The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- The bibliography of Dryden’s works has been much neglected by bibliographers and the entries under his name in Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual are meagre in the extreme. Much has been done to remedy this defect in some catalogues of great book collectors. Americans have taken greater interest in the subject than Englishmen, and the important Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and other editions of the Works of John Dryden, 1631–1700, published by the Grolier Club of New York, 1900, is of great value.
- C
- The First volume … containing
- Essay on Dramatick Poetry, 1693. The Wild Gallant, 1694. The Rival-Ladies, 1693. The Indian Emperour, 1694. The Maiden Queen, 1691. Sir Martin Marr-all, 1691. The Tempest, 1690. An Evening’s Love, 1691. The Royal Martyr, 1695. The Conquest of Granada, 1695.
- The Second volume … containing
- Marriage A-la-Mode, 1691. Love in a Nunnery, 1692. Amboyna, 1691. The State of Innocence, 1695. Aureng-zebe, 1694. All for Love, 1696. Limberham, 1690. Oedipus, 1696. Troilus and Cressida, 1695. The Spanish Fryar, 1695.
- The Third volume … containing
- The Duke of Guise, 1687. Vindication of the Duke of Guise, 1683. Albion and Albanius, 1691. Don Sebastian, 1692. Amphitryon, 1694. Cleomenes, 1692. King Arthur, 1695. Love Triumphant, 1694.
- The Fourth volume … containing
- A Poem upon the death of O. Cromwell. Poem on the Return of K. Charles II. On the Coronation of K. Charles II. A Poem on the L. Chancellor Hide. Annus Mirabilis. Mack Flecknoe. Absalom and Achitophel. The Medal. Religio Laici. Elegy on the Death of K. Charles II. The Hind and the Panther. Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Eleanora.
- The Comedies, Tragedies, and Operas, Written by John Dryden Esq. Now first collected together, and corrected from the Originals. 2 vols. folio. 1701.
- Contents:
- Vol.
I. An Essay on Dramatick Poesie. The Wild Gallant. The Rival Ladies. The Indian Emperor, or The Conquest of Mexico. Secret Love or The Maiden Queen. Sir Martin Marr-all, or The Feign’d Innocence. The Tempest or The Inchanted Island. An Evening’s Love. Tyrannick Love or The Royal Martyr. Almanzor and Almahide or The Conquest of Granada. Marriage À-la-Mode. The Assignation or Love in a Nunnery. Amboyna. State of Innocence or Fall of Man. - Vol.
II. Aurenge-Zebe or The Great Mogul. All for Love or The World well Lost. Limberham or The Kind Keeper. Oedipus. Troilus and Cressida or Truth found too late. The Spanish Fryar or The Double Discovery. The Duke of Guise. Albion and Albanius. Don Sebastian, King of Portugal. Amphitryon or The Two Sosia’s. Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero. King Arthur or The British Worthy. Love Triumphant or Nature will prevail. - Copies of Poems on Various Occasions, and Translations from Several Authors, 1701; and Fables Ancient and Modern, translated into verse, 1700, were bound together and issued as The Works of Mr. John Dryden. The third Volume. Consisting of the Author’s Original Poems and Translations. Now first Publish’d together, 1701.
- The Dramatick Works of John Dryden Esq. Ed. by Congreve, William. 6 vols. (Printed for J. Tonson.) 1717.
- Collected Editions of Poems
- Annus Mirabilis: the Year of Wonders,
MDCLXVI, an Heroical Poem, Also a Poem on The Happy Restoration and Return of his late Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Likewise a Panegyrick on his Coronation Together with a Poem to my Lord Chancellor presented on New-Years-day, 1662. By John Dryden Esq. Printed for Henry Herringman and sold by Jacob Tonson. 1688. - This is the first collected edition of the poems of Dryden, and contains those published by Herringman before Tonson’s connection with Dryden, in order that the publisher might have in stock, with his own name on the title-page, the earlier poems of the author.
- 1700. Fables Ancient and Modern; translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace and Chaucer: with Original Poems. By Mr. Dryden.
- 1701. Poems on various Occasions and Translations from several Authors by Mr. John Dryden. Now first publish’d together in one volume.
- 1743. Occasional Poems and Translations, by John Dryden Esq. Now first collected and publish’d together. [Ed. Broughton, Thomas.] 2 vols. Vol. 1, Poems on several occasions; vol.
II, Translations, Epistles, Prologues, Epilogues, Elegies, Epitaphs and Songs. - 1760. The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden Esq. containing all his Original Poems, Tales and Translations.… With explanatory Notes and Observations. Also an account of his Life and Writings. Ed. Derrick, S. 4 vols.
- Collected Editions of Prose Works
- The Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works of John Dryden, now first Collected, with Notes and Illustrations; an account of the Life and Writings of the Author grounded on Original and Authentick Documents and a Collection of his Letters. By Edmund Malone Esq. 3 vols. in 4. 1800. Vol. 1, part 1, Life; vol. 1, part 2, Letters, Prolegomena, Dedications, Prefaces and Essays; vols.
II, III, Dedications, Prefaces, Essays, Lives, Discourses, etc. - Essays of John Dryden. Selected and ed. by Ker, W. P. 2 vols. Oxford, 1900. Contains a useful chronological list of Dryden’s Works.
- Collected Works (Modern Editions)
- The Works of John Dryden Now first collected.… Illustrated with Notes historical, critical and explanatory and a Life of the Author by Walter Scott. 18 vols. 1808. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1821. New ed. Revised and corrected by Saintsbury, George. 18 vols. Edinburgh, 1882.
- Poetical Works, with notes by Joseph Warton, John Warton and others. 4 vols. 1811.
- Poetical Works. 4 vols. 1844. Aldine ed. of the British Poets. Frequently rptd.
