The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. G
ENERAL WORKS - Bricknell, W. S. The Judgment of the Bishops upon Tractarian Theology. 1845.
- Browne, E. G. K. History of the Tractarian Movement. 1856.
- Church, R. W. The Oxford Movement. Twelve Years, 1833–1845. 1891.
- Holland, H. S. The Mission of the Oxford Movement in Personal Studies. 1905. [Reprinted from Lyra Apostolica, ed. Beeching, H. C.]
- Mozley, T. Reminiscences of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement. 2 vols. 1882.
- Newland, H. G. Three Lectures on Tractarianism. 1852. 4th edn. 1853.
- Oakeley, F. Historical Notes on the Tractarian Movement, 1833–1845. 1865.
- Overton, J. H. The Anglican Revival. [1897.]
- Palmer, William. A Narrative of Events connected with the publication of the Tracts for the Times. 1843. New edn. 1883.
- Perceval, A. P. A Collection of Papers connected with the Theological Movement of 1833. 1842. 2nd edn. 1842.
- Thureau-Dangin, Paul. The English Catholic Revival in the Nineteenth Century. Trans. by Wilberforce, Wilfrid. 2 vols. 1915.
- Ward, Wilfrid. The Oxford Movement. [1913.]
- II. M
AGAZINES - The British Magazine founded 1832 by Rose, H. J., and edited by him until 1836, then edited by Maitland, S. R. until its discontinuance in 1849.
- The British Critic (founded 1793 by Jones, W., of Nayland, and others; a new series began in 1814; became quarterly in 1826).
- 1836–8 partly edited by Newman, J. H.
- 1838–41 wholly edited by Newman, J. H.
- 1841 edited by Mozley, T. to its discontinuance in 1843.
- The Christian Remembrancer 1841–68 edited by Scott, William.
- In 1844 became quarterly, from which date Mozley, J. B., was co-editor until 1854.
- The Guardian, founded by Church, R. W., Lord Blachford (Rogers, F.) and Bernard, M., January 1846.
- III. M
ISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES, ETC. - Bellasis, Edward. Memorials of Mr. Sergeant Bellasis (1800–1873). 1893. 2nd edn. (enlarged). 1895.
- Blachford, Lord. Letters of Frederic, Lord Blachford, edited by Marindin, G. E. 1896.
- Blomfield, A. A Memoir of Charles James Blomfield, D.D., bishop of London. 2 vols. 1863.
- Butler, W. J. Life and Letters of William John Butler, late dean of Lincoln and sometime vicar of Wantage. 1897.
- Lake, Katharine. Memorials of William Charles Lake, dean of Durham (1869–1894). 1901.
- Moberly, C. A. E. Dulce Domum: George Moberly, his Family and Friends. 1911.
- Ornsby, R. Memoirs of James Robert Hope-Scott. 2 vols. 1884.
- Purcell, E. S. and De Lisle, E. Life and Letters of A. P. de Lisle. 2 vols. 1910.
- Sibthorp, Richard Waldo, Life and Letters of. 1880.
- Acland, John E. Troyte, Arthur [Acland], A Memoir of. A Layman’s Life in the days of the Tractarian Movement. 1904.
- Watson, Joshua. Memoir of Edward Churton. 2 vols. 1861.
- IV. T
HE LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS - The Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the division of the East and West, began in 1838 under the joint editorship of Keble, Newman and Pusey. Marriott, C., became an editor in 1843 until his death in 1857.
- Forty-eight volumes, the works of thirteen Fathers and ancient writers, were issued between 1838 and 1885. Among these were sixteen volumes of St. Chrysostom, twelve of St. Augustine, five of St. Athanasius and four of St. Gregory.
- Of the prefaces, fifteen were written by Marriott, C., twelve by Pusey, E. B., four by Newman, two by Keble, two by Pusey, P. E., and one each by Liddon, Wilberforce, H. G., and Browne, H. Ten volumes either are without prefaces or their authors are unknown.
- The translators included some thirty-five scholars, among them Keble, Newman, Pusey, E. B., Church, Keble, T., Prevost, Sir G., Copeland, W. J., Morris, J. B., Macmullen, Pusey, P. E., and Bright, W.
- A complete list of the Library with the translator and editor of each volume, so far as they are known, is printed as an appendix to ch.
