The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. C
OLLECTED EDITIONS - Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats. Paris, 1829.
- Poetical Works. With memoir by Milnes, R. M. (Lord Houghton). 1834.
- Poetical Works. 1840, 1841. New edns.: 1856, 1863, 1865, 1866, 1876 and 1879 (Aldine edn).
- Poetical Works. Ed. with a memoir by Rossetti, W. M. [1872], [1880].
- Poetical Works. Ed. Scott, W. B. [1880], [1894].
- Poetical Works, and other writings, now first brought together. Ed. Forman, H. B. 4 vols. 1883, 1889. Suppl. 1890.
- Poems, with the annotations of Lord Houghton. Memoir by Speed, J. G. 2 vols. New York, 1883.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Forman, H. B. 1884, 1898.
- Poems. Ed. Arnold, W. T. 1884, 1907.
- Poems. Ed. Ellis, F. S. (Kelmscott Press.) 1894.
- Poems. Ed. Drury, G. Thorn, with introduction by Bridges, R. (The Muses Library.) 2 vols. 1896.
- Poems. Ed. Bates, Arlo. Boston, 1896.
- Poems. With introduction by Raleigh, Sir W. 1897.
- Poems. Ed. Holmes, C. J. Decorations by Ricketts, C. 2 vols. 1898.
- Complete Works. Ed. Forman, H. B. [With bibliography.] 5 vols. Glasgow, 1900–1.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Scott, W. S. 1902.
- Poems. Ed. Sélincourt, E. de. 1905. 3rd edn. 1912.
- Poetical Works. Ed. with an Introduction and Textual Notes by Forman, H. B. Oxford, 1906, 1907, 1908.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Sampson, G. 1906.
- Poems. Ed. Colvin, Sir S. 2 vols. 1915.
- Poèmes et Poésies. Traduction, précédée d’une étude, par Gallimard, P. 1910.
- II. S
ELECTIONS - Poetical Works [selected]. Ed. Palgrave, F. T. (Golden Treasury series.) 1884.
- Selected Poems. Ed. Hogben, J. (Canterbury poets.) 1885.
- The Odes of Keats. With notes, etc. by Downer, A. C. Oxford, 1897.
- Endymion and the longer Poems. Ed. Forman, H. B. (Temple Classics.) 1898.
- Poems. With Introduction by Meynell, A. 1903.
- Poems. With Introduction by Binyon, L. and Notes by Masefield, J. 1903.
- Poems. Selected and with Introduction by Symons, A. 1907.
- Poems of 1820. Edited by Robertson, Margaret. 1909.
- III. S
EPARATE WORKS - Poems. 1817.
- Endymion: a poetic romance. 1818.
- Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and other Poems. 1820. Rptd. in facsimile with introduction by Robertson, M. Oxford, 1909.
- Another version of Keats’s Hyperion. Ed. Milnes, R. M. (Lord Houghton). Philobiblon Soc. Miscellanies. Vol.
III. 1856–7. - Keatsii Hyperionis libri tres. Latine reddidit C. Merivale. Cambridge, 1863.
- Hyperion. Mit Einleitung, hrsg von Hoops, J. Berlin, 1899.
- Hyperion. Facsimile of Keats’s autograph manuscript. With notes by Sélincourt, E. de. Oxford, 1905.
- Ode to a Nightingale. Ed. Wise, T. J. Privately ptd. 1884.
- Ode to a Nightingale. Facsimile of the autograph manuscript of the original version. In Colvin, S. A Morning’s Work in a Hampstead Garden. The Monthly Review. March, 1903.
- IV. L
ETTERS, ETC. - Life, Letters, and Literary Remains. Ed. Milnes, R. M. (Lord Houghton). 2 vols. 1848. 2nd edn. 1867. Rptd. (New Universal Library) 1906.
- Letters to Fanny Brawne written in 1819 and 1820. Ed. Forman, H. B. 1878. 2nd edn. 1889.
- Letters. Ed. Speed, J. G. New York, 1883.
- Letters. Ed. Colvin, S. 1891.
- Letters. Complete revised edn. Ed. Forman, H. B. 1895.
- Keats Letters, Papers, and other Relics. Ed. Williamson, G. C. With forewords by Watts-Dunton, T., and an introd. by Forman, H. B. 1914.
- V. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Angellier, A. De Joh. Keatsii vita et carminibus. Paris, 1892.
