logic. Cambridge, 1847.
- An Analysis of the Laws of Thought on which are founded the mathematical theories of Logic and Probabilities. 1854.
- An Analysis of the Laws of Thought on which are founded the mathematical theories of Logic and Probabilities. 1854.
- F
RANCIS HERBERT BRADLEY - Ethical Studies. 1876.
- Mr. Sidgwick’s Hedonism. 1877.
- The Principles of Logic. 1883.
- Appearance and Reality. 1893.
- Essays on Truth and Reality. 1914.
- Cf. Bosanquet, B., Knowledge and Reality, 1885; Pringle-Pattison, A. S., A New Theory of the Absolute, in his Man’s Place in the Cosmos, 2nd edn., 1902; Rashdall, H., The Metaphysic of Mr. F. H. Bradley, in Proc. of the Brit. Acad., 1912; Stout, G. F., Mr. Bradley’s Theory of Judgment, in Proc. Arist. Soc., 1903; Sturt, H., Idola Theatri, 1906.
- Mr. Sidgwick’s Hedonism. 1877.
- J
OHN HENRY BRIDGES - Comte’s General View of Positivism. 1865.
- The Unity of Comte’s Life and Doctrine—a reply to J. S. Mill. 1866, 1911.
- Comte’s System of Positive Polity, vol. 1, and (in part) vol.
III translated. 1875, 1876.- Five Discourses on Positive Religion. 1882.
- Roger Bacon’s Opus majus edited. 1897.
- Essays and Addresses, with introduction by Harrison, F., ed. by Hobhouse, L. T. 1907.
- Illustrations of Positivism. 1907.
- The Life and Work of Roger Bacon. 1914.
- The Unity of Comte’s Life and Doctrine—a reply to J. S. Mill. 1866, 1911.
- T
HOMAS BROWN - Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin. 1798.
- Observations on the nature and tendency of the doctrine of Mr. Hume concerning the relation of cause and effect. 1805. (3rd edn. entitled Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect. 1817.)
- Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 1820.
- Observations on the nature and tendency of the doctrine of Mr. Hume concerning the relation of cause and effect. 1805. (3rd edn. entitled Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect. 1817.)
- A
LEXANDER BALMAIN BRUCE (1831–1899) - The Providential Order of the World. 1897.
- The Moral Order of the World. 1899.
- The Moral Order of the World. 1899.
- W
ILLIAM ARCHER BULLER (1814–1848) - Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy, ed. Thompson, W. H. 1856. 2nd edn. 1875.
- E
DWARD CAIRD - A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant. 1877.
- The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. 1889.
- Hegel. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1883.
- Essays on Literature and Philosophy. 1892.
- The Evolution of Religion. 1893.
- The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. 1904.
- The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. 1889.
- J
OHN CAIRD - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. 1880.
- Spinoza. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1888.
- Spinoza. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1888.
- J
OHN ELLIOT CAIRNES (1823–1875) - The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. 1857.
- The Slave Power: its character, career and probable designs. 1862.
- Political Essays. 1873.
- Essays in Political Economy. 1873.
- Some Leading Principles of Political Economy newly expounded. 1874.
- The Slave Power: its character, career and probable designs. 1862.
- H
ENRY CALDERWOOD (1830–1897) - The Philosophy of the Infinite. 1854. 2nd edn. 1861.
- Handbook of moral philosophy. 1872. 14th edn. 1888.
- The Relations of Mind and Brain. 1877. 3rd edn. 1892.
- The Relations of Science and Religion. 1881.
- Evolution and Man’s place in nature. 1893.
- David Hume. (Famous Scots series.) 1898.
- Life, by Calderwood, W. and Woodside, D. 1900.
- Handbook of moral philosophy. 1872. 14th edn. 1888.
- R
ICHARD CARLILE (1790–1843) - The Political Litany, diligently revised [and other parodies]. 1817.
- The Republican [periodical]. 14 vols. 1819–26.
- To the Reformers of Great Britain. 1821.
- An Address to men of Science. 1821.
- Observations on … Christian Religion, by Olinthus Gregory. 1821.
- Guide to Virtue and Morality through the pages of the Bible. 1821.
- Every Man’s Book, or What is God? 1826.
- An Address to … Reformers on the Political Excitement of the present time. 1839.
- The Republican [periodical]. 14 vols. 1819–26.
- T
HOMAS CARLYLE - See, ante, bibliography to Chap. I, Vol. XIII.
- W
ILLIAM BENJAMIN CARPENTER (1813–1885) - See, ante, bibliography to Chap. I, Vol. XIII.
- Principles of Mental Physiology. 1874.
- Nature and Man: essays scientific and philosophical, ed. by Carpenter, J. Estlin. 1888.
- Nature and Man: essays scientific and philosophical, ed. by Carpenter, J. Estlin. 1888.
- T
HOMAS CHALMERS (1780–1847) - The Christian and Civic Economy of large Towns. 1821–6.
- On Political Economy in connection with the moral state and moral prospects of Society. 1832.
- The Adaptation of External Nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of Man. 1834.
- Sketches of Moral and Mental Philosophy. 1836.
