The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. C
HARLES LAMB - Bibliographies of the writings of Charles and Mary Lamb have been published as follows:
- Livingston, Luther S. Bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of Charles and Mary Lamb, published prior to Charles Lamb’s death in 1834. 1903.
- Thomson, J. Charles. Bibliography of the writings of Charles and Mary Lamb, etc. 1908.
- See, also, Hutchinson’s edn. (1908) and the notes to the various volumes of Lucas’s edn. (1903–5) (sect.
A, post) of the Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. - A. Collected Editions (including Letters) and Selections
- The Works of Charles Lamb. 2 vols. 1818.
- [Vol. 1, with prose dedication to Coleridge, consists of (1) Poems; (2) Sonnets; (3) Blank Verse; (4) John Woodvil, a Tragedy; (5) The Witch, a Dramatic Sketch of the Seventeenth Century; (6) Curious Fragments from a common-place-book of Robert Burton; (7) Rosamund Gray, a Tale; (8) Recollections of Christ’s Hospital. Of these (5) was printed for the first time; (4) and (7) had already been published in earlier volumes; and (8) had been printed in The Gentleman’s Magazine for June, 1813. The poetical portions of (6) were transferred to (1), which consisted of twenty pieces, viz. two from Coleridge’s volume of 1797; one from Blank Verse, 1798; the two poetical fragments of Burton, and the ballad from the German from John Woodvil; three from Poetry for Children; one rptd. from The Examiner; one from The Reflector; the hitherto unprinted Hester; and eight by Mary Lamb, of which six were new, the remaining two being Helen and one from Poetry for Children; (2) consisted of eleven sonnets, viz. four new; three from Coleridge’s volume of 1796; and four from his volume of 1797. Of the five pieces in (3), one came from Lloyd’s volume of 1796; three from Coleridge’s volume of 1797; and one from Blank Verse, 1798.
- Vol.
II, with dedicatory sonnet to Martin Charles Burney, consists of (1) Essays; (2) Letters under Assumed Signatures; (3) Mr. H——, a Farce. The five essays in (1) include a revision of the notes to the Specimens of 1808, under the title, Characters of Dramatic Writers, contemporary with Shakspeare; a new essay On the Poetical Works of George Wither; and the essays on Hogarth, the tragedies of Shakspeare and Specimens of the Writings of Fuller, which had appeared in The Reflector during 1811. Of seven letters in (2), one was from The Morning Post, 1802; five from The Reflector, 1810 and 1811; and one from The Champion, 1814. (3), produced at Drury lane in December, 1806, had already been ptd. at Philadelphia in 1813, under the title Mr H., or Beware a Bad Name.] - The Poetical Works of Charles Lamb. New edn. 1836. 3rd edn. 1838.
- The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a sketch of his life, by Talfourd, T. N. 2 vols. 1837. Revised and enlarged edn., by Hazlitt, W. C. (Bohn.) 2 vols. 1886.
- The Works of Charles Lamb. With a sketch of his life, by Talfourd, T. N. 3 vols. 1838.
- [A reprint of Lamb’s Works, 1818, with the addition of the two Elia volumes and some letters.]
- The Works of Charles Lamb. New edn. [Ed. Talfourd, T. N.] 5 parts. 1840.
- [A reprint of Lamb’s Works, 1818; the two Elia volumes; and Album Verses, with additions to the last made in the Poetical Works of 1836. The letters and Talfourd’s life, published in 1837, were also included.]
- Final Memorials of Charles Lamb; consisting chiefly of his Letters not before published, with sketches of some of his companions, by Talfourd, T. N. 2 vols. 1848. [Included in later issues of Talfourd’s edn. of Lamb’s Works.]
- Eliana: being the hitherto uncollected writings of Charles Lamb. (Ed. B [abson], J. E.) Boston, 1864. London, 1864.