- Arnold, M. On the study of Celtic literature. 1867. Popular edn. 1900.
- —— Selections from Keats’s Poems. With introduction. In Ward, T. H., English Poets. Vol.
IV. 1880. Rptd. in Essays in Criticism, Second series, 1888. - Bookman, The. Keats Double Number. October 1906.
- Bradley, A. C. The Letters of Keats. In Oxford Lectures on Poetry. Oxford, 1909.
- Bridges, R. John Keats. A critical essay. Privately ptd. Rptd. as introduction to the edn. of the Poems in The Muses Library. 1896.
- Brooke, S. A. Studies in Poetry. 1907.
- Clarke, C. and M. Cowden. Recollections of Writers. 1878.
- Colvin, S. Keats. (English Men of Letters series.) 1887.
- —— New Lights upon Keats. Times Literary Supplement. Feb., 1915.
- Dilke, C. W. Papers of a Critic. 2 vols. 1875.
- Dowden, E. Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1886.
- Gay, H. N. John Keats e gli Inglesi a Roma. 1912.
- Geest, S. Der Sensualismus bei John Keats. 1908.
- Gilfillan, G. John Keats. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. 1. 1856.
- Gothein, M. John Keats. Leben und Werke. [With translations of the Poems.] Halle, 1897.
- Graham, W. Last Links with Byron, Shelley, and Keats. 1898.
- Hancock, A. E. John Keats. A literary biography. 1908.
- Haydon, B. R. Life of Haydon. By T. Taylor. 3 vols. 1853. 2nd edn. 1853.
- —— Correspondence and Table-Talk. Ed. by his Son. 2 vols. 1876.
- Hinde, F. Appreciation of Keats. Essays and Poems. Liverpool, 1864.
- Hoops, J. Keats’ Jugend und Jugendgedichte. Englische Studien. Vol.
XXI. Leipzig, 1895. - Hudson, W. H. Studies in Interpretation: Keats, etc. New York, 1896.
- Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries. 1828. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1828.
- —— Imagination and Fancy. 1844. 3rd edn. 1852.
- —— Autobiography. 3 vols. 1850. Revised edn. 1860.
- Keats-Shelley Memorial, Rome. Bulletin and Review. 1910, etc.
- MacCracken, H. The Source of Keats’s Eve of St. Agnes. Modern Philology. Vol.
V. Chicago, 1908. - Mackail, J. W. Lectures on Poetry. 1912.
- Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other Essays. 1874.
- Medwin, T. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron. 1824.
- —— Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 vols. 1847.
- Nicoll, W. R. and Wise, T. J. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Vol.
II. 1896. - Olivero, F. Keats and the minor poems of Milton. Englische Studien. Vol.
XLIII. Leipzig, 1911. - —— Saggi di letteratura inglese. [On Keats and other English writers, chiefly poets.] Bari, 1914.
- Owen, F. M. John Keats. A study. 1880.
- Procter, B. W. Autobiographical Fragment and biographical notes; with personal sketches of contemporaries, etc. 1877.
- Rannie, D. W. Keats’s Epithets. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol.
III, Oxford, 1912. - Rossetti, W. M. Life of John Keats. [With bibliography by Anderson, J. P.] (Great Writers series.) 1887.
- Sarrazin, G. Poètes modernes de l’Angleterre: Landor, Keats, etc. 1885.
- Sélincourt, E. de and Bradley, A. C. Short bibliography of Keats. In Short bibliographies of Wordsworth, etc. English Association Leaflet, no. 23. Oxford, 1912.
- Severn, J. On the vicissitudes of Keats’s fame. The Atlantic Monthly. 1863.
- —— Life and Letters of Joseph Severn. By Sharp, W. 1892.
- Starick, O. P. Die Belesenheit von John Keats, und die Grundzüge seiner literarischen Kritik. Berlin, 1910.
- Suddard, M. Keats, Shelley, and Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge, 1912.
- Swinburne, A. C. Miscellanies. 1886.
- Texte, J. Keats et le néo-hellénisme dans la poésie anglaise. In Études de littérature européenne. Paris, 1898.
- Watson, W. Excursions in Criticism. 1893.
- Wolff, L. An Essay on Keats’s treatment of the heroic rhythm and blank verse. Paris, 1909.
- —— John Keats, sa vie et son œuvre. Paris, 1910.A. T. B.