- Natural Theology. 1836.
- On Political Economy in connection with the moral state and moral prospects of Society. 1832.
- W
ILLIAM KINGDON CLIFFORD - Seeing and Thinking. 1879.
- Lectures and Essays, ed. by Stephen, Sir L. and Pollock, Sir F. 1879. 2nd edn. 1886.
- The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, ed. by Pearson, K. 1885.
- Lectures and Essays, ed. by Stephen, Sir L. and Pollock, Sir F. 1879. 2nd edn. 1886.
- F
RANCES POWER COBBE (1822–1904) - Essay on Intuitive Morals. 1855. 4th edn., with title The Theory of Intuitive Morals. 1902.
- Broken Lights. 1864.
- Studies, new and old. 1865.
- Darwinism in morals, and other essays. 1872.
- The hopes of the human race. 1874.
- The Duties of Women. 1881.
- The Peak in Darien. 1882.
- A Faithless World. 1885.
- The Scientific Spirit of the Age. 1888.
- The Friend of Man; and his friends—the poets. 1889.
- Life. By herself. 1894. With additions. 1904.
- Broken Lights. 1864.
- S
AMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE - Biograhia Literaria. 1817.
- Aids to Reflection. 1825.
- Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. 1840.
- Essays on Method. 1845.
- Cf. Green, J. H., Spiritual Philosophy, 1865.
- Aids to Reflection. 1825.
- G
EORGE COMBE (1788–1858) - Essays on Phrenology. 1819.
- Elements of Phrenology. 1824. 7th edn. 1850.
- The Constitution of Man considered in relation to external objects. 1828. 8th edn. 1847.
- Lectures on Moral Philosophy. 1840.
- Notes on the United States of America. 1841.
- Remarks on national education. 1847.
- On the Relation between Religion and Science. 1857.
- The Currency Question. 1858.
- Elements of Phrenology. 1824. 7th edn. 1850.
- R
ICHARD CONGREVE (1818–1899) - The Politics of Aristotle translated. 1855.
- The Catechism of Positive Religion translated. 1858. 2nd edn. 1883.
- The new religion in its attitude to the old. 1859.
- Essays, political, social, and religious. 3 vols. 1874–1900.
- Human Catholicism. 1876. No. 2. 1877.
- Comte’s System of Positive Polity, vol.
IV, translated. 1877.- Religion of Humanity. [Addresses.] 1878, 1879, 1881, 1882.
- The Catechism of Positive Religion translated. 1858. 2nd edn. 1883.
- T
HOMAS COOPER (1805–1892) - The Purgatory of Suicides. 1845. 3rd edn. 1863.
- Wise Saws and Modern Instances. 1845.
- The Baron’s Yule Feast. 1846.
- Land for the Labourers. 1848.
- Captain Cobler: his Romance. 1848.
- Bridge of History over the gulf of Time. 1871.
- Life of Thomas Cooper, written by himself. 1872.
- God, the Soul, and a Future State. 1873.
- The Paradise of Martyrs. 1873.
- Poetical Works. 1877.
- Evolution. 1878.
- Thoughts at Fourscore. 1885.
- Wise Saws and Modern Instances. 1845.
- C
AROLINE FRANCES CORNWALLIS (1786–1858) - Philosophical Theories and Philosophical Experience, by a Pariah. 1842.
- Selections from the Letters of C. F. C. 1864.
- Selections from the Letters of C. F. C. 1864.
- T
HOMAS DAVIDSON (1840–1900) - The Philosophical System of Rosmini-Serbati. 1882.
- Aristotle and ancient Educational ideals. 1892.
- The Education of the Greek People. 1895.
- Rousseau and Education according to Nature. 1898.
- A History of Education. 1900.
- The Education of the Wage-Earners, ed. Bakewell, C. M. Boston, Mass., 1904.
- The Philosophy of Goethe’s Faust, ed. Bakewell, C. M. Boston, Mass., 1906.
- W. Knight. Memorials of Thomas Davidson. 1907.
- Aristotle and ancient Educational ideals. 1892.
- A
UGUSTUS DE MORGAN - Essay on Probabilities. 1838.
- Formal Logic; or the Calculus of Inference, necessary and probable. 1847.
- Syllabus of a proposed System of Logic. 1860.
- Formal Logic; or the Calculus of Inference, necessary and probable. 1847.
- C
HARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON [LEWIS CARROLL ] (1832–1898) - A Syllabus of Plane Algebraical Geometry. 1860.
- The Formulae of Plane Trigonometry. 1861.
- An Elementary Treatise on Determinants. 1867.
- Euclid and his modern Rivals. 1879.
- The Game of Logic. 1887.
- Curiosa Mathematica. 1888, 1893.
- The Formulae of Plane Trigonometry. 1861.
- H
ENRY FAWCETT (1833–1884) - Manual of Political Economy. 1863.
- The Economic Position of the British Labourer. 1865.
- Free Trade and Protection. 1878.
- Cf. Life, by Stephen, Sir Leslie, 1885.
- The Economic Position of the British Labourer. 1865.
