The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IV. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.
- (See, also, General Bibliography, ante, pp. 425–429.)
- 1. Bibliography (including periodicals and societies).
- 2. Collected works:
- (a) The four folios.
- (b) Principal later editions.
- 3. Separate plays (texts and commentaries).
- 4. Poems (texts and commentaries).
- 5. Plays of uncertain authorship attributed to Shakespeare.
- 6. Sources.
- 7. Textual criticism and controversy.
- 8. General commentaries and subsidiary works.
- 9. Concordances, glossaries, language, grammar and versification.
- 10. Biography:
- (a) General.
- (b) Special aspects.
- (c) Portraits.
- 11. Miscellaneous.
- 12. Shakespeare and the Continent.
- 1. B
IBLIOGRAPHY - Besides the following special works, extensive bibliographies will be found under the heading Shakespeare in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books, in Bohn’s edition of Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual (6 vols., 1858–65, pp. 2252–2366), and in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol.
XXI (by Tedder, H. R.). Lee’s Life of Shakespeare, sixth edition, 1908, contains a very useful survey of Shakespearean literature; and Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature (Boston, 1882, and supplements) is an invaluable guide to the numerous articles which have appeared in magazines. Many papers on subjects connected with Shakespeare will also be found in various volumes of Anglia, Englische Studien, Herrig’s Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Modern Language Notes and similar publications. - Bohn, H. G. The biography and bibliography of Shakespeare. Philobiblon Society. 1863.
- Catalogue of the Barton Shakespeare collection in the Boston Public Library. 2 vols. Boston, Mass., 1878–80.
- Catalogue of the books presented by Edward Capell to Trinity College, Cambridge. Compiled by Greg, W. W. Cambridge, 1903.
- Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. By Mullins, J. D. (1872.)
- Shaw, A. Capel. Index to the Shakespeare Memorial Library, Birmingham. 3 parts. 1900–3.
- Courtney, W. P. A register of National Bibliography. Vol.
II, pp. 457–462. 1905. [For a list of books on Shakespeare containing bibliographies.] - Esdaile, A. Shakespeare Literature, 1901–5. The Library, 1906, pp. 167–180.
- Fleay, F. G. Tabular view of the quarto editions of Shakspere’s works, 1593–1630. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., part 1, 1874.
- Greg, W. W. A list of English plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. Bibliographical Society. 1900.
- —— On certain false dates in Shakespearean quartos. The Library, 1908, pp. 113–131, 381–409. See, also, The Athenaeum, 1908, vol.
I, pp. 544, 574, 669; and Huth, A. H. and Pollard, A. W., in The Library, Jan., 1910. - Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Shakesperiana. A catalogue of the early eds. of Shakespeare’s plays and of the commentaries, etc., illustrative of his works. 1841.
- Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Weimar, 1865, etc. In progress. [Contains every second year a Shakespeare bibliography which includes contributions to periodical literature.]
- Katalog der Bibliothek der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Weimar, 1909.
- Knortz, K. An American Shakespeare-bibliography. Boston, 1876.
- Körting, G. Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Litteratur. 4th ed. Münster, 1905.
- Plomer, H. R. The printers of Shakespeare’s plays and poems. The Library, 1906, pp. 149–166.
- Pollard, A. W. Shakespeare folios and quartos, a study in the bibliography of Shakespeare’s plays, 1594–1685. 1909.
- Reichel, E. Shakespeare-Litteratur. Stuttgart, 1887.
- Sherzer, J. American editions of Shakespeare, 1753–1866. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
XXII. 1907. - Thimm, F. Shakespeariana from 1564 to 1864. 1864. New ed., to 1871. 1872.
- Wilson, J. Shakespeariana. Catalogue of all the books, pamphlets, etc., relating to Shakspear. 1827.
- Winsor, J. Shakespeare’s poems. A bibliography of the earlier editions. Harvard University Library Bibliographical Contributions, No. 2. Cambridge, Mass., 1879.
- Periodicals and Societies
- Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Weimar, 1865, etc. In progress.
- New Shakespeareana. Sept., 1901—Oct., 1906. 4 vols. New York, 1902–6.
- New Shakspere Society. 27 publications. 1874–86. [Transactions; reprints of early eds. of the plays, and works illustrative of the writings of Shakespeare.]
- New York Shakespeare Society. Papers nos. 1–12, 1885–99.
- Notes and Queries. 1856, etc. In progress. [Consult the Index volumes s.v. Shakespeare.]
- Philadelphia Shakespeare Society. Publications, nos. 1–5. 1860–1903.
- Shakespeare Society. 1841–53. [Issued 48 publications illustrative of the life and works of Shakespeare. A list of these is given in Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual, pp. 2341–2.]
- Shakespeare Museum. Ed. Moltke, M. Leipzig, 1870–4.
- Shakespeariana. 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1883–93.
- 2. C
OLLECTED WORKS - (a) The four folios
- 1. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. [Droeshout portrait.] London. Printed by Isaac Jaggard, and Ed. Blount. 1623.
- Colophon: Printed at the charges of W. Jaggard, Ed. Blount, J. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley, 1623.
- Edited by J. Heminge and H. Condell. Contains the following thirty-six plays:
- The Tempest
- The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- Measure for Measure
- The Comedy of Errours
- Much Adoo about Nothing
- Henry the Fift
- First part of Henry the Sixt
- Second part of Henry the Sixt
- Third part of Henry the Sixt
- Richard the Third
- King Henry the Eight
- Loves Labour Lost
- Midsommer Nights Dreame
- The Merchant of Venice
- As You Like It
- The Taming of the Shrew
- All’s Well, that Ends Well
- Twelfe-Night
- The Winters Tale
- King John
- Richard the Second
- First part of Henry the Fourth
- Second part of Henry the Fourth
- Troylus and Cressida
- Coriolanus
- Titus Andronicus
- Romeo and Juliet
- Timon of Athens
- Julius Caesar
- Macbeth
- Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke
- King Lear
- Othello, the Moore of Venice
- Anthony and Cleopatra
- Cymbeline
- Reprints: Wright, E. and J., 1807–8: Booth, L., 3 vols., 1864; Staunton, H., facsimile, 1866; Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., reduced facsimile, 1876; Lee, S., facsimile, Oxford, 1902.
- Greg, W. W. The bibliographical history of the first folio. The Library, 1903, pp. 258–283.
- Lee, S. Census of extant copies of the first folio. Oxford, 1902.
- ——Notes and additions to the census. Oxford, 1906.
- 2. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true originall copies. The second impression. [Droeshout portrait.] London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot. 1632.
- Some copies bear the name of J. Smethwick, W. Aspley, R. Hawkins, or R. Meighen in place of Allot.
- Methuen’s facsimile reprint, 1909.
- Smith, C. A. The chief differences between the first and second folios of Shakespeare. Engl. Stud. vol.
XXX, pp. 1–20, 1902.- 3. First issue:
- Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. The third impression. [Droeshout portrait.] London, Printed for Philip Chetwinde, 1663.
- This issue does not contain the seven additional plays.
- Second issue:
- Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. The third impression. And unto this impression is added seven plays, never before printed in folio. Viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigall. The History of Thomas Ld. Cromwell. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. London, Printed for P. C. 1664.
- Methuen’s facsimile reprint, 1905.
- 4. Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. Unto which is added, seven plays, never before printed in folio: viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The History of Thomas Lord Cromwel. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The fourth edition. London, Printed for H. Herringman E. Brewster, and R. Bentley. 1685.
- Methuen’s facsimile reprint, 1904.
- (b) Principal later editions
- 1709–10. Works. Rowe, N. (and Gildon, C.). 7 vols. 2nd ed., 9 vols., 1714.
- 1723–5. Works. Pope, A. (and Sewell, G.). 7 vols. Other eds.: 1728; 1735; 1768.
- 1733. Plays. Theobald, L. 7 vols. Other eds.: 1740; 1762; 1772; 1773.