- Poetical Works. The Globe Edition. Ed. with a memoir, revised text and notes by Christie, W. D. 1870.
- The Poems of John Dryden. Ed. with an Introduction and textual notes by Sargeaunt, John. 1910.
- This ed. contains a complete revision of the text.
- Miscellany Poems
- Miscellany Poems. Containing a New Translation of Virgil’s Eclogues, Ovid’s Love Elegies, Odes of Horace, and other Authors; with several Original Poems by the most eminent hands. 1684. (Virgil’s Eclogues. Translated by several hands. Printed in the year 1684.)
- Reissued with a new title-page: Miscellany Poems, In two Parts containing Virgil’s Eclogues, Ovid’s Love Elegies, Several parts of Virgil’s Æneids, Lucretius, Theocritus, Horace, etc. with several Original Poems, never before Printed. By the most eminent Hands. 1685. The separately-paged Virgil’s Eclogues is dated 1684, as in the original issue noted above.
- The 2nd ed. was published in 1692, and for the first time contains Dryden’s name on the title-page. Miscellany Poems: in two parts, containing new Translations out of Virgil, Lucretius, Horace, Ovid, Theocritus and other Authours with several Original Poems, by the most eminent Hands. Published by Mr. Dryden. 2nd ed. 1692.
- Sylvæ: or the Second Part of Poetical Miscellanies. 1685.
- A 2nd ed. was published in 1692 and was bound with the 2nd ed. of the Miscellany Poems, 1692. Some copies of the 1st ed. of Sylvæ were bound up with the 2nd ed. of the Miscellany Poems.
- Examen Poeticum: being the third part of Miscellany Poems, containing variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets; together with many original Copies by the most eminent Hands. 1693.
- The Annual Miscellany: for the year 1694, being the fourth part of Miscellany Poems; containing Great Variety of New Translations and Original Copies by the most eminent Hands. 1694.
- Two more volumes were published after Dryden’s death:
- Poetical Miscellanies: the fifth part; containing a Collection of Original Poems, with several new Translations, by the most eminent Hands. 1704.
- At the foot of the title-page after the imprint there is this note: “Where you may have the four former Parts, published by Mr. Dryden.”
- This volume contains several poems by Dryden, translations from Ovid, Elegies and Songs.
- Poetical Miscellanies: the sixth part; containing a Collection of Original Poems.… 1709.
- This volume does not contain any poem by Dryden, but in the reprint of the Miscellany Poems (in 6 vols. 12mo), in which the poems are somewhat differently arranged, the sixth volume contains A familiar Epistle to Mr. Julian, Secretary of the Muses, attributed to Dryden, and the lines Under Mr. Milton’s Picture.
- From Tonson’s address To the Reader, it would appear that he intended to continue the series; for he writes, “I have been forced to omit several of the Copies sent, upon the publick notice given, otherways this volume would have swell’d beyond the size of any former ones. I shall reserve those for another volume, which I hope to publish at the beginning of the next year.”
- P
OEMS - A. Original
- 1. Separately published
- 1659. A Poem upon the Death of His late Highness Oliver Lord Protector of England, Scotland &Ireland. Written by Mr. Dryden.
- Rpts.: An Elegy on the Usurper O. C. by the author of Absalom and Achitophel, published to shew the loyalty and integrity of the Poet. 1681. Single sheet with Postscript of 20 lines subscribed J. D.
- A Poem upon the Death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwel. By the Author of The H..d and the P..… r. Printed for S. H. 1687.
- 1659. Three Poems upon the Death of his late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By Mr. Edm. Waller, Mr. Jo. Dryden, Mr. Sprat of Oxford.
- Rpts.: Three Poems upon the Death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwel. Written by Mr. Jo. Dryden, Mr. Sprat of Oxford, Mr. Edm. Waller. Rptd. for Baldwin, R. 1682.
- The Three Poems are also rptd. in A Collection of Poems on affairs of State.… By A—M—l Esq. and other Eminent Wits. 1689.
- 1660. Astræa Redux. A Poem on the Happy Restoration &Return of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second.
- 1661. To His Sacred Majesty, a Panegyrick on his Coronation.
- 1662. To my Lord Chancellor, Presented on New-Years-day.
- 1667. Annus Mirabilis: the Year of Wonders 1666. An Historical Poem.
- 1681. Absalom and Achitophel. A Poem. Printed for J. T. [Anon.]
- There are two translations into Latin by Oxford men: (1) by Coward, William, M.D.; (2) by Atterbury, Francis, and Hickman, F.
- 1682. The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel, a Poem. [Anon.] By Tate, Nahum, with about 200 lines by Dryden.
- 1682. The Medall: A Satyre against Sedition. By the Authour of Absalom and Achitophel.
- 1682. Mac Flecknoe, or a Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet, T. S. By the author of Absalom and Achitophel. Printed for D. Green.
- 1682. Religio Laici or a Laymans Faith. A Poem.
- 1685. Threnodia Augustalis: a Funeral-Pindarique Poem sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles II.
- 1687. A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day, 1687. Written by John Dryden, Esq. and compos’d by Mr. John Baptist Draghi.
- Broadside.
- 1687. The Hind and the Panther: a Poem, in three Parts. [Anon.]
- There are at least four varieties of the first ed. (1) The original issue ending on p. 145 with Finis. (2) Slip of Errata of 4 lines pasted at foot of p. 145. (3) The same 4 lined errata printed at foot of p. 145. (4) Errata of three lines printed at foot of p. 145, and a list of “Books printed for Jacob Tonson” on the next page (verso of last leaf).
- Reprints in the same year at Edinburgh (Holyrood House) and at Dublin.
- 1688. Britannia Rediviva: a Poem on the Birth of the Prince.