- [This volume contained a large number of essays, tales and poems rptd. from various sources, and included The Adventures of Ulysses; three tales from Mrs. Leicester’s School; and The Pawnbroker’s Daughter, a farce, which had been ptd. in Blackwood’s Magazine for January, 1830. Much of the collection had been ptd. by the editor in The Atlantic Monthly during 1863.]
- The Complete Correspondence and Works of Charles Lamb, with an essay on his life and genius by Purnell, T., aided by the recollections of the author’s adopted daughter [i.e. Emma Isola, wife of the publisher, Edward Moxon]. 4 vols. 1870. [The first volume was originally issued separately in 1868, with an essay by Sala, G. A.]
- The Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Charles Lamb, from the original edns., with cancelled passages restored, and many pieces now first collected. Ed. and prefaced by Shepherd, R. H. 1874.
- [The six tales contributed by Lamb to Tales from Shakespear were now printed in a collected edn. for the first time. A subsequent rpt. (1878) included Poetry for Children.]
- The Life, Letters, and Writings of Charles Lamb, edited, with Notes and Illustrations, by FitzGerald, Percy. 6 vols. 1875.
- Dramatic Essays of Charles Lamb. Ed. Matthews, B. 1891.
- Plays and Dramatic Essays. Ed. Dircks, R. 1893.
- The Life and Works of Charles Lamb, with introductions and notes by Ainger, Alfred. 12 vols. 1899–1900.
- [Canon Ainger previously edited Mrs. Leicester’s School and Tales from Shakespear (1878) and annotated selected volumes of Lamb’s works. These appeared in Macmillan’s Eversley series in the following order: Essays of Elia (i. e. Elia and The Last Essays), 1883; Poems, Plays, and Miscellaneous Essays, 1884; Mrs. Leicester’s School and other writings in prose and verse, 1885; Letters of Charles Lamb, newly arranged, with additions, 2 vols. 1888.]
- The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. Ed. Lucas, E. V. 7 vols. 1903–5.
- The Works of Charles Lamb. Ed. Macdonald, William. 12 vols. 1903.
- The Letters of Charles Lamb, in which many mutilated words and passages have been restored to their original form; with letters never before published, and facsimiles of original MS. letters and poems. 5 vols. Boston (Bibliophile soc.), 1907. [Introduction by Harper, H. H., with notes of facsimile letters by Garnett, R.]
- The Works in Prose and Verse of Charles and Mary Lamb. Ed. Hutchinson, Thomas. 2 vols. Oxford, 1908.
- B. Separate Works
- This list does not include the original appearance of individual poems and essays in periodicals. For a detailed list of these in chronological order, see Hutchinson’s edn. (1908) of the Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, vol. 1, pp. xvii–xlvii, in which the growth of the collected edns. of Lamb’s works is also traced.
- Poems on Various Subjects by S. T. Coleridge. Bristol, 1796. [Including four sonnets by Lamb.]
- Poems on the Death of Priscilla Farmer, by her grandson Charles Lloyd. Bristol and London, 1796. [Including The Grandame, by Lamb.]
- Poems, by S. T. Coleridge. 2nd edn. Bristol and London, 1797. [Including poems by Charles Lloyd and Poems, by Charles Lamb, of the India-House. These, fifteen in number, included the five already published in 1796.]
- Blank Verse, by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb. 1798.
- A Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret. 1798.
- John Woodvil, a Tragedy .… To which are added, Fragments of Burton, the Author of the Anatomy of Melancholy. 1802. [The Fragments of Burton included the poems Hypochondriacus and A Ballad noting the Difference of Rich and Poor. The volume also contained the stanzas Helen, by Mary Lamb, and a Ballad from the German, viz. Thekla’s song in Schiller’s Die Piccolomini. The latter had been printed in Coleridge’s Wallenstein, 1800.]
- The King and Queen of Hearts: with The Rogueries of the Knave who stole away the Queen’s Pies. 1805. [Anonymous.] Ed. Lucas, E. V. 1902.
