The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- C
ONGREVE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. COLLIER - See, also, bibliographies to Chaps.
I (final section) andV (Biographical and Critical Works). - A. P
- (1) Plays
- Love’s Last Shift; or the Fool in Fashion, a Comedy as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal by his Majesty’s Servants. 1696.
- Woman’s Wit or the Lady of Fashion. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal by his Majesty’s Servants. 1697.
- Xerxes. A Tragedy, as it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 1699.
- Love makes a Man, or the Fop’s Fortune, a Comedy, Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane by His Majesty’s Servants. 1701.
- She would and would not, or the Kind Impostor: taken in part from The Counterfeits by Leanerd. 1702.
- The Careless Husband. A Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty’s Servants. 1704.
- Perolla and Izadora, a Tragedy, as it was Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty’s Servants. 1706
- The Lady’s Last Stake, or the Wife’s Resentment, a Comedy, as it is Acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. 1708.
- The Rival Fools, a Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane by Her Majesty’s Sworn Comedians. 1709.
- The Non Juror. A Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty’s Servants. 1718.
- Ximena, or the Heroick Daughter. A Tragedy. 1719.
- The Refusal. A Comedy. 1721.
- Caesar in Egypt, a Tragedy as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, by His Majesty’s Servants. 1725.
- The Rival Queens. 1729. [Burlesque on Nat. Lee’s play of the same name.]
- Love in a Riddle, a Pastoral as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty’s Servants. 1729.
- The School-Boy. A Farce. [1730?.]
- Venus and Adonis and Myrtillo. 1736.
- The Temple of Dulness. A Comic Opera. The Music by Mr. Arne. 1745.
- The Lady’s Lecture. A theatrical dialogue. 1748.
- The Tragical History of King Richard III. [Altered from Shakespeare.] 1700.
- The Comical Lovers, or Marriage à la Mode, adapted from Dryden’s Secret Love and Marriage à la Mode. 1707.
- The Double Gallant, compiled from Mrs. Centlivre’s Love at a Venture. [1707.]
- Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John. [Altered from Shakespeare.] A Tragedy. 1745.
- The Dramatic Works of Colley Cibber, with an account of the life and writings of the Author. 1721, 1760 ff.
- (2) Other Works
- An Apology for The Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian. Written by himself,
MDCCXL. 1740. Ed., with notes and supplement, by Lowe, R. W. 2 vols. 1889. - Letter to Mr. Pope. 1742.
- Another Letter to Mr. Pope. 1744.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Disraeli, I. The Calamities and Quarrels of Authors: with some inquiries respecting their moral and literary Characters, and Memoirs for our Literary History. 1859.
- William Congreve
- (1) Plays
- (a) Early Editions
- The Old Batchelor. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty’s Servants. 1693. Other eds. 1697, 1710.
- The Double Dealer. A Comedy as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesty’s Servants. 1694. Other eds. 1711, 1735, 1739 ff.
- Love for Love. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre in Little-Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. 1695. 2nd ed. 1695. Other eds. 1704, 1711, 1720, 1733, 1747 ff.
- The Mourning Bride. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. 1697. Other eds. 1697, 1757 ff.
- The Way of the World. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. 1700. 2nd ed. 1706.
- The Works of Mr. W. Congreve. 1710. Other eds. 1719, 1730, 1735, 1753, 1761, 1773, 1774.
- (b) Modern Editions
- The Works of Congreve have been edited with a biographical and critical notice, together with those of Wycherley, Vanbrugh and Farquhar, by Hunt, Leigh, in his volume of Old Dramatists, 1840; by Ewald, A. C., in the Mermaid Series, and by Street, G., with an excellent introduction, in W. E. Henley’s Series of English Classics, 1895.
- (2) Other Works
- A Pindarique Ode, humbly offer’d to the King on his taking Namure. 1695.
- The Mourning Muse of Alexis. A Pastoral lamenting the death of Queen Mary. 1695.
- The Justice of the Peace; or a vindication of Peace from several late pamphlets. 1697.
- Amendments upon Mr. Collier’s false and imperfect citations. 1698.
- The Birth of the Muse. A Poem. 1698.
- Incognita: or Love and Duty Reconciled. 1700.
- The Judgment of Paris. A Masque. 1701. Another ed. 1778.
- A Hymn to Harmony, written in honour of St. Cecilia’s Day. 1703.
- A Pindarique Ode, humbly offer’d to the Queen, on the victorious progress of her Majesty’s arms, under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. To which is prefixed a discourse on the Pindarique Ode. 1706.