- 1743–4. Plays. Hanmer, T. 6 vols. Oxford. 2nd ed., Oxford, 1770–1.
- 1747. Plays. Warburton, W. (and Pope, A.). 8 vols.
- 1765. Plays. Johnson, S. 8 vols. 2nd ed., 1768.
- 1766. Plays. Steevens, G. 4 vols. [The 20 plays printed in quarto before the Restoration.]
- [1768.] Plays. Capell, E. 10 vols.
- 1773. Plays. Steevens, G. (and Johnson, S.). 10 vols. Other eds.: ed. Reed, I., 1778–80; 1785; 1793. See also 1803 and 1813.
- 1790. Works. Malone, E. 10 vols. in 11.
- 1795–6. Works. Johnson, S. 8 vols. Philadelphia. (1st American ed.)
- 1797–1801. Plays. Wagner, C. 8 vols. Brunswick. (1st continental ed.)
- 1803. Plays. Reed, I. (Johnson and Steevens). 21 vols. (1st variorum ed.)
- 1807. Plays. Bowdler, T. 4 vols. 2nd ed. (complete), 10 vols., 1820.
- 1813. Plays. Reid, I. (Johnson, Steevens and Malone). 21 vols. (2nd variorum ed.)
- 1821. Works. Boswell, J. (and Malone, E.). 21 vols. (3rd variorum ed.)
- 1825. Plays. Harness, W. 8 vols.
- 1826. Plays. Singer, S. W. 10 vols. With life, by Symmons, C.
- 1838–42. Works. Knight, C. 8 vols. (Pictorial ed.) 2nd ed., 12 vols., 1842–4.
- 1842–4. Works. Collier, J. P. 8 vols. Other eds.: 1858; 1878.
- 1851–6. Works. Hudson, H. N. 11 vols. Boston, U.S.A.
- 1853. Plays. Collier, J. P. (With emendations from the Folio of 1632.)
- 1853–65. Works. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. 16 vols.
- 1854–61. Works. Delius, N. 7 vols. 5th ed. Elberfeld, 1882.
- 1856. Plays. Lloyd, W. W. (and Singer, S. W.). 10 vols.
- 1857. Works. Dyce, A. 6 vols. 2nd ed., (with Glossary), 9 vols., 1864–7. 5th ed., 10 vols., 1886.
- 1857–60. Works. White, R. G. 12 vols. Boston, U.S.A. (This ed. contains many of Collier’s manuscript emendations.) 2nd ed., 1859–65.
- 1858–60. Works. Staunton, H. 3 vols.
- 1863–6. Works. Clark, W. G., Glover, J. and Wright, W. A. (Cambridge Shakespeare), 9 vols. 2nd ed., 1891–3.
- 1864. Works. Clark, W. G. and Wright, W. A. (Globe ed.)
- 1864. Works. Clarke, C. and M. C. 4 vols.
- 1864. Plays. Marsh, J. B. (The Reference Shakespeare.)
- 1871– . Plays. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.) In progress, 16 vols. published. (See post, sec. 3, Separate Plays.)
- 1871–96. Works. Rolfe, W. J. 40 vols. New York.
- 1877. Works. Furnivall, F. J. (Leopold Shakspere.) Text of Delius.
- 1881. Works. Hudson, H. N. 20 vols. Boston, U.S.A. (Harvard ed.)
- 1888–90. Works. Irving, H. and Marshall, F. A. 8 vols. (The Henry Irving Shakespeare.)
- 1888–1906. Plays. Morgan, A. 22 vols. New York Shakespeare Society. (Bankside Shakespeare.)
- 1894–5. Works. Gollancz, I. (Temple Shakespeare.) 40 vols.
- 1899– . Plays. Craig, W. J. (Arden Shakespeare.) In progress.
- 1899. Works. Herford, C. H. (Eversley ed.) 10 vols.
- 1901–4. Works. Henley, W. E. and Raleigh, W. 40 vols. (Edinburgh Folio ed.)
- 1903. Plays. Porter, C. and Clarke, H. A. (First Folio ed.) 13 vols.
- 1904. Works. Craig, W. J. (Oxford Shakespeare.)
- 1904–7. Works. Bullen, A. H. (Stratford Town ed.) 10 vols. Stratford-on-Avon.
- 1904– . Works. Furnivall, F. J. and Boswell-Stone, W. G. (The Old Spelling Shakespeare.) In progress.
- 1907– . Works. University Press Shakespeare, New York. (Renaissance ed.) General introduction by Lee, S. In progress.
- 1910. Works. Lee, S. (Caxton Shakespeare).
- 3. S
EPARATE PLAYS - (For sources, see, also, Sec. 6; for translations and continental criticism, see, also, Sec. 12.)
- In 1766, George Steevens reprinted in 4 volumes Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare being the whole number printed in quarto during his lifetime or before the Restoration. A series of facsimiles of early quartos, prepared by Ashbee, E. W., was issued by Halliwell-Phillipps in 48 volumes between 1862 and 1871; and a similar series in 43 volumes, prepared by Griggs W. and Praetorius C., was published under the supervision of Furnivall, F. J., between 1880 and 1889. These reprints are included under the respective plays below.
- The Clarendon Press series of Select Plays edited by Clark, W. G. and Wright, W. A., includes As You Like It, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Henry IV, Part 1, Henry V, Henry VIII, Julius Caesar, King John, King Lear, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, Richard II, Richard III, Tempest, Twelfth Night.
- The Cambridge University Press series of plays, edited by Verity, A. W., includes As You Like It, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Henry V, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard II, Tempest, Twelfth Night.
- All’s Well That Ends Well.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Memoranda on All’s Well, etc. Brighton, 1879.
- Thiselton, A. E. Some textual notes on All’s Well That Ends Well. 1900.
- Antony and Cleopatra.
- Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.) Philadelphia, 1907.
- Bradley, A. C. Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra. In Oxford Lectures on English Poetry. 1909.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Selected notes upon Antony and Cleopatra. 1868.
- As You Like It.
- Hamlet and As You Like It, a specimen of an edition of Shakespeare, by Caldecott, T., 1819. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.) Philadelphia, 1890.
- Lodge’s Rosalynde; the original of Shakespeare’s As You Like it. Ed. Greg, W. W. (Shakespeare Classics.) 1907.
- Boswell-Stone, W. G. Shakspere’s As You Like It and Lodge’s Rosalynde compared. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1880–6.
- Herford, C. H. Shakespeare’s Masters and As You Like It. 1890.
- Coriolanus. Ed. Leo, F. A. 1864.
- Cymbeline. Rptd. from the first folio, 1623, with collations of the second, third and fourth folios, ed. Craig, W. J., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1883. Ed. Ingleby, C. M., 1886.
- Elze, K. W. A letter to C. M. Ingleby on Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. Halle, 1885.
- Leonhardt, B. Über die Quellen Cymbeline’s. Anglia, vol.
VI, 1883. - Levy, S. Eine neue Quelle zu Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. Anglia, vol.
VII, 1884. - Ohle, R. Shakespeare’s Cymbeline und seine romanischen Vorläufer. Berlin, 1890.
- Reich, H. Zur Quelle des Cymbeline. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XLI, 1905. - Hamlet. Quartos: N. L. and John Trundell, 1603; 1604; 1605; 1611; W. S. for John Smethwicke (n.d.); 1637.
- Reprints. 1603 ed.: Payne and Foss, 1825; Rooney, W. M., 1856; facsimile, ed. Collier, J. P., 1858; facsimile by Griggs, W., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1880; rptd. in the Cambridge Shakespeare, and by Furness, H. H., in New Variorum ed. 1604 ed.: facsimile, ed. Collier, J. P., 1859; facsimile, ed. Ashbee, E. W., 1867; facsimile by Griggs, W., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1880. Parallel texts of 1603 and 1604 eds., ed. Timmins, S., 1860. Parallel texts of the first and second quartos and the first folio, ed. Vietor, W., Marburg, 1891. 1605 ed.: facsimile, ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 1860; facsimile, ed. Ashbee, E. W., 1868. 1611 ed.: rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766; facsimile, ed. Ashbee, E. W., 1870.
