The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. L
AURENCE STERNE - A useful bibliography of Sterne’s writings will be found in the Appendix to Cross’s Life, see sec. C, post.
- A. Collected Works
- Works. 7 vols. Dublin, 1779. 10 vols. 1780. 4 vols. 1819. Ed. Browne, J. P. 4 vols. 1873. Ed. Saintsbury, G. 6 vols. 1894. Ed. Cross, W. L. 12 vols. New York, 1904. French trans. by Michel, F., Paris, 1835.
- B. Particular Works, including Letters
- Charity Sermon … 17 April, 1747. York, 1747.
- The Abuses of Conscience. Sermon … 29 July, 1750. York, 1750.
- A Political Romance addressed to —— ——Esq., of York. [The History of a Warm Watch Coat.] York, 1759. Rptd. in 1769 and 1775.
- The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. Vols.
I andII, York, 1760; vols.III toVI, 1761–2; vols.VII andVIII, 1765; vol.IX, 1767. Collective edn. (9 vols), 1767, 1769, 1779, etc. Transl. into French by Frénais, 4 vols., 1784, Wailly, 1842, and others. Also transl. into German by Gelbcke, F. A., 1865. - For a list of the spurious continuations of Tristram Shandy and of Sterne’s other works, and for notes on forgeries published under his name, see Lee, Sir S., art. Sterne in D. of N. B., vol.
LIV, 1898. - Sermons of Mr. Yorick. 7 vols. 1760–9, 1775, 1777, 1787, etc.
- A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. 2 vols. 1768, 1769, 1778, etc. French trans., by Frénais, 1770, and several later versions. Also transl. into German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish.
- Letters from Yorick to Eliza. 1775.
- Letters from Eliza to Yorick. 1775.
- Letters to his friends on various occasions. To which is added his History of a Watch Coat. 1775.
- Letters to his most intimate friends. To which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life and Family. Published by his daughter, Mrs. Medalle. 3 vols. 1775. German trans., Leipzig, 1776.
- The Beauties of Sterne. 1783, 1787, 1809.
- Original Letters never before published. 1788.
- Seven Letters written by Sterne and his friends. Ed. Cooper, W. Durrant. 1844.
- Unpublished Letters. Communicated by John Murray. Philobiblon Soc. Miscellanies, vol.
II. 1855–6. - C. Biography and Criticism
- Behmer, C. A. Laurence Sterne und C. M. Wieland. Muncker’s Forsch. zur neueren Literaturgesch. 9. Munich, 1899.
- Cross, W. L. The Life and Times of Laurence Sterne. New York and London, 1909.
- Czerny, J. Sterne, Hippel, und Jean Paul. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des humoristischen Romans in Deutschland. Muncker’s Forsch. zur neueren Literaturgesch. 27. Berlin, 1904.
- Elwin, W. Sterne. Quarterly Review. March, 1854.
- Ferriar, J. Illustrations of Sterne. Manchester, 1798. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1812.
- Fitzgerald, P. Life of Sterne. 2 vols. 1864. Revised edn. 2 vols. 1896. 3rd edn. 1906.
- Garat, D. J. Mémoires historiques sur la vie de M. Suard, sur ses écrits, et sur le XVIIIe siècle. 2 vols. Paris, 1820.
- Goethe, J. W. von. Sprüche in Prosa. (Werke, hrsg. im Auftrage der Grossherzogin Sophie von Sachsen. Vol.
XLII, pt.II, pp. 197–205.) Weimar, 1907. - Melville, L. The Life and Letters of Laurence Sterne. 2 vols. 1911.
- Sichel, W. Sterne. A Study. To which is added the Journal to Eliza. 1910.
- Stapfer, P. Laurence Sterne, sa personne et ses ouvrages. Étude précédée d’un fragment inédit de Sterne. Paris, 1870.
- Stephen, L. Sterne. Hours in a Library, vol.
III. 1892. - Thackeray, W. M. Lectures on the English Humourists: Sterne and Goldsmith. Works. Biogr. edn., vol.
VII. 1898. - Thayer, H. W. Laurence Sterne in Germany. (Columbia Univ. Germanic Studies, vol.
II, pt.I. ) New York, 1905. - Traill, H. D. Sterne. (English Men of Letters.) 1882.
- II. O
THER WRITERS - Thomas Amory
- Memoirs containing Lives of several Ladies of Great Britain. 1755.
- Life of John Buncle, Esq. 4 vols. 1756–66. Rptd., ed. Burn, J. H., 3 vols., 1825; with introd. by Baker, E. A., 1904. Transl. into German, 1778.
- Hazlitt, W. On John Buncle. The Round Table, No. 14. 17 Sept., 1815. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R., and Glover, A. Vol.
I. 1902. - Notice of Amory and his works in Retrospective Review, vol.
VI, 1822. - Robert Bage (1728–1801)
- Mount Henneth. 2 vols. 1781.
- Barham Downs. 2 vols. 1784.
- The Fair Syrian. 1787.
- James Wallace. 1788.
- Man as he is. 4 vols. 1792.
- Hermsprong, or Man as he is not. 2 vols. 1796.
- William Beckford
- Biographical Memoirs of extraordinary Painters. 1780. Another edn. 1824.
