The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- L
OBERT SOUTHEY - See, also, Chap.
VI, ante, Coleridge, bibliography. - A. Manuscripts in the British Museum
- Cataract of Lodore. Egerton 1966, f. 17.
- The Curse of Kehama (an early copy, many alterations made before publication). Add. 36485.
- Joan of Arc. Add. 28096.
- Preface to Letters written during a short Residence in Spain and Portugal. Add. 28096, f. 1.
- Roprecht the Robber. Add. 21508, f. 64.
- Triumphal Ode. Add. 36961.
- Letters: Add. MSS. 18204, f. 171; 21508, ff. 78, 79; 24023, f. 61; 28603; 30928; 33964, f. 378; 34046, ff. 132–148; 35343, f. 127b; 35344, ff. 170, 172, 174; 35350, f. 138. Egerton 2159, f. 88.
- B. Collected Poems.
- Poems: containing the Retrospect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, etc. By Lovell, R. and Southey, R. 1794. 1795.
- Poems by Robert Southey. Bristol, London, 1797. 2nd edn. 2 vols. Bristol, 1797–9.
- The Minor Poems of Robert Southey. 2 vols. Bristol, 1797. Rptd. 1815, 1823, 1854.
- Poems. First American edn. Boston (Mass.), 1799.
- Poetical Works of Robert Southey, complete in one volume. Paris, 1829.
- Poetical Works, collected by himself. 10 vols. 1837–8.
- Poetical Works, complete in one volume. 1850.
- Poetical Works, with a memoir of the author (by Tuckermann, H. T.). 10 vols. Boston (Mass.). 1860.
- Poems chosen and arranged by Dowden, E. 1895.
- Poems … containing the Curse of Kehama, Roderick, Madoc, A Tale of Paraguay, and selected minor poems. Ed. Fitzgerald, M. H. Oxford, 1909.
- C. Separate Poems
- The Fall of Robespierre. An historic drama. (The first act by Coleridge, the second and third by Southey.) 1794.
- Joan of Arc, an epic poem. Bristol, 1796. 2 vols. 1798.
- —— Fifth edition. 2 vols. 1817. Also 1853.
- Thalaba the Destroyer (a metrical romance). 2 vols. 1801. 2nd edn. 1809. 3rd edn. 1814.
- Madoc. 1805. 2 vols. 1815. 1825.
- The Curse of Kehama. 1810. 1818. 1853.
- Roderick, the last of the Goths. 1814. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1815. Also 1818, 1826. Translated into Dutch, with a prefatory notice by Bilderdijk, W. The Hague, 1823–4.
- Odes to … the Prince Regent … the Emperor of Russia, and … the King of Prussia. 1814.
- Carmen Nuptiale, The Lay of the Laureate. (On the marriage of Princess Charlotte.) 1816.
- The Poet’s Pilgrimage to Waterloo. 1816. 2nd edn. 1816.
- Wat Tyler; a Dramatic Poem. Sherwin’s Edition. Price Two Pence. [1817.] (Presumed the first edn.)
- —— a dramatic poem in three acts. 1817. (Pirated edn.)
- —— a dramatic poem, with a preface suitable to recent circumstances. 1817.
- Carmen Triumphale, for the commencement of the year 1814. 1821.
- A Vision of Judgment. 1821.
- A Tale of Paraguay. 1825.
- All for Love; and The Pilgrim to Compostella. 1829.
- The Devil’s Walk; a poem by S. T. Coleridge and R. Southey. 1830.
- Oliver Newman: a New-England tale (unfinished); with other poetical remains. Ed. Hill, H. 1845.
- Robin Hood: a fragment. By the late Robert Southey and Caroline Southey. With other fragments and poems by Robert Southey and Caroline Southey. Edinburgh and London, 1847.
- D. Prose Works
- The Flagellant. [Written by Southey and other Westminster scholars. Nine weekly parts, from March 1 to April 26, 1792. The article on corporal punishment, for which Southey was dismissed the school, is in no. v. Only the B.M. copy (C. 58. e. 21) extant. Southey’s autograph is on first title-page.]
- Letters written during a short Residence in Spain and Portugal. Bristol, 1797. 3rd edn. London, 1808.
- Letters from England; by Don Manuel Alverez Espriella (i.e. Southey).… Translated from the Spanish. 3 vols. 1807. 1814.
