The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- A. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon
- Miscellaneous Works. 1751. Essays rptd. as Essays Moral and Entertaining. 2 vols. 1815.
- See, also, ante, bibl. to Vol. VII, Chaps.
VIII andIX, pp. 499–500. - Abraham Cowley
- A Proposition For the Advancement Of Experimental Philosophy. 1661.
- A Vision, concerning his late pretended Highness, Cromwell the Wicked. 1661. Rptd. in Harleian Miscellany.
- Several Discourses by way of Essays, in Verse and Prose. In Works. 1668.
- Prose Works. 1826.
- The complete works, vol.
II. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 2 vols. (Chertsey Worthies Library.) 1881. - Prose Works. Ed. Lumby, J. R. Cambridge, 1887.
- English Writings. Ed. Waller, A. R. Cambridge, 1903. See, also, Vol. VII of this work.
- Miscellanea Aulica, pp. 130–60. Ed. Brown, T. 1702. [Letters from Cowley to Henry Bennet afterwards earl of Arlington.] Rptd. in Grosart’s ed. of Works, vol.
II, with an additional letter from the British Museum. - For plays, see ante, bibl. to Chap.
V, A. - Thomas Forde
- The Times anatomizd in several characters. 1647.
- Lusus Fortunae. 1649.
- A Theatre of Wits. 1660.
- Faenestra in pectore; or familiar letters. 1660.
- Virtus rediviva. 1661.
- George Savile, Marquis of Halifax
- The Character of King Charles II. [Written 1685?.] First ptd. 1750.
- A Letter to a Dissenter upon Occasion of His Majesties late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence. By T. W. 1686. Rptd. in Fourteen Papers, 1689. Rptd. Cambridge, 1909.
- An Answer to a Letter to a Dissenter. [By L’Estrange, Sir Roger.] 1687.
- The Character of a Trimmer. By the Honourable Sir W[illiam] C[oventry]. [Written 1685.] April, 1688.
- The Character of a Tory. [By lord Mulgrave, afterwards duke of Buckinghamshire.] 1688.
- The Anatomy of an Equivalent. 1688. Rptd. in Fourteen Papers, 1689.
- Essay upon Taxes. 1693. Rptd. in Somers’ Tracts, vol. iv.
- Political, Moral and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflexions. 1750.
- Miscellanies. 1700, 1704, 1717. [Includes A Lady’s Gift, or Advice to a Daughter, Maxims found among the Papers of the Great Almanzor, Cautions for Choice of Parliament Men, New Model at Sea, etc.]
- Foxcroft, H. C. Sir George Savile Marquis of Halifax. 2 vols. 1898.
- Paul, H. Men and Letters. 1901.
- Francis Osborne
- Advice to a son. Oxford, 1656. 6th ed. Ib. 1658. The second part. Ib. 1658. Ed. Parry, E. A. 1896.
- A miscellany of Sundry Essayes, Paradoxes, and Problematical Discourses, Letters and Characters. 1659.
- See, also, bibl. to Vol. VII, chaps.
VIII andIX. - Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis de Saint Évremond
- Œuvres meslées. Paris, 1668. [A pirated edition.]
- Œuvres. [Edd. Silvestre, P. and Des Maizeaux, Pierre.] 2 vols. 1705. 5 vols. 1706. 3 vols. 1709. Ed. Giraud, C. 3 vols. 1865.
- Mixed Essays. 1685.
- Miscellanea. Trans. Spence, F. 1686.
- Miscellaneous Essays. 2 vols. 1692, 1694. Under title of Works. 2 vols. 1713.
- Works. With life by Des Maizeaux. Eng. trans. 3 vols. 1714.
- [Les Opéra is an amusing farce on the opera mania; the comparison of English and French comedy has some critical point; the observations on Opera give a short history of the species.]
- Biography and Criticism
- Bourgoin, A. Les maîtres de la critique au
XVII e siècle. 1889. - Daniels, W. M. Saint-Évremond en Angleterre. Versailles, 1907.
- Des Maizeaux, P. Vie de Saint-Évremond. [1705]; 1711.
- Merlet, G. Saint-Évremond, étude historique, morale et littéraire. 1869.
