The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - Works. Ed. Shelley, Mrs. 2 pts. 1847.
- Works. With memoir by Hunt, Leigh. Ed. Shepherd, R. H. 4 series. 1871–5.
- Works in verse and prose. Ed. Forman, H. B. 8 vols. 1880.
- Relics of Shelley. Ed. Garnett, R. 1862.
- Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley. From the originals in the library of W. K. Bixby. Deciphered, transcribed, and edited, with a full commentary, by Forman, H. B. Privately ptd. for members of the Bibliophile Soc. 3 vols. Boston, 1911.
- II. P
OETICAL WORKS: COLLECTED EDITIONS - Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. Paris, 1829.
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. 1834, 1836. 2 vols. 1839.
- Poetical Works. Edited, with Notes, by Mrs. Shelley. 4 vols. 1839. 1 vol. 1840. With memoir by Lowell, J. R. 3 vols. Boston, 1855, 1889.
- Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by Rossetti, W. M. 2 vols. 1870. 3 vols. 1878.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Scott, W. B. [1874,] [1880.]
- Poetical Works. Ed. Forman, H. B. 4 vols. 1876. 2 vols. 1882. With memoir. 5 vols. (Aldine edn.) 1892.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Shepherd, R. H. 3 vols. 1888.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Dowden, E. 1890, 1896, 1900.
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by Woodberry, G. E. 4 vols. 1892.
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed. Hutchinson, T. Oxford, 1904, 1905, 1907.
- Poems. Ed. Locock, C. D. 4 vols. 1906.
- Poems. Ed. Locock, C. D. With introduction by Clutton-Brock, A. 2 vols. 1911.
- Shelley’s poems were translated into French by Rabbe, F., 3 vols. Paris, 1885–7; into German by Seybt, J., Leipzig, 1844; Strodtmann, A., Hildburghausen, 1866; into Italian, Milan, 1858; Naples, 1878; into Russian, 1895, etc.
- III. P
OETICAL WORKS: SELECTIONS - A Selection from the Poems of P. B. Shelley. Ed. with memoir by Blind, Mathilde. 1872.
- Poems from Shelley. Ed. Brooke, Stopford A. (Golden Treasury series.) 1880, 1906.
- Poems selected from Shelley. Ed. Garnett, R. (Parchment Library.) 1880.
- Lyric Poems. Ed. Rhys, E. 1895.
- Poems. Selected and ed. by Forman, H. B. (Temple Classics.) 1899.
- Poems. Introduction by Raleigh, Sir W. 1902.
- Poems. Introduction by Meynell, A. 1903.
- Poems. Selected by Collins, J. C. 1907.
- Select Poems. Ed., with introduction and notes, by Woodberry, G. E. (Belles Lettres series.) Boston and London, 1908.
- IV. S
EPARATE POETICAL WORKS - Original Poetry. By Victor and Cazire [Percy Bysshe Shelley and Elizabeth Shelley]. Worthing, 1810. Ed. Garnett, R. 1898.
- Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson: being Poems found among the papers of that noted female who attempted the Life of the King in 1786. Edited by John Fitz-Victor. Oxford, 1810. Privately rptd. by Forman, H. B. 1877.
- A Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things. By a Gentleman of the University of Oxford. 1811.
- The Devil’s Walk; a Ballad. (Broadside.) [1812.]
- Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem: with Notes. 1813.
- Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude: and other Poems. 1816. Facsimile repr. Ed. Dobell, B. 1885. Translated into French by Beljame, A. Paris, 1895.
- Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City. A Vision of the Nineteenth Century. In the Stanza of Spenser. 1818 [ptd. 1817]. Suppressed and reissued in a revised form as The Revolt of Islam; a Poem, in twelve Cantos. 1818. The same sheets issued again, with a new title-page. 1829.
- Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue; with other Poems. 1819. Ed. Forman, H. B. (Shelley soc.) 1888.
- The Cenci. A Tragedy, in five acts. Italy, 1819. 2nd edn. 1821, 1827. Ed. Forman, A. and H. B. With prologue by Todhunter, J. (Shelley soc.) 1886. Ed. Woodberry, G. E. (Belles Lettres series.) Boston, 1909. Translated into French, 1883; into German, 1837; into Italian, 1892.
