The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- B
LACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE - Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Edinburgh, 1817, etc. In progress. This work was begun under the title The Edinburgh Monthly Magazine.
- Particular Contributors and Contributions
- Eagles, J. Essays contributed to Blackwood’s Magazine. 1857.
- —— The Sketcher. 1856.
- Hogg, James (the Ettrick Shepherd). See, ante, bibliography to Vol. XI, Chap.
X. - Lockhart, J. G. See under The Quarterly Review.
- Maginn, William. Magazine Miscellanies. 1841.
- —— Miscellaneous Writings.… Ed. Shelton Mackenzie. 5 vols. New York, 1855–7. [See, also, under Fraser’s Magazine.]
- Neaves, Charles (1800–1876). Songs and Verses, Social and Scientific. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Sterling, J. Essays and Tales. Ed. Hare, J. C. 2 vols. 1848.
- Translation from an Ancient Chaldee Manuscript, etc. [Proof of the satire by Hogg, James, Lockhart, J. G., and Wilson, John, which appeared in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine for October, 1817.] [1817.] [B. M. copy only.]
- Wilson, John (pseud. Christopher North). The Recreations of Christopher North. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1842.
- —— Essays, critical and imaginative. 4 vols. 1866.
- —— Works.… Ed.… Professor Ferrier. 12 vols. 1855–8.
- Gordon, Mary. Christopher North: a memoir. 1862.
- Le Fèvre Deumier, J. Célébrités Anglaises. Paris, 1895.
- Saintsbury, G. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Douglas, Sir G. P. S. The Blackwood Group. [1897.] Famous Scots Series.
- Oliphant, M. O. Annals of a Publishing House. William Blackwood and his sons: their magazine and friends. 3 vols. 1897, 1898.
- Porter, Mary. Annals of a Publishing House: John Blackwood. [A continuation of the above.] Edinburgh, 1898.
- Tales from Blackwood. 12 vols. Edinburgh, [1858–61]. New series. 12 vols. Edinburgh, [1878–80]. Third series. 6 vols. [1889, 1890.]
- Travel, Adventure and Sport. From Blackwood’s Magazine. 6 vols. [1889–91.]
- C
HAMBERS’S JOURNAL - Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal. Conducted by Chambers, W. and R. 12 vols. [1832]–44. New series. 20 vols. Edinburgh, 1844–54. [Continued as:] Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts. Conducted by Chambers, W. and R. 1854, etc. In progress.
- Chambers, R. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. 1844.
- —— Essays familiar and humorous. (Rptd. from Chambers’s Journal.) [1866.]
- —— W. Memoir of Robert Chambers with autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. 1872.
- T
HE CORNHILL MAGAZINE - The Cornhill Magazine. [Ed. from the beginning to April, 1862, by Thackeray, W. M.; and, subsequently, by Stephen, Sir Leslie; Payn, James; Strachey, J. St. Leo; and Smith, Reginald, J.] 1860, etc. In progress.
- T
HE DUBLIN REVIEW - The Dublin Review. Vols.
I–LII. 1836–63. New series. Vols.I–XXXI. 1863–78. Third series. (Vols.CXXXVIII, etc., ed. Ward, Wilfred.) 1879, etc. In progress. [For a general list of articles contained in Vols.I–CXVIII, 1836–96, see vol.CXVIII, pp. 467–502. 1896.] - T
HE EDINBURGH REVIEW - The Edinburgh Review.… [To be published every six months.] Containing an account of all the books and pamphlets that have been published in Scotland from the first of January to the first of July, 1755 (from July, 1755 to Jan., 1756). To each number will be added an appendix, giving an account of the books published in England and other countries that are most worthy of notice. [By Robertson, W.; Smith, Adam; Wedderburn, A., Rosslyn, Earl of; Blair, Hugh, and others.] Nos. 1 and 2. Edinburgh, 1755–[6]. 2nd edn., with a preface and explanatory notes. 1818.
