The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. M
ANUSCRIPTS - Scott’s Journal and much of his correspondence are preserved privately at Abbotsford, as are also the collections of ballad versions which he utilised for Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. In the Abbotsford library, which by his will is preserved intact as he left it, and is accessible for consultation on certain conditions, are a number of miscellaneous MSS. and collections, including various translations of German dramas which he did not publish, and also his notes when a student at the class of Scots law. The original MSS. of most of Scott’s poems and novels are in existence, but the majority are now in the hands of private collectors. Of several MSS. of the novels at one time in the possession of Ruskin, only that of The Fortunes of Nigel is now at Brantwood. In the British Museum is the MS. of the most of Kenilworth; various letters of Scott to George Thomson, with verses for his Scottish Airs; the proofsheets of Woodstock with the author’s corrections and additions; eighteen letters to James Ballantyne about the work, and Ballantyne’s criticisms; a copy of The Life of Napoleon with MS. corrections and notes by Scott; and a portion of an edition of Swift’s Works used by Scott, with MS. notes by him. The MSS. of Marmion and Waverley are preserved in the Advocates’ library, Edinburgh. Portions of Kenilworth and The Legend of Montrose, original correspondence and verses belonging to Scott and various letters from him, are included in the Laing collection in the university of Edinburgh. The publishing firm of A. &. C. Black, London, possesses Scott’s annotated edition of the Waverley novels, in 44 volumes, full of textual corrections by him; and bound up in vol. 1 are the MSS. of the introductions, etc., published in the first collected edition.
- II. P
OETRY - A. Collected Editions
- The Poetical Works of Walter Scott, with the Notes by the Author. 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1820.
- Poetical Works. 7 vols. Paris, 1821 and 1827.
- ——
II vols. Edinburgh, 1830. - —— Ed. Lockhart, J. L., with illustrations on steel from drawings by Turner, J. M. W. Edinburgh, 1833–4 and 1848.
- Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir and critical dissertation, by Gilfillan, G. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1857.
- —— The Globe edition, with a biographical and critical memoir by Palgrave, F. T. 1866, and later edns.
- —— With a critical memoir by Rossetti, W. M., and illustrations by Seccombe, T. 1870.
- —— With prefatory notice, biographical and critical, by Sharp, W. 2 vols. 1885–6.
- —— Ed. Minto, W. 2 vols. 1891–2.
- —— Oxford complete edn. Ed. Robertson, J. L. 1904.
- —— Ed. Lang, A. 1905.
- B. Separate Works
- The Chase and William and Helen: two ballads from the German of Gottfried A. Bürger. [Anonymous.] Edinburgh and London, 1796.
- Apology for Tales of Terror. Kelso, 1799. [Only about 12 copies printed. Includes his Bürger translations, and a few other ballads afterwards included in M. G. Lewis’s Tales of Wonder, 1801.]
- The Eve of St. John: a Border Ballad. Kelso, 1800.
- Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Vols. and
II. Kelso, 1802. Vol.III. London and Edinburgh, 1803. [Includes original ballads by Scott and others.] 3rd and more complete edn. 1803. Various subsequent edns. with changes and additional notes. Posthumous edn. with additional notes by Lockhart, J. G. 1833. New edn. with additional notes and various readings by Henderson, T. F. 4 vols. Edinburgh and New York, 1902. Rearranged edn. with introduction by Noyes, A., in one vol. Edinburgh, 1908. - The Lay of the Last Minstrel. 1805. 6th edn. with notes. 1807. 8th edn. with Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Illustrated. 1808.
- Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. 1806.
- Marmion: a Tale of Flodden Field. 1808.
- The Lady of the Lake; a poem. Edinburgh, 1810.
- The Vision of Don Roderick. Edinburgh, 1811.
- Glenfinlas and other Ballads, with the Vision of Don Roderick. Edinburgh, 1812.
- Rokeby, a Poem. Edinburgh, 1813.
