The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. W
ALTER SAVAGE LANDOR - For the bibliography of Landor see his Letters and other unpublished writings, ed. Wheeler, S., 1897 (sect.
A, post); also the Athenaeum, 31 May and 12 July, 1902, and Notes and Queries, 13 May, 1911. - A. Collections and Selections
- Works. 2 vols. 1846.
- Selections. Ed. Hillard, G. S. Boston, Mass., 1856.
- Cameos selected from the works of W. S. Landor. Edd. Stedman, E. C. and Aldrich, T. B. Boston, Mass., 1874.
- Works, with life by Forster, J. 8 vols. 1876.
- Selections. Ed. Colvin, S. (Golden Treasury series.) 1882.
- Works. Ed. Crump, C. G. 10 vols. 1891–3. [Imaginary Conversations, 6 vols.; Poems, Dialogues in Verse, and Epigrams, 2 vols.; Longer Prose Works, 2 vols.]
- Letters and other unpublished writings. Ed. Wheeler, S. 1897.
- Selections. Ed. Clymer, W. B. S. Boston, Mass., 1898.
- Letters private and public. Ed. Wheeler, S. 1899.
- Shorter Works. 1904.
- B. Separate Works
- Poems of Walter Savage Landor. 1795.
- A Moral Epistle [in verse] respectfully dedicated to Earl Stanhope. 1795.
- Gebir. 1798. 2nd edn. Oxford, 1803. Latin version. Oxford, 1803.
- Poems from the Arabic and Persian: with notes by the Author of Gebir. Warwick, 1800.
- Poetry by the Author of Gebir. Warwick, 1800. [Suppressed.]
- Poetry by the Author of Gebir. 1802.
- Simonidea. Bath, 1806.
- The Dun Cow: an hyper-satirical dialogue in verse. With explanatory notes. 1808. [Landor’s anonymous reply to Guy’s Porridge Pot.]
- Three Letters written in Spain to D. Francisco Riguelme. 1809.
- Ode ad Gustavum Regem. Ode ad Gustavum Exulem. 1810.
- Count Julian. A Tragedy. 1812.
- Commentary on Memoirs of Mr. Fox, lately written [by John Bernard Trotter]. 1812. Ed. Wheeler, S. 1907.
- Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool and the Parliament on the preliminaries of Peace. By Calvus. 1814.
- Idyllia nova quinque Heroum atque Heroidum. Oxford, 1815.
- Sponsalia Polyxenae. Pistoia, 1819.
- Idyllia Heroica decem, etc. Pisa, 1820.
- Poche osservazioni sullo stato attuale di que’ popoli che vogliono governarsi per mezzo delle rappresentanze. Naples, 1821. An English trans. appeared.
- Imaginary Conversations. Vol. 1,
II. 1824. 2nd edn., enlarged. 1826. Vols.III, IV. 1828. Vol.V. 1829. Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans. 1853. Selections. Ed. Ellis, H. 1886. Selections. Ed. Mahaffy, J. P. 1909. Ed. Cavenagh, F. A. 1914. German trans. 1878. - Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. 1831.
- Latin Poems and Conversations. Philological Museum. Cambridge, 1832–3.
- Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare touching deer-stealing. To which is added a Conference of Edmund Spenser with the Earl of Essex. 1834. Rptd. 1891.
- The Letters of a Conservative, in which are shown the only means of saving what is left of the English Church. 1836.
- Terry Hogan. Edited by Phelim Octavius Quarle. 1836. [Attributed to L.]
- Pericles and Aspasia. 2 vols. 1836. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1839. Ed. Crump, C. G. 2 vols. 1890. Rptd. 1903.
- A Satire upon Satirists and Admonition to Detractors. 1836.
- The Death of Clytemnestra. 1836. [Included in Friendly Contributions for the benefit of three Infant Schools in Kensington. Printed for Lady Mary Fox.]
- The Pentameron and Pentalogia. 1837. The Pentameron and other Imaginary Conversations. Ed. Ellis, H. 1889.
- Literary Hours, by various friends. 1837. [Ed. Ablett, J. Contains six Imaginary Conversations and other contributions by Landor.]
- High and Low Life in Italy. Monthly Repository. Aug., 1837–April, 1838. French trans. of a portion of this by Larbaud, V. Paris, 1911.
- Andrea of Hungary and Giovanna of Naples. 1839.