- There are two issues of this—one in folio and another in quarto. The licence is printed on page of fly-leaf facing title in the folio and on the verso of the title in the quarto. The former is probably the earlier of the two.
- This poem was rptd. in the same year at Edinburgh (Holyrood House).
- 1692. Eleanora: a Panegyrical Poem dedicated to the memory of the late Countess of Abingdon.
- 1696. An Ode, on the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell, late Servant to his Majesty and Organist of the Chapel Royal, and of St. Peter’s Westminster. The Words by Mr. Dryden, and sett to Musick by Dr. Blow.
- 1697. Alexander’s Feast; or the Power of Musique. An Ode in honour of St. Cecilia’s Day.
- A Latin trans. was made by Hughes, John (1677–1720), Oxford, 1751.
- 2. Poems in the Works of Others
- 1649. Upon the death of the Lord Hastings (signed Johannes Dryden Scholæ Westm., Alumnus). In Lachrymæ Musarum, The Tears of the Muses: exprest in Elegies written by divers persons of Nobility and Worth, upon the death of the most hopefull Henry Lord Hastings. Collected and set forth by R[ichard] B[rome]. Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1649, 1650.
- 1650. To his Friend, the Author, on his Divine Epigrams (signed J. Dryden, of Trin. C.). In Sion and Parnassus, or Epigrams on severall texts of the Old and New Testament.… By John Hoddesdon.
- 1660. To my Honored Friend Sr Robert Howard, on his Excellent Poems (signed John Driden). In Poems … by the Honorable Sr Robert Howard.
- 1663. To my Honour’d Friend, Dr. Charleton, on his learned and useful works, and more particularly this of Stone-Heng, by him restored to the true founders (signed John Driden). In Chorea Giganteum or the most famous Antiquity of Great Britan, vulgarly called Stone-heng, standing on Salisbury Plain, restored to the Danes. By Walter Charleton, Dr. in Physick.
- 1672. Covent Garden Drolery or a Collection of all the choice Songs, Poems, Prologues and Epilogues.
- Contains several pieces by Dryden.
- 1677. To Mr. Lee on his Alexander. In The Rival Queens, or the Death of Alexander the Great. By Nat. Lee Gent.
- 1684. To the Earl of Roscommon on his Excellent Essay on Translated Verse. In An Essay on Translated Verse. By the Earl of Roscommon.
- 1684. To the Memory of Mr. Oldham. In Remains of Mr. John Oldham in verse and prose.
- 1685. To the pious Memory of the accomplisht Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew, excellent in the two Sister-Arts of Poesy and Painting, An Ode. In Poems of Mrs. Anne Killigrew. 1686.
- 1685. To my friend Mr. Northleigh author of the Parallel on his Triumph of the British Monarchy. In The Triumphs of our Monarchy. By John Northleigh.
- 1687. To My Ingenious Friend Henry Higden Esq. on his translation of the Tenth Satyr of Juvenal. In Modern Essay on the Tenth Satire of Juvenal. By Henry Higden.
- 1692. To Mr. Southern on his Comedy, called the Wives Excuse. In The Wives Excuse or Cuckolds make Themselves a Comedy by Tho. Southern.
- 1694. To my dear Friend Mr. Congreve on his Comedy called The Double Dealer. In The Double Dealer a comedy by Mr. Congreve.
- 1698. To Mr. Granville on his Excellent Tragedy, called Heroick Love. In Heroic Love or the Cruel Separation a Tragedy by George Granville (after-wards Lord Lansdowne).
- 1698. To my Friend the Author [Peter Anthony Motteux]. In Beauty in Distress. A Tragedy by Mr. Motteux.
- 1700. The Pilgrim.
- For the revival of Fletcher’s play of The Pilgrim at Drury lane theatre in 1700, Vanbrugh turned the original blank verse into prose and made some additions to the mad scene. Dryden wrote a Prologue, an Epilogue, Song of a Scholar and his Mistress, who being cross’d by their Friends, fell mad for one another; and now first meet in Bedlam; and The Secular Masque. The poet was given a benefit, but he himself did not benefit, as he died shortly after the performance. The revised play with Dryden’s additions was not published until after his death.
- The Pilgrim, a Comedy: as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. Written Originally by Mr. Fletcher, and now very much alter’d with several additions [by Sir John Vanbrugh]. Likewise a Prologue, Epilogue, Dialogue and Masque; Written by the late great Poet Mr. Dryden, just before his death, being the last of his Works. 1700.
- There are two varieties of this 1st ed. In one, Dryden’s contributions have a separate pagination, and, in the other, they are paged on from the play (pp. 43–54). These pages are printed in a considerably larger type than that of the play itself.
- B. Translations
- Boccaccio. See Fables, 1700; Poems, 1701.
- Homer.
- The first Book of Homer’s Ilias. Fables, 1700.
- Sixth Book (The Last Parting of Hector and Andromache). In Examen Poeticum, Third part of Miscellany Poems, 1693; and Poems, 1701.
- Horace.
- First Book, Third Ode. Sylvæ, 1685; and Poems, 1701. Ninth Ode. Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Third Book, Twenty-Ninth Ode. Sylvæ.
- Second Epode. Sylvæ.
- Juvenal and Persius.
- The Satires of Juvenalis translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden and several other Eminent Hands Together with the Satires of Persius, made English by Mr. Dryden. 1693.
- Juvenal, Satires 1, 3, 6, 10, 16 and all Persius by Dryden.
- Lucretius.
- Portions of Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In Sylvæ or the Second part of Poetical Miscellanies, 1685; and Poems, 1701.
- Ovid.
- Ovid’s Epistles, translated by several Hands. 1680.
- Canace to Macareus, Helen to Paris (with Lord Mulgrave), Dido to Æneas, and the Preface are by Dryden.