- Tales from Shakespear. Designed for the Use of Young Persons. 2 vols. 1807. [By Charles and Mary Lamb: Charles’s name alone appears on the title-page.]
- Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the Time of Shakspeare: with Notes. 1808. New edn., including Lamb’s extracts from the Garrick Plays which were ptd. in Hone’s Table Book for 1826. (Bohn.) 1854, and later issues.
- The Adventures of Ulysses. 1808. Ed. Lang, A. 1890.
- Mrs. Leicester’s School: or, the History of Several Young Ladies, related by themselves. 1809. [By Charles and Mary Lamb: anonymous.]
- Poetry for Children, entirely original. By the Author of Mrs. Leicester’s School. 2 vols. 1809. [By Charles and Mary Lamb.]
- Prince Dorus: or, Flattery put out of Countenance. A poetical version of an ancient tale. 1811. [Anonymous.]
- Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in The London Magazine. 1823.
- [Twenty-eight essays, including the greater part of Lamb’s contributions to The London Magazine from August, 1820 to November, 1822. Three, viz. On Some of the Old Actors; On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century; and On the Acting of Mr. Munden, were a revision and rearrangement of three essays which had appeared in that magazine in February, April and October, 1822. One, Valentine’s Day, had originally been ptd. in The Examiner for 14, 15 February, 1819, and had appeared also in The Indicator for 14 February, 1821.]
- Later edns. Numerous edns. exist of both series of Elia. Among these may be mentioned the rpt. of the first series, with a few reminiscences of the author and his friends, by Ollier, Edmund, 1867. Ollier’s short preface was prefixed to a popular edn. of both series, 1875. The Essays of Elia and Eliana, previously combined in Bohn’s series, 1868, were issued with a memoir by Barry Cornwall (Procter, B. W.), 2 vols., 1879. Ainger’s edn. of 1883 has been noted above (sect.
A ). Both series were ed. by Birrell, A., 2 vols., 1888; and rpts. under the same editorship appeared in 1890 (1 vol.) and 1900 (2 vols.). A valuable edn. of Elia, with notes by Hallward, N. L. and Hill, S. C. was published in 1895; and was succeeded in 1900 by the Last Essays, with notes by Hallward, N. L. and Introduction by Hill, S. C. Both series were ed. by Lucas, E. V., 1902: he also contributed notes to an illustrated edn. of the first series in the same year. Other edns. are those of Bayne, T., with introduction by Birrell, A., 1903; and of Thompson, A. H., 2 vols., Cambridge, 1913. - Album Verses, with a Few Others. 1830.
- [Forty-two pieces, of which twenty-five were new. The remaining seventeen had appeared in various periodicals between 1819 and 1829. The volume also included The Wife’s Trial, or The Intruding Widow, a dramatic poem, already ptd. in Blackwood’s Magazine for December, 1828.]
- The Last Essays of Elia. Being a Sequel to Essays published under that name. 1833.
- [A pirated second series of Elia had been published at Philadelphia in 1828. This included ten essays from The London Magazine, afterwards ptd. in The Last Essays of Elia, and the Character of the Late Elia, which became the preface of the authentic volume. Six other essays from The London Magazine, including Guy Faux, which originally had appeared in The Reflector, were not printed in 1833. Four others were rpts. from the Works of 1818, while two more were by Procter, B. W., and one by Cunningham, Allan.
- The volume of 1833 consisted of the preface already mentioned and twenty-four essays, or thirty-nine, if each of the sixteen Popular Fallacies be counted as a separate essay. Sixteen essays were rptd. from The London Magazine (July, 1822–August, 1825); three from The Englishman’s Magazine; one from Moxon’s Reflector and The Athenaeum; one from Hone’s Table Book; and the Popular Fallacies and two essays which had been ptd. under the same heading, from The New Monthly Magazine. As to later edns. of the Last Essays of Elia, see note to Elia, ante.]