- J
AMES FREDERICK FERRIER - The Institutes of Metaphysic. 1854.
- Scottish Philosophy: the old and the new. 1856.
- Lectures on Greek Philosophy and other philosophical remains. 1866.
- Haldane, E. S. J. F. Ferrier. 1899.
- Scottish Philosophy: the old and the new. 1856.
- R
OBERT FLINT (1838–1910) - The Philosophy of History in France and Germany. 1874. New edn. 1893.
- Theism. 1877. 10th edn. 1902.
- Anti-theistic Theories. 1879.
- Vico. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1884.
- Socialism. 1894.
- Agnosticism. 1903.
- Philosophy as scientia scientiarum. 1904.
- Theism. 1877. 10th edn. 1902.
- T
HOMAS FOWLER (1832–1904) - Elements of Deductive Logic. 1867.
- Elements of Inductive Logic. 1870. 6th edn. 1892.
- Locke. (English Men of Letters.) 1880.
- Bacon. (English Philosophers.) 1881.
- Bacon. Novum Organum. Edited. 1878. 2nd edn. 1889.
- Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. (English Philosophers.) 1882.
- Progressive Morality: an essay in ethics. 1884. 2nd edn. 1895.
- The Principles of Morals. [With Wilson, John Matthias.] 2 pts. 1886. (Reissued, 1894.)
- Elements of Inductive Logic. 1870. 6th edn. 1892.
- A
LEXANDER CAMPBELL FRASER - Essays in Philosophy. 1856.
- Rational Philosophy in history and in system. 1858.
- The Works of George Berkeley edited. 4 vols. 1871. New edn. 1901.
- Selections from Berkeley. 1874. 6th edn. 1910.
- Berkeley. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1881.
- Locke. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1890.
- An Essay concerning Human Understanding by John Locke. Edited. 1894.
- The Philosophy of Theism. 1895–6. 2nd edn. 1899.
- Thomas Reid. (Famous Scots series.) 1898.
- Biographia Philosophica. 1904.
- John Locke as a factor in modern thought. Brit. Acad. Proc. 1904.
- Berkeley and Spiritual Realism. 1908.
- Rational Philosophy in history and in system. 1858.
- S
IR FRANCIS GALTON (1822–1911) - Hereditary genius, its laws and consequences. 1869.
- Experiments in Pangenesis. 1871.
- English Men of Science, their nature and nurture. 1874.
- Inquiries into the Human Faculty and its development. 1883.
- Natural Inheritance. 1889.
- Experiments in Pangenesis. 1871.
- W
ILLIAM GRAHAM (1839–1911) - Idealism: an Essay metaphysical and critical. 1872.
- The Creed of Science. 1881.
- Social Problems. 1886.
- Socialism, New and Old. 1890.
- English Political Philosophy from Hobbes to Maine. 1899.
- Free Trade and the Empire. 1904.
- The Creed of Science. 1881.
- T
HOMAS HILL GREEN - Introduction to edn. of Hume’s Treatise by Green, T. H. and Grose, T. H. 1874–5.
- Prolegomena to Ethics. 1883.
- Works. Ed. by Nettleship, R. L. (with memoir). 3 vols. 1885–8.
- Cf. Fairbrother, W. H., The Philosophy of T. H. Green, 1896; Sidgwick, H., Lectures on The Ethics of Green, etc., 1902.
- Prolegomena to Ethics. 1883.
- G
EORGE GROTE - Plato and the other companions of S
krates. 1865–70.
- Review of the work … entitled Examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s Philosophy. 1868.
- Aristotle. Edd. Bain, A. and Robertson, G. C. 1872.
- Minor Works. Ed. Bain, A. 1873.
- Fragments on Ethical Subjects. 1876.
- Review of the work … entitled Examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s Philosophy. 1868.
- J
OHN GROTE - Exploratio Philosophica. Pt. 1. 1865. Pt.
II. 1900.- An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. 1870.
- A Treatise on the Moral Ideals. 1876.
- An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. 1870.
- E
DMUND GURNEY (1847–1888) - The Power of Sound. 1880.
- Phantasms of the Living. (With Myers, F. W. H. and Podmore, F.) 1886.
- Tertium Quid: chapters on various disputed questions. 2 vols. 1887.
- Cf. Myers, F. W. H., in Proc. of Soc. for Psychical Res. vol.
V, p. 359. - Phantasms of the Living. (With Myers, F. W. H. and Podmore, F.) 1886.
- S
IR WILLIAM HAMILTON - The Works of Thomas Reid edited. 1846. 3rd edn. 1852. 6th edn. 1863.
- A Letter to A. De Morgan, Esq. on his claim to an independent rediscovery of a new principle in the theory of syllogism. 1847.
- Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform. 1852. 3rd edn. 1866.
- Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic, ed. by Mansel, H. L. and Veitch, J. 4 vols. 1858–60.
- Baynes, T. S. In Edinburgh Essays. 1857.
- Bolton, M. P. W. The Scoto-Oxonian Philosophy. 1867.
- —— Inquisitio philosophica. 1869.
- Mill, J. S. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s Philosophy. 1865.