- Metamorphoses, Book 1. Third part of Miscellany Poems. Book 12. Fables, 1700. Other translations in Third part of Miscellany Poems; Fables, 1700; and Poems, 1701.
- Ovid’s Art of Love. In three Books. 1709. (Book 1, Translated some years since, by Mr. Dryden.)
- Amours, Book 1, Elegies 1, 4. Poetical Miscellanies, Fifth part, 1704. Book 2, Elegy 19. Miscellany Poems, 1684, p. 140.
- Theocritus.
- Amaryllis or the third Idyllium of Theocritus Paraphras’d. Miscellany Poems, 1684; and Poems, 1701.
- The Epithalamium of Helen and Menelaus. Idyllium 18. Sylvæ or the Second part of Poetical Miscellanies, 1685; and Poems, 1701.
- The Despairing Lover. Idyllium 23. Sylvæ, 1685; and Poems, 1701.
- Daphnis. Idyllium 27. Sylvæ, 1685; and Poems, 1701.
- Virgil.
- The Works of Virgil: containing his Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis. Translated into English verse. 1697.
- The fourth Eclogue was first published in Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Two episodes from the Æneid in Sylvæ, 1685; and third book of the Georgics in Annual Miscellany, 1694.
- Translations of Latin Hymns.
- Veni Creator Spiritus (Creator, Spirit, by whose aid). Examen Poeticum, 1693.
- Attributed to Dryden.
- Te Deum (Thee Sov’reign God! our grateful accents praise). 1701.
- Hymn for the Nativity of St. John Baptist, 24th June (O Sylvan Prophet! whose eternal fame). Scott described this incorrectly as Hymn for St. John’s Eve, 29th June.
- These were first printed as Dryden’s by Scott from the Roman Primer (ed. 1706) containing translations of Latin Hymns in the Roman Breviary. They are also printed by Christie and Sargeaunt. Saintsbury added an interesting appendix (B) to the last volume (
XVIII ) of his revision of Scott’s Dryden on Hymns recently attributed to Dryden. - P
LAYS - Albion and Albanius: an Opera. Perform’d at the Queen’s Theatre in Dorset Garden. 1685.
- All for Love: or the World well Lost. A Tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, and written in imitation of Shakespeare’s stile. 1678.
- Amboyna: a Tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. 1673.
- Amphitryon; or the Two Sosia’s. A Comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal. 1690. Reissued with a new title-page. 1691.
- —— The Songs in Amphitryon, with the musick. Composed by Mr. Henry Purcell. 1690.
- An Evening’s Love or the Mock Astrologer. Acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesties Servants. 1671.
- Assignation, The, or Love in a Nunnery, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. 1673.
- Aureng-Zebe: a Tragedy. Acted at the Royal Theatre. 1676.
- Cleomenes the Spartan Heroe. A Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal.… To which is prefixt the Life of Cleomenes. 1692.
- Conquest, The, of Granada by the Spaniards. In two Parts. Acted at the Theater-Royall. 1672. (Almanzor and Almahide or The Conquest of Granada. The Second Part. 1672.)
- Don Sebastian, King of Portugal: a Tragedy acted at the Theatre Royal. 1690.
- Duke of Guise, The: A Tragedy. Acted by their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. 1683.
- Indian Emperour, The, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards; being the Sequel of the Indian Queen. 1667.
- The Second edition [with A Defence of an Essay of Dramatique Poesie, being an Answer to the Preface of The Great Favourite, or the Duke of Lerma]. 1668. Dryden did not reprint this defence.
- Indian-Queen, The, a Tragedy. 1665.
- Published in a volume of Four New Plays.… Written by Sir Robert Howard. 1665. Although Dryden’s contributions to this play were considerable, it is not included in the collected edition of his Plays (1701).
- Kind Keeper, The; or Mr. Limberham: a Comedy as it was acted at the Duke’s Theatre by His Royal Highnesses Servants. 1680.
- King Arthur, or the British Worthy. A Dramatick Opera Perform’d at the Queens Theatre by Their Majesties Servants. 1691.
- Love Triumphant; or Nature will prevail: a Tragi-Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal by Their Majesties Servants. 1694.
- Marriage-A-la-Mode. A comedy, As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. 1763.
- Oedipus: a Tragedy, as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre.
- The Authors: Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. 1679.
- The first two acts were by Dryden.
- Rival-Ladies, The: a Tragi-Comedy, as it was acted at the Theater-Royal. 1664.
- Dryden’s second play but the first printed.
- Secret-Love, or the Maiden-Queen: as it is acted by His Majesties Servants, at the Theater Royal. 1668.
- Sr Martin Mar-all, or The Feign’d Innocence: a Comedy, as it was acted at His Highnesse the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1668.
- Founded on a translation of Molière’s L’Étourdi by William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, given by the latter to Dryden. It was entered in the Stationers’ register as the work of the duke of Newcastle. Published anonymously during the lifetime of the duke.
- Spanish Fryar, The, or the Double Discovery, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1681.
- State of Innocence, The, and Fall of Man: an Opera written in Heroique Verse. 1677.
- Tempest, The, or The Enchanted Island, a Comedy as it is now acted at His Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1670.
- This, as stated in the text, is the only ed. of the play as altered by D’Avenant and Dryden, and the ed. of 1674 (which contains Dryden’s Preface as well as his Prologue and Epilogue) is really the so-called “Opera” produced by Shadwell in 1673. This fact was first pointed out by Lawrence, W. J., in Anglia, March, 1904, but no notice of this has found its way into bibliographies. Sir Ernest Clarke, who had not seen Lawrence’s contribution to Anglia, discovered the fact independently and explained it with fuller information in a letter to the Athenaeum (25 August, 1906).