- Fra Rupert; the last part of a trilogy: the first being Andrea of Hungary, the second being Giovanna of Naples. 1840.
- La Petite Chouannerie. By A. F. Rio. 1842. [Contains a long poem by Landor, never rptd.]
- The Hellenics of Walter Savage Landor, enlarged and completed. 1847. New edn. 1859. The Hellenics and Gebir. 1907.
- Poemata et Inscriptiones. 1847.
- Imaginary Conversation of King Carlo Alberto and the Duchess of Belgioioso on the affairs of Italy. 1848.
- The Italics of Walter Savage Landor. 1848.
- Statement of occurrences at Llanbedr. Bath, 1849.
- Popery, British and Foreign. 1851, 1853.
- The Last Fruit off an Old Tree. 1853.
- Letters of an American, mainly on Russia and Revolution, edited by W. S. Landor. 1854. [By Landor.]
- A Letter from W. S. Landor to R. W. Emerson. Bath, 1856.
- Antony and Octavius. (Scenes for the study.) 1856.
- Dry Sticks fagoted. 1858.
- Savonarola e il Priore di San Marco. Florence, 1860. English trans. in London Review. 22 Sept., 1860.
- Letters of a Canadian. 1862. [No copy known at present.]
- Heroic Idyls, with additional Poems. 1863.
- Swift, W. Wilhelm’s Wanderings. 1878. [Contains some verses by Landor, and other matter relating to him.]
- Letters to Miss Boyle. Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Feb., 1888.
- Letter to R. W. Emerson. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Nicoll, W. R. and Wise, T. J. Vol.
II. 1896. - Unpublished Letters of Landor to Walter Birch. Ed. Tatham, E. H. R. Fortnightly Review. Feb., 1910.
- C. Biography and Criticism
- Betham, E. The Llanthony Maze. A House of Letters. 1905.
- Blessington, Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of. The Idler in Italy. Vol.
II. 1839. - —— Literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. By Madden, R. R. 3 vols. 1855.
- Bradley, W. The Early Poems of Walter Savage Landor. A study of his development and debt to Milton. 1914.
- Colvile, F. L. Walter Savage Landor. Worthies of Warwickshire. 1869.
- Colvin, Sir S. Landor. (English Men of Letters series.) 1881.
- Crosse, Mrs. Andrew. Walter Savage Landor. Temple Bar. June, 1891.
- —— Red Letter Days of my Life. 1892.
- De Quincey, T. On Landor. Works. Vols.
VIII, IX, XI. Edinburgh, 1862–3. - De Vere, A. Landor’s Poetry. Essays chiefly on poetry. Vol.
II. 1887. - Dickens, Charles. Landor’s Life. [A Review of Forster’s Biography.] All the Year Round. 24 July, 1869.
- Duke, R. E. H. The Family of Savage of Warwickshire. 1902.
- —— Pedigree of the paternal ancestry of W. S. Landor. 1912.
- Emerson, R. W. English Traits. 1856.
- Evans, E. W. Walter Savage Landor: a critical study. New York, 1892.
- Field, Kate. Landor’s Last Years in Italy. Atlantic Monthly. April, May, June, 1866.
- Forster, J. Walter Savage Landor: a biography. 1869.
- Gilfillan, G. Walter Savage Landor. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Horne, R. H. A New Spirit of the Age. 2 vols. 1844. Ed. Jerrold, W. 1907.
- Houghton, R. M. Milnes, Lord. Monographs, personal and social. 1873.
- Hunt, L. Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries. 1828.
- Layard, G. S. Mrs. Lynn Lynton. 1901. [Contains Letters by Landor.]
- Lynton, E. Lynn. Reminiscences of Walter Savage Landor. Fraser’s Magazine. July, 1870.
- Lytton, Bulwer, Lady. Reminiscences of Walter Savage Landor. Tinsley’s Magazine. June, 1883.
- Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence. Ed. Sadler, T. 3 vols. 1869.
- Saintsbury, G. Walter Savage Landor. Essays in English literature, 1780–1860. 2nd ser. 1895.
- Sawle, Rose, Lady Graves. Sketches from her Diary. [Privately ptd.] 1908. [Lady Graves Sawle was Rose Aylmer’s niece.]
- Schlaak, R. Entstehungs- und Textgeschichte von Landor’s Gebir. Halle, 1909.