- The Bridal of Triermain; or the Vale of St. John. Edinburgh, 1813.
- The Field of Waterloo; a Poem. Edinburgh, 1815.
- The Lord of the Isles; a Poem in six cantos. 1815.
- The Vision of Don Roderick, The Field of Waterloo and other poems. Edinburgh, 1815.
- The Ettricke Garland, being two excellent new songs [one by Scott and the other by Hogg, J.]. Edinburgh, 1815.
- Various songs in Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice by Thomson, George, 6 vols., 1793–1811; and in Albyn’s Anthology, ed. Campbell, A., 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1816 and 1818.
- Harold the Dauntless; a Poem in six cantos. Edinburgh, 1817.
- Ballad of the Noble Moringer. In The Edinburgh Annual Register. 1817.
- The Bridal of Triermain and Harold the Dauntless. Edinburgh, 1818.
- Miscellaneous Poems. Edinburgh, 1820.
- The Poetry contained in the Novels, Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Halidon Hill; a Metrical Romance in two acts. 1822.
- Macduff’s Cross; a Dramatic Sketch. First published in Joanna Baillie’s Collection of Poetical Miscellanies. 1822. Republished with the Doom of Devorgoil, Halidon Hill and Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire Tragedy. Edinburgh, 1830.
- III. N
OVELS - A. Collected Editions
- Novels and Tales of the Author of Waverley. 16 vols. Edinburgh, 1821. 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1823.
- Historical Romances of the Author of Waverley. 8 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- Novels and Romances of the Author of Waverley. 9 vols. Edinburgh, 1824. 7 vols. Edinburgh, 1825.
- Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley. Illustrated edn. with introductions and notes. 20 vols. Edinburgh, 1827–33. Another edn., 16 vols. Edinburgh, 1828–33.
- The Waverley Novels. Author’s Favourite edn. [illustrated with 96 steel plates]. 48 vols. Edinburgh, 1830–4.
- —— Cabinet edn. 25 vols. Edinburgh, 1841–3.
- —— Abbotsford edn. [With many steel and wood engravings.] 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1842–7.
- —— Library edn. 25 vols. 1852–3.
- —— Illustrated Roxburghe edn. 48 vols. Edinburgh, 1859–61.
- —— Centenary edn. Edinburgh, 1870–1.
- —— Edition de Luxe. 25 vols. 1882–98.
- —— Dryburgh edn. 25 vols. 1890–1900.
- —— Border Illustrated edn. [With introductory essays and notes by Lang, A.] 48 vols. 1892–4, and later reprints.
- —— Oxford edn. 25 vols. Oxford, 1912.
- B. Separate Novels
- Waverley, or ’Tis Sixty Years Since. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1814.
- Guy Mannering, or The Astrologer. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1815.
- The Antiquary. By the Author of Waverley, and Guy Mannering. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1816.
- Tales of My Landlord. Collected and arranged by Jedidiah Cleishbotham. [The Black Dwarf and Old Mortality.] 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1816.
- Tales of My Landlord. Second series [The Heart of Midlothian]. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1818.
- Rob Roy. By the Author of Waverley. Edinburgh, 1818.
- Tales of My Landlord. Third series [The Bride of Lammermoor and The Legend of Montrose]. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1819.
- Ivanhoe. A Romance. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1820.
- The Monastery. A Romance. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1820.
- The Abbot. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1820.
- Kenilworth. A Romance. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1821.
- The Pirate. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
- The Fortunes of Nigel. By the Author of Waverley. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Peveril of the Peak. By the Author of Waverley. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Quentin Durward. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1823.
- St. Ronan’s Well. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- Redgauntlet: a tale of the eighteenth century. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- Tales of the Crusades. [Vols. 1 and
II, The Betrothed; vols.III andIV, The Talisman.] Edinburgh, 1825. - Woodstock; or the Cavalier. A tale of the year sixteen hundred and fiftyone. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1826.