- Troilus and Cressida, or Truth found too late, a Tragedy as it is acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1679.
- Tyrannick Love, or the Royal Martyr, a Tragedy as it is acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre Royal. 1670.
- Wild Gallant, The, as it was acted by His Majesties Servants. 1669.
- Dryden’s first play.
- Plays attributed to Dryden
- Saintsbury has printed the following two plays as “Doubtful Plays” in the eighth volume of his republication of Scott’s edition of Dryden’s Works:
- The Mistaken Husband: a Comedie as it is acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royall. By a Person of Quality. 1675. [Bentley the publisher says, in his address To the Reader, that Dryden added a scene to this play when it was left with him.]
- The Mall or the Modish Lovers: a Comedy acted by His Majesties Servants. 1674. [The Dedication is signed J. D., and Gosse suggests that this may be the play mentioned by Pepys as translated by Dryden from the French and called The Ladies à la mode (Diary, 15 Sept., 1668); but, as this was unsuccessful, it is scarcely likely to have been printed seven years afterwards. Moreover, the titles have not much in common.]
- P
ROLOGUES AND EPILOGUES - A. To Dryden’s own plays
- Albion and Albanius. 1685. P. and E. Printed separately on a single leaf: “Prologue to the Opera. By Mr. Dryden. Epilogue to the Opera. By Mr. Dryden.” All for Love. 1678. P. and E. Amboyna. 1673. P. and E. Amphitryon. 1690. P. and E. An Evening’s Love. 1671. P. and E. Assignation, The. 1673. P. and E. Aureng-Zebe. 1676. P. and E. Cleomenes. 1692. P. and E. Conquest, The, of Granada, 1st part. 1672. P. and E. 2nd part. 1672. P. and E. Don Sebastian. 1690. P. and E. Duke of Guise, The. 1683. P. and 2 Epilogues. Prologue to the Duke of Guise. Written by Mr. Dryden: Spoken by Mr. Smith. Epilogue. Written by the same author. Spoken by Mrs. Cooke. Another Epilogue intended to have been spoken to the Play, before it was forbidden last Summer. Written by Mr. Dryden. 1683. 2 leaves. Indian Emperour, The. 1667. P. and E. Kind Keeper, The. 1680. P. and E. King Arthur. 1691. P. and E. Love Triumphant. 1694. P. and E. Marriage-À-la-Mode. 1673. P. and E. Oedipus. 1679. P. and E. Rival-Ladies, The. 1664. P. Secret-Love, or the Maiden-Queen. 1668. 1st and 2nd Prologue. Prologue and Epilogue to the Maiden Queen or Secret Love. When acted by Women only. Sir Martin Mar-all. 1668. P. and E. Tempest, The. 1670. P. and E. Troilus and Cressida. 1679. P. and E. Tyrannick Love. 1670. P. and E. Wild Gallant, The. 1669. P. and E. Two Prologues and two Epilogues.
- B. Dryden’s Prologues and Epilogues to other Plays
- Prologue to the Dutchess, on Her Return from Scotland. Written by Mr. Dryden. 1682. Single sheet.
- Prologue, A. “Gallants, a bashful poet bids me say.” First published in Third part of Miscellany Poems, 1693, p. 302.
- Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre.
- Prologue spoken the first day of the King’s House acting after the fire. 1672. In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- At the old house in Lincoln’s inn fields.
- Prologue for the Women when they acted at the Old Theatre, Lincoln’s Inn Fields. 1672. In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Drury Lane Theatre.
- Prologue spoken at the Opening of the New House, March 26, 1674.
- Epilogue on the same occasion.
- Both printed in Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Prologue to the King and Queen at the opening of their Theatre. Spoken by Mr. Betterton. Written by Mr. Dryden. Epilogue. Spoken by Mr. Smith. Written by the same author. 1683. 2 leaves.
- Upon the Union of the Two Companies in 1682.
- Duke’s Theatre.
- Prologue to his Royal Highness upon his first appearance at the Duke’s Theatre since his Return from Scotland. Written by Mr. Dryden. Spoken by Mr. Smith [21 April, 1682]. Broadside.
- Oxford.
- Prologue and Epilogue to the University of Oxford. Spoken by Mr. Hart at the acting of the Silent Woman. 1673. P. “What Greece, when learning flourish’d onely knew.” E. “No poor Dutch Peasant, wing’d with all his fear.” In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Prologue to the University of Oxford. 1674. Spoken by Mr. Hart. “Poets, your subjects have their Parts assigned.”
- Epilogue spoken at Oxford, by Mrs. Marshall. “Oft has our Poet wisht, this happy Seat.”
- Both in Miscellany Poems, 1684. The Epilogue is printed twice, once with Mrs. Boutall’s name and again with that of Mrs. Marshall.
- Prologue at Oxford. 1680. [Acting of Sophonisba.] “Thespis the first Professor of our art.” In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Prologue to the University of Oxford. 1681. “The fam’d Italian Muse, whose Rhymes advance.” In the Third part of Miscellany Poems, 1693, p. 299.
- Prologue to the University of Oxford. 1681. “Discord and plots, which have undone our age.” In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Prologue to the University of Oxford. [1682.] “Tho’ actors cannot much of Learning boast.” In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Albumazar, by Thomas Tomkis. P. at revival. 1668. In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Arvigarus and Philicia, by Lodowick Carlell. P. at revival. Spoken by Mr. Hart. In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Cæsar Borgia, by Nathaniel Lee. 1680. P.
- Calisto or the Chaste Nymph, by J. Crowne. E. “As Jupiter I made my court in vain,” intended to have been spoken by the lady Henrietta Maria Wentworth, who took the character of Jupiter when Calisto was acted at Court [in 1675]. In Miscellany Poems, 1684. The Epilogue actually spoken commencing “The Stars for your reception now prepare,” was printed with the play in 1675.
