The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Miles, A. H. 10 vols. 1891–7. 10 vols. 1898. New edn., enlarged. 12 vols. 1905–7.
- I. S
- Poetical Works. 1856. Ed. with a memoir by Bell, E. (Aldine edn.) 1875.
- An Ode to Superstition, with some other Poems. 1786.
- The Pleasures of Memory, with other Poems. 1792. 9th edn. 1796. 15th edn. 1806.
- Transl. into French by Montemont, A., Paris, 1825.
- An Epistle to a Friend, with other Poems. 1798.
- The Voyage of Columbus. Privately ptd. 1808. Published 1810.
- Poems. 1812, 1814. New edn. 1820. With steel engravings by Turner, J. M. W. and Stothard, T. 1834. Ed. with a memoir by Sharpe, S. (Routledge’s Pocket Library.) 1860, 1890.
- Reviewed in Quarterly Review, March, 1813; and in Edinburgh Review, Oct., 1813.
- Jacqueline. A Poem. 1814. [Published with Byron’s Lara.]
- Human Life. A Poem. 1819.
- Transl. into Italian by Paciotti, N., Turin, 1820.
- Italy. A Poem. 1822. Part
II. 1828. With steel engravings by Turner, J. M. W. and Stothard, T. (Routledge’s Pocket Library.) 1830, 1890. - Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers, with Memoir of his Life. [Ed. Dyce, A.] To which is added Porsoniana. [By Maltby, W.] 1856. 3rd edn. 1856. Rptd. 1887.
- Recollections by Samuel Rogers. [Ed. Sharpe, W.] 1859. 2nd edn. 1859.
- Reminiscences and Table-talk of Samuel Rogers. Collected by Powell, G. H. 1903.
- B. Biography and Criticism
- Clayden, P. W. The early life of Samuel Rogers. 1887.
- —— Rogers and his contemporaries. 2 vols. 1889.
- Eastlake, Lady. On Samuel Rogers. Quarterly Review. October, 1888.
- Hayward, A. Samuel Rogers. Edinburgh Review. July, 1856. Rptd. in Biographical and Critical Essays, vol. 1, 1858.
- Roberts, R. E. Samuel Rogers and his Circle. 1910.
- Roscoe, W. C. The Conversation and Poetry of Rogers. National Review. April, 1856. Rptd. in Poems and Essays, vol.
II, 1860. - II. T
HOMAS CAMPBELL - A. Poetical Works
- Poems. 1805. [Issued by subscription.]
- Poetical Works. With biographical sketch by Irving, Washington. 2 vols. Albany, 1810. Another edn. Philadelphia, 1815.
- Miscellaneous Poems. 1824.
- Poetical Works, now first collected. 2 vols. 1828. New edn. 2 vols. 1833.
- Poetical Works. Illustrated by Turner, J. M. W. 1837.
- Poetical Works. New and improved edn. Edinburgh, 1837.
- Poetical Works, with notes and a biographical sketch by Hill, W. A. Illustrated by Turner, J. M. W. 1851.
- Complete Poetical Works. With an original biography and notes. Ed. Sargent, E. Boston, Mass., 1854.
- Poems, with a memoir by Rogers, C. 1871.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Rossetti, W. M. 1871. Rptd. 1880.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Hill, W. A. With a sketch of Campbell’s life by Allingham, W. (Aldine edn.) 1875.
- Selected Poems. With prefatory notice by Hogben, J. (Canterbury poets.) 1885.
- Poems. Selected by Campbell, L. (Golden Treasury series.) 1904.
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed. with notes by Robertson, J. L. Oxford, 1907.
- The Pleasures of Hope, with other Poems. Edinburgh, 1799. 6th edn. Edinburgh, 1802. 9th edn. Edinburgh, 1807.
- Transl. into German by Lachmann, K., Hamburg, 1838.
- Gertrude of Wyoming: A Pennsylvanian Tale, and other Poems. 1809. 2nd. edn. 2 vols. 1810. 7th edn. 1819. Ed. Fitzgibbon, H. M. Oxford, 1889.
- Transl. into German by Finck, J. Baden-Baden, 1882.
- Reviewed in Quarterly Review, May, 1809; and in Edinburgh Review, April, 1809.
- Theodric: A Dramatic Tale, and other Poems. 1824.
- Reviewed in Blackwood’s Magazine, Jan., 1825; and in Edinburgh Review, Jan., 1825.
- The Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other Poems. 1842.
- B. Other Works
- Annals of Great Britain from the ascension of George iii to the Peace of Amiens. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1807.
- Specimens of the British Poets, with biographical and critical notices, and an Essay on English poetry. 7 vols. 1819. 2nd edn. Ed. Cunningham, P. 1841.
- An Essay on English Poetry, with notices of the British Poets. 3rd edn. Ed. Cunningham, P. 1848.
- Addresses in the University of Glasgow in 1827–8. Included in Hay, J. B.
- Inaugural Addresses by Lords Rectors of the University of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1839.
- Life of Mrs. Siddons. 2 vols. 1834.
- Letters from the South. 2 vols. 1837.
- The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. With remarks on his life and writings by Campbell, T. 1838.
- The Scenic Annual for 1838. Ed. Campbell, T. 1838.