- Southey, R. Life and Correspondence. Ed. Southey, C. C. 6 vols. 1849–50.
- —— Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey. Ed. Warter, J. W. 4 vols. 1856.
- Stephen, Sir L. Landor’s Imaginary Conversations. Hours in a Library. New edn. 1892.
- Swinburne, A. C. Landor. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th edn. Vol.
XIV. 1882. - —— Landor. Miscellanies. 1886.
- Thompson, Francis. Landor. The Academy. 27 Feb., 1897.
- Whiting, L. The Florence of Landor. 1905.
- Woodberry, G. E. Makers of Literature. New York, 1900.
- II. R
OBERT EYRES LANDOR - An Essay on the Character and Doctrines of Socrates. Oxford, 1802.
- The Count Arezzi. A Tragedy in five acts. 1824.
- The Impious Feast. A Poem in ten books. 1828.
- The Earl of Brecon. A Tragedy in five acts.—Faith’s Fraud. A Tragedy in five acts.—The Ferryman. A Drama in five acts. 1841.
- The Fawn of Sertorius. 1846.
- The Fountain of Arethusa. 2 vols. 1848.
- Colvile, F. L. Worthies of Warwickshire. Warwick, 1869.
- Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XCII, no. 188. 1850. - Swinburne, A. C. Recollections of Professor Jowett. Studies. 1894.
- III. J
- Essays. With introduction and notes by Ollier. E. 1869. New edn. 1890.
- Characteristics of Leigh Hunt as exhibited in Leigh Hunt’s London Journal, 1834–5. With illustrative notes by Lancelot Cross [i.e. Carr, F.]. 1878.
- Essays. Ed. Symons, A. 1887, 1903.
- Leigh Hunt as Poet and Essayist: the choicest passages selected with biographical introduction by Kent, C. 1889.
- Essays and Poems. Selected and ed. by Johnson, R. B. 2 vols. 1891.
- Tales from Leigh Hunt: with memoir by Knight, W. 1891.
- Dramatic Essays. Edd. Archer, W. and Lowe, R. W. 1894.
- B. Separate Works
- Juvenilia: or a collection of Poems written between the ages of twelve and sixteen. 1801. 2nd edn., revised. 1802.
- Critical Essays on the performers of the London Theatres, including general observations on the practice and genius of the Stage. 1807. 2nd edn. 1808.
- Classic Tales, with critical essays on the merits and reputation of the authors. 5 vols. 1807. 5 vols. 1813.
- The Examiner. Ed. by Leigh Hunt. 1808–21.
- An Attempt to shew the Folly and Danger of Methodism. 1809.
- The Reflector. Nos. 1–4. Ed. by Leigh Hunt. 1810.
- The Reformist’s Reply to The Edinburgh Review. 1810.
- The Feast of the Poets. With notes, and other pieces in verse. By the Editor of the Examiner. 1814. 2nd edn. 1815.
- The Descent of Liberty. A Mask. 1815.
- The Story of Rimini. 1816.
- The Round Table. By William Hazlitt. 2 vols. 1817. [Twelve of the fifty-two papers are by Leigh Hunt.]
- Foliage, or Poems original and translated. 1818.
- Hero and Leander and Bacchus and Ariadne. 1819.
- The Indicator. 13 Oct., 1819–21 March, 1821 [at which point Leigh Hunt retired from the paper]. 2 vols. 1820–1. Rptd. 1822, 1834.
- The Literary Pocket-Book. 1819–22.
- Amyntas: a Tale of the Woods. From the Italian of Tasso. 1820.
- The Months, descriptive of the successive beauties of the year. 1821. Rptd., ed. Andrews, W., 1897.
- The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. 4 nos. 1822–3.
- The Literary Examiner. 27 nos. 5 July, 1823–27 Dec., 1823.
- Ultra-Crepidarius. A Satire on W. Gifford. 1823.
- Bacchus in Tuscany. A dithyrambic poem from the Italian of Francesco Redi; with notes original and select. 1825.
- Lord Byron, and some of his Contemporaries. 1828. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1828.
- The Companion. 28 nos. 1828.
- The Chat of the Week. 13 nos. 1830.
- The Tatler. A Daily Journal of Literature and the Stage. 4 Sept., 1830–13 Feb., 1832.