- Prometheus Unbound. A Lyrical Drama in four acts. With other Poems. 1820. Ed. Dickinson, G. L. (Temple Dramatists.) 1898. Ed. Hughes, A. M. D. Oxford, 1910. Translated into German, 1876, 1887; into Italian, 1892, 1894.
- Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant. A Tragedy. In two acts. Translated from the original Doric. 1820.
- Epipsychidion. Verses addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V——now Imprisoned in the Convent of——. 1821. Facsimile repr., with introduction by Brooke, S. A. and a note by Swinburne, A. C. Ed. Potts, R. A. (Shelley soc.) 1887. Italian trans. 1893.
- Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats. Pisa, 1821. Cambridge, 1829. Facsimile rpt. Ed. Wise, T. J. (Shelley soc.) 1886. Ed. Rossetti, W. M. and Prickard, A. O. Oxford, 1903. Rpt. of first edn. (1821). 1904.
- Hellas. A Lyrical Drama. 1822. Ed. Wise, T. J. (Shelley soc.) 1886.
- Poetical Pieces. 1823.
- Posthumous Poems. [Ed. by Mrs. Shelley.] 1824.
- Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems. 1826.
- Miscellaneous Poems. 1826.
- The Masque of Anarchy. A Poem. Now first published, with a preface by Leigh Hunt. 1832. Facsimile of the holograph MS. Ed. Forman, H. B. (Shelley soc.) 1887.
- The Daemon of the World. The First Part as published in 1816 with Alastor. The Second Part deciphered and now first printed from his own manuscript revision and interpolation in the newly discovered copy of Queen Mab. Privately ptd. by Forman, H. B. 1876.
- The Wandering Jew. Ed. Dobell, B. (Shelley soc.) 1887.
- Shelley’s Skylark. A facsimile of the original MS., with a note on other MSS. of Shelley in Harvard College Library. Cambridge, Mass., 1888.
- V. P
ROSE WORKS: COLLECTED EDITIONS AND SELECTIONS - Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations, and Fragments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 2 vols. 1840. New edn. 2 vols. 1852.
- Prose Works. Collected and edited by Forman, H. B. 4 vols. 1880.
- Essays and Letters of Shelley. Ed. Rhys, E. 1886, 1905.
- Prose Works. Ed. Shepherd, R. H. 2 vols. 1888, 1912.
- Shelley’s Literary and Philosophical Criticism. Ed. Shawcross, J. Oxford, 1909.
- Shelley’s Prose in the Bodleian MSS. Ed. Koszul, A. H. 1910.
- VI. S
EPARATE PROSE WORKS - Zastrozzi. A Romance. By P. B. S. 1810.
- St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian. A Romance. By a Gentleman of the University of Oxford. 1811. Reissued 1822.
- The Necessity of Atheism. Worthing, [1811].
- An Address to the Irish People. Dublin, 1812. Ed. Wise, T. J. With introduction by Rolleston, T. W. (Shelley soc.) 1890.
- Proposals for an association of those philanthropists, who convinced of the inadequacy of the moral and political state of Ireland to produce benefits which are nevertheless attainable, are willing to unite to accomplish its regeneration. Dublin, [1812].
- Declaration of Rights. (Broadside.) [Dublin, 1812.] Rptd. (Philobiblon soc. Miscellanies, vol.
XII. ) 1868–9. - A Letter to Lord Ellenborough.… [1812.]
- A Vindication of Natural Diet. 1813. New edn. (Shelley Soc.) 1884.
- A Refutation of Deism, in a Dialogue. 1814.
- A Proposal for putting Reform to the Vote throughout the Kingdom. By the Hermit of Marlow. 1817. Facsimile of the holograph MS. Ed. Forman, H. B. (Shelley soc.) 1887.
- An Address to the People on the Death of the Princess Charlotte. [1817.] Rptd. [1843?].
- History of a Six Weeks’ Tour.… 1817. [Written in collaboration with Mrs. Shelley.] With commentary by Elton, C. I. 1894.