XVIII of Liddon’s Life of Dr. Pusey, vol. 1. - V. L
YRA APOSTOLICA - Poems which were originally printed in The British Magazine (edited by Rose, H. J.). Of the one hundred and seventy-nine pieces, Newman wrote one hundred and nine, Keble forty-six, Williams, I., nine, Froude, R. H., eight, Bowden, J. W., six, and Wilberforce, R. I., one. The respective authors signed by Greek letters, thus: α, Bowden, J. W.; β, Froude, R. H.; γ, Keble, J.; δ, Newman, J. H.; ε Wilberforce, R. I.; ζ, Williams, I. 1836. Ed. Holland, H. S., and Beeching, H. C., 1899.
- VI. P
ARTICULAR AUTHORS - John William Bowden
- (With Newman, J. H.) St. Bartholomew’s Eve; a Poem. 1821.
- Lyra Apostolica. Poems signed α. 1836.
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 5, 29, 30, 56, 58. 1833–5.
- Four Articles in the British Critic. 1836, 1837, 1839, 1841.
- Life of Gregory the Seventh. (2 vols.) 1840.
- Thoughts on the Work of the Six Days of Creation. (With biographical preface by Newman, J. H.) 1845.
- John William Burgon
- The Lives of Twelve Good Men. 2 vols. 1888. New edn. 1 vol. 1891. Many other edns.
- Goulburn, E. M. Life of Dean Burgon. 2 vols. 1892.
- Edward Caswall (1814–1878)
- Lyra Catholica. 1849.
- Richard William Church
- Lives of the English Saints. Life of St. Wulstan. 1844.
- Essays and Reviews. Collected from The British Critic and Christian Remembrancer. 1854.
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 1868.
- Life of St. Anselm. 1870.
- Civilisation before Christianity. 1872.
- On some Influences of Christianity on National Character. 1873.
- Sacred Poetry of Early Religions. 1874.
- These three, with the University Sermons 1868, were republished in one volume as The Gifts of Civilisation, 1880.
- The Beginnings of the Middle Ages. 1877.
- Essay on Dante, republished with a Translation of Dante’s De Monarchia, by Church, F. J. 1878.
- Human Life and its Conditions. 1878.
- Spenser. (English Men of Letters.) 1879.
- Bacon. (English Men of Letters.) 1884.
- Discipline of the Christian Character. 1885.
- Advent Sermons, 1885. 1886.
- Miscellaneous Works. 5 vols. 1888.
- The Oxford Movement. Twelve Years, 1833–1845. 1891.
- Cathedral and University Sermons. 1892.
- Village Sermons preached at Whatley. 3 vols. 1892–7.
- Pascal and other Sermons. 1896.
- The Message of Peace and other Christmas Sermons. (The second appears with slightly altered title in Cathedral and University Sermons 1892.) 4th edn. 1897.
- Occasional Papers. 2 vols. 1897.
- Cecil, A. R. W. Church. In Six Oxford Thinkers. 1909.
- Church, Mary C. Life and Letters of Dean Church. 1894.
- Donaldson, Aug. B. Richard William Church. In Five Great Oxford Leaders. 3rd edn. 1902.
- Holland, H. S. Richard William Church. Personal Studies. 1905.
- Lathbury, D. C. Dean Church. 1905.
- John Dobree [Bernard] Dalgairns
- Lives of the English Saints. 1844–5. Lives of St. Aelred, St. Waltheof, St. Robert, St. Helier, St. Stephen Harding, St. Gilbert, St. Bartholomew, and the verse in the Life of St. Bettelin.
- The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1853. Frequently rptd.
- The Holy Communion, its Philosophy, Theology, and Practice. 1861.
- And other works.
- Aubrey Thomas de Vere
- Critical Essays. 3 vols. 1887–9.
- Recollections. 1897.
- Ward, Wilfrid. Aubrey de Vere; a Memoir. 1904.
- Digby Mackworth Dolben
- Poems. Ed. Bridges, R. 1915.
- Frederick William Faber
- Works. Prose and Verse. Centenary edn.
II vols. 1914. - Lives of the English Saints. Life of St. Wilfrid and Lives of the Northumbrian Saints (St. Oswald, St. Paulinus, etc.). 1844–5.
- Tracts on the Church and the Prayer Book. 1839. 2nd series. 1840.
- Sights and Thoughts in Foreign Churches. 1842.
- And other works.
- Life and Letters; ed. Bowden, J. E. 1869. New edn. 1888, 1914.