- The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal. [No. 1 ed. by Smith, Sydney. From 1803 to 1829 ed. by Jeffrey, Francis (afterwards Lord Jeffrey), and, subsequently, by Napier, M., Empson, W., Lewis, Sir G. C., Bart., Reeve. H., Elliot, the Hon. A. R. D. and Cox, Harold.] Edinburgh, 1803 [1802], etc. In progress.
- Particular Contributors
- Allen, John. Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. By Cooke, G. W. [A criticism by A. J., extracted from the Edinburgh Review.] [1835.]
- Barrow, Sir J. An autobiographical Memoir of Sir J. B., … from early life to advanced age. 1847.
- Brougham, Henry [Lord Brougham and Vaux]. Thoughts suggested by Lord Lauderdale’s observations upon The Edinburgh Review. 1805.
- —— Critique [by Lord B.] from The Edinburgh Review on Lord Byron’s poems, etc. 1820.
- —— Contributions to The Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 1856.
- —— Life and Times written by himself. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1871.
- —— Works.
II vols. 1855–61. Another edn. Edinburgh, 1872–3. - Ellis, George. See, ante, Vol. XI, Chap.
II, bibliography. - Gladstone, William Ewart. For list of Gladstone’s contributions to periodicals see bibliography in Notes and Queries, vols.
II, III, 1893. - Horner, Francis. Memoirs and Correspondence of F. H. Ed. Horner, L. 2 vols. 1843.
- Jeffrey (afterwards Lord), Francis. Contributions to The Edinburgh Review. 4 vols. 1844. Also 1853.
- Cockburn, H. Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. 1852.
- Gates, L. E. Three Studies in Literature (Francis Jeffrey, etc.). 1899.
- Saintsbury, G. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860 (Jeffrey and Sydney Smith). 1870.
- Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to The Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 1843.
- —— T. B. Essays.… Rptd. from The Edinburgh Review. Complete edn. 1887. Ed. with introduction, notes and index, by Montague, F. C. 3 vols. 1903. Oxford edn. 2 vols. 1913.
- Trevelyan, Sir G. O. Life and Letters of Macaulay. 2 vols. 1876.
- Napier, Macvey. Lord Bacon and Sir W. Raleigh. [Two Essays.] Cambridge, 1853.
- —— Selections from the Correspondence by … Macvey Napier, Esq. Edited by his son, Macvey Napier. 1879.
- Playfair, John. The Works of John Playfair. With a memoir of the author. [By Jeffrey, F. Ed. Playfair, J. C.] 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Rogers, Henry. Essays, selected from contributions to The Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 1850–5.
- Smith, Adam. Works. With an account of his life and writings by Stewart, Dugdale. 5 vols. 1811–12.
- See, also, ante, Vol. X, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - Smith, Sydney. Sermons, 2nd edn. with additions. 2 vols. 1801. [Another edn.] Two volumes of Sermons. 1809.
- —— Essays by S. S. Rptd. from The Edinburgh Review. 1802–18. [1874.] Another edn. 1802–27. [1880.]
- —— Letters on the subject of the Catholics from Peter Plymley to his brother Abraham. 11th edn. 1808.
- —— Works. 4 vols. 1839–40.
- —— The Letters of Peter Plymley. Essays and Speeches. 1852. With an introduction by Morley, H. 1886.
- Chevrillon, A. Sydney Smith et la renaissance des idées libérales en Angleterre au xixe siècle. Paris, 1809.
- Holland, Lady. A Memoir of S. S. by his daughter, Lady Holland. 1855.
- Reid, S. J. The Life and Times of S. S. 4th edn. 1896.
- Saint Clair, O. Sydney Smith: a biographical sketch. 1913.
- Vaughan, R. Essays and Remains of … A. R. Vaughan. 2 vols. 1858.
- Stephen, Sir James. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 vols. 1849.
- —— The Rt. Hon. Sir James Stephen, … Letters, with biographical notes by his daughter Caroline Emelia Stephen [ptd. for private circulation only]. 1906.
- Constable, T. Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1873.
- Copinger, W. A. On the Authorship of the first hundred numbers of The Edinburgh Review. 1895.