- Notes on Sculptures in Rome and Florence: together with a Lucianic fragment and a criticism of Peacock’s poem Rhododaphne. Ed. Forman, H. B. (Privately ptd.) 1879.
- Review of Hogg’s Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff. Together with an extract from some early writings of Shelley. By Dowden, E. Ed. Wise, T. J. (Shelley soc.) 1886.
- VII. L
ETTERS - Southey, R. Correspondence with Caroline Bowles. Together with his Correspondence with Shelley, etc. Ed. Dowden, E. 1881.
- Select Letters. With introduction by Garnett, R. 1882.
- Letters to Jane Clairmont. [Privately ptd.] 1889.
- Letters to Elizabeth Hitchener. 2 vols. [Privately ptd.] 1890.
- Letters to William Godwin. 2 vols. [Privately ptd.] 1891.
- Letters to Leigh Hunt. Ed. Wise, T. J. 2 vols. [Privately ptd.] 1894.
- Letters to T. J. Hogg. With notes by Rossetti, W. M. and Forman, H. B. [Privately ptd.] 1897.
- Letters to Elizabeth Hitchener. Ed. Dobell, B. 1909.
- The Letters of Shelley. Ed. Ingpen, R. 2 vols. 1909. New edn. 2 vols. 1912.
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Ackermann, R. Quellen zu Shelley’s poetischen Werken. Erlangen, 1890.
- —— Lucans Pharsalia in den Dichtungen Shelleys. Zweibrücken, 1896.
- —— Percy Bysshe Shelley, der Mann, der Dichter, und seine Werke. Dortmund, 1906.
- —— Shelley in Frankreich und Italien. Englische Studien. Vol.
XVII. 1893. - Angeli, H. R. Shelley and his friends in Italy. 1911.
- Arnold, M. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. 1888.
- Asanger, F. P. B. Shelleys Sprachstudien. Leipzig, 1911.
- Bagehot, W. Literary Studies. New edn. Vol. 1. 1895.
- Bates, E. S. A study of Shelley’s drama The Cenci. New York, 1908.
- Baynes, Spencer. Edinburgh Review. April, 1871.
- Bernthsen, S. Der Spinozismus in Shelleys Weltanschauung. In Anglia. 1901.
- —— Über den Einfluss des Plinius in Shelleys Jugendwerken. Engl. Studien. Vol.
XXX. 1902. - Biagi, G. Gli ultimi giorni di P. B. Shelley. Florence, 1892. English trans. 1898.
- Bradley, A. C. Notes on passages in Shelley. Modern Language Review. Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1906.
- —— On The Triumph of Life. Ibid. Vol.
IX. Cambridge, 1914. - —— Shelley’s View of Poetry. In Oxford Lectures on Poetry. Oxford, 1909.
- —— Short bibliography of Shelley. In Short bibliographies of Wordsworth, etc. English Association Leaflet, no. 23. Oxford, 1912.
- Brailsford, H. N. Shelley and Godwin. (Home University Library.) [1913.]
- Brandes, G. Main Currents of 19th Century Literature. Vol.
IV. (Naturalism in England.) 1905. - Brooke, S. A. The Lyrics of Shelley, etc. Studies in Poetry. 1907. Rptd. 1910.
- Browning, R. Address to Shelley. Pauline (1833). Works. Ed. Kenyon, Sir F. G.
- —— Essay on Shelley. Prefixed to Letters of P. B. Shelley [for the most part spurious]. 1852. Ed. Harden, W. T. (Shelley soc.) 1888. Ed. Garnett, R. 1903.
- Calcaño, J. Tres poetas pesimistas del siglo
XIX (Byron, Shelley, Leopardi). 1907. - Calvert, G. H. Coleridge, Shelley, Goethe. Boston, 1880.
- Chevrillon, A. Études anglaises. La nature dans la poésie de Shelley. 1901.
- Chiarini, G. Studi e ritratti letterari. 1900.
- Clutton-Brock, A. Shelley, the Man and the Poet. 1910.
- Cordier, H. P. B. Shelley. 1900.
