The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- T
HOMAS ARNOLD, D.D. - Contributions on Roman History to Encyclopedia Metropolitana, 1821–7.
- On Niebuhr’s History of Rome. Quarterly Review. Vol.
XXXII. 1825. - Thucydides. Ed. Arnold, T. 3 vols. 1830–5. 2nd edn. 1840–2. 3rd edn. 1847–8. [With appendixes on questions of constitutional history and historical topography.]
- History of Rome. 3 vols. 1838–43, and later edns. [To end of Second Punic War.]
- The Second Punic War. Ed. Arnold, W. T. 1886.
- Introductory Lectures on Modern History: with Inaugural Lecture, 1841. Oxford, 1842, and later edns.
- History of the later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols. 1845.
- Miscellaneous works. Ed. Stanley, A. P. 1845.
- Stanley, A. P. Sermon preached in the Chapel of Rugby School on the death of Rev. T. Arnold. Rugby, 1842.
- —— Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold. 2 vols. 1844, and later edns. [Contains a full bibliography in vol.
II. ] - See, also, bibliography to Chap.
XIII, ante. - W
ILLIAM THOMAS ARNOLD - The Roman system of Provincial Administration. 1879. New edn. 1906. 3rd edn. 1914.
- Studies of Roman Imperialism. Ed. Fiddes, E., with memoir of the author. Manchester, 1906.
- See, also, ante, Arnold, Thomas.
- W
ILLIAM BRIGHT - History of the Church
A.D. 313–451. Oxford, 1860. - Chapters of early English Church History. Oxford, 1878.
- The Roman See in the Early Church, and other Studies in Church History. 1896.
- H
ENRY FYNES CLINTON - See bibliography to Chap.
XV, sect.II - [S
IR ] GEORGE WILLIAM COX - Poems, legendary and historical. (With Freeman, E. A.) 1850.
- The Tale of the Great Persian War. 1861. [And other historical manuals.]
- Tales from Greek Mythology. 1861, and later edns.
- The Mythology of the Aryan nations. 2 vols. 1870. New edn. 1882.
- A History of Greece. 2 vols. 1874.
- An Introduction to the science of Comparative Mythology and Folklore. 1881.
- Lives of Greek Statesmen, 2 vols. 1886.
- Life of Bp. Colenso. 2 vols. 1888.
- N
ATHAN DAVIS - Carthage and her Remains. 1861.
- Ruined Cities within Numidian and Carthaginian territories. 1862.
- W
ILLIAM BODHAM DONNE - Essays upon the Drama. 1858.
- Letters of George III to Lord North. (Ed.) 1867.
- Euripides. (Classics for English Readers.) Edinburgh, 1872.
- Tacitus. (Ibid.) 1873.
- Contributions to The Saturday Review, etc.
- Johnson, C. B. Donne and his Friends. 1905.
- G
EORGE FINLAY - Remarks on the Topography of Oropia and Diacria. Athens, 1838. G. Finlays Historisch-topographische Abhandlungen über Attika … aus dem Englischen übers … und mit Bemerkungen, hrsg. von Hoffmann, S. F. W. Leipzig, 1842.
- Greece under the Romans. Edinburgh, 1844. Trans. into German.
- History of Greece from its Conquest by the Crusaders to its Conquest by the Turks, and of the Empire of Trebizond, 1204–1461. Edinburgh, 1851. Trans. into German.
- History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, 716–1453. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1853–4.
- History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian domination, 1452–1821. 1856.
- History of the Greek Revolution (to 1843). 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1862.
- A History of Greece from its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time,
B.C. 146 toA.D. 1864. Ed. Tozer, H. F. 7 vols. Oxford, 1877. - Autobiography in Tozer’s edn. of the History of Greece, vol. 1.
- E
DWARD AUGUSTUS FREEMAN - History of Federal Government. Vol. 1. General Introduction. Cambridge, 1863. Ed. Bury, J. B., 1893, as History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy.
- Historical Essays. 2nd series. 1873.
- The History of Sicily from the earliest times. Vols. 1–
III. Vol.IV, ed. Evans, A. J. Oxford, 1891–4. - Sicily: Phoenician, Greek, Roman. (Story of the Nations series.) 1892.
- See, also, bibliography to chapter on Historians in Vol. XIV.
- G
EORGE GROTE - Essentials of Parliamentary Reform. 1831.