- Circe, by Charles D’Avenant. 1677. 2 Prologues. Earlier one said to be by D’Avenant, published in the original edition. Rewritten by Dryden. In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- Constantine the Great, by N. Lee. 1684. E.
- Disappointment or the Mother in fashion, by Thomas Southern. 1684. P.
- Henry II King of England [by John Bancroft]. 1693. E.
- Husband, The, his own Cuckold, by John Dryden, jun. 1696. E.
- Loyal, The, Brother, or the Persian Prince, by Thomas Southern. 1682. P. and E. A Prologue Written by Mr. Dryden to a new Play call’d The Loyal Brother, & c. The Epilogue by the same Hand. Spoken by Mrs. Sarah Cook. Single leaf.
- Loyal, The, General, by Nahum Tate. 1680. P.
- Man, The, of Mode or Sir Fopling Flutter, by George Etherege Esq. 1676. E.
- Mistaken Husband, The. 1675. P. and E.[?]
- Mistakes, The, or The False Report by Joseph Harris. 1691. P.
- Mithridates King of Pontus, by Nathaniel Lee. 1678. E. “You’ve seen a pair of faithful Lovers die.” When this play was revived in 1681 a new Prologue and Epilogue were presented.
- Scott printed the Epilogue as Dryden’s, and Saintsbury admits it, though “it is in a very rough condition.” Christie excludes it. The present bibliographer possesses a copy of the broad sheet “A Prologue spoken at Mithridates, King of Pontus, the first Play acted at the Theatre Royal this year 1681.” On the verso is the Epilogue, with the signature “J. Dryden” at the foot, which seems to settle the question.
- Pilgrim, The, by John Fletcher revived. 1700. “A Prologue, Epilogue, Dialogue and Masque, written by the late great Poet Mr. Dryden just before his Death, being the last of his works.”
- Princess, The, of Cleves, by N. Lee. 1681. P. and E. First published in the Miscellany Poems, 1684. The play was not published until 1689.
- Prophetess or the History of Dioclesian. 1690. P. This is Fletcher’s play turned into an Opera by Betterton. The Prologue was prohibited after the first night on account of the political allusions.
- Silent, The, Woman (Jonson’s Epicœne). Revival in 1673. Prologue to the University of Oxford. See ante, Oxford.
- Sophonisba, by N. Lee. Prologue, 1680. See ante, Oxford.
- Tamerlane the Great by Charles Saunders. 1681. E.
- True, A, Widow, by Thomas Shadwell. 1679. P. When Dryden quarrelled with Shadwell he gave this Prologue to Mrs. Aphra Behn and it was used for her play The Widow Ranter, published in 1690 after her death.
- Unhappy, The, Favourite or the Earl of Essex, by John Banks. 1682. P. and E. “An Epilogue for the King’s House.” In Miscellany Poems, 1684.
- P
ROSE WORKS - A. Original
- 1668. Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay.
- 1674. Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco [of Elkanah Settle]; or some few Erratas to be printed instead of the Sculptures with the second edition of that Play. Printed in the year 1674.
- Dryden was assisted in writing this pamphlet by Shadwell and Crowne.
- 1683. The Vindication of the Parallel of the French Holy League and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into a seditious Libell against the King and his Royal Highness by Thomas Hunt and the Authors of the Reflections upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called The Duke of Guise.
- 1683. Plutarch’s Lives, translated from the Greek by several Hands. Vol. 1 contains Dryden’s Life of Plutarch as well as a Dedication and an Advertisement of the publisher attributed to the poet by Malone.
- 1686. A Defence of the Papers Written by the late King of Blessed Memory, and Duchess of York, against the Answer made to them [by Dr. Stillingfleet]. By Authority.
- Apparently, it is only the Defence of the Third Paper, that of the duchess of York, which was written by Dryden.
- 1691. Dialogue concerning Women, being a Defence of the Sex. [By William Walsh.] (Preface by Dryden.)
- 1692. Miscellaneous Essays, by Monsieur St. Evremont. Translated out of French. (The Character of St. Evremont by Dryden.)
- 1693. The History of Polybius the Metropolitan, translated by Sir H[enry] S[heres]. 2 vols. (With A character of Polybius and his writings by Mr. Dryden.)
- 1696. The Husband his own Cuckold, a Comedy by John Dryden, jun. (The Preface of Mr. Dryden, to his Son’s Play.)
- 1696. Life of Lucian. Written by Dryden for a projected translation of Lucian’s Dialogues. The work however did not appear until 1711, long after Dryden’s death.
- Attributed to Dryden.
- His Majesty’s Declaration defended; in a letter to a Friend. Being an Answer to a seditious pamphlet, called a Letter from a Person of Quality to a friend, Concerning the King’s late Declaration touching the reasons which moved him to dissolve the two last parliaments at Westminster and Oxford. 1681. Attributed to Dryden in Halkett and Laing’s Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature.
- A Summary Account of the Deist’s Religion.… To which are annex’d some Curious Remarks on the Immortality of the Soul; and an Essay by the celebrated Poet, John Dryden Esq. to prove that Natural Religion is alone necessary to Salvation, in opposition to all Divine Revelation.… 1745.
- Some Thoughts on the Essay on Natural Religion as opposed to Divine Revelation said to be Written by the celebrated Dryden; which is pretended to be the most formidable piece that ever yet appeared against the Revelation. Reprinted and answer’d by Alethophilus Gottingensis [George William Alberti]. 1747.
- There does not seem to be any evidence for the attribution of these treatises to Dryden.
- B. Translations
- Bo[u]hours, Dominick. The Life of St. Francis Xavier. 1688.