- History of Brazil. 3 pts. 1810–19.
- Omniana, or Horae Otiosiores. 2 vols. 1812. (Nos. 87–92, 97, 98, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109–111, 113, 114, 117–129, 155, 160 vol.
I, and 171, 179, 205 vol.II, by Coleridge.) - The Life of Nelson. 2 vols. 1813. 1830. 1853.
- —— New edition, with additional notes and plates, and a general index. (Bohn’s Illustrated Library.) 1861.
- —— Ed. with introduction and notes by Butler, H. B.… with maps, plans, and other illustrations. 1911.
- A Letter to W. Smith, Esq., M.P., from R. Southey [on occasion of certain strictures made by W. Smith in the House of Commons on the writings of Southey]. 1817.
- The Life of Wesley; and the rise and progress of Methodism. 2 vols. 1820.
- —— with notes by … Coleridge, S. T.… and Remarks on the life and character of J. Wesley by … Knox, A. Ed. Southey, C. C. 2 vols. 1846. Rptd. 1858. Translated into German. Hamburg, 1828.
- The Expedition of Orsua, and the Crimes of Aguirre. 1821.
- The Life of Oliver Cromwell. Quarterly Rev. no.
L, July 1821. - History of the Peninsular War. 3 vols. 1823–32.
- The Book of the Church. 2 vols. 1824. 1837. 1841. 1859. With notes from Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 1869, etc.
- Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Letters to C. Butler, Esq. comprising Essays on the Romish Religion and vindicating The Book of the Church. 1826.
- Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the progress and prospects of Society. 2 vols. 1829. 2nd edn. 1831.
- Essays Moral and Political … now first collected. 2 vols. 1832.
- Lives of the British Admirals, with an introductory view of the Naval History of England. [Continued by Bell, R.] 5 vols. 1833–40.
- The Doctor. 7 vols. 1834–47. (Vols.
VI andVII ed. Warter, J. W.) - The Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the history of the rise and progress of the system of Mutual Tuition. 3 vols. 1844. [First vol. only by R. Southey.]
- Common Place Book. Ed. by his son-in-law Warter, J. W. (Vol.
I. Choice Passages. 1849. Vol.II. Special Collections. 1849. Vol.III. Analytical Readings. 1850. Vol.IV. Original Memoranda. 1851.) - Journal of a Tour in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1815. 1902. With an introduction by Nicoll, W. R. 1903.
- E. Correspondence
- The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, C. C. Southey. 6 vols. 1849–50.
- Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey.… Edited … by Warter, J. W. 4 vols. 1856.
- The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles. To which are added: Correspondence with Shelley, and Southey’s Dreams. Ed., with introduction, Dowden, E. Dublin, 1881.
- Letters from the Lake Poets. Ed. Stuart, M. 1889.
- Letters of Robert Southey. A selection, ed. with introduction and notes by Fitzgerald, M. H. Oxford, 1912. (The World’s Classics.)
- F. Translated and Edited Works
- Amadis of Gaul. By Vasco Lobeira. (From the Spanish version of Garciordonez de Montalvo by R. Southey.) 1803.
- The Works of Thomas Chatterton. [Edd. Cottle and Southey.] 1803.
- Palmerin of England. 4 vols. (Corrected by R. Southey.) 1807.
- Specimens of the later English Poets, with preliminary notices by R. Southey. 3 vols. 1807.
- Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by R. Southey. 1808.
- The remains of H. K. White. With an account of his life by R. Southey. 1808.
- The byrth, lyf, and actes of Kyng Arthur. With an introduction and notes by R. Southey. 1817.
- The Pilgrim’s Progress. With a life John Bunyan by R. Southey. 1830.
- Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Jonson, with biographical sketches, by R. Southey. 1831.
- Attempts in verse.… With some account of the writer (John Jones, Servant) written by himself, and an introductory essay on the lives and works of our uneducated poets, by R. Southey, Poet Laureate. 1831.
- See, also, bibliography to chap.
IV, ante, William Cowper, sect.II. - G. Biography and Criticism
- See, also, the various introductions to editions of Southey’s Works mentioned in sections
B–E, ante. - Betham, E. A House of Letters: being excerpts from the correspondence of … Southey … and others with Matilda Betham. [1905.]
- Browne, C. Life of Robert Southey. 1854.