- Brief Sketch of the early life of F. W. Faber, by Faber, F. A. 1869.
- Alexander Penrose Forbes (1817–1875)
- Explanation of the Nicene Creed. 1852. 2nd edn. 1866.
- The Arbuthnott Missal. Ed. (with Forbes, G. H.). 1864.
- The Thirty-Nine Articles. 2 vols. 1867, 1868.
- Kalendars of Scottish Saints. 1872.
- Besides 4 vols. of collected sermons (many published separately), lectures, manuals of devotion and articles in The Edinburgh, Quarterly and North British Reviews and in The Christian Remembrancer.
- [A list of his works is printed in his Memoir by Mackey, D. J., pp. 219–224.]
- James Anthony Froude
- Lives of the English Saints. The Life of St. Neot. 1844.
- Shadows of the Clouds. By Zeta. 1847.
- The Nemesis of Faith. 1849. 2nd edn. 1849.
- Richard Hurrell Froude
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 9, 59, 63 and possibly part of 35. 1833–5.
- Lyra Apostolica. Poems signed β. 1836.
- Remains. Part 1. Ed. Keble, J. and Newman, J. H. 2 vols. 1838.
- Remains. Part
II. Ed. Mozley, J. B. Preface by Keble, J. 2 vols. 1839. - Guiney, L. I. Hurrell Froude. Memoranda and Comments. 1904.
- Furlong Elizabeth Skipton Harris
- From Oxford to Rome. 1847. 2nd edn. rev. 1847. 3rd edn. 1847. (Anon.) … By A Companion Traveller.
- Rest in the Church. (Anon.) By the author of From Oxford to Rome. 1848.
- Walter Farquhar Hook
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 1837.
- Hear the Church: a Sermon. 28th edn. 1838.
- Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Biography. 8 vols. 1842–52.
- Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 12 vols. 1860–76.
- Sermons on The Church and Her Ordinances. 2 vols. 1876.
- Parish Sermons. Ed. Hook, W. 1879.
- And many other lectures, addresses and treatises.
- Stephens, W. R. W. Life and Letters of Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D., F.R.S. 1878. 6th and new edn. 1881.
- John Keble
- The Christian Year. [Anon.] 2 vols. 1827. 2nd edn. 1827. 3rd edn. 1828.
- National Apostasy: A Sermon. 1833. Rptd. in Sermons Academical and Occasional.
- Lyra Apostolica. Poems signed γ. 1836.
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 4, 13, 40, 52, 54, 57, 60. 1834. No. 89. 1841.
- Primitive Tradition recognised in Holy Scripture. 1836. 2nd edn. 1837. 3rd edn., with postscript and Tract No. 78 as an appendix. 1837.
- The Case of Catholic Subscription to the XXXIX Articles. Privately printed. 1841. Published. 1865.
- Lyra Innocentium. (Anon.) 1846.
- Sermons Academical and Occasional. 1847. 2nd edn. 1848.
- On Eucharistical Adoration. 1857. 2nd edn. 1859. 3rd edn. 1867.
- Sermons Occasional and Parochial. 1868.
- Village Sermons on the Baptismal Service. 1869.
- Miscellaneous Poems. Ed. Moberly, G. 1869.
- Letters of Spiritual Counsel. 1870. 3rd and fuller edn. 1875.
- Sermons for the Christian Year.
II vols. 1875–80. - Occasional Papers and Reviews. With preface by Pusey, E. B. 1877.
- Studia Sacra. Edited N[orris], J. P. 1877.
- A complete list of Mr. Keble’s published writings is given in Appendix
II of Lock’s John Keble. - Coleridge, Sir J. T. Memoir of John Keble. 1869. 2nd edn. with corrections etc. 2 vols. 1869.
- Lock, W. John Keble. 1892. 7th edn. 1895.
- Shairp, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. Edinburgh, 1868, 1872.
- Wood, Hon. E. John Keble. 1909.
- Thomas Keble
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 12, 22, 43 and 84 (concluded by Prevost, Sir G.). (1833–8.)
- Plain Sermons by Contributors to the Tracts for the Times. Sermons signed E in vols. 1,
II, IV andX. - Alexander Knox (1757–1831)
- Remains. 4 vols. 1834–7.
- Correspondence with bishop Jebb. Ed. Forster, C. L. 1834.
- Henry Parry Liddon
- Some Words for God. 1865. In the 2nd edn. (1866) this title was dropped and Sermons preached before the University of Oxford substituted.
