The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- I
- J
OHN EVELYN - The Miscellaneous Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S., now first Collected, with occasional Notes by William Upcott of the London Institution. 1825.
- Uniform with the quarto edition of the Memoirs. Contents:
- La Mothe Le Vayer, of Liberty and Servitude. 1649.
- The State of France. 1652.
- The Golden Book of St. John Chrysostom. 1659.
- A Character of England. 1659.
- An Apology for the Royal Party. 1659.
- The late news from Brussels unmasked. 1660.
- Fumifugium. 1661.
- Sculptura. 1662.
- An Account of Architects and Architecture. 1697.
- Kalendarium Hortense. 1664.
- Public Employment preferred to Solitude. 1667.
- History of the three late famous Impostors. 1669.
- Navigation and Commerce. 1674.
- Mundus Muliebris. 1690.
- Acetaria: a Discourse of Sallets. 1699.
- Also a series of Dedications, Prefaces, etc. to Evelyn’s various works.
- A. Original Works
- 1652. The State of France, as it stood in the IXth year of this present Monarch Lewis XIIII. Rptd. Misc. W., 1825, pp. 39–45.
- 1659. A Character of England as it was lately presented in a Letter to a Noble Man of France. 2nd ed. 1659. 3rd ed. with Reflections upon Gallus Castratus. 1659.
- No edition was published in 1651 as stated in List of Evelyn’s Publications printed in the early editions of the Memoirs. Rptd. in Misc. W. pp. 141–167.
- 1659. An Apology for the Royal Party, written in a Letter to a person of the late Councel of State, by a Lover of Peace and of his Country.
- Three editions appeared in the same year. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 169–192.
- 1660. The late news from Brussels unmasked, and His Majesty vindicated from the base calumny and scandal therein fixed on him. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 193–204.
- 1661. A poem upon his Majesties Coronation the 23 of April, 1661.
- 1661. Fumifugium: or the inconveniencie of the Aer and Smoak of London dissipated. Rptd. 1771 and in Misc. W. pp. 205–242.
- 1661. A Faithful and Impartial Narrative of what passed at the landing of the Swedish Ambassador. Rptd. in Memoirs, 2nd ed. vol.
II, pp. 337–342. - 1661. Tyrannus or the Mode, in a Discourse of Sumptuary Lawes. Rptd. with Evelyn’s corrections in Memoirs, 2nd ed. vol.
II, pp. 309–320. - 1662. Sculptura: or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving on Copper. 2nd ed. 1755. Evelyn’s Sculptura with the unpublished second part. Ed. Bell, C. F. (Tudor and Stuart Library.) 1906. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 243–336.
- 1664. Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-Trees and the propagation of Timber in his Majesties Dominions. 2nd ed. 1670.
- Silva.… With notes by Hunter, A., M.D., F.R.S. York, 1776.
- Dendrologia. Evelyn’s Silva abridged by Mitchell, J. 1827.
- 1664. Kalendarium Hortense, or the Gard’ner’s Almanack. 2nd ed. 1666. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 425–498.
- 1667. Publick Employment and an Active Life prefer’d to Solitude. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 501–552.
- 1674. Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 625–686.
- 1676. A Philosophical Discourse of Earth. 3rd ed. 1706. Terra, a new ed. by Hunter, A., M.D. York, 1778.
- 1690. Mundus Muliebris or the Ladies’ Dressing Room unlock’d and her toilet spread [written by Mary Evelyn]. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 697–713.
- 1697. Numismata. A Discourse of Medals Ancient and Modern.
- 1699. Acetaria: a Discourse of Sallets. Re-issued 1706. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 721–811.
- B. Translations
- 1649. Of Liberty and Servitude. Translated out of the French [of the Sieur F. de La Mothe Le Vayer]. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 1–38.
- 1656. An Essay on the first book of T. Lucretius Carus de Rerum Natura. Interpreted and made into English verse by J. Evelyn.
- 1658. The Golden Book of St. John Chrysostom concerning the Education of Children. Translated out of the Greek by J. E. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 103–140.
- 1658. The French Gardiner … first written by R. D. C. D. W. B. D. N. [N. de Bonnefons], and now transplanted into English by Philocepos. 2nd ed. 1669.
- 1661. Instructions concerning erecting of a Library, by Gabriel Naudens … interpreted by J. Evelyn.
- 1664. A Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern. Written in French by Roland Fréart, Sieur de Chambray. Made English … by John Evelyn.
- 1665. [char] [char] that is, another part of the Mystery of Jesuitism.
- 1668. An Idea of the Perfection of Painting, demonstrated. Written in French by Roland Fréart, Sieur de Chambray, and rendered English by J. E.
- 1669. The History of the three late famous Impostors—viz. Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei and Sabatei Sevi. Rptd. Misc. W. pp. 563–620.
- 1673. Of Gardens. Four Books. First written in Latine verse by Renatus Rapinus, and now made English by J. E.
- This work was published by Evelyn but translated by his son and name-sake.