- Chronicles of the Canongate [The Highland Widow; The Two Drovers; and The Surgeon’s Daughter. With an introduction by Scott, acknowledging the authorship of the Waverley novels]. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1827.
- Chronicles of the Canongate. Second series [St. Valentine’s Day; or The Fair Maid of Perth]. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1828.
- Anne of Geierstein; or The Maiden of the Mist. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. 1829.
- Tales of My Landlord. Fourth and last series [Count Robert of Paris and Castle Dangerous]. 4 vols. 1832.
- IV. M
ISCELLANEOUS WORKS - A. Collected Editions
- Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1827.
- Introductions, Notes and Illustrations to the Novels, Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. 1833.
- The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott. 30 vols. 1834–71. [Includes his numerous contributions to The Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, etc.]
- The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Edinburgh, 1836. [Introductory Remarks on Popular Poetry, prefixed to an edition of Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; and the new introductions, etc., to his principal poetical romances.]
- B. Separate Works
- Goetz of Berlichingen, with the Iron Hand: a tragedy translated from the German of Goethe. 1799.
- The Eyrbiggia Saga. [Contributed to Weber’s Northern Antiquities.] 1814.
- Essays on Chivalry and the Drama. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1814.
- The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. 2 vols. 1814–17.
- Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk. Edinburgh, 1816.
- Provincial Antiquities of Scotland. In 10 parts, 1819–26, and in 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1826.
- Description of the Regalia of Scotland. 1819, and later edns. [Rptd. from the Provincial Antiquities.]
- Lives of the Novelists, prefixed to Ballantyne’s Novelists’ Library. 1821–4. Published separately in 2 vols. Paris, 1825.
- Sketch of the Life and Character of the late Lord Kinneder. [Privately printed.] Edinburgh, 1822.
- Essay on Romance. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1822.
- Thoughts on the proposed change of Currency. [Three letters to the Editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal from Malachi Malagrowther, Esqr.] Edinburgh, 1826.
- The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a Preliminary view of the French Revolution. By the Author of Waverley. 9 vols. Edinburgh, 1827.
- Discourses of a Layman. 1828. [Two sermons written for a young preacher.]
- Tales of a Grandfather, being stories taken from Scottish History. Humbly inscribed to Hugh Littlejohn, Esqr. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1828. Second series. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1829.
- History of Scotland. 2 vols. (Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopedia.) 1829–30.
- Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart, Esqr. 1830.
- Tales of a Grandfather, being stories taken from the History of France. Inscribed to Master John Hugh Lockhart. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1831.
- V. C
ORRESPONDENCE, ETC. - Letters of Sir Walter Scott addressed to the Rev. R. Polwhele, D. Gilbert, Esqr., Francis Douse, Esq. 1823.
- Ellis, James. Letters between James Ellis, Esqr. and Walter Scott, Esqr. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1850.
- Coleorton, Memorials of. Letters of Scott to Sir George and Lady Beaumont of Coleorton. Ed. Knight, W. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1887.
- Journal (1825–32). 2 vols. Ed. Douglas, David. Edinburgh, 1890.
- Familiar Letters. 2 vols. Ed. by Douglas, David. Edinburgh, 1894.
- VI. W
ORKS EDITED BY SIR WALTER SCOTT - Sir Tristrem: a Metrical Romance of the Thirteenth century by Thomas of Ercildoune. Edited from the Auchinleck MS. Edinburgh, 1804. 4th edn. Edinburgh, 1819.
- Original Memoirs written during the Great Civil War: being the Life of Sir H. Slingsby and Memoirs of Captain Hodgson. With notes, etc. Edinburgh, 1806.
- The works of John Dryden now first collected. Illustrated with notes, historical, critical and explanatory, and a life of the author. 18 vols. 1808. [Fifty copies of the Life of Dryden were printed separately, 1808.] 2nd edn. 1821. New edn. revised and corrected by Saintsbury, G. Edinburgh, 1882.