- Life of Petrarch. 2 vols. 1841. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1843.
- Frederick the Great and his Times. 4 vols. 1842–3.
- History of our own Times. Vols. 1,
II. 1843–5. - C. Biography and Criticism
- Beattie, W. Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. 3 vols. 1849.
- Gilfillan, G. Thomas Campbell. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. 1. 1856.
- Hadden, J. C. Thomas Campbell. (Famous Scots series.) Edinburgh, 1899.
- Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a long life. Vol. 1. 1883.
- Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Redding, C. Literary reminiscences and memoirs of Thomas Campbell. 2 vols. 1860.
- Saintsbury, G. English War Songs—Campbell. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 2nd series. 1895.
- III. T
HOMAS MOORE - A. Poetical Works
- 1. Collections
- Poetical Works. Ed., with life, by Lake, J. W. 6 vols. Paris, 1827.
- Poetical Works, collected by himself. 10 vols. 1840–1.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Rossetti, W. M. 1872, 1880.
- Poetical Works. Ed. with memoir by Kent, C. 1879, 1883.
- Poems. Selected by Falkiner, C. L. (Golden Treasury series.) 1903.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Godley, A. D. Oxford, 1910.
- Poetische Werke. Deutsch von Oelckers, T. 2te Ausg. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1843.
- 2. Separate Poetical Works
- Odes of Anacreon translated into English verse, with notes, by Thomas Moore. 1800. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1804. 9th edn. 2 vols. 1815.
- Reviewed in Edinburgh Review, July, 1803.
- The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, Esq. (Preface signed T. M.[oore].) 1801. 11th edn. 1813. 15th edn. 1822.
- Epistles, Odes, and other Poems. 1806. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1814. 6th edn. 2 vols. 1822.
- A Selection of Irish Melodies, with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson. Ten parts. 1807–34. Irish Melodies, and a Melologue upon National Music. Dublin, 1820. [First edn. of the words only.] London, 1821. 2nd edn. 1822. Illustrated by Maclise, D. 1846. With introduction by Gwynn, S. (The Muses Library.) 1908.
- Transl. into French by Jousselin, H., ed. Janin, J., Paris, 1869; into German by Hinrichsen, A., Güstrow, 1884; into Irish, Dublin, 1842; into Italian by Supino, I., Pisa, 1880; into Latin by Torre, N. Lee, 1835, and Leamington, 1857–9; into Swedish, Stockholm, 1825.
- Reviewed in Blackwood’s Magazine, Jan., 1822; and in Quarterly Review, June, 1812 and Oct., 1822.
- Corruption and Intolerance. Two Poems, with notes, addressed to an Englishman by an Irishman. 1808. 2nd edn. 1809.
- The Sceptic. A philosophical satire. 1809.
- M. P., or the Blue Stocking. A Comic Opera. 1811.
- Intercepted Letters, or the Two-penny Post-Bag. By Thomas Brown, jun. 1813. 8th edn. 1813. 11th edn. 1813.
- A Selection of Popular National Airs, with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson, Mus.Doc. The Words by Thomas Moore. Six parts. [1815, etc.]
- Sacred Songs, Duetts, and Trios. The Words by Thomas Moore. The Music composed and selected by Sir John Stevenson and Mr. Moore. Two parts. 1816.
- Lines on the death of——[R. B. Sheridan]. 1816.
- Lalla Rookh. An Oriental Romance. 1817. 6th edn. 1817. 15th edn. 1829.
- Illustrated by Tenniel, John. 1861.
- Transl. into Danish by Lemboke, E., Copenhagen, 1878; into Dutch by Lennep, J. van, 1834; into French by Wilder, V., Paris, 1888; into German by La Motte Fouqué, F. de, Vienna, 1825, and by Pechlin, F. von, Frankfort, 1830; into Italian by Camisani, G., Milan, 1872, and by Maffei, A., Milan, 1886; also into Icelandic and Polish.
- Reviewed in Blackwood’s Magazine, June, 1817; in Edinburgh Review, by Jeffrey, 1817.
- The Fudge Family in Paris. Ed. by Thomas Brown, the younger. 1818. 8th edn. 1818.
- Reviewed in Blackwood’s Magazine, May, 1818.
- Tom Crib’s Memorial to Congress. With a preface, notes, and an appendix. By One of the Fancy. 1819. 3rd edn. 1819.
- Fables for the Holy Alliance; Rhymes on the Road, etc. By Thomas Brown, the younger. 1823.
- The Loves of the Angels. A Poem. 1823. 5th edn. 1823.
- Transl. into French by Ostrowski, J. K., 1837: into Italian, Milan, 1882; and into several other European languages.
- Evenings in Greece. [1825.]
- Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, and other matters. Selected from the columns of The Times. 1828.
- Legendary Ballads. [1830.]
- The Summer Fête. A Poem, with Songs. [1831.]
- The Fudges in England, being a sequel to the Fudge Family in Paris. By Thomas Brown, the younger. 1835. 2nd edn. 1835.
- Alciphron. A Poem. 1839. [Also issued with The Epicurean. 1839.]
- B. Prose Works
- A Candid Appeal to Public Confidence, or Considerations on the actual and imaginary dangers of the present Crisis. 1803.
