The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- A. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - Barrow, Isaac. The Works of, published by Tillotson, J. With a life of the author by Hill, A. 1683–7.
- —— The Theological Works of. Ed. Napier, A. 9 vols. Cambridge, 1859.
- —— Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions. 1678.
- B.M. Davy MSS. (Addit. 19, 117, f. 61) [an interesting life]. Life by Hill, A., in Tillotson’s ed.; Martin, B., Biographia Philosophica, pp. 342–7, 1764; Cassan, S. H., Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury, part
III, pp. 122–144, 1824. - —— A Treatise of the Pope’s Supremacy. Ed. Tillotson, J. 1680. Ed. McCrie, T. (Protestant Library.) Vol. 1. 1852.
- —— A brief exposition of the Lord’s Prayer and the Decalogue. To which is added, the Doctrine of the Sacraments. 1681.
- Beveridge, William. The Works of, containing all his sermons. [Ed. Gregory, T.] With a preface giving some account of the author and his writings [by Kimber, I.]. 2 vols. 1720.
- —— The Theological Works of. 12 vols. (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) 1842–8.
- B.M. Addit. MSS. 4274, 4275 (Letters). Bodleian, Rawlinson MSS.
- Bull, George. The Works of … concerning the Holy Trinity. 2 vols. 1725.
- —— The Works of, collected and revised by Burton, E. To which is affixed the Life of Bishop Bull, by Nelson, R. 7 vols. Oxford, 1827. Second ed. 6 vols. 1846.
- —— Harmonia Apostolica. 1669–70. Engl. tr. by Wilkinson, T. 1801.
- —— Examen Censurae. 1675. Engl. tr. Oxford, 1843.
- —— Apologia pro Harmonia. 1675. Engl. tr. Oxford, 1843.
- —— Defensio Fidei Nicaeanae. 1680. Engl. tr. Oxford, 1851–5.
- —— Some important points of primitive christianity maintained … in several sermons.… Ed. Bull, R. To which is prefixed the history of his life.… By Nelson, R. 4 vols. 1713. 2 vols. 1714.
- —— A Vindication of the Church of England. 1719.
- Burnet, Gilbert. The Mystery of Iniquity unvailed. 1673.
- —— Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable John [Wilmot] Earl of Rochester. 1680.
- Burnet, Gilbert. A Discourse of the Pastoral Care. 1692. New Preface and Additional Chapter. 1713.
- —— Four Discourses to the Clergy. 1694.
- —— An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 1699.
- —— An Exposition of the Church Catechism. 1710.
- —— Some Sermons preach’d on several occasions. 1713.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. IX, Chap.
VII, and Clarke, T. E. S., and Foxcroft, H. C., A Life of Gilbert Burnet, Cambridge, 1907 [with full bibliography]. - Compton, Henry. Episcopalia, or Letters … to the Clergy of his Diocese. 1686.
- Cosin, John. The Works of, now first collected. 5 vols. (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Oxford, 1843–55.
- —— A Collection of Private Devotions, in the practice of the ancient Church, called the Hours of Prayer. 1627.
- —— Historia Transubstantiationis Papalis. 1675. Engl. tr. by Brewer, J. S. 1840, 1850.
- Basire, I., The dead man’s real speech … together with the life of the late Lord Bishop of Durham [J. Cosin], 1673; The Correspondence of John Cosin, Surtees Society, vols.
LII, LV, ed. Ornsby, G., 1869–72. - Dodwell, Henry. Some Considerations of Present Concernment. 1675.
- —— Two Discourses against the Papists. 1676.
- —— Separation of Churches from Episcopal Government, etc. 1679.
- —— Dissertations upon St. Cyprian. 1682.
- —— De Sacerdotio Laicarum. 1685.
- —— Dissertationes in Irenaeum. 1689.
- —— An Invitation to Gentlemen to acquaint themselves with Ancient History. 1694.
- Brokesby, Francis, Life of H. D., with an account of his Works, etc., 1715.
- Hickes, George. Works. 3 vols. (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Oxford, 1847–8.