- Other editions. Elze, K., Leipzig, 1857 and Halle, 1882. Tschischwitz, B., Halle, 1869. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), 2 vols., Philadelphia, 1877. Macdonald, G., A study with the text of the folio of 1623, 1885. Fritsche, H., and Conrad, H., Berlin, 1905.
- Conolly, J. A study of Hamlet. 1863.
- Corbin, J. The Elizabethan Hamlet. A study of the sources, and of Shakespeare’s environment, to show that the mad scenes had a comic aspect now ignored. 1895.
- Creizenach, W. Die Tragödie “Der bestrafte Brudermord oder Prinz Hamlet aus Dänemark” und ihre Bedeutung für die Kritik des Shakespeare’schen Hamlet. Berichte der K. Sächs. Gesells. der Wissenschaften, 1887.
- Elton, O. On Saxo’s Hamlet. Appendix to The First Nine Books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus. 1894.
- Feis, J. Shakespere and Montaigne. An endeavour to explain the tendency of Hamlet from allusions in contemporary works. 1884.
- Gericke, R. Shakespeare’s Hamlet-Quellen: Saxo Grammaticus, Belleforest, and the Hystorie of Hamblett. 1881.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet. 1879.
- Hanmer, Sir T. Some remarks on Hamlet. 1736. Rptd. 1863.
- Hansen, G. P. The legend of Hamlet, as found in the works of Saxo Grammaticus and other writers of the twelfth century. Chicago, 1887.
- Herford, C. H. and Widgery, W. H. The first quarto edition of Hamlet. (Harness prize essays.) 1880.
- Johnston, W. P. The prototype of Hamlet and other Shakespearian problems. New York, 1890.
- Latham, R. G. Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespeare. 1872.
- MacCallum, M. W. The authorship of the early Hamlet. In the Furnivall Miscellany. 1901.
- Marshall, F. A. A study of Hamlet. 1875.
- Miles, G. H. A review of Hamlet. Baltimore, 1870. New ed. 1907.
- Miller, A. Sources of text of Hamlet in editions of Rowe, Pope and Theobald. Mod. Lang. Notes, vol.
XXII. Baltimore, 1907. - Plumptre, J. Observations on Hamlet (and appendix). Cambridge, 1796–7.
- Sarrazin, G. Die Entstehung der Hamlet-Tragödie. Anglia, vols.
XII, XIII, XIV, 1889–92. - Strachey, E. Shakspeare’s Hamlet: an attempt to find the key to a great moral problem. 1848.
- Tolman, A. H. A view of the views about Hamlet. Mod. Lang, Assoc. of America, vol.
XIII, 1898. - Tyler, T. The philosophy of Hamlet. 1874.
- Vining, E. P. The mystery of Hamlet. Philadelphia, 1881.
- —— Time in the play of Hamlet. New York Shakespeare Soc. papers, no. 5. 1885.
- Wood, W. D. Hamlet from a psychological point of view. 1870.
- Henry IV, Part
I. Quartos: P. S. for Andrew Wise, 1598; 1599; 1604; 1608; 1613; 1622; 1632; 1639. - Reprints. 1598 ed.: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866; facsimile by Griggs, W., ed. Evans, H. A., 1881. 1599 ed.: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1861. 1604 ed.: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1871. 1608 ed.: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1613 ed.: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1867; rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- The Famous Victories of Henry V, facsimile of the earliest known quarto (1598) by Praetorius, C., with intro. by Daniel, P. A. 1887. [For comparison with Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2, and Henry V.]
- Henry IV, Part 2. Quartos: V. S. for Andrew Wise, and William Aspley, 1600 (two issues; Act
III, sc. 1 is omitted in the first). - Other editions. First quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866; rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766. Second quarto; facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866; facsimile by Griggs, W., ed. Evans, H. A. (c. 1882). Shakespeare’s Henry the Fourth, printed from a contemporary manuscript, ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., Shakesp. Soc., 1845.
- An essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff (by Morgann, M.). 1777. New ed. 1825.
- Gairdner, J. On the historical elements in Shakespeare’s Falstaff. Fortnightly Review, March, 1873.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. On the character of Sir John Falstaff. 1841.
- Harcourt, L. W. The two Sir John Fastolfs. Paper read before the Royal Historical Society, 17 March, 1910.
- Henry V. Quartos: Thomas Creede, for Tho. Millington, and John Busby, 1600; 1602; 1608 (? really printed in 1619).
- Reprints. First quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1868; ed. Nicholson, B., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1875; facsimile by Praetorius, C., with intro. by Symons, A., 1886; also rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766, and in the Cambridge Shakespeare. Second quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1867. Third quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1870; facsimile by Praetorius, C., with intro. by Symons, A., 1886.
- Other editions. From the first folio, ed. Nicholson, B., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1875. Parallel texts of the first quarto and first folio editions, ed. Nicholson, B., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1877. The edition of 1623 newly revised, by Stone, W. G., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1880. Parallel texts of the first and third quartos and the first folio, ed. Roman, E., Marburg, 1908.
- Schmeding, G. A. Essay on Shakespeare’s Henry V. Jena, 1874.
- Henry VI, Parts 1–3
- The First Part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the death of the good Duke Humphrey: And the banishment and death of the Duke of Suffolke, and the tragicall end of the proud Cardinall of Winchester, with the notable Rebellion of Jack Cade: And the Duke of Yorkes first claime unto the Crowne. Quartos: Thomas Creede, for Thomas Millington, 1594; 1600. Facsimile of 1594 ed., by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1889. Rptd. in The Cambridge Shakespeare.
- The True Tragedie of Richard Duke of Yorke, and the death of good King Henrie the Sixt, with the whole contention betweene the two Houses Lancaster and Yorke, as it was sundrie times acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his servants. Quartos: P. S. for Thomas Millington, 1595; 1600. Reprints of 1595 ed.: Field, B., 1844; facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Tyler, J., 1891; Cambridge Shakespeare.
- The Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke. With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the Sixt. Divided into two parts: And newly corrected and enlarged. Written by William Shakespeare, Gent. For T. P. (1619). Facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 2 parts, 1886. Rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- The first sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry the Sixth. Ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Shakesp. Soc. 1843.
- Delius, N. Zur Kritik der Doppeltexte des Shakespeare’schen King Henry VI (2 and 3). Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XV, 1880. - Essay on the authorship of the three parts of King Henry VI. Cambridge, 1859.
- Fleay, F. G. Who wrote Henry VI? In Macmillan’s Magazine, vol.
XXXIII, 1876. - Lee, Jane. On the authorship of the second and third parts of Henry VI and their originals. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1875–6.
- Malone, E. A dissertation on the three parts of King Henry VI. 1787. [Against Shakespeare’s authorship.]
- Ward, A. W. Introductions to the three parts. In Renaissance edition of Shakespeare. New York, 1907.
- Henry VIII.
- Boyle, R. Henry VIII: an investigation into the origin and authorship of the play. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1880–6.
- Delius, N. Fletcher’s angebliche Betheiligung an Shakespeare’s King Henry VIII. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XVI, 1879. - Spedding, J. Who wrote Shakespeare’s Henry VIII? Gentleman’s Mag., Aug. 1850. [Rptd. in N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1874.]
- Julius Caesar.
- Craik, G. L. The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar. 1857. Third ed. 1866.
- Schmidt, A. Julius Caesar, erklärt von A. S. Berlin, 1882.
- King John.
- Ed. Fleay, F. G. 1878.
- The Troublesome Raigne of John King of England, with the discoverie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne (vulgarly named, The Bastard Fawconbridge), also the death of King John at Swinstead Abbey. 2 parts. 1591. Facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J. 2 parts. 1888.
- King Lear. Quartos: Nathaniel Butter, 1608 (two eds., 41 and 44 leaves; the second printed probably in 1619); 1655.