- Byron, Lord. Letters and Journals. 6 vols. Ed. Prothero, R. E. 1898, 1901.
- Chorley, H. F. The Authors of England. 1838.
- Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. 1817.
- Cottle, J. Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and Robert Southey. 1847.
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol.
VI, chap.VIII, also pp. 247–8. 1910. - Dennis, J. Robert Southey. Studies in English Literature. 1876.
- —— Robert Southey. The story of his life written in his letters. Boston (U.S.A.), 1887.
- De Quincey, Thomas. Reminiscences of the Lake Poets. Works. Ed. Masson, D. Vol.
II, Edinburgh, 1889. - Dowden, E. Southey. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1874.
- Gilfillan, G. Robert Southey. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
I. 1856. - Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age: or, Contemporary Portraits. 1825. Works. Edd. Glover, A. and Waller, A. R. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Jerdan, W. Men I have known. 1866.
- Knight, W. A. Memorials of Coleorton, etc. 1887.
- Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations. 1826.
- Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Historical Essays, pp. 97–120; 180–8. 1852.
- Robberds, J. W. A memoir of the life and writings of the late William Taylor, of Norwich, … Containing his Correspondence … with R. S. and … other eminent literary men. 2 vols. 1843.
- Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary. Ed. Sadler, T. 3 vols. 1869. 2 vols. 1872.
- Saintsbury, G. Robert Southey. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 2nd ser. 1895.
- Scott, Sir Walter. Life. 10 vols. By Lockhart, John G. 1903.
- —— Familiar Letters. 1894.
- Smiles, Samuel. A Publisher and his friends. Memoir of the late John Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768–1843. 2 vols. 1891.
- Stephen, Sir L. Southey’s Letters. Studies of a Biographer. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Symons, A. Robert Southey. Saturday Review. Vol.
CII, pp. 325, 356. 1906. - Thackeray, W. M. The Four Georges. (George III.) 1861.
- Watson, R. Observations on Southey’s Life of Wesley. 1820.
- Westminster School Register from 1764 to 1883. Compiled by Barker, G. F. R. and Stenning, A. H. 1892.
- II. L
ESSER POETS - Christopher Anstey
- Poetical Works of the late Christopher Anstey, Esq., with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son, John Anstey, Esq. 1808.
- The New Bath Guide, or Memoirs of the B-r-d (Blunderhead) Family, in a series of Poetical Epistles. 1766.
- On the much lamented Death of the Marquis of Tavistock. 1767.
- The Patriot, a Pindaric Address to Lord Buckhorse. Cambridge, 1767.
- A Serious Alarum to the People of Bath. [1772.]
- The Priest Dissected. A Poem. 1774.
- An Election Ball. 1776.
- A Familiar Epistle (in verse) from C. Anstey, Esq. to C. W. Bampfylde, Esq. Translated and addressed to the ladies. Dublin, 1777.
- Envy. 1778.
- Speculation, or a Defence of Mankind. 1780.
- Liberality, or the Decayed Macaroni. 1788.
- The Farmer’s Daughter, a poetical tale. 1795.
- Britain’s Genius, a song. 1797.
- Maier, Walter. Christopher Anstey und der New Bath Guide. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der englischen Satire im 18 Jahrhundert. Heidelberg, 1914.
- Daniel Bellamy, the elder and the younger
- The Cambro-Britannic Engineer … a mock-heroic poem. 1722.
- Love Triumphant, or the Rival Goddesses. 1722.
- The Young Ladies’ Miscellany. 1723.
- The Rival Priests.… A farce. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger.] 1739.
- The Perjur’d Devotee … a comedy. [By D. Bellamy the Elder and Younger.] 1741.
- Ethic Amusements by Mr. Bellamy, revised by his son D. Bellamy. 1768.
- Ethic Amusements. Ethic tales … and fables.… By … Fenelon.… From the French. [1770.] (An addition, separately published, to the preceding work.)
- William Lisle Bowles
- The Poetical Works of W. L. B. With memoir, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes … by … G. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855.
- Sonnets, written chiefly on picturesque spots during a tour. 1789.
- Verses to John Howard. 1789.
- The Grave of Howard. A poem. Salisbury, 1790.
- St. Michael’s Mount. A poem. 1798.
- The Battle of the Nile. 1799.
- The Sorrows of Switzerland. 1801.