- Monck, W. H. S. Sir W. Hamilton. (English Philosophers.) 1881.
- Stirling, J. H. Sir W. Hamilton: being the philosophy of perception. 1865.
- Veitch, J. Memoir of Sir W. Hamilton. 1869.
- —— Hamilton. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1879.
- —— Sir W. Hamilton: the man and his philosophy. 1883.
- A Letter to A. De Morgan, Esq. on his claim to an independent rediscovery of a new principle in the theory of syllogism. 1847.
- T
HOMAS NORTON HARPER (1821–1893) - The Metaphysics of the School. 1879–84.
- A
UBERON E. W. M. HERBERT (1838–1906) - A Politician in trouble about his soul. 1884.
- The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State. 1885.
- The True Line of Deliverance (in A Plea for Liberty, 1891).
- The Voluntaryist Creed. 1908.
- The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State. 1885.
- T
HOMAS MARTIN HERBERT (1835–1877) - The realistic assumptions of modern science examined. 1879.
- S
IR JOHN F. W. HERSCHEL - Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. 1830.
- S
HADWORTH HOLLWAY HODGSON - Time and Space. 1865.
- The Theory of Practice. 1870.
- The Philosophy of Reflection. 1878.
- The Metaphysic of Experience. 1898.
- Cf. Hicks, G. D., in Proc. of the Brit. Acad. vol.
VI. - The Theory of Practice. 1870.
- T
HOMAS HENRY HUXLEY - Man’s Place in Nature. 1863.
- Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews. 1870.
- Critiques and Addresses. 1873.
- Science and Culture and Other Essays. 1881.
- Essays upon some controverted questions. 1892.
- Collected Essays. 9 vols. 1894.
- Scientific Memoirs. 4 vols. 1898–1901.
- Cf. Life and Letters, by his son, 2 vols., 1900.
- Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews. 1870.
- J
AMES HINTON (1822–1875) - The Mystery of Pain. 1866.
- Chapters on the Art of Thinking and other Essays. 1879.
- Philosophy and Religion. 1881.
- The Lawbreaker and the Coming of the Law. 1884.
- Chapters on the Art of Thinking and other Essays. 1879.
- W
ILLIAM STANLEY JEVONS - The Substitution of Similars. 1869.
- Pure Logic, or the science of quality apart from quantity. 1871.
- The Theory of Political Economy. 1871.
- The Principles of Science. 1874. 2nd edn. 1877.
- Studies in Deductive Logic. 1880.
- Pure Logic and other minor works, ed. Adamson, R. and Jevons, H. A. 1890.
- Letters and Journal edited by his wife. 1886.
- Pure Logic, or the science of quality apart from quantity. 1871.
- R
ICHARD JONES (1790–1855) - Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and on the Sources of Taxation. 1831.
- S
IMON SOMERVILLE LAURIE (1829–1909) - On the Philosophy of Ethics. 1866.
- Primary Instruction in relation to Education. 1867
- Notes on certain British theories of Morals. 1868.
- Life and educational writings of Comenius. 1881.
- Metaphysica nova et vetusta, a return to Dualism. 1884. New edn. 1889, French tr. 1901.
- Ethica, or the Ethics of Reason. 1885. 2nd edn. 1891.
- Lectures on the rise and early constitution of Universities. 1886.
- Institutes of Education. 1892.
- Historical Survey of pre-Christian Education. 1895. 2nd edn. 1900.
- Synthetica. 1906.
- Primary Instruction in relation to Education. 1867
- T
HOMAS EDWARD CLIFFE LESLIE - The Military Systems of Europe economically considered. 1856.
- Land Systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England and continental countries. 1860.
- The Land System of France. 1876.
- Essays in political and moral philosophy. 1879.
- Essays in political economy. 2nd edn. [of the preceding]. 1888.
- Land Systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England and continental countries. 1860.
- L
EONE LEVI (1821–1888) - Commercial Law of the World. 1850.
- History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress of the British Nation. 1763–1870. 1872. 2nd edn. 1880.
- Work and Pay. 1877.
- Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes. 1867, 1885.
- International Law, with materials for a Code. 1887.
- History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress of the British Nation. 1763–1870. 1872. 2nd edn. 1880.
- G
EORGE HENRY LEWES - The Biographical History of Philosophy. 1845–6, 1880.
- Comte’s Philosophy of the Positive Sciences. 1853.
- Aristotle: a chapter from the History of Science. 1864.
- Problems of Life and Mind. First Series: The Foundations of a Creed. 1874–5 Second Series: The Physical Basis of Mind. 1877. Third Series: Problem i: A Study of Psychology. 1879. Third Series: Problems ii, iii, iv. 1879.
- Comte’s Philosophy of the Positive Sciences. 1853.
- S
IR JOHN LUBBOCK, LORD AVEBURY (1834–1913) - Prehistoric Times. 1865.
- The Origin of Civilisation and the primitive condition of man. 1870.
- The Origin of Civilisation and the primitive condition of man. 1870.
- J
AMES M‘COSH (1811–1894) - Method of Divine government. 1850.
- Intuitions of the Mind. 1860.
