The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. C
OLLECTED EDITION - Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. 12 volumes and index. 1902–6. [Includes everything save The Life of Napoleon.]
- II. S
ELECTIONS - Several volumes have been published in Bohn’s Library, in Everyman Library and in the Temple Classics.
- Dramatic Essays, with introduction and notes. Edd. Archer, W. and Lowe, R. W. 1895.
- Recent editions of a number of essays, with introduction, by Zeitlin, Jacob, Oxford, 1913; and Howe, W. D., Boston, U. S. A., 1913.
- III. S
EPARATE WORKS - An Essay on the Principles of Human Action … with Remarks on the System of Hartley and Helvetius. 1805.
- Free Thoughts on Public Affairs. 1806.
- An Abridgment of The Light of Nature Pursued, by Abraham Tucker. 1807.
- The Eloquence of the British Senate. Parliamentary Speeches and Notes. 1807.
- A Reply to the Essay on Population by the Rev. T. R. Malthus. 1807.
- A New and Improved Grammar of the English Tongue, etc. 1810.
- Memoir of Thomas Holcroft, written by himself, etc. Continued by Hazlitt. 1816.
- The Round Table. [From The Examiner.] 2 vols. 1817.
- Characters of Shakspeare’s Plays. 1817, 1818. 3rd edn. 1838.
- A View of the English Stage; or, a Series of Dramatic Criticisms. 1818, 1821.
- Lectures on the English Poets. 1818, 1819.
- A Letter to William Gifford, Esq. 1819.
- Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 1819.
- Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Characters. 1819, 1822.
- Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 1820.
- Table Talk; or, Original Essays on Man and Manners. 1821–2. 2nd edn. 1824.
- Liber Amoiris; or, The New Pygmalion. 1823. Ed., with additional matter, by Le Gallienne, R. 1893.
- Characteristics, in the manner of Rochefoucauld’s Maxims. 1823, 1837.
- Sketches of the Principal Picture Galleries in England, with a criticism on “Marriage à la Mode.” [In part from The London Magazine.] 1824.
- The Spirit of the Age; or, Contemporary Portraits. 1825.
- Select Poets of Great Britain, with critical notices. 1825.
- The Plain Speaker; or, Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. 2 vols. 1826.
- Notes of a Journey through France and Italy. [From The Morning Chronicle.] 1826.
- Boswell Redivivus. The New Monthly Magazine. 1826–7.
- The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Vols. 1 and
II. 1828. Vols.III andIV. 1830. - Conversations of James Northcote, Esq., R. A. 1830. Ed., with introductory essay on Hazlitt as art critic, by Gosse, E. 1894.
- Literary Remains of the late William Hazlitt, with a notice of his life by his Son; and Thoughts on his genius and writings by Bulwer, E. L. and Talfourd, T. N. 2 vols. 1836.
- Sketches and Essays, now first collected. 1839. Republished as Men and Manners. 1852.
- Criticisms on Art, etc. 1843, 1844.
- Winterslow: Essays and Characters written there. 1850.
- IV. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - A. More Important Contemporary Criticism in Magazines
- Blackwood’s Magazine. February, 1818; March, 1818; April, 1818; June, 1818; August, 1818; July, 1822; August, 1822; July, 1824; March, 1825.
- Edinburgh Review. August, 1817; November, 1820.
- London Magazine. February, 1820; April, 1821; May, 1821; June, 1823; June, 1825.
- Monthly Review. Vol.
XCII, p. 53; vol.XCIII, p. 59; ibid. p. 250; vol.CI, p. 55; vol.CVII, p. 1; vol,CX, p. 113; vol.CXXIII, p. 275. - Quarterly Review. Vol.
XVII, p. 154; vol.XVIII, p. 458; vol.XXII, p. 158; vol.XXVI, p. 103; vol.XXIX, p. 424. - B. In other Works
- Birrell, A. William Hazlitt. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1902.
- Dana, R. H. Poems and Prose Writings. Philadelphia, 1883.
- De Quincey, T. Works. Ed. Masson, D. Vols.
V andVI. 1889. - Douady, J. Vie de William Hazlitt, l’Essayiste. Paris, 1907.
- —— Liste chronologique des œuvres de William Hazlitt. Paris, 1906.
- Elton, Oliver. A Survey of English Literature (1780–1830). 1912.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11th edn. Vol.
XIII. Cambridge, 1910. - Gilchrist, Mrs. Anne. Mary Lamb. 1883.
- Gilfillan, G. William Hazlitt. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - —— Hazlitt and Hallam. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Haydon, B. R. Correspondence and Table Talk. 2 vols. 1876.
- Hazlitt, W. C. Memoirs of William Hazlitt. 2 vols. 1867.
- —— Four generations of a literary family: the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America; their friends and their fortunes, 1725–1896. 2 vols. 1897.
- —— Lamb and Hazlitt: Letters and Records. 1899.
- Herford, C. H. The Age of Wordsworth. 1899.
- Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography. 3 vols. 1850.
- —— Dramatic Essays. Edd. Archer, W. and Lowe, R. W. 1894.
- Ireland, A. List of the writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt, chronologically arranged and with notes. 1868.
- —— William Hazlitt, Essayist and Critic. With memoir. 1889. [This volume contains selections.]
- Irwin, S. T. Hazlitt and Lamb. The Quarterly Review. Vol.
CCIV, no.CCCCVI. Jan., 1906. - Keats, John. Letters. Ed. Forman, H. B. 1895.
- Lang, Andrew. Life of John Gibson Lockhart. 2 vols. 1897.
- Lucas, E. V. The Life of Charles Lamb. 5th edn. 1910.
- Martineau, Harriet. History of England during the Thirty Years’ Peace. 2 vols. 1849–50.
- Mitford, Mary Russell. Life and Letters. Ed. L’Estrange, A. G. 3 vols. 1870.
- More, P. E. The Shelburne Essays. 2nd series. 1905.
- Patmore, Peter George (1786–1855). My Friends and Acquaintance. 3 vols. 1854.
- —— Rejected Articles. 1826.
- Procter, Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall). An Autobiographical Fragment and Biographical Notes. Ed. Patmore, Coventry. Boston, 1877.
- Robinson, H. C. The manuscript of the Diary of Henry Crabb Robinson in the Dr. Williams Library, London. [Unpublished.]
- Saintsbury, G. Hazlitt. Essays in English Literature (1780–1860). 1890.
- —— History of Criticism. 3 vols. 1900–4.
- Stephen, Sir L. Dictionary of National Biography. Vol.
XXV. 1891. - —— Hours in a Library. New edn. Vol.
II. 1892. - Stevenson, R. L. Letters. Ed. Colvin, Sir S. 4 vols. 1911.
- Stoddard, R. H. Personal Recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. 1903.
- Whipple, E. P. Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. 1856.
- Williams, Orlo. Life and Letters of John Rickman. 1912.
- Winchester, C. T. A Group of English Essayists. New York, 1910.
- Wordsworth, W. Letters. Ed. Knight, W. 1907.