- The Picture. 1803.
- The Spirit of Discovery: or, the Conquest of the Ocean. 1804.
- Bowden Hall. 1806.
- The Missionary. 1813. 1815. 1816.
- The Grave of the last Saxon. 1822.
- Ellen Gray; or the dead maiden’s curse. 1823.
- Days Departed; or Banwell Hill, a lay of the Severn Sea. 1828.
- St. John in Patmos; or the last Apostle. 1833.
- Scenes and Shadows of Days Departed. 1837. (With an autobiographical introduction.)
- The Village Verse-Book. 1837.
- Samuel Boyse
- Translations and Poems written on several occasions. 1738.
- Deity. A poem. 1739.
- The Canterbury Tales, modernis’d [by Boyse, S. etc.]. 1741.
- An Historical Review of the Transactions of Europe from the Commencement of the War with Spain in 1739, to the Insurrection in Scotland in 1745. Reading, 1747.
- The Praise of Peace; a poem in three cantos. 1749.
- Life by Chalmers, A. The Works of the English Poets. Vol.
XIV. 1810. - Sir James Bland Burges. (Known after 1821 as Sir James Lamb.)
- The Birth and Triumph of Love, a poem. 1796.
- Richard the First; a poem. 2 vols. 1801.
- Dramas. 1817.
- The Dragon Knight; a poem in twelve cantos. 1818.
- Selections from the letters and correspondence of Sir J. B. Burges … with notices of his life. Ed. Hulton, J. 1885.
- Richard Owen Cambridge (1717–1802)
- Works. Ed. Cambridge, G. O. 1803.
- The Scribleriad. 1751.
- Hannah Cowley (1743–1809)
- Life and Works. 3 vols. 1813.
- The Maid of Aragon. 1780.
- The Scottish Village, or Pitcairn Green. 1787.
- Edwina. 1794.
- The Siege of Acre. 1801.
- Samuel Croxall
- An original Canto of Spencer, design’d as part of his Fairy Queen, but never printed, now made publick by Nestor Ironside. 1713.
- An Ode humbly inscrib’d to the King (George I). 1714.
- The Vision: a poem. 1715.
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses, in fifteen books, translated by the most eminent hands. 1717. (The 6th book, and parts of the 8th, 10th, 11th and 13th, translated by Croxall.)
- The Fair Circassian, a dramatic performance done from the original by a gentleman-commoner of Oxford. 1720. 1721. 1729, etc.
- Fables of Aesop, and others, newly done into English. 1722. 3rd edn. 1731. 5th edn. 1747. 24th edn. 1836.
- Jacob, G. The Poetical Register. 2 vols. 1719.
- Erasmus Darwin
- The Botanic Garden; a Poem, in Two Parts. Part I containing The Economy of Vegetation. Part II. The Loves of the Plants. With Philosophical Notes. 1789 etc. (Part I dated 1791, Part II 1789). Also 1791. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1794–5. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1799.
- Zoonomia, or the laws of Organic Life. 2 vols. 1794–6.
- A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools. Derby, 1797.
- Phytologia; or the philosophy of Agriculture. 1800.
- The Temple of Nature; or the origin of Society: a poem. 1803.
- Remembrance. 1812.
- Brandl, L. Erasmus Darwin’s Temple of Nature. Schipper’s Wiener Beiträge. Vol.
XVI. Vienna, 1902. - —— Erasmus Darwin’s Botanic Garden. Schipper’s Wiener Beiträge. Vol.
XXX. Vienna, 1909. - Butler, S. Evolution, old and new. 1879.
- Darwin, C. Life of Erasmus Darwin. 1887.
- Dowson, J. Erasmus Darwin. 1861.
- Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin. Transl. by Dallas, W. S. With preliminary note by Darwin, C. 1879.
- Seward, A. Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly at Lichfield. 1804.
- George Ellis
- See bibliography to Chap.
II, ante, and to Vol.X, Chap.X, ante. - Francis Fawkes
- A description of May. From G. Douglas … by F. Fawkes. 1752.
- Winter. From G. Douglas … by F. Fawkes. 1754.
- The Works of Anacreon, Sappho.… Translated … [by F. Fawkes]. 1760.
- Original Poems and translations. 1761.
- The Complete Family Bible, with Notes Theological, Moral, Critical, etc. 1761.