- Ovid’s Art of Love. Book
III. Translated by W. C. 1709. - Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Translated by J. D., W. C. and other. 1717.
- The Dramatick Works of Dryden, J. Ed. by W. Congreve. 1717.
- La Fontaine. Tales and Novels in Verse from the French by several hands. [Congreve and others.] 1762.
- The Story of Semele. An Opera, in three parts and in verse. Alter’d from the Semele of W. Congreve and set to Musick by Mr. G. F. Handel. 1764.
- Poems. In Johnson’s ed. of the English Poets. 1781.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Bennewitz, A. Congreve and Molière. 1890.
- Berkeley, Monck. Literary Relics. 1789.
- Congreve, William. Mr. Congreve’s Last Will and Testament; with the Characters of his writings by Mr. Dryden, Sir R. Blackmore, Mr. Addison, and Major Pack. To which are added two pieces, viz. 1. of rightly improving the present time, an epistle in Verse from Mr. Congreve … II. The game of Quadrille, an allegory. 1729.
- Dennis, J. Letters upon several occasions. 1696.
- —— Letters written by and between Mr. Congreve and Mr. Dennis. 1721.
- Jacob, Giles. Poetical Register. 1719.
- Gosse, E. William Congreve. 1888.
- Hayman, Sam. New Handbook for Youghal. 1852.
- Lamb, Charles. The Essays of Elia. 1821.
- Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Ed. Montague, F. C. 1903.
- Meredith, G. An Essay on Comedy and the Uses of the Comic Spirit. 1897.
- Schmid, D. Congreve, sein Leben und seine Lustspiele. Vienna, Leipzig, 1897.
- Temple, R. An Epistle to Lord Viscount Cobham, in memory of his friend W. Congreve. 1750.
- Thackeray, W. M. Congreve and Addison. English Humourists of the 18th century. Works, Biographical ed., vol.
VII. 1898. - Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Lettres sur les Anglais. 1731.
- Wilson, Charles. Memories of Congreve. 1730.
- Thomas D’Urfey
- (1) Plays
- The Siege of Memphis, or the Ambitious Queen. A Tragedy. 1676.
- The Fool turn’d Critick. 1678.
- Trick for Trick; or the Debauch’d Hypocrite. 1678.
- Sir Barnaby Whigg; or No Wit like a Woman’s. A Comedy. 1679.
- Squire Oldsapp. A Comedy. 1679.
- The Virtuous Wife or Good Luck at last. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. By His Royal Highness His servants. 1680.
- Madame Fickle or the Witty False One. A Comedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. 1682.
- The Injured Princess; or the Fatal Wager. A play … adapted from Shakespeare’s Cymbalin. 1682.
- The Royalist. 1682.
- A Fond Husband: or the Plotting Sisters. A Comedy. 1685.
- A Commonwealth of Women. 1686.
- The Banditti, or a Ladies Distress. A play. 1686.
- A Fool’s Preferment; or the three Dukes of Dunstable. A Comedy. Together with the Songs and notes to ’em … composed by H. Purcell. 1688.
- Bussy d’Ambois … newly revised by T. D’Urfey. 1691.
- Love for Money or the Boarding School. A Comedy. 1691.
- The Marriage Hater Match’d. A Comedy acted at the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants. With a letter (by C. Gildon) to Mr. D. occasioned by The Marriage Hater Matched. 1692.
- The Richmond Heiress; or a woman once in the right. A Comedy. 1693.
- The Comical History of Don Quixote (with the Marriage of Mary the Buxome). A Comedy. Parts 1 and
II. 1694. PartIII. 1696. - The Intrigues at Versailles; or a jilt in all humours; A Comedy. 1697.
- The Campayners; or the pleasant adventures at Brussels. A Comedy with a familiar preface upon a late reformer of the stage. Ending with a Satyrical fable of the Dog and the Ottor. 1698.
- The Famous History of the Rise and Fall of Massaniello in two Parts. 1700.
- The Bath, or the Western Lass. A Comedy. 1701.
- The Modern Prophets: or New Wit for a Husband. A Comedy. 1709.
- The Old Mode and the New; or the County Miss with her Furbiloe. A Comedy. 1709.
- The Grecian Heroine: or, the Fate of Tyranny. 1718.
- (2) Other Works
- New Songs and Poems. 1683.
- Malcontent, The. A Satyr. 1684.
- Colin’s Walk through London. 1690.
- New Poems. 1690.
- Comical History of Don Quixote, The. 2 pts. 1694.
- Tales tragical and comical. 1704.
- Stories moral and comical. [1706.]
- Songs compleat … 1719.