- 1693. The Compleat Gardiner … by … Monsr. De La Quintinye. Made English by John Evelyn. 2 vols. 2nd ed. 1699. 3rd ed. 1701. 4th ed. 1703. 5th ed. 1710.
- C. Posthumous Publications, including Diary and Correspondence
- Memoirs, illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S., comprising his Diary from the year 1641 to 1705–6 and a Selection of his Familiar Letters. Ed. Bray, William. 2 vols. 1818. 4th ed. [Ed. Forster, John.] 4 vols. 1850–2. (Rptd. in Bohn’s Illustrated Library, 1858.) New ed. (from Colburn’s 3rd ed. of 1827) with a Life of the Author by Wheatley, Henry B. 4 vols. 1879. Rptd. with a Memorial Preface and fresh illustrations. 4 vols. 1906.
- The Diary of John Evelyn, with Introduction and notes by Dobson, Austin. 3 vols. 1906. Globe ed. 1908.
- Extrait des Ouvrages d’Evelyn relatifs à ses Voyages en France, etc. 1648 à 1661. (Société des Bibliophiles Français.) Paris, 1873.
- Of Manuscripts: an unfinished Treatise. Printed Memoirs. 2nd ed. 1819. Vol.
II, pp. 321–336. - The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. By John Evelyn, of Wootton, Esq., now first published and edited by Samuel [Wilberforce], Bishop of Oxford, 1847. Ed. Gollancz, I. (King’s Classics.) 1904.
- The History of Religion. Ed. Evanson, R. M. 2 vols. 1850.
- S
- Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, Esq., comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith from the original shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library, and a Selection from his private Correspondence. Ed. Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. 1825. 3rd ed., with additions and corrections. 5 vols. 1848–9. 4th ed., with considerable additions. 4 vols. 1853. 5th ed. 4 vols. 1854. 6th ed., with additions and improvements (Bohn’s Historical Library). 4 vols. 1858.
- An illustrated reproduction of Lord Braybrooke’s edition by Bigelow, Charles Curtis (Castlemaine ed.), 4 vols., Philadelphia, 1906.
- Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, Esq., F.R.S., from his MS. cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Deciphered with additional notes by Bright, Mynors. 6 vols. 1875–9.
- The Diary of Samuel Pepys, M.A., F.R.S. Transcribed from the Shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, by Bright, Mynors, with Lord Braybrooke’s notes. Ed. with additions, Wheatley, Henry B. 8 vols. 1893–6. Vol. ix, Index. 1899. Supplementary volume, Pepysiana or Additional notes on the Particulars of Pepys’s Life and on some Passages in the Diary, with Appendixes. 1899. Smaller edition in 8 vols., 1904–5 (without Pepysiana).
- A Bicentenary (St. Olave) edition, a reproduction of the above, with an introduction by Wheatley, H. B., 18 vols., New York, 1903.
- The Life, Journals and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, Esq., F.R.S.… including a Narrative of his Voyage to Tangiers. Deciphered from the shorthand MSS. in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 1841.
- An account of his Majesty’s Escape from Worcester, published in Boscobel Tracts. 1830, and frequently rptd. [The original MS. is in the Pepysian library, Magdalene college, Cambridge. It contains Pepys’s shorthand report with a translation in long hand.]
- Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England for ten years, determin’d December, 1688. Printed for Ben Griffin. 1690.
- Pepys’ Memoires of the Royal Navy 1679–1688. Ed. Tanner, J. R. (Tudor and Stuart Library.) Oxford, 1906.
- Letters upon the present state of Christ’s Hospital [1688]. [In Bodleian library.]
- The Portugal History or a Relation of the troubles that happened in the Court of Portugal in the years 1667 and 1668. By S. P., Esq. 1677. [Has been attributed to Samuel Pepys.]
- Reprint of The Order of the Hospitalls of K. Henry the VIIIth and K. Edward the VIth, 1557. [Supposed to have been produced by Pepys.]
- B. Biography and Criticism
- Bridge, Sir Frederick. Samuel Pepys, Lover of Musique. 1903.
- Genealogy of the Pepys family 1273–1887. Pepys, Walter Courtenay. 1887.
- Jeffrey, F. On Pepys’s Diary. Edinburgh Review. 1853.
- Lubbock, Percy. Samuel Pepys. (Literary Lives.) 1909.
- Moorhouse, E. Hallam. Samuel Pepys, Administrator, Observer, Gossip. 1909.
- Power, D’Arcy. Address on the Medical History of Mr. and Mrs. Pepys. 1895.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis. Samuel Pepys. In Familiar Studies of Men and Books. 1906.
- Wheatley, Henry B. Samuel Pepys and the World he lived in. 1880. 2nd ed. 1880. Several re-issues.
- Whibley, C. The Real Pepys. (The Pageantry of Life.) 1900.
- A
NTHONY HAMILTON’S MEMOIRS OF GRAMONT - Mémoires de la vie du Comte de Grammont. Cologne, 1713, 1715. 3e ed. Rotterdam, 1716. Utrecht, 1732. Paris, 1746 ff. Printed by Horace Walpole, at Strawberry Hill, 1772.