- Dowden, E. Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1886. Revised and condensed. 1896. See The Quarterly Review, April, 1887; The Athenaeum, 14 May, 1887.
- —— Last Words on Shelley. In Transcripts and Studies. 1888.
- Droop, A. Die Belesenheit P. B. Shelleys. Berlin, 1906.
- Druskowitz, H. Percy Bysshe Shelley. Berlin, 1884.
- Edgar, P. A Study of Shelley. Toronto, 1899.
- Eimer, M. Die persönlichen Beziehungen zwischen Byron und den Shelleys. Anglistische Forschungen. Vol.
XXXII. Heidelberg, 1910. - Ellis, F. S. An alphabetical table of contents to Shelley’s poetical works. (Shelley soc.) 1888.
- —— A lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works of Shelley. 1892.
- Elsner, P. P. B. Shelleys Abhängigkeit von W. Godwins Political Justice. Berlin, 1906.
- Elton, C. I. An account of Shelley’s visits to France, Switzerland and Savoy in the years 1814 and 1816. 1894.
- Elton, O. A Survey of English Literature (1780–1830). 1912.
- Flügel, E. Shelley’s Sophocles. Anglia. Vol.
XXIV. 1901. - Forman, H. B. The Shelley Library. An Essay in Bibliography. I. Shelley’s own books, pamphlets, and broadsides; posthumous separate issues, and posthumous books wholly or mainly by him. (Shelley soc.) 1886.
- Gilfillan, G. P. B. Shelley. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol. 1. 1856.
- Godwin, W. The Elopement of Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, as narrated by W. Godwin. Ed. Forman, H. B. [Privately ptd.] 1911.
- Graham, W. Last Links with Byron, Shelley, and Keats. 1898.
- Gribble, F. The romantic life of Shelley, and the sequel. 1911.
- Hime, H. W. L. The Greek Materials of Shelley’s Adonais. 1888.
- Hogg, T. J. Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1858. Ed. Dowden, E. 1906.
- —— Shelley at Oxford. Ed. Streatfeild, R. A. 1904.
- Hughes, A. M. D. Shelley’s Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne. Shelley’s Witch of Atlas. Modern Language Review. Vol.
VII. Cambridge, 1912. - —— The nascent mind of Shelley. Englische Studien. Vol.
XLV. Leipzig, 1912. - Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and his Contemporaries. 1828.
- —— Account of Shelley. Autobiography. 3 vols. 1850.
- Hunt, Thornton. Atlantic Monthly. 1863.
- Imelmann, R. Shelley’s Alastor und Goethe. Zeitschrift für vergl. Litteraturgesch. Vol.
XVII. 1909. - Jack, A. A. Shelley: an essay. 1904.
- Jeaffreson, J. C. The Real Shelley. 2 vols. 1885.
- Kellner, L. Shelley’s Prometheus in deutscher Übersetzung. Englische Studien. Vol.
XXII. 1896. - —— Shelley’s Queen Mab and Volney’s Les Ruines. Englische Studien. Vol.
XXII. 1898. - Koszul, A. H. La Jeunesse de Shelley. Paris, 1910.
- Kroder, A. Shelley’s Verskunst. Münchener Beiträge. Vol.
XXVII. Erlangen, 1903. - Kuhns, O. Dante’s Influence on Shelley. Mod. Language Notes. Vol.
XIII. 1898. - Locock, C. D. An examination of the Shelley MSS. in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1903.
- MacCarthy, Denis Florence. Shelley’s Early Life from original sources. [1872.]
- Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other Essays. 1874.
- Maurer, O. Shelley und die Frauen. Literarhistorische Forschungen. Vol.
XXXIII. Berlin, 1906. - Mayor, J. B. A classification of Shelley’s Metres. 1888.
- Medwin, T. The Shelley Papers. Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By T. Medwin, Esq. And Original Poems and Papers by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Now first collected. 1833.
- —— Life of Shelley. 2 vols. 1847. Ed. Forman, H. B. Oxford, 1913.
- Middleton, C. S. Shelley and his writings. 2 vols. 1858.
- Moore, T. Letters and Journals of Byron, with notices of his life. 2 vols. 1830.