- The Poetical Calendar. 12 vols. 1763. (Fawkes and Woty.)
- Poetical Magazine, or the Muses’ Monthly Companion. Vol.
I. 1764. - Partridge-shooting; an eclogue. To the Hon. Charles Yorke. 1767.
- The Works of Horace in English verse by Mr. Duncombe and other hands. 4 vols. 1767.
- The Idylliums of Theocritus translated by F. F. 1767.
- The works of Anacreon. The works of Apollonius Rhodius. The works of Bion. The works of Moschus. The works of Musaeus. The works of Sappho. The works of Theocritus. Translated by F. F. 1793.
- Hasted, E. History of Kent. 1886.
- See, also, bibliography to vol.
X, chap.VII, ante. - William Gifford
- See bibliography to Chap.
II, ante. - Constantia Grierson
- Poems on several occasions. [With laudatory verses to the author (Barber, M.) by C. G.] 1734.
- Poems by eminent ladies, particularly Mrs. Barber, … Mrs. Grierson, etc. 1755.
- [Also edited Latin classics published by her husband. Virgil, 1724. Terence, 1727. Tacitus, 1730.]
- Ballard, G. Memoirs of British Ladies. 1775.
- William Hayley
- The Poetical Works of W. Hayley. 3 vols. Dublin, 1785.
- Poems and Plays. A new edn. 6 vols. 1788.
- Poems on Serious and Sacred Subjects. 1818.
- An Elegy on the ancient Greek Model. 1779.
- Epistle to Admiral Keppel [on his acquittal]. 1779.
- A poetical Epistle to an eminent Painter [Romney, G.]. 1779.
- An Epistle to a friend on the death of J. Thornton. 1780.
- An Essay on history; in three epistles. 1780.
- An Essay on Painting. 1781.
- The Triumphs of Temper. 1781.
- An Essay on Epic poetry. 1782.
- The Happy Prescription, or the lady relieved from her Lovers. 1785.
- A philosophical Essay on Old Maids. 3 vols. 1785.
- The Two Connoisseurs; a comedy in rhyme. Calcutta, 1785.
- Occasional Stanzas, written at the request of the Revolution Society. 1788.
- The Young Widow, or a History of Cornelia Sudley. 1789.
- The Eulogies of Howard. 1791.
- Life of Milton in Boydell and Nicol’s edn. of Milton’s Works. 1794. 2nd enlarged edn. 1796.
- An Elegy on the Death of … Sir William Jones. 1795.
- An Essay on Sculpture. 1800.
- The Triumph of Music. Chichester, 1804.
- Ballads.… Founded on anecdotes relating to animals. 1805.
- The life of George Romney. 1809.
- Three Plays with a Preface. Chichester, 1811.
- How Cowper got his pension. From a manuscript of William Hayley. Ed. Coldicott, H. R. S. Cornhill Magazine, April, 1913.
- Memoirs of the life and writings of W. H.… written by himself. With extracts from his private correspondence and unpublished Poetry.… 2 vols. Ed. Johnson, J. 1823.
- See, also, bibliography to Chap.
IV, ante, William Cowper. - James Hurdis (1763–1801)
- The Village Curate, and other Poems. 1788.
- Adriano, or the First of June. 1790.
- The Tragedy of Sir Thomas More. 1791.
- Sir William Jones (1746–1794)
- Works. 13 vols. 1807.
- Poetical works. 2 vols. 1810.
- George Keate (1729–1797)
- The Alps. 1763.
- Poetical Works. 1781.
- The Distressed Poet. 1787.
- Mary Leapor
- Poems on Several Occasions. Ed. Browne, J. H. (the Elder). Vol.
I. 1748. Vol.II. 1751. (A selection from M. L.’s poems contained in Mary Barber’s Poems by Eminent Ladies, 1755.) - Thomas James Mathias (1754?–1835)
- Works. 4 pts. Dublin, 1799.
- The Pursuits of Literature. 1794–7. 5th edn. 1798. 11th edn. 1801. 16th edn. 1812.
- Thomas Maurice (1754–1824)
- Poems and Miscellaneous Pieces. 1779.
- Poems epistolary, lyric, and elegiacal. 1800.
- Select Poems. 1803.
- Moses Mendez
- A Collection of the most esteemed pieces of Poetry.… With variety of originals by the late M. M., etc. 1767. Also 1770.