- —— Linguarum Vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico-criticus et archaeologicus.… Oxoniae, 1703–5.
- B.M. Addit. MSS. 32,096, 32,502, 32,511, 33,286; Harleian MSS. 3317, 3781; Lansdowne MSS. 987, 988. Bodleian MSS.
- English Historical Review, pp. 752–4, Oct., 1887.
- Horneck, Anthony. The great law of Consideration. 1676.
- —— Delight and Judgment. 1683.
- —— First Fruits of Reason. 1685.
- —— The Crucified Jesus. 1686.
- —— The Fire of the Altar. 1690.
- —— Advice to Parents, etc. 1690.
- Bibliotheca Hornecciana, 1697; Hone, R. B., Lives of Eminent Christians, vol.
II, 1834–43; Kidder, R., The Life of A. Horneck … late preacher at the Savoy, 1698. - Ken, Thomas. The Works of; published from Original MSS. by Hawkins, W. 1721.
- —— The Prose Works of; to which are added some of his letters (never before published) and his life by Hawkins, W. 4 vols. 1838.
- —— The Prose Works of … T. K. now first collected and edited with a biographical notice by Benham, W. 1877 ff.
- —— Ichabod. 1663.
- Life by Hawkins, W., in 1721 ed. of Works, rptd. in Library of Christian Biography, vol.
XII, 1873 ff.; life by Plumptre, S. H., 2 vols., 1883. - Kettlewell, John. A compleat collection of the Works of J. K.… To which is prefix’d, The Life of the Author.… Compiled from the collection of G. Hickes and R. Nelson. 2 vols. 1719.
- —— The Measures of Christian Obedience. 1681.
- —— The Practical Believer. 2 pts. 1688. With additions, and preface [by Nelson, R.]. 1712–13.
- —— A Companion for the Persecuted. 1694.
- —— A Companion for the Penitent. 1694.
- —— Death made comfortable. 1695.
- Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian. Life in 1719 ed. of Works; The Life and Times of John Kettlewell, ed. Carter, T. T., 1895.
- Leighton, Robert. Works. Ed. West, W. 7 vols. 1869–75.
- —— Sermons.… Published … after his death from his papers. 1692.
- Butler, D., Life and Letters of Robert Leighton, 1903 [note preface and bibliography]; Archbp. Leighton’s Practice of the Presence of God. A tercentenary volume, with biographical introduction by Butler, D., 1911.
- For further bibliography, see British and Foreign Evangelical Review, July, 1883.
- Morley, George. A modest advertisement concerning the present controversie about Church Government. 1641.
- —— A Letter concerning the Death of Lady Capel. 1654.
- —— Epistola ad virum clarissimum D. Cornelium Triglandium. 1663.
- —— Several Treatises, written upon several occasions. 9 pts. 1683.
- Cassan, S. H., The Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, vol.
II, p. 170, 1827. - Parker, Samuel. A Discourse of Ecclesiastical Politie. 1670.
- —— A Defence and continuation of the Ecclesiastical Politie. 1671.
- —— A free and impartial Censure of the Platonick Philosophie. Oxford, 1666.
- —— A Demonstration of the Divine Authority of the Law of Nature, etc. 1681.
- —— History of his own time. Trans. by Newlin, T. 1727.
- Buckley MSS. Magdalen coll. library, Oxford. Wood, A. à, Athenae Oxonienses, ed. Bliss, P., 1813–20.
- Patrick, Simon. The Works of. Including his Autobiography. Ed. Taylor, A. Oxford, 1858.
- —— The Parable of the Pilgrim. 1664. Rptd. in The Englishman’s Library, ed. Chamberlayne, T., 1839.
- —— A Friendly Debate between a Conformist and a Non-conformist. 1669.
- —— Search the Scriptures, a Treatise shewing that all Christians ought to read the Holy Books. 1685, 1693.
- —— A Full View of the Doctrines and Practices of the Ancient Church relating to the Eucharist. 1688.
- —— Texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible to prove the supremacy of St. Peter and the Pope over the whole Church. 1688.