- Wit and Mirth, or Pills to purge Melancholy; being a collection of Ballads and Songs … 4th ed. 5 vols. 1719.
- New Operas, with Stories and Poems. 1721.
- George Farquhar
- (1) Plays
- (a) Early Editions
- Love and a Bottle. A Comedy, as it is Acted in the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty’s Servants. 1699.
- The Constant Couple or a Trip to the Jubilee. A Comedy Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane by His Majesty’s Servants. 1699. 2nd ed., in which is added a new scene to the part of Wildair. 1700.
- Sir Harry Wildair: being the sequll of the Trip to the Jubilee. A Comedy. 1701.
- The Inconstant: or the Way to win him. A Comedy. 1702.
- The Twin Rivals. A Comedy acted at the Theatre Royal. By Her Majesty’s Servants. 1703.
- The Stage Coach. 1705.
- The Recruiting Officer. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty’s Servants. 1706. Other eds. 1711, 1714 ff.
- The Beaux Stratagem. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty’s Sworn Comedians. 1707. The 9th ed. appeared in 1707.
- Comedies. 1710. Other eds. 1711, 1714.
- The Works of George Farquhar, containing all his poems, letters and Comedies. 1718, 1728, 1742 ff. [The edition of 1775, printed at Dublin, contains Farquhar’s life by Wilkes, T.]
- (b) Modern Editions
- George Farquhar. Ed., with an introduction and notes, by Archer, W. (Mermaid Series.) 1908.
- Farquhar, G. Dramatic Works. Ed. Ewald, A. C. 1891.
- See, also, under Congreve (1) (b), ante.
- (2) Other Works
- The Adventures of Covent Garden. 1699.
- Barcellona, a poem, or the Spanish Expedition under the Command of Charles, Earl of Peterborough. 1707.
- Love and Business: in a collection of occasionary verses, and epistolary prose. A discourse likewise upon comedy in reference to the English Stage. 1702.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Robertson, J. G. Lessing and Farquhar. The Modern Language Review, vol.
II. Cambridge, 1907. - Schmid, D. George Farquhar. Leipzig, 1904.
- Thackeray, W. M. Congreve and Addison. English Humourists of the 18th century. Works, Biographical ed., vol.
VII. 1898. - Thomas Shadwell
- (1) Plays
- The Sullen Lovers: or, The Impertinents. A Comedy, Acted by His Highness the Duke of York’s Servants. 1668.
- The Royal Shepherdess: a Tragi-Comedy, as it is Acted by their Majesties Servants. 1669.
- The Humorists, A Comedy. Acted by His Royal Highnesses Servants. 1671.
- A Comedy called The Miser: Acted at the Theatre Royal. 1672.
- Epsom Wells, a Comedy, Acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1673.
- Psyche, A Tragedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1675.
- The Virtuoso, a Comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1676.
- The Libertine, A Tragedy by His Royal Highness’s Servants. 1676.
- The History of Timon of Athens, the Man-Hater: as it is acted by Their Majesties Servants. 1678.
- A True Widow, a Comedy, acted by the Duke’s Servants. 1679.
- The Woman Captain, a Comedy, Acted by His Royal Highnesses Servants. 1680. Reissued in 1744 as The Prodigal.
- The Lancashire Witches, and Tegue O’Divelly, the Irish Priest. A Comedy. Part the First. Acted by their Majesties Servants. 1682.
- The Squire of Alsatia, A Comedy, as it is acted by Their Majesty’s Servants. 1688.
- Bury Fair, a Comedy as it is acted by his Majesty’s Servants. 1689.
- The Amorous Bigotte: with the Second Part of Tegue O’Divelly, a Comedy, acted by their Majesty’s Servants. 1690.
- The Scowrers; A Comedy, Acted by Their Majesties Servants. 1691.
- The Volunteers; or, the Stock-Jobbers: a Comedy as it is Acted by Their Majesties Servants, at the Theatre Royal. 1693.
- As to Shadwell’s adaptation of the Tempest as an opera, 1674 and later editions, see Chap. 1, p. 31 note, and Lawrence, W. J., Did Thomas Shadwell write an opera on “The Tempest,” Anglia, vols.
XXVII andXXIX, Halle, 1904–6. - Works in one volume in the method in which they were first published. 1693. [Various editions of Shadwell’s seventeen plays, with a general title prefixed.]
- Works. With Prefatory Memoir by his Son. 4 vols. 1720.
- Select plays. Ed. Saintsbury, G., with introduction and notes. (Mermaid Series.) 1903.
- (2) Other Works
- For Controversial Works see Drydeniana in bibl. to Chap.
