The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- B
IBLIOGRAPHIES - Short bibliographies of Oldham and Otway are given in the D. of N. B. The most complete bibliography of Marvell is given by Aitken, G. A., in his edition of the poems. See under I (a).
- I. P
OEMS - (a) Separate Authors
- Ayloffe, John (d. 1685). Marvell’s Ghost. In Nichols’s Select Coll. of Poems, vol.
III, p. 186. 1780. See, also, Poems on Affairs of State and State-Poems under I (b). - Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of. Poetical Reflections on a late Poem entituled Absolon and Achitophel. 1682.
- Cleland, William. A Collection of Several Poems and Verses. 1697.
- Creech, Thomas (1659–1701). The Odes, Satires and Epistles of Horace translated. 1684. [Applied to the translator’s times.]
- Creech also contributed to Miscellany Poems, vol. 1, in the same year.
- Denham, Sir John. Directions to a Painter for describing our naval business: in imitation of Mr. Waller: … Whereunto is annexed Clarendon’s House-Warming by an unknown author. 1667. Rptd. in The Third Collection of Poems on Affairs of State and in Poems on Affairs of State, 1, eds. of 1697 and 1703, q.v.
- Duke, R. Poems on several occasions. See Roscommon, earl of.
- D’Urfey, Thomas. A New Collection of Songs and Poems. 1683. [Contains his Tory songs and ballads.]
- Marvell, Andrew. Clarendon’s Housewarming, Upon his House and Up⊙n his Grandchildren. See Denham, Sir John.
- —— Advice to a Painter. Folio sheet. [1679?.]
- —— Advice to a Painter, Britannia and Raleigh, The Statue at Stocks-Market and Nostradamus’ Prophecy. In A Collection of Poems on Affairs of State, 1689, q.v.
- —— A Dialogue between Two Horses, and On the Lord Mayor and Aldermen presenting the King and Duke of York each with a copy of his Freedom. In The Second Part of a Collection of Poems on Affairs of State, 1689, q.v.
- —— Last Instructions to a Painter. In The Third Part of a Collection of Poems on Affairs of State, 1689, q.v.
- —— Upon the cutting of Sir John Coventry’s nose, as the Haymarket Hectors. In Poems on Affairs of State, vol.
III, 1704, q.v. - —— An Historical Poem. In The Fourth (and Last) Collection of the Newest and Most Ingenious Poems, etc., 1689, q.v.
- —— The Statue at Charing Cross. In Poems on Affairs of State, vol.
III, 1704, q.v. - —— Farther Instructions to a Painter. In Poems on Affairs of State, vol. 1, 1697 and 1703, q.v.
- —— On Blood’s stealing the Crown. In Poems on Affairs of State, vol. 1, 1697 and 1703, q.v.
- —— The Works of Andrew Marvell … with a new life of the author by Thompson, Edward. 3 vols. 1776.
- —— The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Andrew Marvell. Ed. Grosart A. B. 4 vols. (The Fuller Worthies Library.) 1873.
- —— The Poems of Andrew Marvell. Ed. Aitken, G. A. (The Muses’ Library.) 1898.
- Oldham, John. Satyrs upon the Jesuits: written in the year 1679 upon occasion of the Plot. Together with the Satyr against Vertue and some other pieces by the same hand. 1681.
- —— Poems and Translations. 1683.
- —— Remains in Verse and Prose. 1684.
- —— Works. Together with his remains. 4 parts. 1686.
- —— The Compositions in Prose and Verse of Mr. John Oldham, to which are added Memoirs of his life, etc. By Thompson, Edward. 3 vols. 1770.
- —— Poetical Works. Ed. Bell, R. 1854. [Contains a useful introduction.]
- Otway, Thomas. The Poet’s Complaint of his Muse, or a Satire against Libels. 1680. The Poet’s Complaint was rptd. in Dryden’s Miscellany Poems, Part 1, 3rd ed., 1702.
- —— Works. 2 vols. 1812. 3 vols. 1813.
- For plays, see bibliography to Chap.
VII, post. - Pitcairne, Archibald. The Assembly, A Comedy, By a Scots Gentleman. 1722. [Written in 1692; against the Scottish Presbyterians. A witty burlesque.]
- —— Babell; a satiricall poem, on the proceedings of the General Assembly in the year 1692. The Maitland Club, Edinburgh, 1830. [Hudibrastic and heroic couplets. Circulated in MS. only, before 1830.]
- Pordage, Samuel. Azaria and Hushai, A Poem. 1682.
- —— The Medal Revers’d. A Satyre against Persecution. 1682.
- Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of. See the Collections under I (b).
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of. Poems by the Earl of Roscommon. To which is added an Essay on Poetry, by the Earl of Mulgrave, now Duke of Buckingham. Together with Poems by Mr. Richard Duke. 1717. See, also, The Roxburghe Ballads under 1 (b).
- Settle, Elkanah. Mare Clausum: or a Ransack for the Dutch, by E. S. 1666.