- —— Paraphrases on the books of the Bible from Genesis to Solomon’s Song (inclusive) published in 10 vols. between 1695 and 1710.
- Autobiography in 1858 ed. of Works. For full bibliography see D. of N. B. Pearson, John. The Minor Theological Works of … Now first collected, with a memoir of the author.… By Churton, E. 2 vols. Oxford, 1844.
- —— Bishop Pearson’s Five Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles: and Annals of St. Paul. Ed. in English with … notes, by Crawfoot, J. R. 1851.
- Pearson, John. An Exposition of the Creed. 1659. Ed. Bowyer, W. 1710. Ed. Chevallier, T. Revised by Sinker, R. Cambridge, 1882.
- —— Vindiciae Epistolarum S. Ignatii. 1672.
- Life by Churton, E., in Minor Theological Works, 1844; Cheetham, S., Masters in English Theology, 1877. See D. of N. B. for full bibliography.
- Sancroft, W. See Tanner MSS. in Bodleian and MSS. in Emmanuel college, Cambridge. Also D’Oyley’s Life and Hutton, W. H., in D. of N. B.
- Sherlock, William (dean of St. Paul’s). A Discourse Concerning the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. 1674.
- —— The Case of Resistance to the Supreme Powers. 1684.
- —— A Short Summary of the principal Controversies between the Church of England and the Church of Rome. 1687.
- —— A Vindication of some Protestant Principles of Church-Unity and Catholic-Communion from the charge of agreement with the Church of Rome. 1688.
- —— A Practical Discourse concerning Death. 1689.
- —— A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity. 1690.
- —— A Practical Discourse concerning a Future Judgment. 1692.
- —— Sermons preach’d upon several occasions. 2 vols. 1719.
- Life of John Kettlewell, 2 vols., 1719; Birch, T., Life of Tillotson, in 1725 ed. of his Works; Lathbury, T., History of Nonjurors, 1845.
- South, Robert. Posthumous Works of.… Containing sermons on several subjects … An account of his travels into Poland with the Earl of Rochester in … 1674. 3 pts. 1717.
- —— Musica Incantans. 1655.
- —— Sermons preached upon several occasions. 1679.
- —— Animadversion upon Dr. Sherlock’s book entituled a Vindication of the Holy and ever-blessed Trinity. 1693.
- Barber, J., Funeral Oration, 1716; Memoirs, 1721; Reliquiae Baxterianae, 1696; Original Letters (Camden Society), 1843.
- Stillingfleet, Edward. Works, with Life. 1710.
- —— Irenicum. 1659.
- —— Origines sacrae. 1662.
- —— A Rational Account of the grounds of the Protestant Religion: being a vindication of the Lord Arch. of Canterbury’s [W. Laud’s] Relation of a Conference, etc. 1681.
- —— Origines Britannicae, or the Antiquities of the British Church. 1685.
- —— Miscellaneous Discourses on Several Occasions. 1735.
- MSS. in possession of the Family. Baker, T., History of the College of St. John.… Cambridge, ed. Mayor, J. E. B., 1869.
- Taylor, Jeremy, See bibliography to Vol. VII, Chap.
VI. - Tenison, Thomas. The Creed of Mr. Hobbes examined. 1670.
- —— Baconiana. 1678.
- —— A Discourse of Idolatry. 1678.
- —— A Discourse concerning a Guide in Matters of Faith. 1683.
- —— A True Account of a Conference held about Religion, etc. 1687.
- —— Mr. Pulton considered in his Sincerity, Reasonings, and Authority. 1687.
- —— Difference betwixt the Protestant and Socinian Methods. 1687.
- —— Notes of the Church as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmin examined and confuted. 1688.
- Memoirs of the Life and Times of, 1715.
- Thorndike, Herbert. Works. 6 vols. (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Oxford. 1844–56.
- Thorndike, Herbert. Epitome Lexici Hebraici, Rabinici, et Arabici … cum Observationibus circa Linguam Hebream et Grecam, etc. 1635.
- —— Of the Government of Churches. Cambridge, 1641. Ed. Lewis, D. 1841.