- Sermons on the Reunion of Christendom. Second series. Sermon viii. Signed L. 1865.
- The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (The Bampton Lectures for 1866.) 1867. 14th edn. 1890. Translated into German. Basel. 1883.
- The Priest in his Inner Life. 1869.
- Some Elements of Religion. Lent Lectures, 1870. 1872. New edn. 1904.
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Second Series (1868–79). 1879. 4th edn. 1887.
- Thoughts on Present Church Troubles. 1881. 2nd edn. 1882.
- Easter in St. Paul’s. Sermons. 2 vols. 1885. New edn. 1891.
- Advent in St. Paul’s. Sermons. 2 vols. 1888. 2nd edn. 1889. New edn. 1891.
- Christmastide in St. Paul’s. Sermons. 1889.
- The Magnificat. Sermons. 1889. 2nd edn. 1890.
- Passiontide Sermons. 1891. 2nd edn. 1891.
- Sermons on Old Testament Subjects. 1891.
- Sermons on Some Words of Christ. 1892.
- Essays and Addresses. 1892.
- Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey, by Liddon, H. P., edited and prepared for publication by Johnston, J. O. and Wilson, R. J. Vols. 1 and
II. 1893. Vol.III. 1894. 3rd edn. 1895. Vol.IV, edited and prepared for publication by Johnston, J. O. and Newbolt, W. C. E. 1897. - Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. 1893. 4th edn. 1899.
- Clerical Life and Work. A collection of Sermons with an Essay. 1894.
- Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul’s First Epistle to Timothy. 1897.
- Sermons preached on Special Occasions, 1860–1889. 1897.
- Sermons on some Words of St. Paul. 1898.
- A list of Liddon’s printed works is given in the appendix to his Life and Letters (1904). Forty-seven of these are sermons published separately between 1858 and 1890. Many of them appear to have been afterwards collected and republished in various volumes.
- Donaldson, A. B. Henry Parry Liddon. In Five Great Oxford Leaders. 3rd edn. 1902.
- Holland, H. S. Personal Studies. Henry Parry Liddon and The Life of Henry Parry Liddon. 1905.
- Johnston, J. O. Life and Letters of Henry Parry Liddon. With a concluding chapter by the bishop of Oxford (Francis Paget). 1904.
- Russell, G. W. E. Dr. Liddon. 1905.
- Henry Edward Cardinal Manning
- The Unity of the Church. 1842. 2nd edn. 1845.
- Sermons (4 vols.). 1842–50.
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 1844.
- The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost. 1865. 4th edn. 1892.
- Sermons on Ecclesiastical Subjects. 3 vols. 1867–73.
- Miscellanies. 3 vols. 1877–88.
- Hutton, A. W. Cardinal Manning. 1892. 2nd edn. 1894.
- Purcell, E. S. Life of Cardinal Manning. 2 vols. 1896.
- Charles Marriott
- Tracts for the Times. No. 78. 1837.
- Sermons preached before the University and in other places. 1843.
- Sermons preached in … Oriel College Chapel and other places. 1850.
- James Bowling Mozley
- Miracles (Bampton Lectures). 1865. 5th edn. 1880.
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford and on various occasions. 1876. 4th edn. 1879.
- Ruling Ideas in Early Ages. 1877. 4th edn. 1889.
- Essays, Historical and Theological. 2 vols. 1878. 2nd edn. 1884. With an Introductory Memoir [by his sister, Anne Mozley], and at p. xxxix an anonymous Notice [by Church, R. W.] rptd. from The Guardian.
- The Theory of Development: a criticism of Dr. Newman’s Essay. 1878. [Rptd. from The Christian Remembrancer, 1847.]
- Sermons. Parochial and Occasional. 1879. 2nd edn. 1883.
- Lectures and other Theological Papers. 1883.
- Letters of the Rev. J. B. Mozley, D.D., edited by his sister [Anne Mozley]. 1885.
- Thomas Mozley
- Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement. 2 vols. 1882. 2nd edn. 1882.
- John Mason Neale
- History of the Holy Eastern Church. 2 vols. 1847. 5 vols. 1873.
- Essays on Liturgiology. 1863.
- Collected Hymns, Sequences, and Carols. 1914.
- Towle, E. A. Memoir. 1906.
- Neale, J. M. Letters. Edited by his daughter. 1910.