- Memoirs of the Life of Count de Grammont: containing, in particular, the Amorous Intrigues of the Court of England in the reign of King Charles II. Translated from the French by Boyer, Abel. 1714. [Sir Walter Scott revised the translation, and added valuable notes to an illustrated edition published in 1811. This revision has been used in all the editions published since that date.]
- Memoirs of Count Grammont by Count Anthony Hamilton. Ed. Goodwin, Gordon. 2 vols. 1903.
- Memoirs of the Count de Gramont.… The translation carefully revised by the original edition of 1713, and accompanied by numerous illustrative and explanatory notes. Ed. Vizetelly, Henry. 2 vols. 1889. [Some careless errors in previous editions are corrected in this.]
- N
ARCISSUS LUTTRELL - A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from September, 1678, to April, 1714. Printed from the original MS. Diary (17 vols.) in the library of All Souls college, Oxford. 6 vols. Oxford, 1857. [The book has an index of names but no explanatory notes.]
- S
IR JOHN RERESBY - The Memoirs of the Honorable Sir John Reresby, Baronet, and last Governor of York, containing several private and remarkable Transactions from the Restoration to the Revolution inclusively. 1734.
- Memoirs. Ed. from the Original Manuscript by Cartwright, J. J. 1875.
- The Travels and Memoirs of Sir John Reresby, Bart. The former (now first published) exhibiting a view of the Governments and Society of the principal States and Courts of Europe, during the time of Cromwell’s Usurpation. The latter containing Anecdotes and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II and James II. 1813.
- Memoirs and Travels of Sir John Reresby, Bart. [Ed. Ivatt, A.] (Dryden House Memoirs.) 1904.
- II
- S
IR RICHARD BULSTRODE - Original Letters written to the Earl of Arlington, with a Preface giving an Account of the Author’s Life and Family. Ed. Bysshe, E. 1712.
- Memoirs and Reflections upon the Reign and Government of King Charles I and King Charles II, containing an Account of remarkable facts not mentioned by other Historians of those times; wherein the Character of the Royal Martyr and of King Charles II are vindicated from fanatical aspersions. 1721.
- A
NNE, LADY FANSHAWE - Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe. By Herself. To which are added, extracts from the correspondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe. Ed. Nicholas, Sir N. H. 1829. Rptd. from MS. in possession of E. J. Fanshawe. 1907.
- Fanshawe, Sir Richard. Original Letters during his Embassies in Spain and Portugal; which, with Letters from Ministers of England, Spain and Portugal, contain the Negotiations of the Treaty of Peace. 1702.
- Jeffrey, F. Lady Fanshawe’s Memoirs. Edinburgh Review. 1853.
- M
ARY, QUEEN OF ENGLAND - Memoirs of Mary, Queen of England (1689–93), together with her Letters and those of Kings James II and William III to the Electress Sophia of Hanover. Ed. Doebner, R. Leipzig, 1886.
- Lettres et Mèmoires de Marie Reine d’Angleterre, &Echeck;pouse de Guillaume III. Collection de documents authentiques inédits conservés aux archives des Countes d’Aldenbourg Bentinck et du Baron de Heeckeren de Wassenaer. The Hague, 1880.
- Articles in Edinburgh Review, April, 1880, and April, 1886.
- R
ACHEL, LADY RUSSELL - Letters of Rachel, Lady Russell. Ed. Sellwood, T. 1773 and later eds.
- Letters of Rachel, Lady Russell. Ed. J. R. [Earl Russell]. 2 vols. 1853.
- (Berry, Mary.) Some Account of the Life of Rachel Wriothesley, Lady Russell, with Letters from her to her husband, 1672–82, etc. 1819.
- Russell, Lord John (afterwards Earl Russell). Life of William Lord Russell. 1819 and later eds.
- A
LGERNON SIDNEY - Works. 1772.
- Discourses concerning government. 1698. With memoirs of his life. 1750. With letters and life. 1763.
- Letters to Hon. H. Saville. 1742.
- The Sydney Papers in Letters and Memorials of State, from the reign of Queen Mary to that of Charles II. Vol.
II. Ed. Collins, A. 1746. - Cartwright, Julia (Mrs. Henry Ady). Sacharissa: some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland, her Family and Friends. 1893.
- Ewald, A. C. The Life and Times of Algernon Sidney. 2 vols. 1873.
- Meadley, G. W. Memoirs of Algernon Sydney. 1813.
- Sidney, R. C. Memoir of Algernon Sidney. 1835.
- H
ENRY SIDNEY, EARL OF ROMNEY - Diary of the Times of Charles the Second. By the Hon. Henry Sidney (afterwards Earl of Romney), including his Correspondence with the Countess of Sunderland. To which are added, Letters illustrative of the Times of James II and William III. Ed. Blencowe, A. W. 2 vols. 1843.
- M
ARY RICH, COUNTESS OF WARWICK - Autobiography of Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick. Ed. with introduction and notes by Croker, T. G. (Percy Society Publ. 76.) 1848.
- Smith, C. F. Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick (1625–78), her Family and her Friends. 1901.