- C. Biography and Criticism
- See, also, the various introductions to edns. of Lamb’s Works mentioned under sections
A andB, ante. - Ainger, A. Charles Lamb, a biography. (English Men of Letters series.) 1882.
- —— The Letters of Charles Lamb.—How I traced Charles Lamb in Hertfordshire. Lectures and Essays. Vol.
II. 1905. - Birrell, A. Lamb. Obiter Dicta. 2nd ser. 1887.
- —— Lamb’s Letters. Res Judicatae. 1892.
- Clarke, Charles Cowden and Mary Cowden. Recollections of Writers … with Letters of Charles Lamb, Leigh Hunt, etc. 1878.
- De Quincey, T. Works. Ed. Masson, D. Vols.
III, V. Edinburgh, 1890. - Ellinger, J. Über das Verhältnis von Lamb’s Tales from Shakespear zu den Shakespear-Stücken. Englische Studien. Vol.
XIX. Leipzig, 1894. - FitzGerald, Percy. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books. 1866.
- Gilchrist, Mrs. A. Mary Lamb. 1883.
- Gilfillan, G. Charles Lamb. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Harrison, F. Lamb and Keats. Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and other Essays. 1899.
- Hazlitt, W. C. The Lambs: their lives, their friends, and their correspondence, etc. 1897.
- —— Lamb and Hazlitt. Further letters and records, etc. 1900.
- Lucas, E. V. Bernard Barton and his friends: a record of quiet lives. 1893.
- —— Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. 1898.
- —— The Life of Charles Lamb. 2 vols. 1905.
- Martin, B. E. In the footprints of Lamb. 1891.
- Pater, W. Charles Lamb. Appreciations. 1889.
- Paul, H. Charles Lamb. Stray Leaves. 1906.
- Procter, B. W. (Barry Cornwall). Charles Lamb. 1866.
- Swinburne, A. C. Charles Lamb and George Wither. Miscellanies. 1886.
- Talfourd, T. N. See under section
A, ante, for the first appearance of his memoir. A new edn., under the title, Memoirs of Charles Lamb, appeared, with notes by FitzGerald, Percy, 2 vols., 1892. - Woodberry, G. E. Charles Lamb, or Elia. Makers of Literature. New York. 1900.
- II. W
- Selections from the Poems and Letters of Bernard Barton, ed. by his daughter. With a memoir by his son-in-law, Edward FitzGerald. 1849. New edn. 1853.
- Poems, by an Amateur. 1818.
- Poems. 1820. 2nd edn. with additions. 1821. 4th edn. with additions. 1825.
- Napoleon and other Poems. 1822. 2nd edn., entitled Minor Poems, including Napoleon. 1824.
- Poetic Vigils. 1824.
- A Widow’s Tale, and other poems. 1827.
- Household Verses. 1845.
- See also, Lucas, E. V., in section
C, ante. - Charles Lloyd
- Poems on various subjects. Carlisle, 1795.
- Edmund Oliver. 2 vols. Bristol, 1798.
- The Tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri, transl. from the Italian. 1815.
- Nugae Canorae. Poems. 3rd edn. with additions. 1819.
- Isabel, a tale. 2 vols. 1820.
- Desultory Thoughts in London: Titus and Gisippus, with other poems. 1821.
- Poetical Essays on the character of Pope, as a poet and moralist; and on the language and objects most fit for poetry. 1821.
- The Duke d’Ormond, a tragedy; and Beritola, a tale. 1822.
- Poems. 1823.
- See, also, section
B, ante, and Lucas, E. V., in sectionC, ante. - James White
- Original Letters, &c., of Sir John Falstaff and His Friends; now first made public by a Gentleman, a Descendant of Dame Quickly, from Genuine Manuscripts which have been in the possession of the Quickly Family near Four Hundred Years. 1796. 2nd edn. with abbreviated title. 1797. [The book is generally recognised as the joint work of White and Lamb.]