- History of Greece. 12 vols. (Vols. 1,
II, 1845;III, IV, 1847;V, VI, 1848;VII, VIII, 1850;IX, X, 1852;XI, 1853;XII, 1856.) 8 vols. 1862. 12 vols. 1869–70, Condensed edn., with notes and appendices by Mitchell, J. M. and Caspari, M. O. B. 1907. - Seven Letters [rptd. from The Spectator] on the recent politics of Switzerland. 1847. New edn., with unpublished letter to A. de Tocqueville. 1876.
- Plato and the other Companions of Socrates. 3 vols. 1865.
- Cope, E. M. Theætetus and Grote’s Criticisms. 1866.
- Aristotle. Edd. Bain, A. and Robertson, G. C. 2 vols. 1872. [Vol.
II contains the paper on the De Anima, rptd. from Bain, A., The Senses and the Intellect, 3rd edn., 1868.] - Minor Works. Ed. with remarks on Grote, by Bain, A. 1873.
- Fragments on Ethical subjects: from his posthumous papers. Ed. Bain, A. 1876.
- Also numerous contributions to The Westminster Review.
- The Personal Life of George Grote. By Mrs. Grote. 1873.
- T
HOMAS HODGKIN - Italy and her Invaders. 8 vols. Oxford, 1880–99.
- Letters of Cassiodorus. Condensed translation of Variae Epistolae, with introduction by Hodgkin, T. 1886.
- The Dynasty of Theodosius. Oxford, 1889.
- Theodoric the Goth. New York, 1891.
- George Fox. Boston, 1896.
- Charles the Great. 1897.
- The Walls, Gates, and Aqueducts of Rome. 1899.
- The History of England to the Norman Conquest. (Vol. 1 of The Political History of England, edd. Hunt, W. and Poole, R. L.) 1906.
- The Wardens of the Northern Marches. Creighton Memorial Lecture, 1907. 1907.
- Ernst Curtius. Proc. of British Academy. 1908.
- T
HOMAS KEIGHTLEY - Outlines of History. 1830.
- The History of the War of Greek Independence. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1830.
- The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 1831. 2nd edn. 1838.
- The History of Greece, 1835. 4th edn. 1842.
- The History of Rome. 1836.
- The History of England. 3 vols. 1839, and later edns. Trans. into German.
- The History of the Roman Empire. 1840. 6th edn. 1849.
- Notes on the Bucolics and Georgics of Virgil: with excursus, etc. 1846.
- The History of India. 1846–7.
- An Account of the Life and Writings of John Milton: with an introduction to Paradise Lost. 1855.
- Keightley also produced an edn. of Shakespeare (6 vols., 1864) and two semi-historical works.
- S
IR GEORGE CORNEWALL LEWIS - See bibliography to Chap.
XV, sect.II. - G
EORGE LONG - See bibliography to Chap.
XV, sect. 1. - C
HARLES MERIVALE, DEAN OF ELY - The History of the Romans under the Empire. 7 vols. 1850–64. New edn. 8 vols. 1865.
- C. Sallustii Crispi Catilina et Jugurtha. Ed. Merivale, C. 1852.
- The Fall of the Roman Republic: a short history of the last century of the Commonwealth. 1853, and later edns.
- An Account of the Life and Letters of Cicero. From the German of B. R. Abeken. Ed. Merivale, C. 1854.
- Art. Niebuhr in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 8th edn., vol.
XVI. 1858. - Keatsii Hyperionis libri
III. Latinè redd. 1863. 2nd edn, with additions. 1882. - The Conversion of the Roman Empire. (Boyle Lecture.) 1864.
- The Conversion of the Northern Nations. (Boyle Lecture.) 1866.
- Homer’s Iliad, in English rhymed verse. 1869.
- The Contest between Pagan and Christian Society. (Christian Evidence Soc.) 1872.
- General History of Rome from the foundation of the City to the Fall of Augustulus. 1875. 3rd edn. 1876. Abridged edn. 1877.
- The Roman Triumvirates. (Epochs of Ancient History.) 1876. 4th edn. 1885.
- St. Paul at Rome. 1877.
- The Conversion of the Continental Teutons. 1878.
- Four Lectures on some epochs of Early Church History. 1879.
- Also numerous articles in The Saturday Review in 1858 and subsequent years. For a list of Dean Merivale’s sermons and pamphlets see art. by Rigg, J. M., in D. of N. B.
- Autobiography of Dean Merivale with selections from his Correspondence. 1899.
- H
ENRY HART MILMAN, DEAN OF ST. PAUL’S - Fazio. A Tragedy. 1815. 6th edn. 1818.