- Reprints of 1608 quartos: facsimile of both by Ashbee, E. W., 1868, 1867; facsimiles of both by Praetorius, C., with intro. by Daniel, P. A., 2 vols., 1885. The second is also rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Other editions. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1880. Parallel texts of the first quarto and the first folio edition, ed. Vietor, W., Marburg, 1886, revised ed., 1892.
- The True Chronicle history of King Lear, and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan and Cordella. 4to. 1605.
- Bode, E. Die Learsage vor Shakespeare. Studien zur engl. Philologie. vol.
XVII. 1904. - Conington, J. On King Lear. In Miscellaneous Writings, vol.
I. 1872. - Delius, N. Über den ursprünglichen Text des King Lear. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
X, 1874. - Law, R. G. On the date of King Lear. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
XXI, 1906. - Merriman, R. B. On the date of King Lear. The Athenaeum, 23 May, 1908, p. 648.
- Perret, W. The story of King Lear from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Shakespeare. Palaestra, vol.
XXXV, 1904. - Schmidt, A. Zur Textkritik des King Lear. Königsberg, 1879.
- Seeley, J. R., Young, W. and Hart, E.A. Three essays on Lear. (Beaufoy Prize Essays.) 1851.
- Warton, T. Observations on King Lear. In The Adventurer, nos. 113, 116, 122. 1770.
- Love’s Labour’s Lost. Quartos: W. W. for Cutbert Burby, 1598; 1631.
- Reprints. Facsimile of 1598 ed.: by Ashbee, E. W., 1869; by Griggs, W., ed. Furnivall, F. J. (1880). 1631 ed.: rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Another edition, Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1904. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Memoranda on Love’s Labour’s Lost, etc. 1879. Lee, S. A new study of Love’s Labour’s Lost. Gentleman’s Mag., Oct., 1880.
- Macbeth.
- Delius, N., Aus der Folioausgabe von 1623 abgedruckt, mit den Varianten [der anderen Folios], Bremen, 1841. Elwin, H., Shakespeare restored (Macbeth), Norwich, 1853. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1873; revised ed., 1903. Darmesteter, J., Paris, 1881. Wagner, A., Nach der Folio von 1623 mit den Varianten der anderen Folios, Halle, 1890. Liddell, M. H. (The Elizabethan Shakespeare), 1903.
- Chambers, D. L. The metre of Macbeth. 1903.
- Dalgleish, W. S. Macbeth, with the chapters of Holinshed, etc. 1862.
- Delius, N. Macbeth. Bremen, 1841.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Cursory memoranda on Macbeth, with early notices of the moving wood stratagem. Brighton, 1880.
- Johnson, S. Miscellaneous Observations on Macbeth. 1745.
- Kröger, E. Die Sage von Macbeth bis zu Shakspere. Palaestra, vol.
XXXIX, 1904. - Sexton, G. The psychology of Macbeth. 1869.
- Werder, K. Vorlesungen über Shakespeares Macbeth. Berlin, 1885.
- Measure for Measure.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Memoranda on Measure for Measure. 1880.
- Thiselton, A. E. Some textual notes on Measure for Measure. 1901.
- Merchant of Venice, The. Quartos: I. R. for Thomas Heyes, 1600. J. Roberts, 1600 (? really printed in 1619); 1637; 1652.
- Reprints. First quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1865; by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1887. Second quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1870; by Griggs, W., ed. Furnivall, F. J. (1881); rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Another edition. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1888.
- Burmeister, O. Nachdichtungen und Bühneneinrichtungen von Shakespeares Merchant of Venice. Rostock, 1902.
- Graetz, H. Shylock in der Sage, in Drama und in der Geschichte. Krotoschin, 1880.
- Hugo, F. V. Commentary on the Merchant of Venice (trans.). 1863.
- Lee, S. The original of Shylock. Gentleman’s Mag., Feb., 1880.
- Merry Wives of Windsor, The. Quartos: T. C. for Arthur Johnson, 1602; 1619; 1630.
- Reprints. First quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866; by Griggs, W., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1881; by Winter, W., with introduction, New York, 1886; The first sketch of Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor, ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., Shakesp. Soc., 1842; ed. Greg, W. W., Oxford, 1910; also rptd. in The Cambridge Shakespeare. Second quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866. Second and third quartos rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Another edition. Wheatley, H. B., 1868.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. An account of the only known manuscript of Shakespeare’s plays (Merry Wives of Windsor). 1843.
- Midsummer Night’s Dream, A. Quartos: Thomas Fisher, 1600; James Roberts, 1600 (? really printed in 1619).
- Reprints. Facsimiles of both quartos by Ashbee, E. W., 1864, 1865; by Griggs, W., ed. Ebsworth, J. W., 1880. Roberts’s ed. rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766. Facsimile reprint of first folio, with notes by Johnson, H., New York, 1888.
- Another edition. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1895.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. An introduction to Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1841. Memoranda on the Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1879.
- —— Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shakesp. Soc. 1845.
- Halpin, N. J. Oberon’s vision illustrated by a comparison with Lylie’s Endymion. Shakesp. Soc. 1843.
- Proescholdt, L.E.A. On the sources of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Halle, 1881.
- Schmidt, A. Die ältesten Ausgaben des Sommernachtstraums. Königsberg, 1881.
- Sidgwick, F. The sources and analogues of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. (Shakespeare Classics.) 1908.
- Thiselton, A. E. Some textual notes on A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1903.
- Much Ado about Nothing. Quarto: V. S. for Andrew Wise, and William Aspley, 1600.
- Reprints of the quarto. Facsimile by Staunton, H., 1864; by Ashbee, E. W., 1865; by Praetorius, C., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1886. Rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Other editions. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1899. Lloyd, W. W., “In fully-recovered metrical form,” 1884.
- Othello. Quartos: N. O. for Thomas Walkley, 1622; 1630; 1655.
- Reprints. Facsimile of first quarto by Ashbee, E. W., 1864. Facsimiles of first and second quartos by Praetorius, C., ed. Evans, H. A., 1885. The first quarto rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Another edition. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1886.
- Taylor, J. E. The Moor of Venice: Cinthio’s tale and Shakspere’s tragedy. 1855.
- Turnbull, W. R. Othello, a critical study. Edinburgh, 1892.
- Pericles. Not in first or second folio. Quartos: For Henry Gosson, 1609 (two issues); 1611; 1619; 1630; 1635.
- Reprints. Facsimiles of first quarto: Ashbee, E. W., 1862; Lee, S., with intro. and bibliography, Oxford, 1905. Facsimile of second quarto by Ashbee, E. W., 1871. Facsimiles of first and second quartos by Praetorius, C., ed. Round, P. Z., 1886.
- Another edition. The text from the third folio, 1664, L. Booth, 1865.
- Boyle, R. On Wilkins’s share in Pericles. 1882.
- Mariana, a dramatic romance: being the Shakespearian portion of the tragedy of Pericles. Ed. Wellwood, S. 1902.
- Smyth, A. H. Shakespeare’s Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre; a study in comparative literature. Philadelphia, 1898.
- Thomas, D. L. On Pericles. Engl. Stud. vol.
XXXIX, part 11, 1908. - Wilkins’s Pericles prince of Tyre, a romance founded upon the play and published 1608, was rptd. by Mommsen, T., in 1857.
- Richard II. Quartos: Valentine Simmes for Androw Wise, 1597; 1598; 1608 (two issues); 1615; 1634.
- Reprints. Facsimiles of the first quarto by Ashbee, E. W., 1862; by Praetorius, C., ed. Harrison, W. A., 1888; and by Griggs, W., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1890. Facsimile of the second quarto by Ashbee, E. W., 1869. Facsimile of one of the 1608 issues by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., 1857; by Ashbee, E. W., 1870; by Praetorius, C., ed. Harrison, W. A., 1888. The 1615 ed. is rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766. Facsimile of the 1634 quarto by Ashbee, E. W., 1870; by Praetorius, C., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1887.
- Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II. Ed. Wright, T. 1838.
- Richard III. Quartos: Valentine Sims, for Andrew Wise, 1597; 1598; 1602; 1605; 1612; 1622; 1629; 1634.
- Reprints. First quarto, 1597: facsimile by Griggs, W., ed. Daniel, P. A. (1886). The third quarto, 1602: facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1888. The fifth quarto, 1612: rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766. Facsimiles of the first five quartos by Ashbee, E. W., 1863–71. The sixth quarto, 1622: facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1889.
- Another edition. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1908.
- Churchill, G. B. Richard the Third up to Shakespeare. Palaestra,
X. Berlin, 1900. - Delius, N. Über den ursprünglischen Text des Richard III. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
VII, 1871. - Field, B. The True Tragedy of Richard the Third; with the Latin play of Richardus Tertius by Dr. T. Legge; both anterior to Shakespeare’s drama. Shakesp. Soc. 1844.
- Fischer, K. Shakespeares Charakter-Entwickelung Richards III. 2 Aufl. Heidelberg, 1889.
- Lowell, J. R. Shakespeare’s Richard III. In Latest Literary Essays and Addresses. 1891.
- Pickersgill, E. H. On the quarto and the folio of Richard III. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1875–6.
- Schmidt, A. Quartos und Folio von Richard III. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XV, 1879. - Spedding, J. On the corrected edition of Richard III. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1875–6.
- Romeo and Juliet. Quartos: John Danter, 1597; 1599; 1609; J. Smethwicke, n.d.; 1637.
- Reprints. First quarto, 1597: facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Evans, H. A., 1886; rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766, in The Cambridge Shakespeare, for the N. Shaksp. Soc., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1874, and in Furness’ New Variorum ed. Second quarto, 1599: facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Evans, H. A., 1886; rptd. for the N. Shaksp. Soc., ed. Daniel, P. A., 1874, and revised ed., 1875. Third quarto, 1609: rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays. Fourth quarto, n.d.: facsimile by Praetorius, C., ed. Evans, H. A., 1887. Facsimiles of the first four quartos by Ashbee, E. W., 1865–9.
- Other editions. Ulrici, H., Halle, 1853. Mommsen, T., Nebst einer Einleitung über den Wert der Textquellen und den Versbau Shakespeares, Oldenburg, 1859. Parallel texts of the first two quartos, ed. Daniel P. A., N. Shaksp. Soc., 1874. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1871.
- Brooke, Arthur. The tragicall hystory of Romeus and Juliet: with Painter, W., Rhomeo and Julietta. Ed. Daniel, P. A. N. Shaksp. Soc. 1875.
- Brooke’s poem of Romeus and Juliet: the original of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Ed. Munro, J. J. (Shakespeare Classics.) 1907.
- Chiarini, C. La storia degli Amanti Veronese. Florence, 1906.
- Gericke, R. Romeo and Juliet nach Shakespeare’s Manuscript. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XIV, 1879. - Günther, M. F. A defence of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet against modern criticism. Halle, 1876.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Discursive notes on Romeo and Juliet. 1880.
- Sanfelice, G. P. The original story of Romeo and Juliet, by L. da Porto. 1868.
- Taming of the Shrew. Quarto ed.: W. S. for John Smethwicke, 1631; rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Another edition. Crawley, H. H., 1891.
- Schomberg, E. H. The Taming of the Shrew. Eine Studie zu Shaksperes Kunst. Studien zur engl. Philologie, vol.
XX. 1904. - Tolman, A. H. Shakespeare’s part in the Taming of the Shrew. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
V, no. 4, 1890. - The Taming of a Shrew. As it was sundry times acted by the Right honourable the Earle of Pembrook his Servants. 1594. Reprints: ed. Amyot, T., Shakesp. Soc., 1844; facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1870; by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1886; ed. Boas, F. S. (Shakespeare Classics), 1908.
- The Tempest. Reduced facsimile from the first folio, ed. Hyndman, F. A. and Dallas, D. C., 1895.
- Other editions. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1892. Liddell, M. H. (The Elizabethan Shakespeare), 1904.
- Brae, A. E. Prospero’s Clothes-Line. Trans. Royal Soc. of Lit., N. S. vol.
X, 1874. - Chalmers, G. Another account of the incidents from which the title and part of Shakespeare’s Tempest were derived. 1815.
- Garnett, R. The date and occasion of The Tempest. Universal Review, April, 1889.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Selected notes upon the Tempest. 1868.
- —— Memoranda on Shakespeare’s Tempest. Brighton, 1880.
- Landau, M. Le fonti della Tempesta di William Shakespeare. Nuova Antologia, vol.
II, 1878. - Malone, E. Account of the incidents from which the title and part of Shakespeare’s Tempest were derived, and its true date ascertained. (2 parts.) 1808–9.
- Meissner, J. Untersuchungen über Shakespeares Sturm. Dessau, 1872.
- Perrott, J. de. The probable source of the plot of Shakespeare’s Tempest. Clark University Library, Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. 1905.
- Warton, T. Remarks on The Tempest. The Adventurer, nos. 93, 97. 1770.
- Wilson, D. Caliban: the missing link. 1873.
- Timon of Athens.
- Müller, A. Über die Quellen aus denen Shakespeare den Timon von Athen entnommen hat. Jena, 1873.
- Thiselton, A. E. Two passages in Shakespeare’s The Life of Tymon of Athens considered. 1904.
- Timon, a play. Now first printed. Ed. Dyce, A. Shakesp. Soc. 1842.
- Titus Andronicus. Quartos: John Danter, sold by Edward White and Thomas Millington, 1594; 1600; 1611.
- Reprints. Second quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1866; and by Praetorius, C., ed. Symons, A., 1886. Third quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1867; and rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Crawford, C. The date and authenticity of Titus Andronicus. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXXVI, 1900. - Fuller, H. De W. The sources of Titus Andronicus. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
XVI, 1901. - Robertson, J. M. Did Shakespeare write Titus Andronicus? A study in Elizabethan literature. 1905.
- Troilus and Cressida. Quartos: G. Eld for R. Bonian and H. Walley, 1609 (two issues).
- Reprints of the first quarto: facsimile by Ashbee, E. W., 1863; by Griggs, W., ed. Stokes, H. P., 1886. Rptd. in Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Boyle, R. Troilus and Cressida. Engl. Stud. vol.
XXX, pp. 21–59, 1902. - Halliwell-Phillipps. J. O. Memoranda on Troilus and Cressida. 1880.
- Hertzberg, W. Die Quellen der Troilus-Sage in ihrem Verhältniss zu Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
VI. 1871. - Twelfth Night. Ed. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1901.
- Two Gentlemen of Verona, The.
- Winter’s Tale, The.
- Ed. Furness, H. H. (New Variorum ed.), Philadelphia, 1898.
- Greene’s Pandosto, or Dorastus and Fawnia: the original of Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale. Ed. Thomas, P. H. (Shakespeare Classics.) 1907.
- 4. P
OEMS - Poems. Poems: written by Wil. Shakespeare, Gent. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by John Benson, 1640. [Contains the Sonnets and Passionate Pilgrim.] Reprinted by Smith, A. R., 1885.
- Other collected eds.: Lintott, B. (1709–10). Dyce, A. (Aldine Poets), 1832. Palgrave, F. T., Songs and Sonnets (Golden Treasury Series), 1879. Wyndham, G., 1898. See, also, Collected Works, sec. 2 (b).
- Sachs, Dr. Shakespeare’s Gedichte. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XXV, 1890. - Theobald, L. Conjectures on Shakespeare’s Poems (in Miscellaneous Observations, ed. Jortin, J. vol.
II, 1732). - Lucrece. Richard Field, for John Harrison, 1594. Other eds.: 1598; 1600; 1607; 1616; 1624; 1632; 1655. Facsimiles of the first ed., 1594: by Praetorius, C., ed. Furnivall, F. J., 1886; with introduction and bibliography by Lee, S., Oxford, 1905.