- Pastrello, F. Étude sur Saint-Évremond et son influence. Trieste, 1875.
- Saintsbury, G. Miscellaneous Essays. 2nd ed. 1895.
- Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Causeries du Lundi, vol.
IV; Nouveaux Lundis, vol.XIII. - Sir William Temple
- An Essay upon the Advancement of Trade in Ireland. Dublin, 1673. Rptd. in Miscellanea 1.
- Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 1673. Rptd. 1676, 1680, 1690, 1693, 1705.
- Miscellanea. The First Part. 1680. Collected and augmented by the author. 1681, 1692, 1693. [Contains Essay on the Origin and Nature of Government, and Survey of the Constitution and Interests of the Empire, etc., and their Relations to England in 1671.]
- Miscellanea. The Second Part. 1690, 1691. Corrected and augmented by the author. 1692. [A copy of this edition, presented by Sir W. Temple, with his autograph, is in the library of Emmanuel college.] 1696, 1697.
- Memoirs of what past in Christendom from 1672 to 1679. 1692. Rptd. 1692, 1700, 1709.
- An Essay upon Taxes. 1693.
- Introduction to the History of England. 1695. Rptd. 1699, 1708.
- Miscellanea. The Third Part. Ed. Swift. 1701.
- Letters written by Sir W. T. during his being Ambassador at the Hague to the Earl of Arlington and Sir John Trevor, etc. 1699.
- Letters. Ed. Swift. 3 vols. 1700–3.
- Select Letters to the Prince of Orange, King Charles the IId and the Earl of Arlington. To which is added an Essay upon the State and Settlement of Ireland. 1701.
- Works. 2 vols. 1720, 1731, 1740, 1750. 4 vols. 1754 (Edinburgh), 1757, 1770, 1814.
- Essays on Ancient and Modern Learning and on Poetry. Ed. Spingarn, J. E. Oxford, 1909.
- Upon the Gardens of Epicurus with other Seventeenth century Garden Essays. Ed. Sieveking, A. F. 1908.
- French Translations
- uvres mêlées. 2 parts. Utrecht, 1693.
- Introduction à l’histoire d’Angleterre. 1695.
- uvres posthumes. Miscellanea, Part
III. Utrecht, 1704. - uvres diverses. Amsterdam, 1708.
- Lettres. 2 vols. The Hague, 1711.
- Biography and Criticism
- Beavan, M. L. R. Sir William Temple (Gladstone Essay). Oxford, 1908.
- Courtenay, T. P. Memoirs of the Life, Works, and Correspondence of Sir William Temple. 2 vols. 1836.
- Macaulay, Lord. A review of the above in Edinburgh Review for October, 1838.
- Herriott, F.I. Sir William Temple on the Original Nature of Government. (Johns Hopkins University Dissertation.) Baltimore [1893?].
- Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. 1823.
- Luden, H. Sir William Temple. Biographie. Kleine Aufsätze, etc., vol.
II. Göttingen, 1808. - Lyttel, E. S. Sir William Temple. (Stanhope Essay.) Oxford, 1908.
- Temple, Sir William, Bart., The Life and Character of. By a Particular Friend [his sister, lady Giffard]. 1728.
- Dorothy Osborne (Lady Temple)
- Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple. 1652–54. Ed. Parry, E. A. 1888.
- Longe, Julia G. Martha Lady Giffard: her life and correspondence. A sequel to the Letters of Dorothy Osborne. 1911.
- B. F
RENCH INFLUENCE, ESPECIALLY ON CRITICISM - Canfield, Dorothea F. Corneille and Racine in England. New York, 1904.
- Charlanne, L. L’influence française en Angleterre au
XVII e siècle. Paris, 1906. - Dryden, John. Essays selected and edited by Ker, W. P. 2 vols. Oxford, 1900.
- Gayley, C. M. and Scott, F. A. An Introduction to the Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism, pp. 396–406, 432–6. Boston, 1899.
- Saintsbury, G. A History of Criticism, vol.
II, bk.V, chaps.I andIV. Edinburgh, 1902. - Spingarn, J. E. Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century. 3 vols. Oxford, 1908.
- Upham, A. H. The French influence in English literature from the accession of Elizabeth to the Restoration. New York, 1908.