I, ante. - (3) Biography and Criticism
- Brady, N. Sermon at Shadwell’s funeral. 1693.
- Shadwell’s Plays. Retrospective Review, Second Ser. vol.
II. 1828. - Thomas Shadwell. Colburn’s Monthly Magazine, New Ser. vol.
III. 1873. - Sir John Vanbrugh
- (1) Plays
- (a) Early Editions
- The Relapse; or Virtue in Danger. Being the sequel of the Fool in Fashion. A Comedy acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By the author of a late Comedy called the Provok’d Wife. 1697.
- The Provok’d Wife. A Comedy as it is acted at the New Theatre, in little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. 1697.
- Æsop. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. 1697. Another ed. 1702.
- The Pilgrim, a comedy by John Fletcher. Altered with additions by Sir J. V. 1700.
- The False Friend. 1702.
- The Confederacy: A Comedy. As it is acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. By her Majesty’s sworn servants. 1705.
- The Mistake. As it is Acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. 1706.
- The Country House: a farce translated from La Maison Rustique of F. C. d’Ancourt. 1715.
- A Journey to London being part of a comedy, written by the late Sir John Vanbrugh and printed after his own Copy, which (since his decease) has been made an entire play by Mr. Cibber, and call’d the Provok’d Husband. 1728.
- The Cornish Squire: A comedy done from the French of Molière’s Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. 1734.
- Plays written by Sir J. Vanbrugh. In two vols. Eds. 1730, 1735, 1759, 1765, 1776.
- (b) Modern Editions
- Vanbrugh’s plays have been edited by Ward, W. C., with a valuable biographical introduction, 1893; and by Swaen, A. E. H., in Mermaid Series, 1896. See, also, under Congreve (1) (b), ante.
- (2) Other Works
- A Short Vindication of the Relapse and the Provok’d Wife, from Immorality and Prophaneness. 1698.
- Justification of what he depos’d in the “Duchess of Marlborough’s late Tryal.” 1718.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Dametz, M. John Vanbrughs Leben und Werke. Vienna, 1898.
- Disraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. 14th ed. 3 vols. 1849.
- Lovegrove, G. H. The Life, Work, and Influence of Sir John Vanbrugh. 1902.
- Tenison, T. A Letter from several members of the Society for the Reformation of Manners. 1704. [On the immorality of Vanbrugh’s plays.]
- B. J
EREMY COLLIER AND THE CONTROVERSY CONCERNING THE MORLAITY OF THE STAGE - Animadversions on Mr. Congreve’s Late Answer to Mr. Collier. In a Dialogue between Mr. Smith and Mr. Johnson. With the Characters of the present Poets; And some offers towards New-Modeling the stage. 1698.
- Bedford, Arthur. Serious Reflections on the Scandalous Abuse and Effects of the Stage: in a Sermon preach’d at the Parish-Church of St. Nicholas in the City of Bristol, on Sunday the 7th day of January, 1704/5. 1705.
- —— A second Advertisement concerning the Profaneness of the Play-House. Bristol. 1705.
- —— The Evil and Danger of Stage Plays: Shewing their Natural Tendency to Destroy Religion, and introduce a General Corruption of Manners; In almost Two thousand instances, taken from the Plays of the two last years, against all the Methods lately used for their Reformation. 1706.
- Bedford, Arthur. The Great Abuse of Musick. In Two Parts, Containing an Account of the Use and Design of Musick among the Antient Jews, Greeks, Romans, and others; with their Concern for, and Care to prevent the Abuse thereof. And also An Account of the Immorality and Profaneness which is occasioned by the Corruption of that most Noble Science in the Present Age. 1711.
- —— A serious Remonstrance in Behalf of the Christian Religion, against The Horrid Blasphemies and Impieties which are still used in the English Play-Houses, to the great Dishonour of Almighty God, and in contempt of the Statutes of this Realm. 1719.
- Blackmore, Sir R. Prince Arthur. An Heroick Poem in Ten Books. 1695.
- —— Essays upon several subjects. 1716.
- Brown, T. The Stage Beaux toss’d in a Blanket, or Hypocrisie Alamode. Expos’d in a True picture of Jerry … a Pretending Scourge to the English Stage. A Comedy with a Prologue on Occasional Conformity; being a full Explanation of the Poussin Doctor’s Book; and an Epilogue on the Reformers. 1704.
- Collier, Jeremy. A short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of The English Stage: Together with The Sense of Antiquity upon This Argument. 1696.
- —— A Defence of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, etc. Being a Reply to Mr. Congreve’s Amendments, etc. And to the Vindication of the Author of the Relapse. 1699.