- Queenhoo Hall, a romance; and Ancient Time, a drama, by the late Joseph Strutt. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1808.
- Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton written by himself. Edinburgh, 1808.
- Memoirs of Robert Carey, and Fragmenta Regalia: being a history of Queen Elizabeth’s favourites, by Sir R. Naunton. Edinburgh, 1808.
- Somers’s Collection of Tracts. 13 vols. 1809–15.
- The State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, ed. by Clifford, A. To which is added a memoir of the Life of Sir Ralph Sadler, with Historical Notes of Walter Scott, Esqr. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1809.
- The Poetical Works of Anna Seward. With extracts from her literary correspondence. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1810.
- Secret History of the Court of James the First. Edinburgh, 1811.
- The Works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters, tracts and poems not hitherto published. With notes and a life of the author. 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. 2nd edn., 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- The Letting of Humours Blood into the Head vaine. By S. Rowlands, Edinburgh, 1814.
- Memorie of the Somervilles. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1815.
- Memorials of the Haliburtons. [Privately printed.] Edinburgh, 1820.
- Trivial Poems and Triolets by Patrick Carey. 1820.
- Northern Memoirs calculated for the Meridian of Scotland, by Richard Franck. Edinburgh, 1821.
- Chronological Notes of Scottish Affairs from 1680 till 1701; being chiefly taken from the Diary of Lord Fountainhall. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Military Memoirs of the Great Civil War, being the Military Memoirs of J. Gwynne; and an account of the Earl of Glencairn’s Expedition. With an appendix. Edinburgh, 1822.
- Lays of the Lindsays, being Poems by the Ladies of the House of Balcarres. Edinburgh, 1824. [Suppressed.]
- Auld Robin Gray, a ballad. By the Rt. Honourable Lady Anne Barnard, born Lady Anne Lindsay of Balcarres. (Bannatyne club.) Edinburgh, 1825.
- Memoirs of the Marchioness de la Rochejaquelin. Translated from the French. (Constable’s Miscellany. Vol.
V. ) Edinburgh, 1827. - Various Tracts in the Bannatyne Miscellany. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1827–55.
- Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1545–1608. With a memoir. (Bannatyne club.) Edinburgh, 1829.
- Papers Relative to the Regalia of Scotland. (Bannatyne club.) Edinburgh, 1829.
- Proceedings in the Court Martial, held upon John Master of Sinclair. (Roxburghe club.) Edinburgh, 1831.
- Trial of Duncan Terig alias Clerk, and Alexander Bane Macdonald for the murder of Arthur Davis, serjeant in General Guise’s Regiment of Foot. June
A.D. 1754. Edinburgh, 1831. - Memoirs of the Insurrection in 1715, by John Master of Sinclair (Abbotsford club). Edinburgh 1858.
- VII. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Adolphus, J. L. Letters to Richard Heber containing critical remarks on the series of Novels beginning with Waverley. 1822.
- Agnoli, G. Gli Alborl del romanzo storico in Italia e i primi imitatori di Walter Scott. 1906.
- Ainger, A. Scott. Lectures and Essays. Vol. 1. 1905.
- Airy, Sir. G. B. Topography of the Lady of the Lake. [Privately ptd.] 1872.
- Bagehot, W. The Waverley Novels. National Review. Vol.
VI. 1858. Rptd. in Literary Studies. Vol.II. 1879. 2nd edn. 1884. - Ball, M. Sir Walter Scott as a critic of Literature. (Columbia University Studies in English.) New York, 1907.
- Ballantine, A. Refutations of the misstatements and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. 1838.
- —— Reply to Mr. Lockhart’s pamphlet, entitled The Ballantyne humbug handled. 1839.
- Ballantyne Press, The, and its connection with Sir Walter Scott. 1879.
- Ballantyne Press, The, and its Founders. 1909.
- Bates, W. The Maclise Portrait-Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters. 1883.