- A Letter to the Roman Catholics of Dublin. Dublin, 1810.
- The World at Westminster. A Periodical Publication. By Thomas Brown, the younger. 2 vols. 1816.
- Memoirs of Captain Rock, with some account of his ancestors. 1824. 4th edn. 1824.
- Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan. 1825. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1825.
- The Epicurean. A Tale. 1827. Illustrated by Turner, J. M. W. 1839. Ed. Hannaford, J. 1900.
- Transl. into French by Renouard, A. A., Paris, 1827, and Butat, H., Paris, 1865; into German, Innsbruck, 1828; into Italian, Milan, 1836; into Dutch, Deventer, 1829; into Spanish, Barcelona, 1832.
- Reviewed by Peacock, T. L., in Westminster Review, 1827.
- Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with notices of his life. 2 vols. 1830. Transl. into French and German.
- The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 2 vols. 1831. Ed. MacDermott, M. 1897.
- The Works of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals, and his Life by Thomas Moore. 17 vols. 1832–5.
- See, also, ante, Chap.
II, bibliography. - Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion. 2 vols. 1833. With a biographical and literary introduction by Burke, J. 1853.
- The Works of R. B. Sheridan, collected by Thomas Moore. 1833.
- History of Ireland from the earliest Kings of that realm down to the last Chief. 4 vols. (Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopedia.) 1835–46.
- Transl. into German by Ackers, C., 2 vols., Baden, 1846.
- Prose and Verse; humorous, satirical, and sentimental. With suppressed passages from the Memoirs of Lord Byron. All hitherto inedited and uncollected. With notes and introduction by Shepherd, R. H. 1878.
- C. Letters and Journals
- Memoirs, Journals, and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Ed. by the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell. 8 vols. 1853–6.
- Correspondence between the Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker and the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell on some passages of Moore’s Diary. 1854.
- Notes from the Letters of Thomas Moore to his Music Publisher, James Power. With an introductory letter from T. Crofton Croker, Esq. New York, [1854].
- “Thomas Moore” anecdotes. Ed., with notes, by Harrison, W. With introduction by Garnett, R. 1899.
- D. Biography and Criticism
- Baldensperger, F. Thomas Moore et Alfred de Vigny. Modern Language Review. Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1906.
- Burke, James. The Life of Thomas Moore. 1852.
- Dawson. Byron and Moore. Leipzig, 1902.
- Gilfillan, G. Thomas Moore. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. 1. 1856
- Gunning, J. P. Moore: Poet and Patriot. Dublin, 1900.
- Gwynn, S. Thomas Moore. (English Men of Letters series.) 1905.
- Hazlitt, W. The Plain Speaker. Essay xxxii. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
VII. 1903. - Kühnel. Thomas Moore’s Irish Melodies. Gumbinnen, 1876.
- Montgomery, H. R. Thomas Moore: his life, writings, and contemporaries. 1860.
- Pierson. The Epic Poems of Walter Scott compared with the like poetry of Thomas Moore. Berlin, 1863.
- Rinck. A Comparison of the Lyrical Poems of Thomas Moore and Lord Byron. Cologne, 1871.
- Saintsbury, G. Moore. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Schemmel. Thomas Moore und seine Rhymes on the Road. Meerane, 1892.
- Schorkopf. Über Thomas Moore’s Leben und Schriften. Ilfeld, 1862.
- Symington, A. J. Thomas Moore, his life and works. 1880.
- Thiergen. Byron und Moore’s Orientalische Gedichte. Leipzig, 1880.
- Thomas, A. B. Moore en France. Contribution à l’historie de la fortune de ses œuvres dans la littérature française, 1819–30. Paris, 1911.
- Vallet, G. Étude sur la vie et les œuvres de Thomas Moore. Paris, 1886.
- —— Thomas Moore et son œuvre immortelle. Tours, 1895.
- Zemlin, J. Thomas Moore’s Dichtungen. Berlin, 1894.
- IV. O
THER POETS - Sarah Adams (born Flower) (1805–1848)
- Vivia Perpetua. A Dramatic Poem. 1841.
- Robert Anderson (1770–1833)
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. Carlisle, 1820.
- Ballads in the Cumbrian dialect. Carlisle, 1805. Wigton, 1808.
- Edwin Atherstone
- Poetical Works. Ed. Atherstone, M. E. 1888.
- The Last days of Herculaneum, etc. 1821.
- The Fall of Nineveh. 1828, 1847, 1868.
- The Handwriting on the Wall. 3 vols. 1858.
- Joanna Baillie
- See ante, Vol. XI, Chaps.
X andXII, bibliography. - John Codrington Bampfylde
- See ante, Vol. X, Chap.
VII, bibliography. - Richard Harris Barham
- The Ingoldsby Legends. 1840. Second and Third Series. 1847. (First appeared in Bentley’s Miscellany and The New Monthly Magazine.) Ed. Bond, Mrs. E. A. 3 vols. 1894.
- The Life and Letters of Richard Harris Barham. By his Son. 2 vols. 1870. 3rd edn. 1880.
- Saintsbury, G. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. Second series. 1895.
- William Barnes
- Select Poems. Ed. Hardy, T. 1908.
- Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect. 1844. Hwomely Rhymes: a second collection of poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect. 1859. Third collection. 1862. Collected edns. 1879, 1893.
- A Philological Grammar. 1854.
- A Grammar and Glossary of the Dorset dialect. 1863.
- Baxter, L. Life of William Barnes. 1887.
- Bernard Barton
- Poems and Letters of Bernard Barton, selected by Lucy Barton. With a biographical notice by Edward FitzGerald. 1849.
- Metrical Effusions. 1812.
- The Convict’s Appeal. 1818.
- Poems by an Amateur. 1818.
- Poems. 1820. 4th edn. 1825.
- The Widow’s Tale, and other Poems. 1827.
- Household Verses. 1845.
- Lucas, E. V. Bernard Barton and his friends. 1893.
- Thomas Haynes Bayly
- Songs, Ballads, and other Poems. Ed. by his Widow. With a memoir of the author. 2 vols. 1844.
- The Aylmers. 3 vols. 1827.
- Perfection. A Farce. 1836.
- Weeds of Witchery. 1837
- She wore a wreath of roses. [1840?.]
- I’d be a butterfly. [1840?.]
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- Poems. With a memoir by Kelsall, T. F. 2 vols. 1851.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Gosse, E. 2 vols. 1890.
- Poems. Ed. Colles, R. 1907.
- Letters. Ed. Gosse, E. 1894.
- The Improvisatore, with other Poems. Oxford, 1821.
- The Bride’s Tragedy. 1822.
- Death’s Jest Book, or The Fool’s Tragedy. 1850.
- Henry Glassford Bell (1803–1874)
- Poems. Edinburgh, 1824.
- My Old Portfolio. 1832.
- Romances and other Poems. 1866.
- Alexander Bethune (1804–1843)
- Tales and Sketches of the Scottish Peasantry. Edinburgh, 1838.
- The Scottish Peasant’s Fireside. Edinburgh, 1843.
- Samuel Laman Blanchard
- Poetical Works. Ed. with a memoir, by Jerrold, B. 1876.
- Sketch from Life. (Essays.) Ed., with a memoir, by Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. 3 vols. 1846.
- Lyric Offerings. 1828.
- Corporation Characters. 1855.
- Robert Bloomfield
- Remains in poetry and prose. Ed. Weston, J. 2 vols. 1824.
- The Farmer’s Boy. 1800.
- Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. 1802.
- Wild Flowers. 1806.
- Miscellaneous Poems. 1806.
- The Banks of the Wye. 1811.
- May Day with the Muses. 1822.
- Caroline Anne Bowles (Mrs. Southey)
- Poetical Works. 1867.
- Ellen Fitzarthur. A metrical Tale. 1820.
- The Widow’s Tale. 1822.
- Solitary Hours. 1826.
- Chapters on Church-yards. 1829.
- The Birthday. 1836.
- The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles. Ed. Dowden, E. Dublin, 1881.
- Henry Francis Cary
- Sonnets and Odes. 1788.
- The Inferno of Dante Alighieri. With translation, etc., by H. F. Cary. 1805.
- The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri. 3 vols. 1814. 2nd edn. 1819.
- The early French Poets. A series of notices and translations. 1846.
- Memoir of the Rev. H. F. Cary by his Son, Henry Cary. 2 vols. 1847.
- Toynbee, P. The Centenary of the completion of Cary’s Dante. Modern Lang. Review. Vol.
VII. Cambridge, 1912. - John Castillo (1792–1845)
- The Bard of the Dales, or Poems … partly in the Yorkshire dialect. 1850.
- Poems in the North Yorkshire dialect. Ed. Tweddell, G. M. 1878.
- John Clare
- Poems. Ed. Symons, A. 1908.
- Poems descriptive of rural life and scenery. 1820.
- The Village Minstrel, and other Poems. 2 vols. 1821.
- The Shepherd’s Calendar. 1827.
- The Rural Muse. 1835.
- Cherry, J. L. Life and Remains of John Clare. 1873.
- Martin, F. Life of John Clare. 1865.
- Hartley Coleridge
- Poems, with a memoir of his life by Coleridge, D. 2 vols. 1851.
- Essays and Marginalia. Ed. Coleridge, D. 2 vols. 1851.
- Poems. Ed. Bailey-Kempling, W. Ulverston, 1903.
- Poems. Leeds, 1833.
- Biographia Borealis, or Lives of Northern Worthies. 1833. New edn. by Coleridge, D. 3 vols. 1852.
- The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford. With introductions by Coleridge, Hartley. 1840.
- See, also, ante, Vol. XI, Chap.
VI, bibliography. - Sara Coleridge
- Phantasmion. 1837. Ed. Coleridge, Lord. 1874.
- Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge, ed. by her daughter. 2 vols. 1873.
- See, also, ante, vol. XI, Chap.
VI, bibliography. - Josiah Conder (1789–1855)
- The Associate Minstrels. 1810.
- The Star in the East, and other Poems. 1824.
- The Modern Traveller. 30 vols. 1825–9.
- Hymns of Prayer and Praise. Ed. Conder, E. R. 1856.
- Conder, E. R. Josiah Conder. 1857.