- —— A Second Defence of the Short View of the Prophaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, etc. Being a Reply to a Book, Entituled, The Ancient and Modern Stages Surveyed, etc. 1700.
- —— Mr. Collier’s Dissuasive from the Play-House; in a Letter to a Person of Quality, Occasion’d By The late Calamity of the Tempest. 1703.
- —— A Farther Vindication of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage, In which the Objections of a late Book, Entituled, A Defence of Plays are consider’d. 1708.
- D. A. The Stage Acquitted. Being a Full Answer to Mr. Collier, and the other Enemies of the Drama. With a Vindication of King Charles the Martyr, and the Clergy of the Church of England, from the Abuses of a Scurrilous Book, called The Stage Condemned. To which is added, The Character of the Animadverter, and The Animadversions on Mr. Congreve’s Answer to Mr. Collier. 1699.
- Dennis, J. The Usefulness of the Stage, to the Happiness of Mankind, to Government, and to Religion. Occasioned by a late Book, written by Jeremy Collier, M.A. 1698.
- —— The Stage defended from Scripture, Reason, Experience, and the Common Sense of Mankind, for Two Thousand Years, Occasion’d by Mr. Law’s late Pamphlet against Stage Entertainments. 1726. [See Law, William, below.]
- Drake, J. The Antient and Modern Stages survey’d. Or Mr. Collier’s View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage Set in a True Light wherein some of Mr. Collier’s Mistakes are rectified, and the comparative Morality of the English Stage is asserted upon the Parallel. 1699.
- Dryden, J. Fables Ancient and Modern; Translated into Verse From Homer, Ovid, Boccace and Chaucer: with Original Poems. 1700.
- Filmer, E. A Defence of Dramatick Poetry: Being a Review of Mr. Collier’s View of the Immorality &Profaneness of the Stage. 1698.
- —— A Farther Defence of Dramatick Poetry: Being the Second Part of the Review of Mr. Collier’s View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the Stage. 1698.
- Filmer, E. A Defence of Plays: or, The Stage Vindicated, From several Passages in Mr. Collier’s Short View, etc. Wherein is offer’d the most Probable Method of Reforming our Plays. With a Consideration How far Vicious Characters may be allow’d on the Stage. 1707.
- Immorality, The, of the English Pulpit, as justly subjected to the Notice of the English Stage, as the Immorality of the Stage is, to that of the Pulpit. In a Letter to Mr. Collier. Occasion’d by the Third Chapter of his Book, Entitl’d, A Short View of the Immorality of the English Stage. 1698.
- Law, William. The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment fully demonstrated. 1726.
- Motteux, P. A. Beauty in Distress. A Tragedy As it is acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, By His Majesty’s Servants. Written by Mr. Motteux. With a Discourse of the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays, Lately written in French by the Learned Father Caffaro, Divinity Professor at Paris. Sent in a Letter to the Author, by a Divine of the Church of England. 1698.
- Representation, A, of the Impiety and Immorality of the English Stage, with Reason for putting a stop thereto; and some questions addrest to those who frequent the Play-Houses. 1704.
- Rymer, T. The Tragedies of the last Age Consider’d and Examin’d By the Practice of the Ancients, and by the common sense of all Ages, In a Letter to Fleetwood Shepheard Esq. 1678.
- —— A Short View of Tragedy; Its Original, Excellency, and Corruption with some Reflections on Shakspear, and other Practitioners for the Stage. 1693.
- Some Remarks upon Mr. Collier’s Defence of his Short View of the English Stage, etc., in Vindication of Mr. Congreve, etc. 1698.
- Some Thoughts Concerning the Stage in a Letter to a Lady. 1701.
- Stage, The, Condemned, and the Encouragement given to the Immoralities and Profaneness of the Theatre, by the English Schools, Universities and Pulpits, censur’d.… The Arguments of all the Authors that have Writ in Defence of the Stage against Mr. Collier, Consider’d. And the Sense of the Fathers, Councils, Antient Philosophers and Poets, and of the Greek and Roman States, and of the First Christian Emperors concerning the Drama, Faithfully Deliver’d. 1698.
- Vindication of the Stage, A. With the Usefulness and advantages of Dramatick Representations. In Answer to Mr. Collier’s Late Book, Entituled, A View of the Prophaneness and Immorality, etc. In a Letter to a Friend. 1698.
- Wright, J. Country Conversations. 1694.
- Ballein, Dr. J. Jeremy Collier’s Angriff auf die englische Bühne. 1910.
- Hofherr, A. Thomas Rymers dramatische Kritik. Heidelberg, 1908.