- Du Fresnoy, C. A. De Arte graphica: The Art of Painting. Translated into English; Together with an Original Preface containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry by Mr. Dryden. 1695. 2nd ed. 1716. 3rd ed. 1750.
- Maimbourg, L. The History of the League. Translated into English by His Majesty’s Command by Mr. Dryden. 1684.
- Tacitus. Annals. Book 1 translated by Dryden in vol. 1 of The Annals and History of Cornelius Tacitus. Made English by several Hands. 1698.
- D
RYDENIANA - 1672. The Rehearsal, as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal.
- This, the first and most brilliant attack upon Dryden, owed its origin to George Villiers, 2nd duke of Buckingham, but it owes its wit largely to the duke’s assistants in its production—Samuel Butler, Sprat (Buckingham’s chaplain), and Martin Clifford, afterwards master of Charterhouse. The play was frequently reprinted and added to, and it was of sufficient general interest to keep its place on the stage until it was superseded by Sheridan’s Critic.
- 1672. Conquest of Granada.
- The Censure of the Rota on Mr. Dryden’s Conquest of Granada. Oxford, 1673. Written by Richard Leigh of Queen’s College, Oxford, and afterwards of the Duke’s Theatre.
- A friendly Vindication of Mr. Dryden from the Censure of the Rota by his Cabal of Wits. Cambridge, 1673. Written by Charles Blount.
- Mr. Dreyden vindicated, in a reply to the Friendly Vindication of Mr. Dreyden. 1673.
- A Description of the Academy of the Athenian Virtuosi with a Discourse held there in Vindication of Mr. Dryden’s Conquest of Granada; against the Author of the Censure of the Rota. 1673.
- Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco. Revised, with some few erratas to be printed instead of the Postscript with the next edition of the Conquest of Granada. 1674. Re-issued in 1687 with a second title-page—Reflections on several of Mr. Dryden’s Plays, particularly the first and second parts of the Conquest of Granada. By E. Settle, Gent.
- 1680. Ovid’s Epistles.
- The Wits Paraphras’d: or Paraphrase upon Paraphrase. In a Burlesque on the several late Translations of Ovid’s Epistles. 1680.
- Ovid Travestie, or a Burlesque upon several of Ovid’s Epistles. By Alexander Radcliffe. 1680. 2nd ed. enlarged. 1681.
- 1681. Absalom and Achitophel.
- Towser the Second, a Bull-Dog or a Short Reply to Absalom and Achitophel. 1681. [Broadside.] [By Henry Care.]
- Poetical Reflections on a late Poem entituled Absolon and Achitophel. By a Person of Honour [George Villiers, 2nd duke of Buckingham]. 1682.
- Absalom Senior or Achitophel transpros’d. A Poem. 1682. [By Elkanah Settle.]
- Absalon’s IX Worthies or a Key to a late Book or Poem, entituled AB and AC. [Broadside.]
- Azaria and Hushai, a Poem. 1682. [By Samuel Pordage.]
- Satyr to his Muse. By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. 1682.
- The Murmurers, a Poem. 1689. [Dryden is represented as Balaam.]
- Uzziah and Jotham, a Poem. 1690.
- 1682. The Medal.
- The Medal Revers’d. A Satyre against Persecution by the Author of Azaria and Hushai [Samuel Pordage]. 1682.
- The Medal of John Bayes, a Satyr against Folly and Knavery. 1682. [By Thomas Shadwell.]
- The Loyal Medal Vindicated, a Poem. 1682.
- The Mushroom; or a Satyr against Libelling Tories and Prelatical Tantivies in answer to a Satyr against Sedition called The Meddal; by the Author of Absalom and Achitophel; and here answered by the Author of the Black Nonconformist; the next day after the publication of the Meddal to help the sale thereof. 1682. [By Edmund Hickeringill.]
- 1682. Mac Flecknoe.
- Flecknoe, Ric. Miscellanea, or Poems of all sorts. 1653.
- —— Epigrams. 1670, 1671, 1673.
- 1683. The Duke of Guise.
- The True History of the Duke of Guise.… Published for the undeceiving such as may perhaps be imposed upon by Mr. Dryden’s late Tragedy of the Duke of Guise. 1683.
- Some Reflections upon the pretended Parallel in the play called The Duke of Guise. 1683. [Attributed to Shadwell.]
- 1683. Agathocles, the Sicilian Usurper, a Poem. [By Thomas Hoy, M.D.]
- 1683. A Lenten Prologue. [By Thomas Shadwell.] s. sh.
- 1685. The Laurel, a Poem on the Poet-Laureat. [By Robert Gould.]
- 1685. The Laureat Jack Squabbs History. [c. 1685.]
- 1687. The Hind and the Panther.
- The Hind and the Panther Transvers’d to the Story of The Country Mouse and the City Mouse. 1687. Written by Matthew Prior and Charles Montagu (afterwards earl of Halifax).
- Notes upon Mr. Dryden’s Poems in four Letters. By M. Clifford, late Master of the Charter House, London. To which are annexed some Reflections upon the Hind and Panther. By Another Hand [Tom Brown]. 1687.
- Martin Clifford died in 1677 and the fourth letter is dated 1 July, 1672, but the Letters do not appear to have been printed before 1687. Probably they were circulated in MS.
- The Revolter; a Trage-Comedy acted between the Hind and the Panther, and Religio Laici, & c. 1687.
- The New Atlantis; a Poem in three Books. With some Reflections upon the Hind and the Panther. 1687.
- A Poem in Defence of the Church of England; in Opposition to the Hind and Panther, Written by Mr. John Dryden. 1688.
- The Hind in the Toil. 1688.
- 1688. Religio Laici, or a Layman’s Faith touching the Supream and Infallible Guide of the Church, by J. R., a convert of Mr. Bayes. In two Letters to a Friend in the Country.