- Copleston, Edward (1776–1849). Remains. 1854.
- Laughton, Sir J. K. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve. 2 vols. 1898.
- Maitland, J. Observations by the Earl of Lauderdale, on the review [by Henry Brougham] of his Inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth. 1804.
- Scipio, C. (pseud.). A Sketch of the politics of The Edinburgh Review, etc. 1807.
- Selections from The Edinburgh Review, comprising the best articles in that Journal from its commencement to the present time, and explanatory notes. Ed. Cross, M. 4 vols. 1833.
- F
RASER’S MAGAZINE - Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country. 80 vols. [1830–69.] New series. Vols.
I–XXVI. 1870–2. - Maginn, William. A Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters (1830–8) drawn by … D. Maclise, … accompanied by notices chiefly … by W. Maginn … Republished from Fraser’s Magazine. Ed. Bates, W. [1873].
- Mahony, F. S. (pseud. Father Prout). The Works of Father Prout.… Ed. with biographical introduction and notes by Kent, C. [1892.]
- T
HE GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE - The Gentleman’s Magazine; or, Monthly Intelligencer. Vols.
I–V. Jan., 1731–Dec., 1735. The Gentleman’s Magazine; and Historical Chronicle. Vols.VI–LXXVII. Jan., 1736–Dec., 1807. New series. Vols.LXXVIII–CIII. Jan., 1808–Dec., 1833. By Sylvanus Urban. [Ed. from 1731 to 1754 by Cave, E.; from 1754 to 1766 by Henry, D. and Cave, R.; from 1766 to 1788 by Henry, D.; from 1788 to 1792 by Nichols, J. and Henry, D.; from 1792 to 1826 by Nichols, J.] 103 vols. 1731–1833. New series. Vols.I–XLV. 1834–56. New [third] series. Vols.I–XIX. 1856–65. New [fourth] series. Vols.I–V. 1866–8. Entirely new series [ed. successively by Gowing, Hatton, Joseph and Knight, Joseph]. Vol. 1, etc., 1868, etc. - [Subsequently, this periodical has undergone various vicissitudes. From 1870 to 1905, Joseph Knight, of Notes and Queries, became associated with its production and contributed the Table Talk of Sylvanus Urban; and the latest series was inaugurated by A. H. Bullen, in February, 1906, in which number he gave a history of the magazine. This last series was continued until September, 1907. Since 1907, covers have been periodically printed in order to retain the copyright of the title.]
- T
HE LONDON MAGAZINE - The London Magazine, or Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer. April, 1732–Dec., 1779. 48 vols. 1732–79. After 1735, the title was altered to The London Magazine and Monthly Chronologer, under which it continued until 1746 inclusive, when the original title was again adopted. For the year 1765 (1767, 1780–June, 1783). Vols.
XXXIV, XXXVI, XLIX–LII. The London Magazine; enlarged and improved. For July, 1783[–June, 1785]. 4 vols. 1765–85. - T
HE MONTHLY MAGAZINE - The Monthly Magazine and British Register. Feb., 1796–Jan., 1826. 60 vols. 1796–1825. [Continued as:] The Monthly Magazine: or, British Register of Literature, Sciences, and the Belles-Lettres. New series. Vols.
I, II, IV, VIII–XVIII. 1826–34. New series. 1 vol. 1835. [Continued as:] The Monthly Magazine of Politics, Literature, and the Belles-Lettres. Vols.XX–XXVI. 1835–8. [Continued as:] The Monthly Magazine. Ed. Heraud, J. A. (Hill, B. E., etc.). 9 vols. 1839–43. - Blanchard, Samuel Laman. Sketches from Life … with a memoir of the author by Sir E. Bulwer-Lytton. 3 vols. 1846.
- T
HE MONTHLY REPOSITORY - The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature. [Ed. Aspland, R.] 21 vols. 1806–26. New series [ed. Fox, W. J., to June, 1836; and Horne, R. H., July, 1836 to June, 1837].