- Poetical Works. 1832, 1844. Ed. Lee, S. Adams. 2 vols. Boston, Mass., 1857. Now finally collected, revised by himself, and edited by his son, Hunt, Thornton. 1860.
- Sir Ralph Esher. A Romance. 3 vols. 1832. 2nd edn. 1836. 3rd edn. 1850.
- Christianism: or, belief and unbelief reconciled; being exercises and meditations. [Privately ptd.] 1832. Re-issued as The Religion of the Heart. 1853.
- The Indicator and The Companion. [A selection of the best papers in these periodicals written in 1819–21 and in 1828.] 2 vols. 1834, 1840.
- Leigh Hunt’s London Journal. 1834–5.
- Captain Sword and Captain Pen. 1835. 3rd edn. 1849.
- The Monthly Repository. July, 1837–March, 1838.
- The Seer: or, common-places refreshed. 2 vols. 1840–1.
- A Legend of Florence. A Play. 1840. 2nd edn. 1840.
- The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar. With introductory biographical and critical notices by Leigh Hunt. 1840.
- The Dramatic Works of R. B. Sheridan. With a biographical and critical sketch of Sheridan by Leigh Hunt. 1840.
- Chaucer Modernized. [By Leigh Hunt, and others.] 1841.
- The Palfrey. A Love Story of Old Times. 1842.
- One Hundred Romances of Real Life. Selected and annotated by Leigh Hunt. 1843. New edn. 1888.
- Imagination and Fancy: or, Selections from the English Poets illustrative of those first requisites of their art.… With an essay in answer to the question, “What is Poetry?” 1844. 3rd edn. 1852. New edn. 1891.
- Wit and Humour selected from the English Poets: with an illustrative essay and critical comments. 1846, 1852. New edn. 1890.
- Stories from the Italian Poets, with lives of the writers. 2 vols. 1846. 2 vols. 1854. Rptd. 1907.
- Men, Women, and Books. A selection of sketches, essays, and critical memoirs from his uncollected prose writings. 2 vols. 1847. New edn. 1891.
- A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. 1848, 1852. New edn. 1897.
- The Town, its memorable Characters and Events. 2 vols. 1848. New edn. 1889, 1893.
- A Book for a Corner, or selections in prose and verse … with comments. 2 vols. 1849. 3rd edn. 1858.
- Readings for Railways. 1849.
- Autobiography, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries. 3 vols. 1850. Enlarged and revised edn. 1860. New edn. 1891. Ed. Ingpen, R. 1903.
- Leigh Hunt’s Journal. 7 Dec., 1850–29 March, 1851.
- Table Talk: to which are added Imaginary Conversations of Pope and Swift. 1851. New edn. 1882.
- The Old Court Suburb, or memorials of Kensington. 2 vols. 1855. 3rd edn. 1860. Ed. Dobson, A. 2 vols. 1902.
- Beaumont and Fletcher, or the finest scenes, lyrics, and other beauties selected from those two poets, to the exclusion of whatever is morally objectionable: with opinions of distinguished critics, and an introductory preface. 1855.
- Stories in Verse. 1855.
- A Saunter through the West End. 1861. [Rptd. from The Atlas newspaper.]
- Correspondence. Ed. by his Eldest Son. 2 vols. 1862.
- The Book of the Sonnet. Ed. by Leigh Hunt and S. Adams Lee. 2 vols. 1867.
- A Day by the Fire; and other papers, hitherto uncollected. 1870.
- The Wishing-Cap Papers. 1874. [Rptd. from The Examiner.]
- C. Biography and Criticism
- Clarke, C. C. and M. C. Recollections of Writers, with Letters of Leigh Hunt, and others. 1878.
- Fields, Mrs. J. T. A Shelf of Old Books. 1894.
- Hazlitt, W. Mr. T. Moore—Mr. Leigh Hunt. The Spirit of the Age. 1825. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Ireland, A. List of the Writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt. 1868.
- —— Art. Hunt, James Henry Leigh. D. of N. B. Vol.
XXVIII. 1891. - Johnson, R. B. Leigh Hunt. 1896.
- Macaulay, Lord. Leigh Hunt. Edinburgh Review. Jan., 1841. Rptd. in Macaulay’s Literary Essays. Oxford, 1913.
- Monkhouse, C. Life of Leigh Hunt. (Great Writers series.) 1893.