- Dreams, Waking Thoughts, and Incidents. 1783.
- An Arabian Tale [Vathek], from an unpublished manuscript. With Notes [probably by Henley, Sam.]. 1786. In French, 1787. Rptd. 1809. 3rd edn. 1815. Other edns.: 1834; ed. Garnett, R., 1893.
- Modern Novel Writing, or the Elegant Enthusiast; and Interesting Emotions of Arabella Bloomville. 2 vols. 1796.
- Azemia, a descriptive and sentimental novel. 2 vols. 1797. 2nd edn. 1798.
- The Story of Al Raoui. A Tale from the Arabic. 1799.
- Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. 2 vols. 1834. Another edn. 1840.
- Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. 1835.
- Melville, L. The Life and Letters of William Beckford of Fonthill. [With bibliography and list of authorities.] 1910.
- Henry Brooke
- Collected Works. Ed. Brooke, C. 4 vols. 1778. Another edn. 1792.
- Universal Beauty. 1735.
- Gustavus Vasa, the Deliverer of his Country. A Tragedy. 1739.
- Fables for the Female Sex. By Moore, E., and Brooke, H. 1744. Many later edns.
- The Farmer’s Letters to the Protestants of Ireland. 1746.
- The Spirit of Party. 1753–4.
- The Interests of Ireland considered. Dublin, 1759.
- The Case of the Roman Catholics of Ireland. Dublin, 1760.
- Tryal of cause of Roman Catholics. Dublin, 1761.
- The Earl of Essex. A Tragedy. 1761.
- The Fool of Quality, or the History of Henry Earl of Moreland. 5 vols. 1766–70. Condensed by Wesley, J. 1781. Ed. Kingsley, Charles. 2 vols. 1859. Ed. Baker, E. A. 1906.
- Redemption. 1772.
- Juliet Grenville. 3 vols. 1774.
- Brookiana. Anecdotes of Henry Brooke. 2 vols. 1804.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. IX, Chap.
XII. - Frances Burney, Madame d’Arblay
- Evelina, or a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World. 3 vols. 1778. Ed. Ellis, A. R. 1881. Ed. Dobson, A. 1904.
- Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. 5 vols. 1782. Ed. Ellis, A. R. 1882. 1904.
- Camilla, or a Picture of Youth. 5 vols. 1796.
- The Wanderer, or Female Difficulties. 5 vols. 1814.
- Tragic Dramas. 1818.
- Memoirs of Dr. Burney. 3 vols. 1832.
- Diary and Letters. 7 vols. 1842–6, 1854. Ed. Barrett, C. 4 vols. 1891. Ed. Dobson, A. 1904.
- Dobson, A. Fanny Burney. 1903.
- Hill, Constance. The House in St. Martin’s Street, being chronicles of the Burney family. 1907.
- —— Fanny Burney at the Court of Queen Charlotte. 1912.
- Macaulay, Lord. Madame d’Arblay. In last edn. Hist. Essays, vol.
II. 1854. - Seeley, L. B. Fanny Burney and her friends. 1890.
- Thomas Day (1748–1789)
- See bibliography to Vol. XI (chapter on Children’s Books), post.
- Henry Mackenzie
- Works. 8 vols. 1807, 1808.
- The Man of Feeling. 1771.
- The Man of the World. 1773.
- The Prince of Tunis. A tragedy. 1773.
- Julia de Roubigné. 1777.
- The Shipwreck. A tragedy altered from Lillo. 1784.
- The Mirror. Ed. Mackenzie, H. 1779–80.
- The Lounger. Ed. Mackenzie, H. 1785–7.
- Robert Paltock (1697–1767)
- The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man. 2 vols. 1751. With illustrations by Stothard. 2 vols. 1816. Ed. Bullen, A. H. 2 vols. 1884.
- Rudolf Eric Raspe (1737–1794)
- Baron Munchausen’s Narrative of his marvellous travels and campaigns in Russia. 1785. 2nd edn., Oxford, 1786; 7th edn. 1793. Sequel, 1793. Ed. Seccombe, T. 1895.
- Clara Reeve
- The Champion of Virtue, a Gothic Story. 1777. Title changed to The Old English Baron in second (1778) and all later edns. Rptd., with Memoir by Scott, Sir W., 1823 and 1883.
- The Two Mentors, a Modern Story. 2 vols. 1783.
- The Progress of Romance through Times, Countries, and Manners. 2 vols. Colchester, 1785.
- The Exiles, or Memoirs of Count de Cronstadt. 3 vols. 1788.
- The School for Widows, a Novel. 3 vols. 1791.
- Plans of Education. 1792.
- Memoirs of Sir Roger de Clarendon, a natural son of Edward the Black Prince. 3 vols. 1793.
- Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford
- The Castle of Otranto. A Story. Translated by William Marshall, Gent. From the Original Italian of Onuphrio Muralto, Canon of the Church of St. Nicholas at Otranto. 1765. 2nd edn. 1765; 5th edn. 1786; 6th edn., Parma, 1791. Rptd. with a Memoir by Scott, Sir W., 1823 and 1883. Transl. into French, 1767; into Italian, 1795.A. T. B.