- A complete chronological list of Neale’s works is given in appendix
II of his Memoir, 1906. - John Henry Cardinal Newman
- Newman affixed a list of his writings up to 1864 to his History of My Religious Opinions, 1865. This, with additions and alterations, has been reprinted in subsequent editions of his Apologia.
- A list of his writings is appended to the article in the D. of N. B. on Newman by Lilly, W. S., but that list omits some which are in the list of 1865.
- From 1868 to 1881, a new and uniform edition of Newman’s works was issued in 36 vols.; but this edition did not include all that he had published.
- His principal works only are given here.
- St. Bartholomew’s Eve, in two Cantos. 1821. [With Bowden, J. W. The copy in the British Museum with MS. notes by Bloxam, J. R., assigns the separate parts to the respective authors.]
- The Arians of the Fourth Century. 1833.
- Tracts for the Times. 6 vols. 1834–41. [For a list of Newman’s contributions see D. of N. B.]
- Parochial and Plain Sermons (published at various dates between 1834 and 1843). Ed. by Copeland, W. J. 8 vols. 1868.
- Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church, viewed relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestantism. 1837. Republished as vol. 1 of The Via Media of the Anglican Church. 2 vols. 1877.
- Lectures on the Doctrine of Justification. 1838.
- Select Treatises of St. Athanasius in Controversy with the Arians. Transl. with Notes and Indices. 2 vols. 1842–4.
- Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 1843. Rptd. with an additional sermon and a dedication to dean Church, 1871.
- Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day. 1843. Subsequent edns. slightly altered until that ed. by Copeland, W. J., 1869.
- Lives of the English Saints. Lives of St. Gunduleus, St. Edelwald, St. Bettelin (the prose Life; the verse Life was by Dalgairns, J. D.). 1844–5.
- Lives of the English Saints, partly ed. by Newman, J. H. 1844–5. New edn. 1900.
- This series was suggested by Newman, but he ceased to be editor after the first two Lives (1. St. Stephen Harding, by Dalgairns, J. D.; 2. The family of St. Richard, by Meyrick, T.) had been published. Of the thirty-one other Lives published, one was by Church, R. W., six by Dalgairns, three by Meyrick, T., two by Pattison, M., nine by Faber, F. W., one each by Coffin, R. A., Ornsby, R., Froude, J. A., Walker, J., and Oakeley, F., two by Barrow, J., and three by Newman, J. H.
- A list of the authors with the lives ascribed to them is ptd. by Hutton, A. W., vol.
VI, app.II of the edn. of 1900. This is correct except for its ascription of St. Ninian (by Barrow, J.) to Froude and St. Bartholomew (by Dalgairns) to Mozley, T. A list corrected by cardinal Newman is among the Bloxam MSS. at Magd. coll. Oxford. - An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. 1845.
- Loss and Gain. The Story of a Convert. 1848.
- Discourses addressed to Mixed Congregations. 1849.
- Lectures on certain Difficulties felt by Anglicans in submitting to the Catholic Church. 1850.
- The Present Position of Catholics in England. 1851.
- Verses on Religious Subjects. 1853. [Not all of these are included in the later Verses on Various Occasions.]
- Sermons preached on various Occasions. 1854. Two sermons were added to the 3rd edn., 1870, and another to the 4th edn., 1874.
- Callista: a Sketch of the Third Century. 1856.
- University Subjects discussed in Occasional Lectures and Essays. 1858.
- The Scope and Nature of a University Education. 1852. Published later under the title The Idea of a University. New edn. 1903.
- Apologia pro Vita Sua. 1864. Republished, with the passages dealing with Kingsley, C., omitted, as History of My Religious Opinions. 1865. The original name was adopted for this form of the book in subsequent edns.
- —— Both texts with two appendixes added to the French translation (1866) and with the pamphlets which preceded and evoked the Apologia, with introduction by Ward, Wilfrid. 1913.
- The Dream of Gerontius. 1866.
- Verses on Various Occasions. 1868. (Rpts. most of Newman’s poems in Lyra Apostolica, and The Dream of Gerontius.)
- An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent. 1870.
- Two Essays on Miracles. 1, Scripture. 2, Of Ecclesiastical History. 2nd edn. 1870. [The second originally prefixed to a translation of Fleury’s Ecclesiastical History (by Christie, Albany), 1843.
- Discussions and Arguments on Various Subjects. 1872. [Rpt. of various letters and articles, 1841–66.]