- Punchard, C. D. Helps to the study of Leigh Hunt’s Essays. 1899.
- Saintsbury, G. Leigh Hunt. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- IV. T
HOMAS DE QUINCEY - A. Collections and Selections
- Writings. 22 vols. Boston, 1851–9. Reissued 12 vols. Boston, 1877.
- Works. 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1853–60. 2nd edn. 15 vols. and Suppl. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1862–78. 4th edn. 16 vols. Edinburgh, 1878.
- Select Essays. Ed. Masson, D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1888.
- A Selection of his best works. Ed. Bennett, W. H. 2 vols. 1889.
- Collected Writings. New and enlarged edn. by Masson, D. 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1889–90.
- Uncollected Writings. Ed. Hogg, J. 2 vols. 1890. 2nd edn. 1892.
- Posthumous Works. Ed. Japp, A. H. 2 vols. 1891–3.
- Selected Essays. Ed. Douglas, Sir G. 1895.
- The Opium Eater and selected Essays. Ed. Le Gallienne, R. 1898.
- Essays. Ed. Whibley, C. 1904.
- Literary Criticism. Ed. Darbishire, H. 1909.
- B. Separate Works
- Confessions of an English Opium Eater. 1822. 2nd edn. 1823. New and greatly enlarged edn. Edinburgh, 1856. Ed. Garnett, R., with notes of De Quincey’s conversations by Woodhouse, R. and other additions. 1885. 1891. Ed. Masson, D. 1904. Translated into French, German and Italian.
- Klosterheim, or The Masque. Edinburgh, 1832.
- The Logic of Political Economy. Edinburgh, 1844.
- C. Biography and Criticism
- “Barine, Arvède” [Mme. Vincens] Névrosés: De Quincey, etc. Paris, 1898.
- Birrell, A. Essays about Men, Women, and Books. 1901.
- Burton, J. H. The Bookhunter. New edn. Edinburgh, 1885.
- Christoph, F. Über den Einfluss Jean Paul Fr. Richters auf Thomas de Quincey. Programm. Hof, 1899.
- Dunn, W. A. Thomas De Quincey’s Relation to German literature and philosophy. Diss. Strassburg, 1901.
- Durand, W. Y. De Quincey and Carlyle in their relation to the Germans. Publ. of the Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America.
XXII. 1907. - Findlay, J. R. Personal Recollections of De Quincey. Edinburgh, 1886.
- Froude, J. A. Life of Carlyle, 1795–1835. Vol. 1. 1882.
- Gilfillan, G. Thomas De Quincey. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Gillies, R. P. Memoirs of a literary veteran. Vol.
II. 1851. - Gordon, Mrs. Mary. Christopher North. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1862.
- Green, J. A. Thomas De Quincey: a bibliography based upon the De Quincey collection in the Moss Side library, Manchester. 1908.
- Hodgson, Shadworth H. Outcast Essays. 1881.
- Hogg, J. De Quincey and his friends. 1895.
- Japp, A. H. Thomas De Quincey: his life and writings, with unpublished correspondence. 2 vols. 1877. 2nd edn. 1879. New edn. 1890.
- —— De Quincey Memorials: being letters and other records, here first published. With communications from Coleridge, the Wordsworths, Hannah More, Prof. Wilson, and others. Ed. Japp, A. H. 2 vols. 1891.
- Knight, C. Passages of a working life. Vol. 1. 1864.
- Lowndes, W. T. The Bibliographer’s Manual. Ed. Bohn, H. G. Pt.
VII. Art. Quincey. 1861. - Martineau, H. Biographical Sketches. 1869.
- Mason, E. T. Personal Traits of British authors. Vol.
II. New York, 1885. - Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other Essays. 1874.
- —— Thomas De Quincey. (English Men of Letters series.) 1881.
- Minto, W. A Manual of English Prose Literature. Edinburgh, 1886.
- Payn, James. Some literary recollections. 1884.
- Pollitt, Charles. De Quincey’s editorship of the Westmorland Gazette. Kendal, 1890.
- Saintsbury, G. De Quincey. Essays in English literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Salt, H. S. De Quincey. 1904.
- Stephen, Sir. L. Hours in a Library. New edn. Vol. 1. 1892.
- Symons, A. A Word on De Quincey. Studies in prose and verse. 1904.A. T. B.