II vols. 1827–37. Enlarged series. Ed. Hunt, Leigh. 1 vol. 1837. - T
HE MONTHLY REVIEW - The Monthly Review (or Literary Journal). A periodical work giving an account, with proper abstracts of, and extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, etc., as they come out. By several hands. 81 vols. [1749]–89. The Monthly Review, or Literary Journal, enlarged. 108 vols. 1790–1825. The Monthly Review. New and improved series. Vols.
I–VIII. 1826–8. Vols.IX–XV. 1828–30. New [fourth] and improved series. 45 vols. 1831–45. - Taylor, William. A Memoir of the life and writings of … W. T.… containing his correspondence with … R. Southey. By Robberds, J. W. 1843.
- T
HE NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE - The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register. 14 vols. 1814–20. [Continued as:] The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal. Ed. (vols.
XV–XXX ) Campbell, Thomas; (vols.XXXI–XLVIII ) Bulwer, E. G. E. L., afterwards Lord Lytton. 1821–36. [Continued as:] The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist. Ed. (vols.XLIX–LXII ) Hook, Theodore; (vols.LXIII–LXVIII ) Hood, Thomas; (vols.LXXIII–CXLVII ) Ainsworth, W. H.; (vols.CXLVIII, CXLIX ) Ainsworth, W. F. 149 vols. 1837–71. [Continued as:] The New Monthly Magazine. New series. Ed. Ainsworth, W. F. 15 vols. 1872–9. New [third] series. Vols.I–V. 1879–81. [Continued as:] The New Monthly. New series. Vols.VI, VII. 1882–4. - T
HE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW - The North British Review. 53 vols. Edinburgh, 1844–71.
- T
HE QUARTERLY REVIEW - The Quarterly Review. [Edited, successively, by Gifford, W., Coleridge, Sir J. T., Lockhart, J. G., Elwin, W., Smith, Sir William, Prothero, R. E. and Prothero, G. W.] 1809, etc. In progress.
- Particular Contributors
- Croker, John Wilson. History of the Guillotine.… Revised from The Quarterly Review of Dec., 1844. 1853.
- —— Essay on the early period of the French Revolution.… Rptd. from The Quarterly Review, with additions and corrections. 1857.
- —— The Croker Papers. Correspondence and Diaries of J. W. C. Ed. Jennings, L. J. 3 vols. 1884.
- Elwin, Whitwell. Essays contributed to The Quarterly Review. 3 vols. [1843–85.] Consisting of cuttings, mounted. [B. M. copy only.]
- —— Some XVIII Century Men of Letters. Biographical essays by the Rev. Whitwell Elwin … with a memoir. Ed. by his son Elwin, Warwick. 2 vols. 1902.
- Gifford, William. See ante, Vol. XI, Chap.
II, bibliography. - Gladstone, W. E. See under The Edinburgh Review.
- Lockhart, J. G. Peter’s Letters to his kinsfolk. 3 vols. 1819.
- —— Valerius. A Roman Story. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1821.
- —— Some Passages in the Life of Mr. Adam Blair. Edinburgh, 1822.
- —— Ancient Spanish Ballads historical and romantic.… Trans. by J. G. L. Edinburgh, 1823.
- —— Reginald Dalton. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1823.
- —— The History of Matthew Wald. Edinburgh, 1824.
- —— Life of Robert Burns. Edinburgh, 1828. Ed. Ingram, J. H. 1890.
- —— The History of Napoleon Buonaparte. Edinburgh, 1829.
- —— Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 7 vols. Edinburgh, 1837–8.
- See, also, ante, Chap. 1, bibliography.
- Lang, Andrew. The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart.… From Abbotsford and Milton Lockhart MSS. and other original sources. With fifteen illustrations. 2 vols. 1897 [1896].
- Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, Marquis of. Essays [rptd. from The Quarterly Review, 1861–4].… Biographical. 2 vols. 1905.
- Scott, Sir Walter. See ante, Chap. 1, bibliography.
- Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. Portraits by an Amateur. 1832.