- Ewig, W. Shakespeare’s Lucrece. Eine literarhistorische Untersuchung. Anglia, vol.
XXII, 1899. - Passionate Pilgrim, The. W. Jaggard, 1599. Third ed.: 1612. Facsimiles of the first ed., 1599: by Griggs, W., ed. Dowden, E., 1883; with introduction and bibliography by Lee, S., Oxford, 1905. First ed. also rptd., with Venus and Adonis, by Edmonds, C. (Isham Reprints), in 1870.
- Phoenix and the Turtle, The. First printed in R. Chester’s Loves Martyr: or Rosalins Complaint, 1601 (reissued as The Annals of Great Brittaine, 1611). Reprint of 1601 ed.: by Grosart, A. B., for N. Shaksp. Soc., 1878.
- Sonnets. Shake-speares Sonnets. Never before imprinted. At London by G. Eld for T. T. and are to be solde by William Aspley. 1609. [Some copies bear the name of John Wright in place of Aspley.]
- Reprints. Facsimile, 1862. Facsimile by Praetorius, C., 1886. Facsimile with introduction and bibliography by Lee, S., Oxford, 1905. Doves Press, 1909. Rptd. in G. Steevens’s Twenty Plays, 1766.
- Other editions. Dowden, E., 1881 (includes a survey of the literature of the Sonnets) and 1904. Tyler, T., 1890. Beeching, H. C., Boston, U.S.A., 1904. Stopes, C. C., 1904. Hadow, W. H., Oxford, 1907. Walsh, C. M., A new arrangement, 1908.
- Acheson, A. Shakespeare and the Rival Poet. 1903.
- Barnstorff, D. A key to Shakespeare’s Sonnets (trans. from the German). 1862.
- Boaden, J. Remarks on the Sonnets of Shakespeare. 1837.
- Brown, C. A. Shakespeare’s autobiographical poems. 1838.
- Brown, H. The Sonnets of Shakespeare solved. 1870.
- Butler, S. Shakespeare’s Sonnets reconsidered. 1899.
- Corney, B. The Sonnets of Shakspere: a critical disquisition suggested by a recent discovery. 1862.
- Danckelmann, E. v. Shakespeare in seinen Sonetten. Leipzig. 1897.
- Delius, N. Über Shakespeare’s Sonette. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
I, 1865. - Godwin, P. A new study of the Sonnets of Shakespeare. New York, 1900.
- Lee, S. Ovid and Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Qtly. Review, April, 1909.
- Massey, G. Shakspeare’s Sonnets never before interpreted. 1866.
- —— The secret drama of Shakspeare’s Sonnets unfolded. 1872 and 1888.
- Simpson, R. An introduction to the philosophy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. 1868.
- Tyler, T. The Herbert-Fitton theory, a reply. 1899.
- See, also, Brandes, G., William Shakespeare, vol.
I, pp. 313–356, 1898, and the articles on Shakespeare and Southampton by Lee, S., in the Dict. of Nat. Biogr. - Venus and Adonis. Richard Field, 1593. Other eds.: 1594; 1596; 1599; (1600); 1602; 1617; 1620; Edinburgh, 1627; 1630; (1630?); 1636; 1675.
- Facsimiles of the first ed., 1593: by Griggs, W., ed. Symons, A., 1886; with introduction and bibliography by Lee, S., Oxford, 1905. Facsimile of the 1594 ed., by Ashbee, E. W., 1867. The 1599 ed. was rptd., with The Passionate Pilgrim, by Edmonds, C. (Isham Reprints), in 1870.
- Dürnhofer, M. Shakespeares Venus and Adonis im Verhältnis zu Ovids Metamorphosen und Constables Schäfergesang. Halle, 1890. (Diss.)
- Morgan, J. A. Venus and Adonis, a study in Warwickshire dialect. New York S. Society, 1885.
- 5. P
- (a) Collected Editions.
- Brooke, C. F. T. The Shakespeare Apocrypha. Oxford, 1908. Contains all the plays dealt with in this chapter, with the addition of Sir John Oldcastle; a critical edition, with introduction, notes and bibliography.
- Delius, N. Pseudo-Shakespeare’sche Dramen. 5 parts. Elberfeld, 1854–74. Contains: Edward III; Arden of Feversham; The Birth of Merlin; Mucedorus; Fair Em.
- Hopkinson, A. F. Shakespeare’s Doubtful Plays. 3 vols. 1891–5. Contains all the plays dealt with in this chapter, with the exception of Arden of Feversham and Sir Thomas More.
- Malone, E. Supplement to Johnson and Steevens’s edition of Shakespeare’s Plays. 1780. Contains: Locrine; Thomas, Lord Cromwell; The London Prodigal; The Puritan; A Yorkshire Tragedy.
- Warnke, K. and Proescholt, L. Pseudo-Shakespearian Plays. 5 vols. Halle, 1883–8. Fair Em (1883); The Merry Devil (1884); Edward III (1886); The Birth of Merlin (1887); Arden of Feversham (1888). This is a critical edition of the doubtful plays, with introduction and notes.
- (b) Particular Plays.
- Arden of Feversham. The lamentable and true tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent. Who was most wickedlye murdered by the meanes of his disloyall and wanton wyfe, who for the love she bare to one Mosbie, hyred two desperat ruffins Blackwill and Shakbag, to kill him. Wherin is shewed the great mallice and discimulation of a wicked woman, the unsatiable desire of fithie lust and the shamefull end of all murderers. 1592.
- Ed. Jacob, E., 1770; Bullen, A. H., 1887; Bayne, R., 1897.
- Birth of Merlin, The; or the Child hath found his Father. As it hath been several times acted with great applause. Written by William Shakespear, and William Rowley. 1662.
- Ed. Jacob, T. E., in Old English Dramas, 1889.
- Edward III. The Raigne of King Edward the Third: As it hath bin sundrie times plaied about the Citie of London. 1596.
- Ed. Capell, E., in Prolusions or Select Pieces of Ancient Poetry, 1760; Collier, J. P., 1874; Furnivall, F. J., in the Leopold Shakespeare, 1877; Smith, G. C. Moore, 1897.
- Fair Em. A pleasant comedie of Faire Em, the Millers Daughter of Manchester. With the love of William the Conqueror. As it was sundry times publiquely acted in the Honourable Citie of London, by the right Honourable the Lord Strange his Servants. 1631.
- Ed. Chetwood, W. R., 1750; Simpson, R., in The School of Shakespeare, vol.
II, 1878. - Locrine. The lamentable tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus discoursing the warres of the Britaines, and Hunnes, with their discomfiture: The Britaines victorie with their Accidents and the death of Albanact. No lesse pleasant then profitable. Newly set foorth, overseene and corrected. By W. S. 1595.
- Ed. McKerrow, R. B. and Greg, W. W., Malone Society Reprints, 1908.
- Merry Devill of Edmonton, The. As it hath beene sundry times acted by his Majesties Servants, at the Globe, on the banke-side. 1608.
- Hazlitt’s Dodsley, vol.
X, 1875; Walker, H., 1897. - Mucedorus. A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus the kings sonne of Valentia and Amadine the kings daughter of Arragon, with the merie conceites of Mouse. Newly set foorth, as it hath bin sundrie times plaide in the honourable Cittie of London. Very delectable and full of mirth. 1598.
- Ed. Collier, J. P., 1824; Hazlitt’s Dodsley, vol.
VII, 1874; Warnke, K., and Proescholdt, L., Halle, 1878. - Puritaine, The, or the Widdow of Watling-streete. Acted by the Children of Paules. Written by W. S. 1607.
- Sir Thomas More.
- Ed. Dyce, A., for Shakespeare Society, 1844; Hopkinson, A. F., 1902, (private circulation).
- Thomas, Lord Cromwell. The true chronicle historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. As it hath beene sundrie times publikely acted by the Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants. Written by W. S. 1602.