- George Croly (1780–1860)
- Paris in 1815. 1817.
- The Angel of the World, etc. 1820.
- May Fair. 1827.
- Salathiel. 1829. New edn. New York. 1901.
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. 1830.
- The Book of Job. With memoir of George Croly by Croly, F. W. 1863.
- Herring, R. Personal Recollections of George Croly. 1861.
- William Crowe (1745–1829)
- Lewesdon Hill. Oxford, 1788, 1804, 1827.
- George Darley
- Selections from the Poems of George Darley. Ed. Streatfeild, R. A. 1904.
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed. Colles, R. 1908.
- The Errors of Ecstacie. 1822.
- The Labours of Idleness. 1826.
- Sylvia, or the May Queen. 1827. Ed. Ingram, J. H. 1892.
- Nepenthe. A Poem. [1836.] Ed. Streatfeild, R. A. 1897.
- Thomas à Becket. 1840.
- Ethelstan. 1841.
- Sir Aubrey De Vere (1788–1846)
- Julian the Apostate. A dramatic poem. 1822.
- The Duke of Mercia: An historical drama, and other Poems. 1823.
- A Song of Faith, Devout Exercises, and Sonnets. 1842.
- Mary Tudor: An historical drama. 1847, 1884.
- Charlotte Elliott (1789–1871)
- The Invalid’s Hymn Book. 1834.
- Hours of Sorrow. 1840.
- Selections from Poems, with memoir by Babington, Mrs. [1873.]
- Leaves from unpublished Journals, Correspondence and Note-books. [1874.]
- Ebenezer Elliott
- Works, ed. by his son Elliott, E. 2 vols. 1876.
- The Village Patriarch. 1829.
- Corn-Law Rhymes. 1831.
- Love. A Poem. 1831.
- The Splendid Village; Corn-Law Rhymes; and other Poems. 3 vols. 1833–5.
- More Verse and Prose by the Corn-Law Rhymer. 2 vols. 1850.
- “Searle, J.” Memoirs of Ebenezer Elliott. 1850.
- Watkins, J. Life, Poetry, and Letters of Ebenezer Elliott. 1850.
- Catherine Maria Fanshawe (1765–1834)
- Literary Remains. With notes by Harness, W. 1876.
- William Gilbert (1760?–1825?)
- The Hurricane. A Theosophical and Western Eclogue. Bristol, 1796.
- William Glen (1789–1826)
- Poetical Remains. With memoir. 1874.
- Poems, chiefly lyrical. 1815.
- Sir Robert Grant (1779–1838)
- Sacred Poems. Ed. Charles, Lord Glenelg. 1839. Other edns.: 1844, 1868.
- William Hall (1748–1825)
- A Sketch of Local History, being a chain of incidents relating to the state of the Fens. 3 pts. Lynn, 1812–18.
- Sketches of obscure poets, with specimens of their writings. 1833.
- Janet Hamilton (1795–1873)
- Poems and Prose Works, collected by her Son. Glasgow, 1880, 1885.
- Poems and Essays. 1863.
- Poems and Sketches. 1865.
- Robert Stephen Hawker
- Poetical Works. Ed. Godwin, J. G. 1879.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Wallis, A. 1899.
- Pompeii. Oxford, 1827.
- Records of the Western Shore. Oxford, 1832–6.
- The Quest of the Sangraal. Chant the First. Exeter, 1864.
- Cornish Ballads, and other Poems. 1869. Ed. Byles, C. E. 1904.
- Footprints of Former Men in Far Cornwall. 1870. Ed. Byles, C. E. 1903.
- Baring-Gould, S. Memoir of R. S. Hawker. 1875.
- Byles, C. E. Life and Letters of R. S. Hawker. 1905.
- Lee, F. G. Memorials of the late R. S. Hawker. 1876.
- Reginald Heber
- Poetical Works. 1841.
- Palestine. 1807.
- Poems and Translations. 1812.
- Hymns. 1827. 10th edn. 1834.
- Life of Reginald Heber, by his Widow. 2 vols. 1830.
- Smith, G. Bishop Heber. 1895.
- Felicia Dorothea Hemans (born Browne)
- Collected Works. Ed. with memoir by her Sister. 7 vols. 1839.
- Poems. Liverpool, 1808.
- The Domestic Affections, and other Poems. 1812.
- Modern Greece. 1817.
- The Forest Sanctuary. 1826. 2nd edn. 1829.
- Records of Women, and other Poems. 1828.
- Chorley, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. 2 vols. 1836.
- John Abraham Heraud
- Tottenham. 1820.
- The Descent into Hell. 2nd edn. 1835.
- The Judgment of the Flood. 1834.
- Videna, or the Mother’s Tragedy. 1854.
- The War of Ideas. 1871.
- Heraud, E. Memoirs of J. A. Heraud. 1898.
- Thomas Hood
- Poems. 2 vols. 1846.
- Poems of Wit and Humour. 1847. 7th edn. 1856.
- Works. Ed. with notes by his Son. 7 vols. 1862–3.
- Works. Ed. with notes by his Son and Daughter. 10 vols. 1869–73.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Rossetti, W. M. 1880.
- Works.