- —— Absalom Senior: or Achitophel Transpros’d. A Poem. Revis’d with Additions. 1682.
- Shadwell, Thomas. The Medal of John Bayes: a Satyr against Folly and Knavery. 1682. See, also, bibliography to Chap. 1 (Drydeniana).
- Wild, Robert (1609–1679). Poems. Ed. Hunt, J. 1870. See, also, the Collections under I (b).
- (b) Collections
- A Choice Collection of 120 Loyal Songs, all of them written since the Two late Plots, (viz.) The Horrid Salamanca Plot in 1678 and the Fanatical Conspiracy in 1683. Intermixt with some New Love Songs with a Table to find every Song to which is added an Anagram, and an Accrostick on the Salamanca Doctor. 1684. 3rd ed. 180 Loyal Songs … to which is added the Musical Notes to each Song. 1685.
- A Collection of 86 Loyal Poems, All of them written upon the Two late Plots. viz., the Horrid Salamanca Plot in 1678, and the Present Fanatical Conspiracy in 1683: to which is added, Advice to the Carver, written on the death of the late L. Stafford, with Several Poems on their Majesties Coronation, never before published. Collected by N. T. (Nathaniel Thompson). 1685.
- Loyal Poems and Satyrs upon the Times, since the Beginning of the Salamanca Plot, Written by several Hands. Collected by M. T. (Matthew Taubman). 1685.
- The Muses Farewel to Popery and Slavery, or, a Collection of Miscellany Poems, Satyrs, Songs, etc. Made by the most Eminent Wits of the Nation, as the Shams, Intreagues, and Plots of Priests and Jesuits gave occasion. 1689. Supplement “to the … Miscellany Poems,” same year.
- A Collection of the Newest and Most Ingenious Poems, Songs, Catches etc. against Popery, relating to the Times. 1689. Also Second, Third and Fourth Collections, same year.
- Poems on Affairs of State from the time of Oliver Cromwell, to the Abdication of K. James the Second. Written by the greatest Wits of the Age, viz. Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Rochester, Lord Bu[ckhur]st, Sir John Denham, Andrew Marvell Esq., Mr. Milton, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Sprat, Mr. Waller, Mr. Ayloffe etc. With some Miscellany Poems by the same: Most whereof never before printed. Now carefully examined with the Originals, and published without any castration. 1697. Fifth ed. 1703.
- State-Poems; continued from the time of O. Cromwel, to this present Year 1697. Written by the greatest wits of the age, viz. The Lord Rochester, the Lord Dorset, the Lord V——n, The Hon. Mr. M[ontag]ue, Sir F. S[heppar]d, Mr. Milton, Mr. Prior, Mr. Stepney, Mr. Ayloffe etc. with several Poems in praise of Oliver Cromwel.… Also some Miscellany Poems by the same, never before printed. Now carefully examined with the originals, and published without any castration. 1697 ff. [This forms a kind of alternative second volume to Part 1, sometimes being bound up with it. It is distinct from Part
II published in the same year. The preface also mentions as authors Mr. Marvell, Mr. Rymer, Lord Cutts, Mr. Tate, Mr. Shadwell.] - Poems on Affairs of State. The Second Part. Written during the Reign of K. James the II against Popery and Slavery and his Arbitrary Proceedings. By the most Eminent Wits, viz. Lord D[orse]t, The H. Mr. M[ontag]ue, Sir F. Sh[eppa]rd, Coll. Titus, Mr. Prior, Mr. Shadwell, Mr. Rymer, Mr. Drake, Mr. Gould, etc. Now carefully Corrected, and Published from the Originals. 1697.
- Poems on Affairs of State, from the Reign of K. James the First, to this Present Year 1703. Written by the Greatest Wits of the Age, viz. The Duke of Buckingham, The Earl of Rochester, The Earl of D[orse]t, Lord J[effrie]s, Mr. Milton, Mr. Marvel, Mr. St. J[oh]n, Mr. John Dryden, Dr. G[ar]th, Mr. Toland, Mr. Hughes, Mr. F——e, Mr. Finch, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. T[utchi]n, etc. Many of which never before published. Vol.
II. 1703. [This is a new ed. of the preceding, much enlarged and rehandled. The 1st ed. is more akin to State-Poems continued, q.v.] - Poems on Affairs of State, From 1640 to this present Year 1704. Written by the greatest Wits of the Age, viz. The late Duke of Buckingham, Duke of D[evonshi]re, Late E. of Rochester, Earl of D[orse]t, Lord J[eff]rys, Ld. Hal[ifa]x, Andrew Marvel, Esq.; Col. M[or]d[aun]t, Mr. St. J[oh]ns, Mr. Hambden, Sir Fleet[wood] Shepherd, Mr. Dryden, Mr. St[epne]y, Mr. Pr[io]r, Dr. G[ar]th, etc. Most of which were never before publish’d. Vol.
