The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- See, also, Camb. Modern History, vol.
V, chap.XXIII, bibliography. - F
RANCIS BACON, LORD VERULAM (1561–1626) - See Vol. IV, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - I
SAAC BARROW (1630–1677), Master of Trin. coll., Cambridge - Lectiones opticae et geometricae. 1674.
- Mathematical lectures. Trans. by Kirkby, J. 1734.
- Geometrical lectures. Trans. by Stone, E. 1735.
- Mathematical Works. Ed. Whewell, W. Cambridge, 1860.
- R
OBERT BOYLE (1627–1691) - New Experiments Physico-Mechanical. 1660. 2nd ed. 1662.
- Works. 5 vols. 1744, 1772.
- S
IR THOMAS BROWNE (1605–1682) - See Vol. VII, Chap.
X, bibliography. - W
ALTER CHARLETON (1619–1707) - Exercitationes de differentiis et nominibus animalium. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1677.
- Enquiries into human nature, in six Anatomy prelections. 1680.
- S
IR KENELM DIGBY (1603–1665) - See Vol. VII, bibliography to Chaps.
VIII andIX. - S
IR GEORGE ENT (1604–1689) - Apologia pro circuitione sanguinis. 1641.
- J
OHN EVELYN (1620–1706) - Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees. 1664. Ed. Nisbet, J., with an Essay on the Life and Works of the Author. 2 vols. 1908.
- Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, with Life, by Wheatley, H. B. Ed. from the original MSS. by Bray, W. 4 vols. 1906. Diary. Ed. Dobson, A. 3 vols. 1906.
- J
OHN FLAMSTEED (1646–1719), first astronomer royal - The doctrine of the Sphere. 1680.
- Historia coelestis Britannica. 1712, 1725.
- Atlas coelestis. 1729, 1753.
- S
AMUEL FORTREY (1622–1681) - England’s interest and improvement consisting in the increase of the store and trade of this kingdom. 1663.
- F
RANCIS GLISSON (1597–1677) - Tractatus de Rachitide. 1650.
- Anatomia hepatis. 1654.
- J
OHN GRAUNT (1620–1674) - Natural and political observations on the Bills of Mortality. 1661. Ed. Birch, T. 1759.
- N
EHEMIAH GREW (1641–1712) - Museum Regalis Societatis. 1681.
- The Anatomy of Plants. 1682.
- Cosmologia sacra. 1701.
- E
DMUND GUNTER (1581–1626) - Canon triangulorum. 1620.
- Works. 5th ed. 1673.
- E
DMUND HALLEY (1656–1742), astronomer royal - Tabulae astronomicae. 1749. In English. 1752.
- W
ILLIAM HARVEY (1578–1657) - Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus. 1628.
- Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione sanguinis. 1649.
- Exercitationes de generatione animalium. 1651.
- R
OBERT HOOKE (1635–1703) - Micrographia. 1665.
- J
EREMIAH HORROCKS (1617?–1641) - Opuscula astronomica. 1673.
- J
OHN LOCKE (1632–1704) - See bibliography to Chap.
XIV, ante. - R
ICHARD LOWER (1631–1691) - Tractatus de corde. 1669.
- T
HÉODORE TURQUET DE MAYERNE (1573–1655) - Tractatus de arthritide. 1674.
- Treatise of the gout. 1676.
- Praxis medica. 1690–6.
- Opera medica. 1703.
- J
OHN MAYOW (1640–1679) - De respiratione. 1668, 1671.
- Tractatus quinque. 1674.
- R
OBERT MORISON (1620–1683) - Plantarum Umbelliferarum distributio nova. Oxford, 1672.
- Plantarum historia universalis Oxoniensis, pars
II, III. Oxford, 1680 ff. - S
IR SAMUEL MORLAND (1625–1695) - [Invented calculating machines and the speaking-trumpet.]
- Tuba stentorophonica. 1671.
- Description and use of two Arithmetick instruments. 1673.
- Hydrostaticks. 1697.
- J
OHN NAPIER, OF MERCHISTON (1550–1617) - [Inventor of logarithms.]
- Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio. Edinburgh, 1614. With Mirifici logarithmorum canonis constructio. Edinburgh, 1619.
- Rabdologiae, seu numerationis per virgulas libri duo. Edinburgh, 1615.
- Napier, M. Memoirs of John Napier. Edinburgh, 1834.
- T
HOMAS NEWCOMEN (1663–1729) - [Invented the atmospheric steam-engine, and improved pumping machinery.]
- Desaguliers, J. T. Course of experimental philosophy. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 1763. [Contains an account of Newcomen and his inventions.]
- S
IR ISAAC NEWTON (1642–1727) - Principia. 1687.
- Opticks. 1704.