- Myers, F. W. H. Selections with introduction. In Ward, T. H., English Poets. Vol.
IV. 1880. - Paul, C. K. William Godwin: his friends and contemporaries. 2 vols. 1876.
- Peacock, T. L. Memoirs of Shelley. Works. Vol.
III. 1875. Ed., with the Letters to Peacock, by Brett-Smith, H. F. B. Oxford, 1909. - —— T. L. Peacock on the portraits of Shelley. 1911.
- Platt, J. H. The Cosmic sense as manifested in Shelley and Whitman. The Conservator. 1894.
- Rabbe, F. Shelley: sa vie, ses œuvres. Paris, 1887. English trans. 1888.
- Richter, H. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1898.
- Rossetti, W. M. Memoir of Shelley, with new preface. 1886.
- Salt, H. S. Shelley Primer. (Shelley soc.) 1887.
- —— Percy Bysshe Shelley: a monograph. 1888.
- —— Percy Bysshe Shelley: Poet and Pioneer. 1896.
- Sarrazin, G. Poètes modernes de l’Angleterre: Landor, Shelley, etc. Paris, 1885.
- Schelling, F. E. The English Lyric. (Types of English Literature series.) 1913.
- Schmitt, H. Shelley als Romantiker. Englische Studien. Vol.
XLIV. Leipzig, 1911. - Scott, R. P. The place of Shelley among the English poets of his time. Cambridge, 1878.
- Sharp, William. Life of Shelley [with bibliography by Anderson, J. P.]. 1887.
- Shelley, Jane, Lady. Shelley Memorials. 1859. 3rd edn. 1875.
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Life and Letters. By Marshall, Mrs. Julian. 2 vols. 1889.
- Shelley Society Publications. 1884–8.
- Slicer, J. R. P. B. Shelley. An appreciation. 1903.
- Smith, G. Barnett. Shelley: a critical biography. 1877.
- Sotheran, C. P. B. Shelley as a philosopher and reformer. 1876.
- Stawell, Miss M. On Shelley’s The Triumph of Life. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Assoc. Vol.
V. Oxford, 1914. - Stephen, Sir L. Godwin and Shelley. Hours in a Library. Vol.
III. 1892. - Suddard, M. Keats, Shelley, and Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge, 1912.
- Swinburne, A. C. Les Cenci. Studies in Prose and Poetry. 1894.
- —— Shelley. Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Vol.
III. 1903. - Symonds, J. A. Shelley. (Men of Letters series.) 1878. Revised edn. 1887.
- Symons, A. The Romantic Movement in English Poetry. 1909.
- Thompson, Francis. Shelley. 1909.
- Todhunter, J. A Study of Shelley. 1880.
- Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. 1858. Ed. Dowden, E. 1906.
- —— Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author. 1878. Rptd. (New Universal Library.) 1905.
- —— Letters. Ed. Forman, H. B. Oxford, 1910.
- Vaughan, C. The Influence of English Poetry upon the Romantic Revival on the Continent. Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol.
VI. 1913–14. - Vaughan, P. Early Shelley pamphlets. 1905.
- Winstanley, L. Shelley as nature poet. Englische Studien. Vol.
XXXIV. Leipzig, 1904. - —— Platonism in Shelley. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol.
IV. Oxford, 1913. - Woodberry, G. E. Notes on the MS. volume of Shelley’s Poems in the Library of Harvard College. Cambridge, Mass., 1889.
- Yeats, W. B. The Philosophy of Shelley’s Poetry. Ideas of Good and Evil. 1903.
- Yolland, A. B. Shelley’s poetry. Budapest, 1907.
- Young, A. B. Shelley and M. G. Lewis. Modern Language Review. Vol. 1. Cambridge, 1906.
- —— Shelley and Peacock. Modern Language Review. Vol.
II. Cambridge, 1907. - Zanella, G. Shelley e G. Leopardi. Nuova Antologia. Vol. 1. 1881. Rptd. in Paralleli letterari. Verona, 1885.
- Zettner, H. Shelleys Mythendichtung. 1904.A. T. B.