- The Chaplet. A musical entertainment. 1749.
- Robin Hood. A musical entertainment. 1751.
- The Shepherd’s Lottery. A musical entertainment. 1751.
- The Double Disappointment, or the fortune hunters. A comedy. 1755.
- Jacobs, J. and Wolf, L. Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica. 1888.
- Robert Merry, the Della Cruscan
- The Arno Miscellany. [By Merry, R. etc.] 1784.
- The Florence Miscellany. [Poems by Merry, R. and others.] 1785.
- Paulina: or the Russian Daughter: a poem in two books. 1787.
- The Album of Streatham … and the ode on the restoration of his Majesty, written by Mr. Merry. 1789.
- Ambitious Vengeance. 1790.
- The Laurel of Liberty, a poem. 1790.
- Lorenzo, a tragedy. 1791.
- Ode to the Fourteenth of July … being the anniversary of the Revolution in France. 1791.
- Fenelon, a drama. 1795.
- The Wounded Soldier, a poem. [1795?]
- Boaden, Jas. Memoirs … of Kemble. 1825.
- Dunlap, W. A History of the American Theatre. 1832.
- Reynolds, F. Memoirs. 1826.
- Frank Sayers
- Poems. Norwich, 1792.
- Collective Works of the late Dr. Sayers, to which have been prefixed some biographical particulars by W. Taylor. 2 pts. Norwich, 1823.
- Poetical Works of the late F. S. To which have been prefixed the connected disquisitions on the rise and progress of poetry and … biographical particulars … supplied by W. Taylor of Norwich. 1830.
- Dramatic Sketches of Northern Mythology. 1790. (1792 edn. contains the ode to Pandora, and a monodrama.)
- Disquisitions, metaphysical and literary. 1793.
- Nugae Poeticae. 1803.
- Miscellanies, antiquarian and historical. 1805.
- John Hall Stevenson
- The Works of John Hall Stevenson, Esq.… Corrected and Enlarged. With several original poems, now first printed, and explanatory notes. 3 vols. 1795.
- A Nose-gay and a Simile for the Reviewers. 1760.
- Two lyrical Epistles, or Margery the Cook Maid, to the Critical Reviewers. 1760.
- To my Cousin Shandy on his coming to Town. 1760.
- Tales for grown gentlemen. 1761.
- Crazy Tales. 1762. Rptd. 1894.
- A Pastoral Cordial; or an Anodyne Sermon, etc. 1763.
- A Pastoral Puke; a second sermon, etc. 1764.
- Makarony Fables, with the new Fable of the Bees. 1767.
- Lyric Consolations, etc. 1768.
- A Sentimental Dialogue … between an English Lady of Quality and an Irish Gentleman. 1768.
- Fables for grown Gentlemen for the year 1770. 1770.
- An Essay upon the King’s Friends. 1776.
- Cooper, W. D. Seven Letters by Sterne and his Friends. 1844.
- Fitzgerald, P. Life of Sterne. 2 vols. 1864. 2nd edn. 1896.
- Sterne’s Works. Ed. Saintsbury, G. 6 vols. 1894.
- Young, G. A history of Whitby. 2 vols. 1817.
- William Tasker (1740–1800)
- Ode to the Warlike Genius of Great Britain. 1778. 3rd edn., with other poems. 1779.
- Ode to Curiosity. 2nd edn. 1779.
- William Thompson
- Poetical Works. To which is prefixed the life of the author. A complete edn. of the Poets of Great Britain. Vol.
X. 1793, etc. - Poems on several occasions, to which is added Gondibert and Birtha, a tragedy. Oxford, 1757.
- A Hymn to May. [1740?]
- Sickness, a poem. Two Books. 1745.
- Gondibert and Birtha, a tragedy. [1751.]
- The Happy Life. The Magi, a sacred eclogue. The Cabinet of Poetry. Vol.
V. Ed. Pratt, S. J. 1808. - John Tweddell (1769–1799)
- Prolusiones Juveniles. 1792.
- Paston (G.). The Romance of John Tweddell. Little Memoirs of the 18th century. 1901.
- Thomas Sedgwick Whalley (1746–1828)
- Edwy and Edilda. 1779.
- The Castle of Montval. A tragedy in five acts. 1781.