- Bernays, M. Beziehungen Goethes zu Walter Scott. In Zur neueren Literaturgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1895. [Vol. 1.]
- Blumenhagen, K. Sir Walter Scott als Übersetzer. Diss. Rostock, 1900.
- Bouchier, J. A Waverley Mozaic. 1898.
- Brandes, G. Main Currents of Nineteenth Century Literature. Vol.
IV. Naturalism in England. 1905. - Brooke, S. A. Studies in Poetry. 1907.
- Bryant, W. C. Orations and Addresses. 1873.
- Buonaparte, Louis. Réponse à Sir Walter Scott sur sa vie de Napoléon. Paris, 1827.
- Byron, Lord. Letters and Journals, ed. Prothero, R. E. 6 vols. 1898–1901.
- Canning, Hon. A. S. G. Philosophy of the Waverley Novels. 1879.
- —— History in Fact and Fiction. 1897.
- —— History in Scott’s Novels. 1905. 2nd edn. 1907.
- —— Sir Walter Scott studied in eight novels. 1910.
- Carlyle, T. Sir Walter Scott. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXVIII. 1838. Rptd. in Collected Essays. - Chambers’s Cyclopedia of English Literature. Vol.
III. Sir Walter Scott, by Ker, W. P. - Chambers’s Encyclopedia. Scott, by Lang, A.
- Chambers, R. Illustrations of the author of Waverley; being notices and anecdotes of real characters and incidents supposed to be described in his works. Edinburgh, 1825, and later edns.
- —— Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. 4 vols. Glasgow, 1832–4, and later edns. [Vol.
IV. ] - —— Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1834. 3rd edn., with Abbotsford notanda on Sir Walter Scott and his factor by Carruthers, R. London, 1871.
- Channing, W. E. Analysis of the Character of Napoleon, suggested by Scott’s Life of Napoleon. 1828.
- Chorley, H. F. The authors of England. A series of medallion portraits. 1838. New edn. 1861.
- Cochrane, J. G. Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford. (Bannatyne club.) Edinburgh, 1838.
- Cockburn, H. T. Lord. Life of Lord Jeffrey. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1852.
- —— Memorials of his Time. Edinburgh, 1856.
- —— Journal (1831–54). Edinburgh, 1871.
- Constable, T. Archibald Constable and his Literary Correspondents. 3 vols. 1873.
- Cornish, S. W. The Waverley Manual. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Courthope, W. J. The Liberal Movement in English Literature. 1885.
- —— History of English Poetry. Vol.
III. 1910. - Crockett, W. S. The Scott Country. Edinburgh, 1902, 1905, 1911.
- —— Footsteps of Scott. Edinburgh, 1907.
- —— The Scott Originals. Edinburgh, 1912.
- Crockett, W. S. and Caw, T. L. Sir Walter Scott (Bookman Biographies,
V. ) 1903. - Croker, J. W. See Jennings, L. J.
- Cross, W. L. Development of the English Novel. New York and London, 1899.
- Cunningham, Allan. Biographical and Critical History of the British Literature of the last fifty years. Paris, 1834.
- Des Granges, Ch. M. Le Romantisme et la Critique. La Presse littéraire sous la Restauration, 1815–30. Paris, 1907.
- Dickson, N. The Bible in Waverley. Edinburgh, 1884.
- Dotti, M. Delle derivazioni nei Promessi sposi di A. Manzoni dai Romanzi di Walter Scott. Pisa, 1900.
- Du roman historique en France et en Angleterre. Revue britannique. Nov. 1834.
- Eastman, C. W. Wilhelm Hauff’s Lichtenstein (compared with Ivanhoe). Amer. Germanica,
III–IV. 1890–1900. - Eberty, Felix. Walter Scott. Ein Lebensbild. 2 vols. Breslau, 1860, 1871.
- Elliot, Col. F. Trustworthiness of the Border Ballads. Edinburgh, 1906.