- Arithmetica universalis. 1707.
- Method of fluxions. 1736.
- H
ENRY OLDENBURG (1615?–1677) - [Edited the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Nos. 1–136 (1664–77), and wrote or translated thirty-four of the papers.]
- See D. of N. B., vol.
XLII and Masson’s Life of Milton, vols.V andVI, 1877–80. - Gray, G. J. Bibliography of Sir Isaac Newton. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1907.
- Elton, O. The Augustan Ages, chap.
IV. 1899. - S
IR WILLIAM PETTY (1623–1687) - Treatise of taxes and contributions. 1662.
- Five Essays in Political Arithmetic. 1687.
- Political Arithmetic. 1690.
- Works. Ed. Hull, C. H. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1899. [Contains a full bibliography.]
- Fitzmaurice, Lord E. G. Petty. Life of Sir W. Petty. 1895.
- J
OHN RAY (1627–1705) - Synopsis methodica animalium. 1693.
- Methodus insectorum. 1705.
- Historia insectorum. 1710.
- T
HOMAS SYDENHAM (1624–1689) - Opera omnia. Ed. Greenhill, G. A. 1844. 2nd ed. for the Sydenham Soc. 1846.
- Works. Trans. from Greenhill’s ed. by Latham, R. G. 2 vols. (Sydenham Soc.) 1848–50.
- E
DWARD TOPSELL (d. 1638?) - The Historie of foure-footed Beastes. 1607.
- The Historie of Serpents. 1608.
- W
ILLIAM TURNER (d. 1568) - Avium praecipuarum quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis historia. Coloniae. 1544. Ed. Evans, A. H. Cambridge, 1893.
- J
OHN WALLIS (1616–1703) - Arithmetica Infinitorum. 1655.
- Mnemonica, or the art of memory. 1661.
- Mechanica, sive de motu. 1670.
- Opera mathematica. 3 vols. Oxford, 1693–9.
- S
ETH WARD (1617–1689), bishop of Salisbury - Idea trigonometriae demonstratae. 1653–4.
- Astronomia geometrica. 1656.
- T
HOMAS WILLIS (1621–1675) - Cerebri anatome. 1664.
- F
RANCIS WILLUGHBY (1635–1672) - Ornithologiae libb.
III recognovit J. Raius. 1676. In English. 1678. - De historia piscium libri
IV ex recognitione J. Raii. Oxford, 1686. - J
OHN WOODWARD (1665–1728) - Essay toward a natural history of the Earth. 1695, 1702, 1726.
- The state of Physic. 1718.
- Fossils digested into a method. 1728.
- Natural history of the fossils of England. 2 vols. 1729.
- E
DWARD SOMERSET, 2ND MARQUIS OF WORCESTER (1601–1667) - The Century of Inventions. 1663. Ed. from the original manuscript, with notes, by Partington, C. F. 1825.
- Dircks, H. The life, times, and scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester. 1865.
- Birch, T. History of the Royal Society. 4 vols. 1756–7.
- Buckle, H. T. Introduction to the History of Civilization in England. 2 vols. 1857–61. New and revised ed., with annotations and an introduction by Robertson, J. M. London and New York, 1904.
- Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. Ed. Waller, A. R. Cambridge, 1905.
- —— Genuine Remains, vol. 1. 1759.
- Church, R. W. Bacon. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1884.
- Courthope, W. J. A Consideration of Macaulay’s Comparison of Dante and Milton. Proceedings of the British Academy, vol.
III. 1908. - Cowley, A. The Poems of Abraham Cowley. Ed. Waller, A. R. Cambridge, 1905.
- Donne, John. Poems. Ed. Chambers, E. K. 2 vols. 1896.
- Fanshawe, Ann, Lady. Memoirs. 1907.
- Herbert of Cherbury, Lord. Autobiography. Ed. Lee, S. L. 1886.
- Huggins, Sir William. The Royal Society; or, Science in the State and in the Schools. 1906.
- Jonson, B. Works, with notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir by Gifford, W. Ed., with introduction and appendices, Cunningham, F. 9 vols. 1875.
- —— The Alchemist. Ed. Hathaway, C. M., Jr. (Yale Studies in English,
XVII. ) New York, 1903. - Moore, N. The History of the Study of Medicine in the British Isles. Oxford, 1908.
- Pattison, Mark. Milton. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1880.
- Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 10 vols. 1893–9.
- Sprat, T. The History of the Royal Society of London, for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge. 4th ed. 1734.
- Traill, H. D. and Mann, J. S. Social England, vol.
IV. 1903. - Watson, F. The Beginnings of the Teaching of Modern Subjects in England. 1909.
- Weld, C. R. A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. 2 vols. 1848.A. T. B