- 1688. The Reasons of Mr. Bays changing his Religion, considered in a Dialogue between Crites, Eugenius and Mr. Bays. [By Tom Brown.]
- 1689. The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to His Highness the Prince of Orange.
- [This has occasionally been catalogued as if it were written by the poet. It is, of course, an attack upon him.]
- 1690. The Late Converts Exposed; or the Reasons of Mr. Bays’s changing his Religion considered in a Dialogue. Part the Second. With Reflections on the Life of St. Xavier; Don Sebastian King of Portugal. As also The Fable of the Bat and the Birds. [By Tom Brown.] 1690.
- 1690. The Reasons of Mr. Joseph Hains, the Player’s Conversion and Reconversion. Being the third and last Part to the Dialogue of Mr. Bays. [By Tom Brown.] 1690.
- 1697. Translation of Virgil.
- Notes on Dryden’s Virgil, in a Letter to a Friend. With an Essay on the same poet by Mr. Milbourne. 1698.
- 1698. Collier, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage.
- 1699. Epistolary Poem to John Dryden Esq. By William Pittis.
- 1691. The Reasons of the New Convert’s taking the Oaths to the present Government. By the Author of the Reasons of Mr. Bays’ Conversion. In a Dialogue [between Timothy and Freeman].
- 1700. Luctus Britannici: or the Tears of the British Muses; for the death of John Dryden, Esq … Written by the most Eminent Hands in the two famous Universities, and by several others.
- 1700. To the Memory of Mr. Dryden. A Poem. [By C. Brome.]
- 1700. An Elely [sic] on the most celebrated Poet of the Age John Dryden Esq. who departed this life May the 1st 1700.
- 1700. A Description of Mr. D——n’s Funeral. A Poem. [By Tom Brown.]
- 1700. The Patentee: or Some Reflections in verse on Mr. R——s forgetting the Design of his Majesty’s Bear-Garden at Hockly in the Hole, and Letting out the Theatre in Dorset-Garden to the same use, on the day which Mr. Dryden’s Obsequies were perform’d; and both Play-houses forbore acting in honour to his memory. 1 leaf, 2 pp.
- 1700. A New Session of the Poets, occasion’d by the Death of Mr. Dryden. By a Person of Honour.
- 1702. The Mouse grown a Rat: or the Story of the City and Country Mouse newly transpos’d. In a Discourse between Bays, Johnson and Smith.
- 1703. The Second Part of The Mouse grown a Rat.
- 1721. Verses occasion’d by reading Mr. Dryden’s Fables … by Mr. Jabez Hughes.H. B. W
HEATLEY. - The following may be mentioned among modern editions of particular writings, or groups of writings, by Dryden:
- Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Ed. Smith, D. Nichol. 1889.
- —— Ed. Arnold, T. With Introduction by Arnold, W. T. Oxford, 1903.
- —— Ed. von Schunck. New York, 1899.
- Hind, The, and the Panther. Ed. Williams, W. H. 1900.
- Satires. Ed. Collins, J. C. 1893.
- Select Poems. Edd. Christie, W. D. and Firth, C. H. Oxford, 1893.
- Virgil’s Aeneid. Books
I, II andVI. Ed. Thompson, A. Hamilton. Cambridge, 1911. - M
ODERN CRITICISM - B., G. S. A Study of the Prologue and Epilogue in English Literature, from Shakespeare to Dryden. 1884.
- Beljame, A. Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre (1660–1744). Paris, 1881.
- Chase, L. N. The English Heroic Play. New York, 1909.
- Child, C. G. The rise of the heroic play. Mod. Lang. Notes. 1904.
- Collins, G. S. Dryden’s Theorie und Praxis. Leipzig, 1892.
- Collins, J. Churton. Essays and Studies. 1895.
- Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry, vols.
III andIV. 1903. - Delius, N. Dryden und Shakespeare. Jahrbuch d. deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol.
IV. Berlin, 1869. - Dryden, John. Quarterly Review, vol.
CXLVI. 1878. - Dryden’s Dramatic Works. The Retrospective Review, vol. 1, part 1. 1820. Prose Works: vol.
IV, part 1. 1821. - Garnett, R. The Age of Dryden. 1895.
- Hamelius, P. Die Kritik in d. engl. Litteratur d. 17. u. 18. Jahrh. Leipzig, 1897.
- Hazlitt, W. English Poets. Works, vol.
V. Edd. Glover, A. and Waller, A. R. 1902. - Hettner, H. Geschichte der englischen Literatur 1660–70, book 1, sec. 2. Literaturgesch. d. 18. Jahrhunderts, vol. 1. 2nd ed. Brunswick, 1865.
- Holzhausen, P. Dryden’s heroisches Drama. Englische Studien, vols.
X-XVI. Leipzig, 1889–92. - Johnson, S. Lives of the Poets, vol.
II. 4 vols. 1781. - Kölbing, E. Zu Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis. Englische Studien, vol.
XVI. Leipzig, 1892. - Saintsbury, G. Dryden. English Men of Letters. 1881.
- Sherwood, M. Dryden’s Dramatic Theory and Practice. (Yale Studies.) Boston, 1899.
- Taine, H. Historie de la littèrature anglaise, vol.
III. 2nd ed. Paris, 1866. Eng. trans. vol.III. - Thorndike, A. H. Tragedy. 1908. [Contains good bibliographies.]
- Tüchert, A. Dryden als Dramatiker in seine Beziehungen zu M. de Scudéry’s Romandichtung. Zweibrücken, 1885.
- Tupper, J. W. The relation of the heroic play to the romances of Beaumont and Fletcher. (Publ. of the Mod. Lang. Association.) 1905.
- Ward, A. W. History of English Dramatic Literature, vol.
III. 2nd ed. 1899.