- Present State of Moral Philosophy in England. 1868.
- Scottish Philosophy from Hutcheson to Hamilton. 1875.
- Development: what it can and what it cannot do. 1884.
- Intuitions of the Mind. 1860.
- J
OHN RAMSAY M‘CULLOCH (1789–1864) - An Essay on a Reduction of the Interest of the National Debt. 1816.
- A Discourse on the rise, progress … of political economy. 1824.
- The Principles of Political Economy. 1825.
- The Rate of Wages and the Condition of the Labouring Classes. 1826.
- The Wealth of Nations edited. 1828.
- Principles, Practice and History of Commerce. 1831.
- Dictionary … of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. 1832.
- Statistical Account of the British Empire. 1837.
- The Works of Ricardo edited. 1846.
- And other works.
- A Discourse on the rise, progress … of political economy. 1824.
- J
OHN FERGUSON M’LENNAN (1827–1881) - Primitive Marriage. Edinburgh, 1865.
- The Patriarchal Theory, ed. by M’Lennan, D. 1885.
- The Patriarchal Theory, ed. by M’Lennan, D. 1885.
- H
ENRY DUNNING MACLEOD (1821–1902) - Theory and Practice of Banking. 1856.
- A Dictionary of Political Economy. 1859.
- Principles of Economist Philosophy. 1873.
- Cf. Quarterly Review, Oct., 1901.
- A Dictionary of Political Economy. 1859.
- S
IR HENRY JAMES SUMNER MAINE (1822–1888)- See, post, bibliography to Chap.
II. - H
ENRY LONGUEVILLE MANSEL - See, post, bibliography to Chap.
- Artis Logicae Rudimenta. From the text of Aldrich, with notes and marginal references. 1851. 4th edn. 1862.
- Prolegomena Logica. An inquiry into the psychological character of logical processes. 1851.
- The Limits of Religious Thought examined. 1858.
- Metaphysics, or the Philosophy of Consciousness. 1860.
- Philosophy of the Conditioned. 1866.
- Letters, Lectures and Reviews. 1873.
- Prolegomena Logica. An inquiry into the psychological character of logical processes. 1851.
- H
ARRIET MARTINEAU - Letters on the laws on man’s nature and development. (With Atkinson, H. G.) 1851.
- The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte freely translated and condensed. 1853.
- Biographical Sketches. 1869.
- Autobiography. 1877
- The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte freely translated and condensed. 1853.
- J
AMES MARTINEAU - The Rationale of Religious Inquiry. 1836.
- Essays, Philosophical and Theological. 2 vols. 1868.
- Religion as affected by Modern Materialism. 1874.
- Modern Materialism: its attitude towards Theology. 1876.
- Ideal Substitutes for God considered. 1879.
- The Relation between Ethics and Religion. 1881.
- A Study of Spinoza. 1882.
- Types of Ethical Theory. 1885.
- A Study of Religion. 1888.
- The Seat of authority in Religion. 1890.
- Cf. Carpenter, J. Estlin, James Martineau, theologian and teacher, 1905.
- Essays, Philosophical and Theological. 2 vols. 1868.
- J
OHN FREDERICK DENISON MAURICE - Lectures on Social Morality. 1870.
- Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 2 vols. 1872.
- The Conscience: Lectures on Casuistry. New edn. 1872.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
XIII, Vol. XII. - Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 2 vols. 1872.
- J
AMES MILL - Elements of Political Economy. 1821.
- Essays on government, jurisprudence … written for the Supplement to the Encycl. Brit. (privately printed). [1825.]
- Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind. 1829. New edn. by Mill, J. S. 1869.
- A Fragment on Mackintosh. 1835. New edn. 1870.
- The Principles of Toleration. 1837.
- Bain, A. James Mill, a biography. 1882.
- Bower, G. S. Hartley and James Mill. (English Philosphers.) 1881.
- Essays on government, jurisprudence … written for the Supplement to the Encycl. Brit. (privately printed). [1825.]
- J
OHN STUART MILL - Essays on some unsettled questions of Political Economy. 1831, 1844.
- A System of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive. 1843. 3rd edn. 1850. 8th edn. 1872.
- Principles of Political Economy. 1848. 6th edn. 1865. Ed. Ashley, W. J. 1909.
- Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. 1859.
- On Liberty. 1859.
- Dissertations and Discussions. Vols.
I andII. 1859. Vol.III. 1867. Vol.IV. 1875.- Considerations on Representative Government. 1861.
- Utilitariansim. 1863.
- Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy. 1865.
- Auguste Comte and Positivism. 1865.
- On the Subjection of Women. 1869.
- Autobiography. 1873.
- Three Essays on Religion. 1874.
- Lettres inédites, par Laveleye. Brussels, 1885.
- Early Essays, selected by Gibbs, J. W. M. 1897.
- Correspondance inédite avec G. d’Eichthal. Paris, 1898.
- Lettres inédites à Auguste Comte, publiées par L. Lévy-Bruhl. Paris, 1899.
- Letters. Ed. by Elliot, H. S. R. 1910.
- Bain, A. J. S. Mill: a criticism. 1882.