- —— Further Essays on the Border Ballads. Edinburgh, 1910.
- Elton, O. Survey of English Literature (1780–1830). 2 vols. 1912.
- Elze, Karl. Sir Walter Scott. Dresden, 1864.
- F. The Waverley anecdotes. 1833. New edn. 1887.
- Findlay, J. P. Sir Walter Scott, the Great Unknown. [1912.]
- F., W. J. [FitzPatrick, W. J.] Who wrote the earlier Waverley Novels? 1856. Revised edn. 1856.
- Franke, P. W. Der Stil in den epischen Dichtungen Walter Scotts. Berlin, 1909.
- Freeman, E. Norman Conquest. Note 2nd (on Ivanhoe) in Appendix. 1867–79.
- French, G. J. An inquiry into the origin of the authorship of some of the earlier Waverley Novels. Boston, 1856.
- Froude, J. A. Life of Thomas Carlyle. Various edns.
- Fyfe, W. G. Edinburgh under Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1906.
- Gaebel, C. Beiträge zur Technik der Erzählung in den Romanen Walter Scotts. 1901.
- Gibson, J. Reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Gilfillan, G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1870. 2nd edn. 1871.
- Gillies, R. P. Recollections of Sir Walter Scott. London, 1837.
- Gleig, S. R. The Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Goethe, J. W. von. Conversations with Eckermann. Various edns.
- Gottschall, R. von. Die deutsche Nationallitteratur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1872. [Vol.
IV. ] - Gourgaud, General. Réfutation de la vie de Napoléon par Sir Walter Scott. Paris, 1827.
- Grant, G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 1849.
- Grey, H. Key to the Waverley Novels. 1881, 1899.
- Hallays, A. W. Scott et le romantisme français. Journal des Débats. 26 July, 1898.
- Hannay, D. Glimpses of the Land of Scott. Illustrated by Macwhirter, J. 1887.
- Hay, J. Sir Walter Scott. 1899.
- Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age. 1825. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Henderson, P. A. W. Letters of Sir Walter Scott’s family to their governess. 1905.
- Herford, C. H. The Age of Wordsworth. 1897, and later edns.
- Highland Lady, Memoirs of a (1797–1833). 1898.
- Hogg, James. The Domestic Manners and Private Life of Sir Walter Scott. Glasgow, 1834. Edinburgh, 1882, 1909.
- —— Memorials of. Ed. Mrs. Garden. 3rd edn. Paisley, 1904.
- Howells, W. O. Criticism and Fiction. 1891.
- Howitt, W. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. 1849. 3rd edn. 1857.
- Hudson, W. H. Sir Walter Scott. 1901.
- Hughes, Mrs. Letters and Recollections of Sir Walter Scott. 1904, 1909.
- Hunnewell, J. F. The Lands of Scott. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Husband, M. F. A. Dictionary of characters in the Waverley Novels. 1910.
- Hutton, R. H. Sir Walter Scott. (English Men of Letters series.) 1878 and 1896.
- Irving, Washington. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 1835, 1850.
- Jack, A. A. Essays on the Novel as illustrated by Scott and Miss Austen. 1897.
- Jacob, C. G. Walter Scott. Ein biographisch-literarischer Versuch. 1827.
- Jeafferson, J. C. Novels and Novelists. 2 vols. 1858. [Vol.
II. ] - Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 1853.
- Jennings, L. J. Correspondence and Diaries of Croker, J. W. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1885.
- Jerrold, B. The Best of all Good Company. 1871.
- Keble, J. Occasional Papers and Reviews. Oxford, 1877.
- Lacroix, P. Soirées de Walter Scott à Paris. 1829.
- Landon, L. E. Life and Literary Remains of. 2 vols. 1841. [Vol.
II. ] - Lang, A. Letters to Dead Authors. 1886.
- —— Life and Letters of J. G. Lockhart. 2 vols. 1896.
- —— Sir Walter Scott. (Literary Lives series.) 1896, 1906.