- Essays Critical and Historical. 2 vols. 2nd edn. 1872. [Rptd. from The British Critic, 1837–42; and from The Dublin Review, 1846.]
- Historical Sketches. 3 vols. 1872, 1873. [Rpt. of lectures and articles published between 1824 and 1859.]
- Abbott, E. A. Philomythus. 1891.
- —— The Anglican Career of Cardinal Newman. 2 vols. 1892.
- Barry, W. Newman. 2nd edn. 1904.
- Blennerhasset (C. J.), Lady. John Henry Kardinal Newman. Berlin, 1904.
- Bremond, H. The Mystery of Newman. Transl., Corrance, H. C. Introd., Tyrrell, G. 1907.
- Cecil, A. J. H. Newman. In Six Oxford Thinkers. 1909.
- Hutton, R. H. Cardinal Newman. 2nd edn. 1891.
- Meynell, Wilfrid (under pseudonym “John Oldcastle”; subsequent editions under his own name). Cardinal Newman. 1890. 6th edn. 1907.
- Letters and Correspondence of J. H. Newman during his life in the English Church. With a brief autobiography. Ed. Mozley, Anne. 2 vols. 1891.
- Newman, F. W. Contributions chiefly to the early history of Cardinal Newman. With comments. By his brother, Newman, F. W. 1891.
- Scott, Thomas (1747–1821). Essays on the most important subjects in Religion. 1793. [See Apologia.]
- Thureau-Dangin, P. Newman Catholique d’après des documents nouveaux. Paris, 1912. [A supplement to his La Renaissance Catholique en Angleterre, written after the publication of Wilfrid Ward’s Life.]
- Waller, A. R. and Burrow, G. H. S. John Henry Cardinal Newman. 1901.
- Ward, Wilfrid. Life of John Henry Cardinal Newman. 2 vols. 1912.
- Frederick Oakeley
- Whitehall Chapel Sermons. 1837.
- Lives of the English Saints. Life of St. Augustine of Canterbury. 1844.
- The Ceremonies of the Mass. 1855.
- Historical Notes on the Tractarian Movement. 1865.
- And some thirty-eight other published works, articles in The British Critic, The Dublin Review and The Month.
- Francis Edward Paget
- Caleb Kniveton. 1833.
- St. Antolins: or Old Churches and New. 1841.
- The Warden of Berkingholt. 1843.
- The Owlet of Owlstone Edge. 1856.
- A Student Penitent of 1695. 1875.
- And many other works.
- William Palmer (1811–1879)
- Harmony of Anglican Doctrine with the Doctrine of the Catholic and Apostolic Church of the East. (Anon.) Aberdeen, 1846.
- Dissertations on Subjects relating to the Orthodox or Eastern Catholic Communion. 1853.
- Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church in 1840, 1841. Ed. by Newman, J. H. 1882.
- Sir William Palmer (1803–1885)
- Origines Liturgicae. 2 vols. 1832. 4th edn. 1845.
- Tracts for the Times. No. 15 (revised and completed by Newman, J. H.). 1833.
- A Treatise on the Church of Christ. 2 vols. 1838. 3rd edn. 1842.
- Letters to N. Wiseman, D.D. 1842. A new edn. 1851.
- A Narrative of Events connected with the Publication of the Tracts for the Times. 1843. New edn. 1883.
- Arthur Philip Perceval
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 23, 35 (with Froude, R. H.), 36, and possibly 17.
- A Vindication of the Authors of the Tracts for the Times. 2nd edn. 1841.
- A Collection of Papers connected with the Theological Movement of 1833. 1842. 2nd edn. 1842.
- John Hungerford Pollen
- Letter to the Parishioners of St. Saviour’s, Leeds. 1851.
- Narrative of Five Years at St. Saviour’s, Leeds. 1851.
- Pollen, Anne. John Hungerford Pollen, 1820–1902. 1912. [A list of the writings of Pollen, J. H., is given on pp. 377, 378.]
- Edward Bouverie Pusey
- Tracts for the Times. Nos. 18, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 81; possibly 76. 1834–7.
- Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. 3rd edn. with notes. 1842.
- A Letter to the Bishop of London. 1851. 7th edn. 1851.
- Parochial Sermons. Vol. 1. 1852. Vol.
II. 1853. Vol.III. 1873. - The Doctrine of the Real Presence. 1855.
- The Real Presence. 1857.
- Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford. 1859–80.
- What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment? 1880.
- The Minor Prophets. 1860.
- Daniel the Prophet. 1864.
- Eirenicon. Part 1. 1865. Part
II, 1st Letter to Dr. Newman. 1869. PartIII, Is Healthful Reunion Impossible? 1870. - Historical Preface to Tract No. 90. 1865.
- Lenten Sermons. 1874.
- Parochial and Cathedral Sermons. 1882.
- Liddon, H. P., D.D. Life of E. B. Pusey, D.D. Ed. Johnston, J. O., Wilson, R. J., and Newbolt, W. E. 4 vols. 1893–7.
- A complete bibliography of Pusey’s printed works (by Madan, F.) is given as appendix A in vol.
IV of his Life by Liddon. - Hugh James Rose
- Discourses on the state of the Protestant Religion in Germany. 1825. 2nd edn. 1829. [In reply to E. B. Pusey’s Historical enquiry into … the Theology of Germany, 1828.]
- Martin Joseph Routh
- Reliquiae sacrae sive auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique seculi post Christum natum quae supersunt. Vols. 1–
IV. 1814–18. 2nd edn. 1846–8. Vol.V. 1848. - Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula praecipua quaedam. 2 vols. 1832. 2nd edn. 1840. Re-ed. [anonymously] by Jacobson, W. 1858.
- Tres breves Tractatus. 1853.
- Elizabeth Missing Sewell
- Amy Herbert. 1844. Many times reprinted.
- The Experience of Life. 1852.
- Ursula. 1858.
- And six other stories published between 1847 and 1868.
- Sewell, E. L. (ed.). Autobiography of Elizabeth M. Sewell. 1907.
- William Sewell
- The Plea of Conscience for seceding etc. 1845. 3rd edn. 1845.
- A Year’s Sermons to Boys. 2 vols. 1854–69.
- Richard Chenevix Trench
- The Study of Words. 1851. 9th edn. 1859. 19th edn. 1886.
- On the Lessons in Proverbs. 1853. 3rd edn. 1854. 7th edn. 1888.
- English Past and Present. 1855. 14th edn. (in part re-written by Mayhew, A. L.). 1889.
- Poems. 1865. 9th edn. 1888.
- And many other works.
- [Trench, M.] Letters and Memorials of Archbishop Trench. 2 vols. 1888.
- William George Ward
- The Ideal of a Christian Church considered in comparison with Existing Practice. 1844. 2nd edn. 1844.
- Edited The Dublin Review. 1863–78.
- Ward, Wilfrid. William George Ward and the Oxford Movement. 1889.
- —— William George Ward and the Catholic Revival. 1893.
- Henry William Wilberforce
- Reasons for submitting to the Catholic Church: a Farewell Letter. 1851. 6th edn. 1855.
- The Church and the Empires. 1874. With a memoir by J. H. Newman.
- Owned and edited The Catholic Standard (later The Weekly Register), 1854–63.
- Robert Isaac Wilberforce
- Lyra Apostolica. Poem lettered ε 1836.
- The Doctrine of the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1848.
- The Doctrine of Holy Baptism. 1849.
- The Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. 1853.
- An Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority. 1854.
- Isaac Williams
- Lyra Apostolica. Poems lettered ζ. 1836.
- Tracts for the Times. Tracts Nos. 80, 86 and 87. 1837, 1838 and 1839 respectively.
- The Cathedral. Poems. 1838. 8th edn. 1859. Ed. Benham, W. 1889.
- Thoughts in Past Years. Poems. 1838. 6th edn. enlarged. 1852.
- The Altar. Poems. (Anon.) 1847. Another edn. 1849.
- The Christian Scholar. Poems. 1849.
- The Seven Days. Poems. 1850.
- The Christian Seasons. (Poems). 1854.
- Williams, I. Autobiography. Edited by Sir George Prevost. 1892. 3rd edn. 1893.
- Nicholas Patrick Stephen Cardinal Wiseman
- Lectures on the Doctrines and Practices of the Catholic Church. 1836.
- High Church Claims. 1841.
- Essays (collected) on Various Subjects. 3 vols. 1853. New edn., with biographical introd. 1888.
- Fabiola. A Tale of the Catacτmbs. 1854.
- Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their times. 1858.
- Ward, W. Life of Cardinal Wiseman. 2 vols. 1897.C