- Courtney, W. L. Metaphysics of J. S. Mill. 1879.
- Douglas, C. J. S. Mill: a study of his philosophy. 1895.
- —— Ethics of J. S. Mill. 1897.
- Saenger, S. J. S. Mill. (Frommans Klassiker.) 1901.
- Watson, J. Mill, Comte and Spencer. 1895. (2nd edn. with title An Outline of Philosophy. 1898.)
- A System of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive. 1843. 3rd edn. 1850. 8th edn. 1872.
- J
OHN DANIEL MORELL (1816–1891) - Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the nineteenth century. 1846.
- The Philosophical Tendencies of the Age. 1848.
- The Philosophy of Religion. 1849.
- Fichte’s Contributions to Moral Philosophy. 1860.
- Philosophical Fragments. 1878.
- An Introduction to Mental Philosophy on the Inductive Method. 1884.
- The Philosophical Tendencies of the Age. 1848.
- F
REDERICK MAX MÜLLER (1823–1900) - The Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religions of India. 1878.
- Kant’s Critique of the Pure Reason translated. 1881.
- Science of Thought. 1887.
- Natural Religion. 1889.
- Physical Religion. 1890.
- Anthropological Religion. 1891.
- Theosophy or Psychological Religion. 1892.
- Kant’s Critique of the Pure Reason translated. 1881.
- J
OHN HENRY NEWMAN - An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. 1846.
- A Grammar of Assent. 1870.
- A Grammar of Assent. 1870.
- R
OBERT OWEN (1771–1858) - A New View of Human Society, or Essays on the Principle of the formation of Human Character. 1813 ff.
- Report to the Committee on the Poor Law. 1817.
- The Book of the New Moral World. 1836.
- The Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race. 1849.
- Life of Robert Owen, written by himself. 1857.
- Cf. Dolléans, E., Robert Owen, 1905; Holyoake, G. J., History of Co-operation in England, 1906; Podmore, F., Life of Robert Owen, 1906; Simon, H., Robert Owen: sein Leben und seine Bedeutung, 1905.
- Report to the Committee on the Poor Law. 1817.
- R
OBERT DALE OWEN (1801–1877) - Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. 1859.
- The Debateable Land between this World and the next. 1872.
- Threading my way: twenty-seven years of autobiography. 1874.
- The Debateable Land between this World and the next. 1872.
- J
AMES ALLANSON PICTON (1832–1910) - The Mystery of Matter. 1873.
- The Religion of the Universe. 1904.
- The Religion of the Universe. 1904.
- F
RANCIS PLACE (1771–1854) - Illustrations and Proofs of the principle of population. 1822.
- Cf. Graham, Wallas, Life of F. Place, 1898.
- Cf. Graham, Wallas, Life of F. Place, 1898.
- B
ADEN POWELL (1796–1860) - On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity [in Essays and Reviews, 1860].
- W
ILLIAM WINWOOD READE (1838–1875) - The Martyrdom of Man. 1872. 19th edn. 1910.
- D
AVID RICARDO - Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1817.
- D
AVID GEORGE RITCHIE (1853–1903) - Darwinism and Politics. 1889.
- Principles of State-Interference. 1891.
- Darwin and Hegel, with other philosophical studies. 1894.
- Natural Rights. 1895.
- Studies in Social and Political Ethics. 1902.
- Philosophical Studies. Ed. by Latta, R. 1905.
- Principles of State-Interference. 1891.
- G
EORGE CROOM ROBERTSON - Hobbes. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1886.
- Philosophical Remains. Ed. by Bain, A. and Whittaker, T. 1895.
- Elements of General Philosophy. Ed. by Davids, C. A. F. Rhys. 1896.
- Elements of Psychology. Ed. by Davids, C. A. F. Rhys. 1896.
- Philosophical Remains. Ed. by Bain, A. and Whittaker, T. 1895.
- J
AMES EDWIN THOROLD ROGERS (1823–1890) - History of Agriculture and Prices in England. Vols.
I, II. 1866. Vols.III, IV. 1882. Vols.V, VI. 1887. Vol.VII (two parts). 1902.- Manual of Political Economy. 1868.
- Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations edited. 1869.
- The Protests of the Lords edited. 1875.
- Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 1884.
- See, also, post, bibliography to Chap.
II. - Manual of Political Economy. 1868.
- G
EORGE JOHN ROMANES (1848–1894) - A candid examination of Theism, by Physicus. 1878.
- Animal Intelligence. 1881.
- Mental Evolution in Animals. 1883.
- Mental Evolution in Man. 1888.
- Darwin and after Darwin. 1892.
- Mind and Motion and Monism. 1895.
- Thoughts on Religion. 1896.
- Essays. 1897.
- Cf. Life and Letters, by Romanes, E., 1896.
- Animal Intelligence. 1881.
- S
IR SAMUEL ROMILLY (1757–1818) - Thoughts on the probable influence of the late Revolution in France upon Great Britain. 1790.
- Speeches … in the House of Commons. 2 vols. 1820.
- Life … written by himself. 3 vols. 1840.
- Speeches … in the House of Commons. 2 vols. 1820.