- —— Scott and the Border Minstrelsy. 1910.
- Lang, A. and J. Highways and Byways in the Borders. 1913.
- Lennox, Lord William Pitt. Celebrities I have known. Second Series, 2 vols. 1877. [Vol.
II. ] - Leslie, C. R. Autobiographical Recollections. 2 vols. 1860.
- Lockhart, C. S. M. Centenary Memorials of Sir Walter Scott. 1871.
- Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1837–8. 10 vols. Edinburgh, 1839, and later edns. Abridged edn. 1817. Edn. de luxe. Edinburgh, 1899.
- —— The Ballantyne Humbug handled. Edinburgh, 1839.
- MacCrie, T. Vindication of the Covenanters in a review of The Tales of My Landlord. Edinburgh, 1845.
- MacCunn, F. A. Sir Walter Scott’s friends. Edinburgh, 1909, and later edns.
- Mackay, C. Forty Years Recollections. 2 vols. 1871. [Vol.
II. ] - Mackenzie, R. S. Sir Walter Scott, the Story of his Life. 1871.
- Maigron, L. Le Roman historique à l’époque romantique. Essai sur l’influence de Walter Scott. Paris, 1898. Cf. The Quarterly Review, vol.
CXC, 1899. - Martineau, H. Miscellanies. 2 vols. Boston [U.S.], 1836.
- Mason, E. T. Personal Traits of British Authors. 2 vols. New York. 1855. [Vol.
II. ] - Masson, D. British Novelists and their Styles. Cambridge, 1859.
- Maxwell-Scott, Hon. Mrs. The Making of Abbotsford. 1897.
- Millar, J. H. A Literary History of Scotland. 1903.
- Miller, Hugh. Essays. Edinburgh, 1862.
- —— Leading Articles. Edinburgh, 1862.
- Minto, W. The Literature of the Georgian Era. Edinburgh, 1894. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Eleventh edn. Scott, by Minto, W.
- Moir, D. M. Sketches of the Poetical Literature of the last half century. Cambridge, 1851.
- Morgan, A. E. Scott and his Poetry. 1913.
- Napier, G. G. Homes and Haunts of Scott. 1907.
- Neubürger, E. Goethe und Walter Scott. In Nachklänge. Frankfort, 1900.
- Norgate, G. Le Grys. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 1906.
- Olcott, E. S. The Country of Sir Walter Scott. 1913.
- Oliphant, M. O. The Literary History of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. 3 vols. 1882. [Vol.
II. ] - Omond, T. S. The Romantic Triumph. Edinburgh, 1900.
- Palgrave, F. T. Landscape in Poetry. 1896.
- Prescott, W. H. Critical and Historical Essays. 1850.
- Robberds, J. W. Life of Taylor, W., of Norwich. 2 vols. 1843.
- Roesel, L. K. Die literarischen und persönlichen Beziehungen Sir Walter Scotts zu Goethe. Diss. Leipzig, 1902.
- Rogers, C. (ed.). The Centenary Garland. Edinburgh, 1871.
- —— Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Scott. 1877.
- Rogers, M. The Waverley Dictionary. Chicago, 1879.
- Rogers, S. Table Talk. 1856.
- Rossetti, W. M. Lives of Famous Poets. 1878, and later edns.
- Saintsbury, G. The Historical Novel. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. Second Series. 1895.
- —— A History of Nineteenth Century Literature (1780–1895). 1896.
- —— Sir Walter Scott. (Famous Scots series.) 1897.
- Sarrazin, G. Les Poètes modernes d’Angelterre. Paris, 1884.
- Schmidt, J. Walter Scott und seine Bedeutung für unsere Zeit. Westermanns Monatshefte,
XXVI (1869). - Scott, Adam. Sir Walter Scott’s first love. 1896.
- Scott, C. G. and A. Letters of Sir Walter Scott’s Family to their governess, 1905.