II vols. 1882–4. - Poems. Ed. Ainger, A. 2 vols. 1897.
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed. Jerrold, W. Oxford, 1906.
- Odes and Addresses to Great People. [Written in collaboration with Reynolds, J. H.] 1825.
- Whims and Oddities in prose and verse. 2 series. 2 vols. 1826–7.
- The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, and other Poems. 1827.
- National Tales. 2 vols. 1827.
- Lamia. Written about 1827. Ptd. in Jerdan, W. Autobiography. Vol. 1. 1852.
- The Epping Hunt. 1829.
- The Gem. Ed. Hood, T. 1829.
- The Comic Annual. 1830–9, 1842.
- Tylney Hall. A Novel. 3 vols. 1834.
- Hood’s Own, or Laughter from Year to Year. 1839. A further collection, with preface by his son. 1861.
- Up the Rhine. 1840.
- Whimsicalities. A periodical gathering. 2 vols. 1844.
- Hood’s Magazine and Comic Miscellany. 10 vols. 1844–8.
- Ashton, J. The true story of Eugene Aram. Eighteenth Century Waifs. 1887.
- Broderip, Mrs. F. F. Memorials of Hood, by his Daughter. 2 vols. 1860.
- Elliott, A. Hood in Scotland. Dundee, 1885.
- Gilfillan, G. Thomas Hood. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. 1. 1856.
- Jerrold, W. Thomas Hood, his life and times. 1907.
- Oswald, E. Thomas Hood und die soziale Tendenzdichtung seiner Zeit. Wiener Beiträge zur engl. Philologie. Vol.
XIX. Vienna, 1904. - Saintsbury, G. Thomas Hood. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 2nd series. 1895.
- Richard Henry (or Hengist) Horne
- Cosmo de’ Medici. 1837.
- The Death of Marlowe. 1837.
- Orion. 1843. 6th edn. 1843.
- Gregory vii. A Tragedy. 1840.
- A New Spirit of the Age. 2 vols. 1844. Ed. Jerrold, W. 1907.
- Ballad Romances. 1846.
- The Poor Artist. 1850.
- Australian Facts and Prospects. 1859.
- Laura Dibalzo. 1880.
- Nicoll, W. R. and Wise, T. J. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1. 1895.
- George Huddesford (1749–1809)
- Salmagundi. 1791.
- Collected Poems. 2 vols. 1801.
- James Hyslop (1798–1827)
- Poems. Ed., with a sketch of his life, by Mearns, P. 1887.
- John Kennedy (1789–1833)
- Fancy’s Tour with the Genius of Cruelty, and other Poems. 1826.
- Geordie Chalmers. 1830.
- Rann Kennedy (1772–1851)
- Britain’s Genius. A Mask. To which is added The Reign of Youth. 1840.
- See, also, Kennedy, B. H., Between Whiles, 2nd edn., 1882, and Kennedy, C. R., Poems, original and translated, new edn., 1857.
- John Kenyon (1784–1856)
- A Rhymed Plea for Tolerance. 1833.
- Poems. 1838.
- A Day at Tivoli. 1849.
- Herbert Knowles (1798–1817)
- The Three Tabernacles (Stanzas in Richmond Churchyard). [ab. 1817.] Rptd. in Carlisle, N., Endowed Grammar Schools, 1818.
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon (“L. E. L.” Mrs. Maclean)
- Collected Poems. 2 vols. 1850, 1873.
- The Improvisatrice. 1824. 6th edn. 1825.
- Romance and Reality. 1831.
- Traits and Trials of Early Life. 1836.
- Ethel Churchill. 1837.
- Blanchard, L. Life and Remains of L. E. L. 2 vols. 1841.
- Charles Valentine Le Grice (1773–1858)
- Analysis of Paley’s Principles. 1794.
- An Imitation of Horace’s First Epistle. Penzance, 1824.
- John Leyden
- See ante, Vol. XI, Chap.
X, bibliography. - Charles Lloyd (1775–1839)
- Poems. 1795.
- Isabel. A Tale. 2 vols. 1820.
- Desultory Thoughts in London. 1821.
- Poetical Essays on the Character of Pope. 1821.
- See, also, ante, Vol. XI, Chap.
VI, bibliography, sect. c. - Henry Luttrell (1765–1851)
- Advice to Julia. A Letter in Rhyme. 1820. 3rd edn. 1822.
- Crockford House. 1827.
- Henry Francis Lyte (1793–1847)
- Tales in Verse. 1826.
- Poems chiefly religious. 1833.
- The Spirit of the Psalms. 1834.
- Remains, with memoir by his daughter. 1850.
- Miscellaneous Poems. 1868.
- Richard Mant (1776–1848)
- Ancient Hymns from the Roman Breviary. To which are added, Original Hymns. 1837.
- Mant, W. B. Memoir of Richard Mant. 1857.
- John Mayne (1759–1836)
- English, Scots, and Irishmen. 1803.
- Glasgow. A Poem. 1803.
- The Siller Gun. A Poem. 1808.
- John Herman Merivale (1779–1844)
- Translations, chiefly from the Greek Anthology. 1806.
- Poems, original and translated. 2 vols. 1838.
- John Mitford (1781–1859)
- Agnes, the Indian Captive. 1811.