- S
IR JOHN ROBERT SEELEY (1834–1895) - Natural Religion. 1882.
- An Introduction to Political Science. 1895.
- An Introduction to Political Science. 1895.
- N
ASSAU WILLIAM SENIOR (1790–1864) - Outline of the Science of Political Economy. 1836.
- Two lectures on Population. 1831. (And other lectures published in 1827, 1828, 1830, 1847, 1852.)
- Letter … on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor. 1831.
- Principes fondamentaux d’Économie politique. (French tr. of several of his lectures.) 1835.
- Statement of the Provision for the Poor … America and Europe. 1835.
- Letters on the Factory Act. 1837.
- Suggestions on Popular Education. 1861.
- Essays on Fiction. 1864.
- Historical and Philosophical Essays. 1865.
- See, also, post, bibliography to Chap.
II. - Two lectures on Population. 1831. (And other lectures published in 1827, 1828, 1830, 1847, 1852.)
- H
ENRY SIDGWICK - The Methods of Ethics. 1874. 6th edn. 1901.
- Outlines of the History of Ethics. 1879. 4th edn. 1896.
- Principles of Political Economy. 1883.
- The Scope and Method of Economic Science. 1885.
- The Elements of Politics. 1891.
- Practical Ethics. 1898.
- Philosophy: its scope and relations. 1902.
- Lectures on the Ethics of Green, Spencer and Martineau. 1902.
- The Development of European Polity. 1903.
- Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses. 1904.
- The Philosophy of Kant and other lectures and essays. 1905.
- Memoir. By A. S. and E. M. S. 1906.
- Cf., Bradley, F. H., Mr. Sidgwick’s Hedonism, 1877; Hayward, F. H., Ethical Philosophy of Sidgwick, 1901; Rashdall, H., Sidgwick’s Utilitarianism, in Mind, 1885.
- Outlines of the History of Ethics. 1879. 4th edn. 1896.
- E
DITH SIMCOX - Natural Law: an Essay in Ethics. 1877.
- Primitive Civilizations. 1894.
- Primitive Civilizations. 1894.
- W
ILLIAM HENRY SMITH (1808–1872) - Ernesto. [Philosophical romance.] 1835.
- Thorndale; or, The Conflict of Opinions. 1857.
- Gravenhurst; or, Thoughts on Good and Evil. 1862.
- Thorndale; or, The Conflict of Opinions. 1857.
- W
ILLIAM SPALDING (1809–1859) - Introduction to Logical Science. 1857.
- H
ERBERT SPENCER - The Proper Sphere of Government. 1843.
- Social Statics. 1850.
- Principles of Psychology. 1855.
- Essays, scientific, political and speculative. 3 vols. 1858–74. New edn. vol. 1. 1891.
- Education. 1861.
- A System of Synthetic Philosophy: First Principles. 1862. 6th edn. 1899. Principles of Biology. 2 vols. 1864–7. New edn. 1898. Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. 1870–2. 5th edn. 1890. Principles of Sociology. 3 vols. 1876–96. Principles of Ethics. 2 vols. 1879–93.
- The Classification of the Sciences. 1864.
- The Study of Sociology. 1872.
- Descriptive Sociology; or, groups of sociological facts … compiled and abstracted by Duncan, D., Scheppig, R. and Collier, J. 1873, 1880–1.
- The Man versus the State. 1884.
- The Factors of Organic Evolution. 1887.
- The Inadequacy of Natural Selection. 1893.
- A Rejoinder to Prof. Weismann. 1893.
- Weismannism once more. 1894.
- Various Fragments. 1897. Enlarged edn. 1900.
- Facts and Comments. 1902.
- Autobiography. 1904.
- Collins, F. H. An Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy. 1889. 4th edn. 1899.
- Duncan, D. Life and Letters of H. S. 1908.
- Thomson, J. A. Herbert Spencer. (English Men of Science). 1906.
- Social Statics. 1850.
- S
IR JAMES FITZJAMES STEPHEN - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. 1873.
- History of the Criminal Law of England. 1883.
- Horae Sabbaticae. 1892.
- Stephen, Sir L. Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. 1895.
- History of the Criminal Law of England. 1883.
- S
IR LESLIE STEPHEN - History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 1876. 3rd edn. 1902.
- The Science of Ethics. 1882.
- An Agnostic’s Apology. 1893.
- Social Rights and Duties. 1896.
- The English Utilitarians. 1900.
- Maitland, F. W. Life and Letters of Sir Leslie Stephen. 1906.
- The Science of Ethics. 1882.
- J
AMES HUTCHISON STIRLING - The Secret of Hegel. 1865. New edn. 1898.
- Sir W. Hamilton: being the philosophy of perception. 1865.
- Schwegler’s Handbook of the History of Philosophy. 1867. 9th edn. 1885.
- As regards Protoplasm. 1869. New edn. 1872.
- Lectures on the philosophy of law. 1873.
- Textbook to Kant, with commentary. 1881.
- Philosophy and Theology. 1890.
- Darwinism, workmen and work. 1894.
- What is Thought? 1900.