- Ed. Jacob, T. E., 1889.
- Two Noble Kinsmen, The: Presented at the Black-friers by the Kings Majesties servants, with great applause: Written by the memorable worthies of their time; Mr. John Fletcher, and Mr. William Shakspeare. Gent. 1634.
- Ed. Knight, C., Pictorial Shakespeare, vol.
VII, 1842; Skeat, W. W., 1875; Littledale, H., New Shakspere Society Publications, 1876 [a scholarly reprint, with introduction and notes, of the quarto edition of 1634]; Furnivall, F. J., in The Leopold Shakespeare, 1877; Rolfe, W. J., 1891; Hudson, H. N., in The Windsor Shakespeare; Herford, C. H., 1897; also in Dyce’s edition of Shakespeare’s Works, 1876, and in editions of the works of Beaumont and Fletcher. - Yorkshire Tragedy, A. Not so new as lamentable and true. Acted by his Majesties Players at the Globe. Written by W. Shakspeare. 1608.
- II. Critical Works and Essays
- Many of the editions of the doubtful plays noticed above contain critical introductions.
- (a) General.
- Boas, F. S. Introduction to Works of Thomas Kyd. 1901.
- Collins, J. C. Introduction to Plays of Robert Greene. 2 vols. 1905.
- Elze, K. Notes on Elizabethan Dramatists. Halle, 1889.
- Friesen, Frhr. H. von. Flüchtige Bemerkungen über einige Stücke, welche Shakespeare zugeschrieben werden. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
I, 1866. - Hopkinson, A. F. Essays on Shakespeare’s Doubtful Plays. 1900.
- Horn, F. Shakespeare’s Schauspiele erläutert. Vol.
V. 1823. - Knight, C. Studies of Shakespeare. 1849.
- Mézières, A. J. F. Prédécesseurs et Contemporains de Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Paris, 1881.
- Sachs, R. Die Shakespeare zugeschriebenen zweifelhaften Stücke. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXVII, 1892. - Schelling, F. E. The English Chronicle Play. New York, 1902.
- Simpson, R. On some plays attributed to Shakspere (Mucedorus and Fair Em). N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1875–6.
- Spalding, W. Recent Shakespearian Literature. Edinburgh Review, vol.
LXXI, July, 1840. - Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare’s Predecessors in the English Drama. 1884.
- Vincke, Frhr. G. von. Die zweifelhaften Stücke Shakespeare’s. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
VIII, 1873. - See, also, the works of Brandes, G., Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., Lee, S., Swinburne, A. C., in Sec. 8 (c) and those of Chasles, P., and Guizot, F., in Sec. 12 IV i; of Tieck, J. L., in Sec. 12 III iii (f), and of Ulrici, H., in Sec. 12 IV v of the present bibliography; also Collier, Courthope, Fleay, Chronicle History, Lamb’s Specimens, Morley, H., Schelling’s Elizabethan Drama, Schlegel, Ward, in the General Bibliography of the present volume.
- (b) Particular Plays.
- Arden of Feversham. Donne, C. E., An Essay on the Tragedy of Arden of Feversham, 1873; Crawford, C., The Authorship of A. of F. (Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
XXXIX, pp. 74–86); White, R. Grant, Studies, no. 5, 1885; Sarrazin, G., Thomas Kyd und sein Kreis, Berlin, 1892; Miksch, W., Die Verfasserschaft des Arden of Feversham, Breslau, 1907. - Birth of Merlin, The. Howe, F. A., The Authorship of the Birth of Merlin, in Modern Philology, vol.
IV, pp. 193 f. - Edward III. Friesen, H. Frhr. von, Edward III, angeblich ein Stück von Shakespeare, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
II; Collier, J. P., Edward III, The Athenaeum, 28 March, 1874; Vincke, Freiherr von, König Edward III—ein Bühnenstück? in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XIV; Teetgen, Shakespeare’s King Edward III, 1875; On the Historical Play of Edward III in Gentleman’s Magazine, Aug. and Sept., 1879; Liebau, G., Eduard III und die Gräfin von Salisbury, in Litterarische Forschungen, herausgegeben von J. Schick und M. Frhr. v. Waldberg, HeftXIII, Berlin, 1901; Phipson, Emma, On Edward III, N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1887–92, partIII. - Fair Em. Schick, J., Introduction to Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy, 1898.
- Locrine. Koeppel, E., “Locrine” und “Selimus.” Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XLI, pp. 193–200; Crawford, C. Spenser, “Locrine,” and “Selimus,” in Notes and Queries, 1901, nos. 161, 163, 165, 168, 171, 174, 177; Erbe, T., Die Locrine Saga, in Studien zur engl. Philologie, part 16, Halle, 1904; Gaud, W. S., The Authorship of Locrine, in Modern Philology, vol.I, no. 3, Chicago, 1904. - Merry Devill of Edmonton, The. Hazlitt, W., Lectures on Dramatic Literature, Lect. v, 1820.
- Mucedorus. Wagner, W., Über und zu Mucedorus, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XI, pp. 59 f.; Neue Conjecturen zum Mucedorus, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XIV, p. 274; Elze, K., Noten und Conjecturen, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XIII, p. 45; Nachträgliche Bemerkungen zu Mucedorus und Fair Em, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XV., p. 339; Last Notes on Mucedorus, in Engl. Stud., vol.VI, p. 3; Soffé, E., Ist Mucedorus ein Schauspiel Shakespeare’s? (Programm der Oberrealschule in Brünn), 1887; Greg, W. W., On the Editions of Mucedorus, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XL, pp. 95–108. - Puritaine, The. Bullen, A. H., Introduction to Works of Thomas Middleton. 1885.
- Sir Thomas More. Simpson, R., Are there any extant MSS. in Shakespeare’s Handwriting, in Notes and Queries, 1 July, 1871, 12 Sept., 1872; Spedding, J., On a Question concerning a supposed specimen of Shakespeare’s handwriting, Reviews and Discussions, pp. 376 f., 1879; Nicholson, B., The Plays of Sir Thomas More and Hamlet, in Notes and Queries, 29 Nov., 1883.
- Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Streit, W., Thomas, Lord Cromwell: eine literar-historische Untersuchung, Jena, 1904.
- Two Noble Kinsmen, The. Shelley, P. B., Prose Works, ed. Shepherd, vol.
II, p. 235; Spalding, W., A Letter on Shakespeare’s Authorship of the Two N. K., 1833, rptd., with Forewords by Furnivall, F. J., in Publications of N. Shaksp. Soc., 1876; Delius, N., Die angebliche Autorschaft der Two N. K., in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XIII, pp. 16 f.; Boyle, R., Shakespeare und die beiden edlen Vettern, in Engl. Stud., vol.IV, pp. 1 f.; ibid. On Massinger and the Two Noble Kinsmen, in N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1880–6; Hickson, S., The Shares of Shakespeare and Fletcher in the T.N.K., N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1874; Rolfe, W., Massinger an author of T. N. K., N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1882; Thorndike, A. H., The Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shakespeare, Worcester, U.S.A., 1901; Bierfreund, Th., Palamon og Arcite, Copenhagen, 1891; Leuschner, B., Über das Verhältnis von The Two Noble Kinsmen zu Chaucer’s Knightes Tale, Halle, 1903. - Yorkshire Tragedy, A. Collier, J. P., Shakespeare and the Yorkshire Tragedy, The Athenaeum, no. 1845, 7 March, 1863; Lee, S., Walter Calverley, Dict. of Nat. Biogr. vol.
VIII, p. 265. - As to Double Falsehood or the Distrest Lovers, a play founded on the story of Cardenio in Don Quixote, and published by Theobald, L., in 1728, as revised from old manuscripts of a play by Shakespeare, see Bradford, G., jr., The History of Cardenio by Mr. Fletcher and Shakespeare, in Modern Language Notes, Feb., 1910.
- 6. S
OURCES - (For sources of particular plays, see Sec. 3.)