- —— A Ballad Book by C. K. Sharpe,
M.DCCCXXIII. Rptd. with notes and Ballads from the unpublished MSS. of C. K. Sharpe and Sir Walter Scott.… Edited … D. Laing. 1880. - Letters from and to C. K. Sharpe. Ed. Allardyce, A. With memoir by Bedford, W. K. R. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1888.
- Hazlitt, W. A Letter to W. Gifford [on his Conduct as Editor of The Quarterly Review]. 1819.
- Letter to J. G. Lockhart, Esq., in answer to a late article in The Quarterly Review [entitled The Revolutions of 1640 and 1830]. 1832.
- The Quarterly Review. Centenary Article. April and July, 1909.
- Smiles, S. A Publisher and his Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray, with an account of the house, 1768–1843. 2 vols. 1891.
- T
HE RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW - The Retrospective Review. 14 vols. 1820–6. Second series. Ed. Southern, H. and Nicolas, N. H. 2 vols. 1827–8.
- T
AIT’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE - Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1832–4. New series. Vols. 1–
XXVIII. Edinburgh, 1834–61. (In June, 1834, Johnston’s Edinburgh Magazine was incorporated with this work.) - T
HE WESTMINSTER REVIEW - The Westminster Review. [Ed., successively, by Bowring, Sir J. and Mill, J.S.] Vols.
I–XXIV. 1824–36. The London Review, of which two vols. had been already published, was now united with The Westminster Review, the first vol. of the joint series being numbered vol.III andXXV. After vol.VII andXXIX, the double numeration was discontinued, and vols. 1 andII of The London Review were added, so as to count as the beginning of the new series: the volume immediately succeeding vol.VII andXXIX being numbered vol.XXXII of the united London and Westminster Reviews. [Continued as:] The London and Westminster Review. Vols.XXV–XXXIII. 1836–40. [Continued as:] The Westminster Review [ed. by Hickson, W. E.]. Vols.XXXIV–XLV. 1841–6. [Continued as:] The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols.XLVI–LVI. 1847–51. [Continued as:] The Westminster Review. New series. [Ed. by John Chapman.] Vols.I–LXXI [vols.LVII–CXXVII. ] [New series.] Vol.CXXVIII, etc. 1887, etc. In progress. - Bentham, Jeremy. Works.
II vols. Edinburgh, 1838–43. - Mill, James. Elements of Political Economy. 1821.
- —— The History of British India. 3 vols. 1817.
- —— The Principles of Toleration. 1837.
- Among the contributors to several of the foregoing magazines may be mentioned Lord Acton, Harrison Ainsworth, Carlyle, De Quincey, Froude, Charles Kingsley, cardinal Newman and Thackeray. In addition to articles and reviews, some well-known works by these authors first appeared in these periodicals in serial form: Ainsworth’s The Flitch of Bacon, Hilary St. Ives and Boscobel in The New Monthly; Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus and Kingsley’s Hypatia in Fraser’s; Thackeray’s The Four Georges in The Cornhill, The Yellowplush Correspondence in Fraser’s and The Bedford Row Conspiracy in The New Monthly Magazine. A complete list of contributions to magazines by Carlyle and Thackeray will be found in R. H. Shepherd’s bibliographies of their works.
- For periodicals associated with, or edited by, Charles Dickens (Bentley’s Miscellany, Household Words, All the Year Round, etc.), see the Dickens bibliography in volume
ENERAL LITERATURE - Bagehot, Walter. Literary Studies.… With a prefatory memoir. Ed. Hutton, R. H. 3 vols. 1895.
- Ellis, S. M. William Harrison Ainsworth and his friends. 2 vols. 1911.
- Gilfillan, George. A First Gallery of literary portraits. 1851.
- —— A Second Gallery of literary portraits. 1852.
- —— A Third Gallery of portraits. 1854.
- Paston, G. Side-lights on the Georgian period. 1902.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Hours in a Library. New edn., with additions. 4 vols. 1907. [See, particularly, vol.
III, pp. 88–126.]G. A. BROWN.