- The Categories. 1903.
- Stirling, A. H. J. H. Stirling, his life and work. 1912.
- Sir W. Hamilton: being the philosophy of perception. 1865.
- I
SAAC TAYLOR (1787–1865) - The Natural History of Enthusiasm. 1829.
- Fanaticism. 1833.
- Spiritual Despotism. 1835.
- The Physical Theory of Another Life. 1836.
- Ancient Christianity. 1839–46.
- Cf. Gilfillan, G., Isaac Taylor, Second Gallery of Literary Portraits, Edinburgh, 1850.
- Fanaticism. 1833.
- R
OBERT TAYLOR (1784–1844) - The Holy Liturgy: or Divine Service on the Principles of Pure Deism. [1826].
- Syntagma of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. 1828.
- The Diegesis … a Discovery of the Origin … of Christianity. Boston, Mass., 1832.
- The Devil’s Pulpit. 1831–2. New edn. 1881.
- Syntagma of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. 1828.
- T
HOMAS TAYLOR (1758–1835) - Proclus Diadochus. The philosophical and mathematical commentaries … translated. 1778–89.
- A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. Amsterdam [1790].
- Plato. Works, translated by Sydenham, Floyer, and T. T. 5 vols. 1804.
- Aristoteles. Works translated and illustrated with copious elucidations. 10 vols. 1806–12.
- Proclus Diadochus. The six books of Proclus on the history of Plato, translated. 1816.
- Theoretic Arithmetic. 1816.
- Select works of Plotinus translated. 1871. New edn. 1895.
- Iamblichus. On the mysteries of the Egyptians … translated. Chiswick, 1821.
- Political fragments of Archytas … and other ancient Pythagoreans … translated. Chiswick, 1822.
- The Metamorphosis, or, Golden Ass and philosophical works of Apuleius translated. 1822.
- Select works of Porphyrius translated. 1823.
- The Elements of a new arithmetical notation. 1823.
- Pausanias. The description of Greece … translated. New edn. 1824.
- The mystical hymns of Orpheus … translated. New edn. 1896.
- A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. Amsterdam [1790].
- W
ILLIAM THOMSON, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK - An Outline of the necessary Laws of Thought. 1842.
- W
ILLIAM THOMAS THORNTON (1813–1880) - Overpopulation and its Remedy. 1846.
- A Plea for Peasant Proprietors. 1848.
- On Labour. 1869.
- Old-fashioned Ethics and Common-sense Metaphysics. 1873.
- A Plea for Peasant Proprietors. 1848.
- T
HOMAS TOOKE (1774–1858) - Thoughts and Details on the high and low prices of the last thirty years. 1823.
- Considerations on the state of the Currency. 1826.
- History of Prices and of the state of the Circulation during the years 1793–1856. 6 vols. 1838–57.
- Considerations on the state of the Currency. 1826.
- R
OBERT TORRENS (1780–1864) - The Economist refuted. 1808.
- Essay on the Production of Wealth. 1821.
- Essay on the External Corn-Trade. 1827.
- The Budget, a series of letters on financial, commercial and colonial policy. 1841–3.
- The Principles and Practical Operations of Sir Robert Peel’s Act of 1844. 1847.
- Essay on the Production of Wealth. 1821.
- J
OHN TULLOCH (1823–1886) - Theism. (Burnet prize essay.) 1855.
- Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. 1872.
- Pascal. (Blackwood’s Foreign Classics.) 1878.
- Modern theories in philosophy and religion. 1884.
- Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. 1872.
- J
OHN VEITCH (1829–1894) - Memoir of Sir W. Hamilton. 1869.
- Hamilton. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1882.
- Institutes of Logic. 1885.
- Knowing and Being. 1889.
- Dualism and Monism. Ed. by Wenley, R. M. 1895.
- Memoir by Bryce, M. A. L. 1896.
- Hamilton. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1882.
- E
DWARD GIBBON WAKEFIELD (1796–1862) - A View of the Art of Colonisation. 1849.
- W
ILLIAM WALLACE - The Logic of Hegel, translated from the Encyclopaedia. 1874. 2nd edn. 1892.
- Epicureanism. 1880.
- Kant. (Blackwood’s Philos. Classics.) 1882.
- Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind. 1894.
- Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics. 1898.
- Epicureanism. 1880.
- W
ILLIAM GEORGE WARD - Essays on the Philosophy of Theism. Ed. by Ward, Wilfrid. 2 vols. 1884.
- S
IR EDWARD WEST - Essay on the application of capital to land. 1815.
- The Price of Corn. 1826.
- The Price of Corn. 1826.
- R
ICHARD WHATELY - Elements of Logic. 1826.
- Elements of Rhetoric. 1828.
- Poor Laws. 1834.
- Commerce and Absenteeism. 1835.
- Elements of Rhetoric. 1828.
- W
ILLIAM WHEWELL - History of the Inductive Sciences. 1837. (German tr. 1839–42.)
- Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences founded upon their history. 1840.
- The Elements of Morality, including Polity. 1845.
- Lectures on Systematic Morality. 1846.
- Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences founded upon their history. 1840.