- —— Of Religious Assemblies and the Publick Service of God. 1642.
- —— A Discourse of the Right of the Church in a Christian State. 1649. Ed. Brewer, J. S. 1841.
- —— A Letter concerning the Present State of Religion amongst us. 1656.
- —— Variantes in Syriaca Versione Veteris Testamenti Lectiones. 1657.
- —— An Epilogue to the Tragedy of the Church of England. 1659.
- —— The Due Way of composing the differences on foot; etc. 1660.
- —— Just Weights and Measures. 1662.
- —— A Discourse of the forebearance or the penalties which a due reformation requires. 1670.
- —— De ratione ac jure finiendi controversias Ecclesiae disputatio. 1670.
- —— Mr. Herbert Thorndike’s Judgment of the Church of Rome. 1679.
- Haddan, A. W., Life in vol.
VI of Works; Nichols, J., The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, 4 vols., 1795–1815. For complete list of works see vol.VI of Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, ed. 1856. - Tillotson, John. The Works of. Containing two hundred sermons and discourses on several occasions.… Published from the originals by Ralph Baker. 2 vols. 1717.
- —— The Works of. To this edition is now prefix’d the life of the author, compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters by Birch, T. 3 vols. 1725. Also 10 vols. 1820.
- B.M. Addit. MSS. 27,874, 9828. Life by Birch, T., in 1725 ed. of Works; Bibliotheca Tillotsoniana, 1695; Reliquiae Baxterianae, 1696.
- Wharton, Henry (1664–1695). Anglia Sacra. [Lives of English archbishops and bishops to 1540.] 2 vols. 1691.
- For his remaining works, see Hutton, W. H., in D. of N. B. His MS. collections are in Lambeth palace library; his sermons preached before archbishop Sancroft, whose chaplain he was, were published in 1728.
- Wilkins, John. The mathematical and philosophical Works of.… To which is prefix’d the author’s life, and an account of his Works. 4 pts. 1707–8. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1802.
- —— The Discovery of a World in the Moone. 1638.
- —— Ecclesiastes; or, a discourse concerning the Gift of Preaching, etc. 1646.
- —— Mathematicall Magick.… In two books. 1648.
- —— A discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer. 1651.
- —— An essay towards a real character and a philosophical language. 2 pts. 1668.
- —— Of the principles and duties of Natural Religion. [Ed. Ibbotson, J.] 1675.
- —— Sermons preach’d upon several occasions.… To which is added a discourse concerning the beauty of Providence. 1677.
- Henderson, P. A. W., The Life and Times of John Wilkins, 1910; Martin, B., Biographia Philosophica, p. 289, 1764.
- B. G
ENERAL AUTHORITIES AND CRITICISM - Abbey, C. J. The English Church and its Bishops, 1700–1800. 2 vols. 1887.
- Aubrey, J. Brief Lives. Ed. Clark, A. 2 vols. Oxford, 1898.
- Baxter, R. Reliquiae Baxterianae. 1696.
- Burnet, Gilbert. History of my own Time. Ed. Foxcroft, H. C. 3 vols. Oxford, 1897–1902.
- Evelyn, John. Diary. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 4 vols. 1879.
- Hearne, T. Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne. Ed. Doble, C. E. 1885 ff.
- Hunt, J. Religious Thought in England to the end of the 18th century. 3 vols. 1870–3.
- Hutton, W. H. The English Church from the Accession of Charles 1 to the death of Anne. 1903. [The bibliographies in this work and the books referred to in the preface should be noted.]
- Lathbury, T. History of the Nonjurors. 1845.
- Neal, D. History of the Puritans, vol.
IV. 1822. - Nelson, R. Works. 2 pts. 1715.
- Overton, J. H. Life in the English Church, 1660–1717. 1885.
- —— The Nonjurors. 1902.
- Pepys, Samuel. Diary. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 9 vols. 1893–9.
- Wood, A. à. Athenae Oxonienses. Ed. Bliss, P. 1813–20.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. VII, Chap.