- The Fatal Kiss. 1781.
- Mont Blanc. 1788.
- Journals and Correspondence. 1863.
- Sir Charles Hanbury Williams
- The works … of Sir C. H. W.… from the originals in the possession of his Grandson, the … Earl of Essex. With notes by H. Walpole, Earl of Orford. 3 vols. 1822.
- An Ode to the Honourable H … y F.
X, on the marriage of the Du … s of M … r [Duchess of Manchester] to H … s … y [Hussey] Esq. 1746. - An Ode to … S. Poyntz, Esq. 1746.
- H … ss … y [i.e. Hussey, afterwards Montagu, earl of Beaulieu] to Sir C.… H.… W.… s: or the Rural Reflections of a Welch poet. 1746.
- A collection of poems principally consisting of the most celebrated pieces of Sir C. H. W. 1763.
- The Odes of Sir C. H. Williams. 1775.
- Correspondance de Cathérine II et de Sir C. Hanbury Williams, 1756–7. (Russian and French.) Moscow, 1909.
- Coxe, W. Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 1801.
- Hutchinson, John. Herefordshire Biographies. 1890.
- Helen Maria Williams
- Poems. 2 vols. 1786. 2nd edn. 1791.
- Poems … and original sonnets by H. M. Williams. 1803.
- Recueil de Poésies, extraites des ouvrages d’ H. M. W.; traduit de l’Anglais par M.S. de Boufflers, et par M. Esménard. Paris, 1808.
- Poems on various subjects. With introductory remarks on the present state of science and literature in France. 1823.
- Edwin and Eltruda, a legendary tale. 1782.
- An Ode on the Peace. 1783.
- Peru, a poem. 1784.
- Ode to Peace. [1786.]
- Julia, a novel; interspersed with … poetical pieces. 2 vols. 1790.
- Letters written in France in the summer of 1790, to a Friend in England. 1790. French edn. Paris, 1791.
- A Farewell for two years to England. A poem. 1791.
- Letters on the French Revolution, written in France, in the summer of 1790, to a friend in England; containing various anecdotes … and Memoirs of Mons. and Madame Du F.… Boston, 1791.
- Letters containing a sketch of the Politics of France from the thirty-first of May, 1793, till the twenty-eighth of July, 1794. 2 vols. 1795. French edn. Paris [1795?].
- Paul and Virginia. [Translated by H. M. W.] 1795.
- A tour in Switzerland; or a view of the present state of … those Cantons, with comparative sketches of the present state of Paris. 2 vols. 1798.
- The History of Perourou; or the Bellows-Mender. [Translated from the French by H. M. W.] Dublin, 1801.
- The political and confidential correspondence of Lewis the Sixteenth. Fr. and Eng. With observations on each letter. 1803.
- A refutation of the libel on the memory of the late King of France. 1804.
- Verses addressed by H. M. W. to her two nephews, on Saint Helen’s day. Paris, 1809.
- Personal narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent … translated into English by H. M. W. 1814.
- Researches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America … translated into English by H. M. W. 1814.
- On the late persecution of the Protestants in the South of France. 1816.
- The Leper of the City of Aoste. Translated from the French by H. M. W. 1817.
- The Charter. Lines addressed by H. M. W. to her Nephew, A. C. L. Coquerel, on his wedding-day. Paris, 1819.
- Letters on the events which have passed in France, since the Restoration in 1815. 1819.
- Alger, J. E. Englishmen in the French Revolution. 1889.
- Coquerel, J. G. Introduction to Souvenirs de la Révolution. 1827.
- William Woty
- Campanologia: a Poem in praise of ringing. 1761.
- Muses’ Advice addressed to the Poets of the Age. 1761.
- The Blossoms of Helicon. 1763.
- The Poetical Calendar.… Written and selected by F. Fawkes and W. Woty. 1763.
- Church Langton: a poem. Leicester [1767?].
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. 1770.
- The Female Advocate, a poem. 1770. 1771.
- The Stage; a poetical epistle to a friend. Derby [1770?].
- The Estate Orator: a Town Eclogue. 1774.
- Particular Providence; a poetical essay. 1774.
- Poems on Several Occasions. Derby, 1780.
- Fugitive and Original Poems. Derby, 1786.
- Poetical Amusements. Nottingham, 1789.
G. A. B.AND A. T. B.