- Samor, the Lord of the Bright City. An Heroic Poem. 1818.
- The Martyr of Antioch. Dramatic Poem. 1822.
- Belshazzar. A Dramatic Poem. 1822.
- Anne Boleyn. A Dramatic Poem. 1826.
- The History of the Jews. 3 vols. 1829. 2nd edn. 1830. 3rd edn. 1863.
- Poetical works. 3 vols. 1839.
- Life of Gibbon: with selections from his Correspondence. 1839.
- The History of Christianity to the abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 1840, and later edns.
- The History of Latin Christianity including that of the Popes to Nicholas V. 6 vols. 1854–5. 4th edn. 9 vols. 1867.
- Lord Macaulay. Obituary in the Proceedings of the Royal Society. 1862.
- Annals of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ed. Milman, A. 1868.
- Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. Ed. Milman, A. 1870.
- The late Dean of St. Paul’s. By Stanley, A. P. Macmillan’s Magazine. January, 1869.
- Henry Hart Milman, D.D., Dean of St. Paul’s: a biographical sketch. By his Son, Arthur Milman. 1900.
- H
ENRY FRANCIS PELHAM - Outlines of Roman history (enlarged from art. in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1887). 1893.
- Essays. Ed. Haverfield, H. Oxford, 1911.
- G
EORGE RAWLINSON - The History of Herodotus. A new English version ed. with copious notes and appendices by Rawlinson, G., assisted by Rawlinson, Sir H. and Wilkinson, Sir J. G. 4 vols. 1858–60. 2nd edn. 1862.
- The Five Great Monarchies of the Eastern World: Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, and Persia. 4 vols. 1862–7. 4th edn. 3 vols. 1879.
- The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy: Parthia. 1873.
- The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy: the Sassanian or New Persian Empire. 1876.
- The History of Ancient Egypt. 2 vols. 1881.
- A Sketch of Universal History. 1887.
- The History of Phoenicia. 1889.
- Contributions to (Sir) W. Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, etc.
- R
EGINALD BOSWORTH SMITH - Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1878. New edn. 1897.
- Life of Lord Lawrence. 2 vols. 1883. 3rd edn. 1883.
- Grogan, Lady E. J. Reginald Bosworth Smith: a memoir. 1909.
- S
IR WILLIAM SMITH - See bibliography to Chap.
XV, sect. 1. - A
RTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, DEAN OF WESTMINSTER - Historical Memoirs of Canterbury. 1885.
- Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. 1856, and later edns.
- Three Introductory Lectures on the study of Ecclesiastical History. Oxford, 1857.
- Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. 1861.
- Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. 3 pts. 1863–76. New edn. 3 vols. 1883.
- Memorials of Westminster Abbey. 1868.
- Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland. 1872.
- The Life and Correspondence of A. P. Stanley. By Prothero, R. E., with the cooperation of Bradley, G. G. 2 vols. 1893. [With full bibliography.]
- See also, Arnold, Thomas, and bibliography to Chap.
XIII, ante. - C
HARLES ANTHONY SWAINSON (1820–1887) - The Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds: their history, with account of the “Creed of St. Athanasius.” 1875.
- The Greek Liturgies, chiefly from Original Sources. 1884.
- C
ONNOP THIRLWALL, BISHOP OF ST. DAVID’S - Primitiae, or essays and poems on various subjects, religious, moral, and entertaining. By Connop Thirlwall, eleven years of age. 1809.
- Niebuhr, B. History of Rome. V⊙ls. 1 and
II transl. by Hare, J. C. and Thirlwall C.; vol.III by Smith, W. and Schmitz, L. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1828–42. - A Vindication of Niebuhr’s History of Rome from the charges of the Quarterly Review. [By Hare and Thirlwall.] Cambridge, 1829.
- Letter to the Rev. T. Turton on the Admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. Cambridge, 1834. Second Letter. Cambridge, 1834.
- A History of Greece. 8 vols. 1835–44. New edn. 1845–52.
- Speech on the Civil Disabilities of the Jews. 1848.
- Letter to the Rev. Rowland Williams. 1860.
- Reply to a Letter of the Lord Bishop of Capetown. 1867.
- Remains, literary and theological. Ed. Perowne, J. J. S. 3 vols. 1877–80.
- Letters, literary and theological. Ed. Perowne, J. J. S. and Stokes, L. 1881.
- Letters to a Friend [Miss Johns]. Ed. Stanley, A. P. 1881.
- For chronological list of writings see art. by Clark, J. W. in D. of N. B. vol.
LVI, 1898.