III. 1704. - Poems on Affairs of State, From the Year 1620 to the Year 1707. Many of them by the most Eminent Hands, viz. Mr. Shakespear, Mr. Waller, Duke of Devonshire, Mr. Walsh, Mr. D[’Urfe]y, Dr. Wild, Dr. Brady, Mr. Tate, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Manning, Mr. Arwaker, etc. Several of which were never before publish’d. To which is added, A Collection of some Satyrical Prints against the French King, Elector of Bavaria etc. Curiously engraven on copper plates. Vol.
IV. 1716. - The Bagford Ballads, illustrating the last years of the Stuarts. Ed. Ebsworth, J. W., in two divisions. The Ballad Society. Hertford, 1876–8
- The Roxburghe Ballads, with short notes by William Chappell. The Ballad Society, Hertford. Vol. 1, 1871. [Contains The Catholic Ballad by Pope, Dr. Walter. Ed. Ebsworth, J. W.] Vol.
IV, 1883; vol.V, 1885; vol.VII, 1893. - These two most important series, besides ballads and poems, printed from the original broadsides, contain ample notes and commentary elucidating their contents.
- Wilkins, W. W. Political Ballads of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries annotated. 1860.
- A Book of Scotish Pasquils 1568–1715 (by Maidment, J.). Edinburgh, 1868. [These Scottish Pasquils are closely allied to their English congeners in matter and treatment.]
- Old English Popular Music by William Chappell. New ed. by Woolridge, H. Ellis. 2 vols. 1893. [Gives the most popular airs, but not Packington’s Pound, which may be found in N. Thompson’s 180 Loyal Songs.]
- II. P
ROSE SATIRES - Marvell, Andrew. His M[ajest]y’s most Gracious Speech to both Houses of P[arliamen]t. In Poems on Affairs of State, vol.
III, 1704, see under I (b); and rptd. in the Works, see under 1 (a). - —— The Rehearsal Transpros’d: or, Animadversions upon a late Book, intituled A Preface shewing what Grounds there are of Fears and Jealousies of Popery.
- 1672. Second impression with additions and amendments. 1672.
- —— The Rehearsal Transpros’d: The Second Part. Occasioned by Two Letters.… Answered by Andrew Marvell. 1673.
- Both parts rptd. in Works; see under I (a).
- A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts … selected from … public, as well as private, libraries; particularly that of the late Lord Somers. 2nd ed. Ed. Scott, Walter. 1812. [Vols.
VII, VIII, IX andX contain some restoration satires.] - The Harleian Miscellany, a Collection of Pamphlets and Tracts, … selected from the Library of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford. 1809. (Quarto edition.) [Vols.
I, II, IV, V, VII andVIII contain a few restoration satires.] - Poems on Affairs of State. [Vols.
III andIV (q.v. under I (b)) contain a few Lists of Goods etc. in prose.] - The Popish Courant. 1678–83. [This was a satiric supplement attached to Harry Care’s Whig periodical, A Pacquet (later The Weekly Pacquet) of Advice from Rome.]
- Mercurius Bifrons: or, The English Janus, the one side true and serious, the other jocular. 1681.
- [Flatman, Thos.] Heraclitus Ridens; or, A Discourse between Jest and Earnest, where many a True Word is pleasantly spoken in opposition to all Libellers against the Government. 1681–2. [Tory.]
- The Observator, in dialogue … by Sir Roger L’Estrange. 1681–7. Joanna Brome, William Abingdon and Charles Brome in succession. [Tory. Has a satiric element.]
- The Weekly Discoverer Strip’d Naked, or, Jest and Earnest expos’d to Public View in his Proper Colours. Feb.-Mar. 1681. [Whig opponent of Heraclitus Ridens.]
- The Observator Observ’d; or Protestant Observations upon Anti-Protestant Pamphlets, by way of question and answer. May, 1681. [Whig opponent of the Observator.]
- III. M
ODERN CRITICAL WORKS - Birrell, A. Andrew Marvell. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1905.
- Courthope, Prof. W. J. A History of English Poetry, vol.
IV. 1903. [Appreciations of Marvell and Oldham.] - Fox-Bourne, H. R. English Newspapers. Chapters in the History of Journalism. 2 vols. 1887. [Vol.
I, chaps.II andIII deal with English Journalism between 1660 and 1700.] - Gosse, E. W. Seventeenth Century Studies. 1883. [Contains an essay on Otway.]
- Hannay, J. English Political Satires. Quarterly Review, vol.
CI, April, 1857. - Williams, J. B. History of English Journalism to the foundation of the Gazette. 1908. [See, also, Vol. VII, Chap.
XV, of the present work.] - Articles on Marvell (Firth, C. H.), Oldham (Ward, A. W.), and others in D. of N. B.; and on Marvell (Smith, Goldwin), and Oldham (Ward, A. W.) in vol.
II of the English Poets. Selections … ed. Ward, T. H. 1880. See, also, Introductions to their editions of Marvell’s Works by Aitken, G. A., and Grosart, A. B., and Vol. VII, Chap.VII, of the present work.