- Miscellaneous Poems. 1858.
- Houston, M. Sylvanus Redivivus (the Rev. John Mitford). 1889.
- James Montgomery
- Poetical Works. 4 vols. 1841, 1850.
- The Ocean. 1805.
- The Wanderer of Switzerland. 1806.
- The West Indies. 1810.
- The World before the Flood. 1813.
- Greenland. 1819.
- The Pelican Island. 1826.
- Holland, J. and Everett, J. Life of James Montgomery. 7 vols. 1854–6.
- Robert Montgomery
- Poetical Works. 6 vols. 1840.
- The Omnipresence of the Deity. 1828. 28th edn. 1855.
- Satan, or Intellect without God. 1830.
- Reviewed by Macaulay in the Edinburgh Review, April, 1830.
- The Messiah. 1832.
- Dugald Moore (1805–1841)
- The African. 1829.
- The Bridal Night. 1831.
- The Bard of the North. 1833.
- Charles Morris (1745–1838)
- Lyra Urbanica. 2 vols. 1840.
- Songs. 13th edn. 1793.
- John Moultrie (1799–1874)
- Collected Works. 2 vols. 1876.
- My Brother’s Grave. 1820.
- Godiva. 1820.
- The Dream of Life, etc. 1843.
- Edward Moxon (1801–1858)
- The Prospect, and other Poems. 1826.
- Christmas. A Poem. 1829.
- Sonnets. 1830–5, 1871.
- John Nicholson (1790–1843)
- Poems. Ed., with memoir, by James, J. 1844.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Hird, W. G. 1876.
- Airedale in Ancient Times. 1825.
- The Airedale Poet’s Walk through Knaresborough. 1826.
- William Nicholson (1782?–1849)
- Tales in Verse, and Miscellaneous Poems. 1814.
- George Outram (1805–1856)
- Lyrics, legal and miscellaneous. Privately ptd. Rptd. by Bell, H. G., with biographical sketch. 1874. New edn. by Stoddart, J. H. 1887.
- Robert Pollok
- The Course of Time. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1827. 25th edn. 1867.
- Tales of the Covenanters. 1833.
- Pollok, D. Life of Robert Pollok, by his Brother. 1843.
- Masson, R. Pollok and Aytoun. (Famous Scots series.) 1899.
- Winthrop Mackworth Praed
- Poems. Ed. Coleridge, D. 2 vols. 1864.
- Selections. Ed. Young, Sir G. 1866.
- Prose Essays. Ed. Young, Sir G. 1887.
- Political and Occasional Poems. Ed. Young, Sir G. 1888.
- Select Poems. Ed. Godley, A. D. 1909.
- Kranpa, M. W. M. Praed, sein Leben und seine Werke. Wiener Beiträge Vol.
XXXII. Vienna, 1910. - Saintsbury, G. Praed. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Thomas Pringle (1789–1834)
- Poetical Works. Ed. Ritchie, L. 1839.
- Afar in the Desert, and other South African Poems. Ed. Noble, J. 1881.
- Ephemerides. 1828.
- African Sketches. 1834.
- Conder, J. Biographical Sketch of T. Pringle. 1835.
- Bryan Waller Procter (Barry Cornwall)
- Dramatic Scenes, and other Poems. 1819.
- Mirandola. A Tragedy. 1821.
- Poetical Works. 3 vols. 1822.
- English Songs. 1832. 3rd edn. 1851.
- Life of Edmund Kean. 1835.
- Charles Lamb: A memoir. 1866.
- Autobiographical Fragment. Ed. Patmore, C. 1877.
- Becker, F. B. W. Procter. Weiner Beiträge. Vol.
XXXVII, Vienna, 1911. - Henry James Pye
- Poems on various subjects. 2 vols. 1787.
- Naucratia, or Naval Dominion. 1798.
- Adelaide. A tragedy. 1800.
- Alfred. An epic poem. 1801.
- Comments on the commentators on Shakespeare. 1807.
- Austin, W. S. and Ralph, J. Lives of the Laureates. 1853.
- Edward Quillinan (1791–1851)
- Poems. With memoir by Johnston, W. 1853.
- The Lusiad of Camoens translated (Books
I–V ). Ed. Adamson, J. 1853. - John Hamilton Reynolds (1796–1852)
- The Eden of Imagination. 1814.
- Sofie. An Eastern Tale. 1814.
- The Naiad, etc. 1816.
- William Stewart Rose (1775–1843)
- Amadis de Gaule translated with notes by W. S. Rose. 1803.
- The Orlando Innamorato of Boiardo translated by W. S. Rose. 1823.
- Anna Seward (1747–1809)
- Poetical Works. Ed. Scott, W. 3 vols. 1810.
- Letters. 6 vols. 1811.
- Lucas, E. V. A Swan and her Friends. 1907.
- Horatio (Horace) Smith
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. 1846.
- Rejected Addresses, or the new Theatrum Poetarum. [By James and Horace Smith.] 1812. 18th edn. 1833. Ed. Fitzgerald, P. 1890. Ed. Godley, A. D. 1904.
- Horace in London. By the Authors of rejected Addresses. 1813.