- Scott, J., of Gala. Journal of a tour to Waterloo and Paris with Sir Walter Scott. 1842.
- Scott, Sir Walter. Illustrations of the Lay of the Last Minstrel: with anecdotes and descriptions. 1808.
- —— Illustrations of the Novels and Tales of the author of Waverley with biographical notes. 1823.
- —— Soirées d’ Abbotsford, chroniques et nouvelles recueillies dans les salons de Walter Scott. Paris, 1834.
- —— The Waverley Gallery of the principal Female Characters in Sir Walter Scott’s romances. 1841.
- —— Particulars and conditions of sale of copyrights, etc. of the Works of Sir Walter Scott. 1851.
- —— Beautés de Walter Scott. Magnifiques portraits des héroïnes de Walter Scott, accompagnés chacun d’un portrait littéraire par MM. A. Dumas, Carmouche, etc. Paris, 1852.
- —— Catalogue of the Scott Exhibition, 1871. With Preface by Sir W. Stewart Maxwell. Edinburgh, 1811.
- Senior, W. N. Essays on Fiction. 1864.
- Shairp, J. C. Aspects of Poetry, being Lectures delivered at Oxford. Oxford, 1881.
- Siebert, A. Untersuchungen zu Walter Scott’s Waverley. 1903.
- Skene, J. Sketches of the Existing Localities alluded to in the Waverley Novels. Edinburgh, 1829.
- —— Memories of Sir Walter Scott. Ed. Thomson, B. 1909.
- Smiles, Samuel. Life of John Murray. 2 vols. 1891.
- Smith, Goldwin. Sir Walter Scott in English Poets. Ed. Ward, T. W. Vol.
IV. 1883. - Sproat, G. M. Sir Walter Scott as a Poet. 1871.
- Stendhal. Walter Scott et la Princesse de Clèves. In Racine et Shakespeare. Paris, 1823.
- —— Mélanges d’art et de littérature. Paris, 1824.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Hours in a Library. Vol. 1. 1874. New edn., with additions. Vol. 1. 1907.
- —— The Story of Scott’s Ruin. Studies of a Biographer. Vol.
II. 1898. - —— Dictionary of National Biography. Sir Walter Scott.
- Stevenson, R. L. A Gossip on Romance. Longmans’ Magazine. February, 1882. Rptd. in Memories and Portraits, 1887, and later edns.
- Ticknor, G. Life, Letters and Journals. 2 vols. 1876.
- Tuckerman, R. A History of English Prose Fiction. New York, 1882.
- Vaughan, C. E. The Romantic Revolt. Edinburgh, 1907.
- Veitch, J. The feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry. 2 vols. Edinburgh 1887. [Vol.
II. ] - —— History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. 2nd edn. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1893. [Vol.
II. ] - Verrall, A. W. Collected Literary Essays. Cambridge, 1913.
- Waille, V. Le Romantisme de Manzoni. Algiers, 1890.
- Walker, H. Three centuries of Scottish Literature. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1893 [Vol.
II. ] - Warner, R. Illustrations, historical, biographical, etc. of the Novels by the author of Waverley. 3 vols. 1823–4.
- Watt, J. C. Great Novelists. 1885.
- Watt, L. M. Scottish Life and Poetry. 1912.
- White, James. Robert Burns and Walter Scott. 1858.
- Williams, A. M. Scott as a Man of Letters. Engl. Stud. Vol.
XXXVII. Leipzig, 1907. - Willis, N. P. Famous Persons and Famous Places. 1854.
- Wright, G. N. Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland and the Waverley Novels from drawings by J. M. W. Turner. 1836–8.
- Wyndham, G. Sir Walter Scott. 1908.
- Yonge, C. D. Three Centuries of English Literature. 1872.
- —— Life of Sir Walter Scott. (Great Writers series.) 1888. [With Bibliography by Anderson, J. P.]
- Young, C. A. The Waverley Novels. 1907.