- Gaieties and Gravities. 3 vols. 1825.
- Brambletye House, or Cavaliers and Roundheads. 1826.
- Zillah. A Tale of the Holy City. 1828.
- Beavan, A. H. James and Horace Smith. 1899.
- James Smith. See, also, Horace Smith (supra).
- Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscellanies. Ed. by his Brother, Smith, Horace. 2 vols. 1840.
- William Sotheby
- Poems. 1790.
- The Oberon of Wieland translated. 1798.
- The Georgics of Virgil translated. 1800.
- Saul. A Poem. 1807.
- Poems. 1825.
- Italy and other Poems. 1828.
- The Iliad of Homer translated. 1831.
- The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer translated. 1834.
- William Robert Spencer
- The Leonora of Bürger translated. 1796.
- Urania. A Comedy. 1802.
- The Year of Sorrow. 1804.
- Poems. 1811. With biographical memoir. 1835.
- Robert Story (1795–1860)
- Poetical Works. 1857.
- Lyrical and other minor Poems. With life by James, J. 1861.
- The Magic Fountain. 1829.
- The Outlaw. 1839.
- Guthrum the Dane. 1852.
- John Struthers (1776–1853)
- Poems. Glasgow, 1801.
- Anticipation. Glasgow, 1803.
- The Poor Man’s Sabbath. Glasgow, 1804.
- Dychmont. Glasgow, 1836.
- Poetical Works, with autobiography. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1850.
- Charles Swain (1801–1874)
- The Mind, and other Poems. 1832.
- English Melodies. 1849.
- Songs and Ballads. 1867.
- Sir Henry Taylor
- Works. 5 vols. 1877–8. New edn. 1883.
- Isaac Comnenus. 1827.
- Philip van Artevelde. 1834. 6th edn. 1852.
- The Statesman. 1836.
- Edwin the Fair. 1842.
- The Eve of the Conquest, and other Poems. 1847.
- Notes from Life, in six essays. 1847.
- Notes from Books, in four essays. 1849.
- The Virgin Widow. 1850.
- St. Clement’s Eve. 1862.
- Autobiography, 1800–1875. 2 vols. 1885.
- Correspondence. Ed. Dowden, E. 1888.
- Mrs. Mary Tighe (1772–1810)
- Psyche, or the Legend of Love. 1805. 4th edn. 1812.
- Thomas Wade
- Tasso and The Sisters. 1825.
- Woman’s Love, or the Triumph of Patience. 1829.
- The Jew of Arragon. A Tragedy. 1830.
- Mundi et Cordis, de rebus sempiternis et temporariis, carmina. 1835.
- Nicoll, W. R. and Wise, T. J. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1. 1895.
- Alaric Alexander Watts (1797–1864)
- Poetical Sketches. 1823. 4th edn. 1828.
- The Poetical Album, and register of modern fugitive poetry. 2 vols. 1828–9.
- Scenes of Life and Shades of Character. 2 vols. 1831.
- Lyrics of the Heart. 1851.
- Charles Jeremiah Wells
- Stories after Nature. 1822. Ed. Linton, W. J. 1891.
- Joseph and his Brethren. A dramatic poem. 1824. With introduction by Swinburne, A. C. 1876. New edn. Oxford, 1908.
- Nicoll, W. R. and Wise, T. J. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1. 1895.
- Henry Kirke White
- The Remains of Henry Kirke White. With an account of his life, by Southey, R. 3 vols. 1807–22.
- Poetical Works. With memoir. (Aldine edn.) 1830.
- Poems, Letters and Prose Fragments. Ed. Drinkwater, J. 1908.
- Clifton Grove, with other Poems. 1803.
- Charles Whitehead
- The Solitary. A Poem. 1831.
- The Autobiography of Jack Ketch. 1834.
- Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen. 2 vols. 1834.
- The Cavalier. 1836.
- Richard Savage. 3 vols. 1842. Rptd. 1896, 1903.
- The Earl of Essex. 3 vols. 1843.
- The Solitary, and other Poems. 1849.
- Bell, H. T. Mackenzie. A Forgotten Genius. 1884.
- Isaac Williams (1802–1865)
- Lyra Apostolica. 1836.
- Hymns. 1839.
- The Altar, or Meditations in verse on the great Christian Sacrifice. 1847.
- Autobiography. Ed. Prevost, Sir G. 1892.
- William Wilson (1801–1860)
- Poems. Ed. Lossing, B. J. Poughkeepsie, 1869. 2nd edn. 1875.
- Charles Wolfe
- Remains of the Rev. Charles Wolfe. Ed. Russell, J. A. 2 vols. Dublin, 1825. 4th edn. 1829.
- James Woodhouse (1735–1820)
- Life and Works. Ed. Woodhouse, R. J. 2 vols. 1896.
- Poems on sundry occasions. 1764.
- Poems on several occasions. 1788.
- Norbury Park. 1803.
- John Wright (1805–1843?)
- Whole Poetical Works. 1843.
- The Retrospect. 1825.
- John Younger (1785–1860)
- Thoughts as they rise. Glasgow, 1834.
- River Angling for Salmon and Trout. Kelso, 1860.
- Autobiography of John Younger. Kelso, 1881.A. T. B.