- Anders, H. R. D. Shakespeare’s books. A dissertation on Shakespeare’s reading and the immediate sources of his works. Schriften der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellsch. 1. Berlin, 1904.
- Capell, E. The school of Shakespeare (vol.
III of Notes and Various Readings, 1779–80.) - Fairy tales, legends, and romances, illustrating Shakespeare and other early English writers. Ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 1875.
- Holinshed. Shakspere’s Holinshed, the chronicle and the historical plays compared. Ed. Boswell-Stone, W. G. 1896. New ed., 1907.
- Plutarch. Shakespeare’s Plutarch. Ed. Skeat, W. W. 1875.
- —— Four chapters of North’s Plutarch. Ed. Leo, F. A. 1878.
- —— Shakespeare’s Plutarch. Ed. Brooke, C. F. T. 2 vols. (Shakespeare Classics.) 1909.
- Quellen des Shakespeare in Novellen, Märchen und Sagen. Edd. Echtermayer. T., Henschel, L. und Simrock, K. 3 parts. Berlin, 1831. 2nd ed. 2 parts. Bonn, 1870.
- Rushton, W. L. Shakespeare and the Arte of English Poesie. Liverpool, 1909. [Shakespeare’s use of Puttenham.]
- Shakespeare’s jest book, ed. Singer, S. W. 3 parts. 1814–16.
- Shakespeare jest-books, ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 3 vols. 1864.
- Shakespeare’s library: a collection of the romances, novels, poems, and histories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his dramas. Ed. Collier, J. P. 2 vols. 1843. New ed., ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 6 vols. 1875.
- Six old plays (see General Bibliography).
- See, also, Halliwell-Phillipps’s ed. of Works, 1853–65, which contains “all the original novels and tales on which the plays are founded.” The Shakespeare Classics, ed. Gollancz, I., 1907–9, a series of reprints of originals and sources used by Shakespeare, are noted in Sec. 3, under the separate plays to which the volumes refer.
- 7. T
EXTUAL CRITICISM AND CONTROVERSY - In addition to the books here noted, the introductions and critical apparatus of the principal collective editions of the works (see Sec. 2 (b)) should be consulted.
- (a) Eighteenth Century
- A succinct account of eighteenth-century textual criticism of Shakespeare will be found in the preface to The Cambridge Shakespeare.
- Walder, E. Shakespearean criticism, textual and literary, from Dryden to the end of the 18th century. Bradford, 1895.
- See, also, Smith D. N., Sec. 8 (a).
- Capell, E. Notes and various readings to Shakespeare (1775, part 1 only). Another ed. 3 vols. (1779–83.)
- Edwards, T. A supplement to Mr. Warburton’s edition of Shakespear. Being the canons of criticism and glossary collected from the notes in that celebrated work. 1748. Re-issued under the title of Canons of Criticism. 7th ed., with additions. 1765.
- Grey, Z. A word or two of advice to W. Warburton. 1746.
- —— A free and familiar letter to W. Warburton. 1750.
- —— Critical, historical, and explanatory notes on Shakespeare with emendations of the text and metre. 2 vols. 1754.
- —— Remarks upon [Warburton’s] edition of Shakespeare. 1755.
- Holt, J. An attempt to rescue that aunciente English poet, and playwrighte, Maister Williaume Shakespere, from the maney errours, faulsely charged on him, by certaine new-fangled wittes; and to let him speak for himself. 1749.
- Kenrick, W. A review of Doctor Johnson’s new edition of Shakespeare: in which the ignorance, or inattention of that editor is exposed. 1765.
- —— A defence of Mr. Kenrick’s Review. 1766.
- Malone, E. An attempt to ascertain the order in which the plays attributed to Shakespeare were written. In vol.
I of Shakespeare’s Works. 1778. - —— A letter to Richard Farmer relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in 1790. 1792
- Mason, J. M. Comments on the last edition [Steevens] of Shakespeare’s plays. 1785.
- Nichols, P. The castrated letter of Sir Thomas Hanmer, in the sixth volume of Biographia Britannica [relative to the Hanmer-Warburton controversy]. 1763.
- Ritson, J. Cursory criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone. 1792.
- —— Remarks, critical and illustrative, on the text and notes of the last edition [Johnson and Stevens, 1778] of Shakspeare. 1783.
- Ritson, J. The quip modest; a few words by way of supplement to Remarks … occasioned by the republication of that edition. 1788.
- Theobald, L. Shakespeare restored: or, a specimen of the many errors [in Pope’s edition]. Designed not only to correct the said edition, but to restore the true reading of Shakespeare in all the editions ever yet publish’d 1726. 2nd ed. 1740.
- Collins, J. C. The Porson of Shakespearen critics (Theobald). In Essays and Studies. 1895.
- Tyrwhitt, T. Observations and conjectures upon some passages of Shakespeare. Oxford, 1766.
- Upton, J. Critical observations on Shakespeare. 1746. 2nd ed., with preface relating chiefly to Warburton’s ed. 1748.
- (b) 1800–1850
- Badham, C. Criticism applied to Shakspere. 1846.
- Collier, J. P. Reasons for a new edition of Shakespeare’s works. 1841.
- Dyce, A. Remarks on Mr. Collier’s and Mr. Knight’s editions. 1844.
- Mason, J. M. Comments on the several editions of Shakespeare’s plays. Dublin, 1807.
- Nichols, J. Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century. 1817. [Vol.
II, pp. 189–647 contains correspondence of Theobald, Thirlby, and Warburton on Shakespeare.] - Pye, H. J. Comments on the commentators on Shakespear. 1807.
- Seymour, E. H. Remarks, critical, conjectural, and explanatory, upon the plays of Shakspeare, resulting from a collation of the early copies, with that of Johnson and Steevens, edited by Isaac Reed. 2 vols. 1805.
- Spalding, W. Recent editions of Shakspeare. Edinburgh Review, vol.
LXXXI, 1845. - Weston, S. Short notes on Shakspeare, by way of supplement to Johnson, Steevens, Malone, and Douce. 1808.
- (c) From 1850
- Badham, C. The text of Shakespeare. In Cambridge Essays. 1856.
- Bulloch, J. Studies on the text of Shakespeare. 1878.
- Collier controversy, the. See Sec. 11.
- Daniel, P. A. Notes and conjectural emendations of certain doubtful passages in Shakespeare’s plays. 1870.
- Delius, N. Die Bühnenweisungen in den alten Shakespeare-Ausgaben. Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
VIII, 1872. - Elton, O. Recent Shakespearian criticism. In Modern Studies. 1907.
- Elze, K. Noten und Conjecturen zu Shakespeare. 2 vols. Bernburg, 1876–8.
- Evans, H. A. A Shakespearian controversy of the eighteenth century. Anglia, vol.
XXVIII, pp. 457–476, 1905. - Gould, G. Corrigenda and emendations of the text of Shakspere. 1881. New ed. 1884.
- Herr, J. G. Scattered notes on the text of Shakespeare. Philadelphia, 1879.
- Ingleby, C. M. The still lion. An essay towards the restoration of Shakespeare’s text. 1867. 3rd ed. (Shakespeare Hermeneutics). 1875.
- Koppel, R. Scenen-Einteilungen und Orts-Angaben in den Shakespear’schen Dramen. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
IX, 1873. - —— Textkritische Studien über Shakespeares Richard III und King Lear. Dresden, 1877.
- Leo, F. A. Die neue englische Textkritik des Shakespeare. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
I, 1865. - —— Shakespeare notes. 1885.
- —— Verzeichniss noch zu erklärender oder zu emendierender Text-Lesarten in Shakespeare’s Dramen. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XX, 1885. - Lounsbury, T. R. First editors of Shakespeare (Pope and Theobald). The story of the first Shakespearian controversy and of the earliest attempt to establish a critical text. 1906.
- Morgan, J. A. Some Shakespearean commentators. Cincinnati, 1882.
- Nichols, J. Notes on Shakespeare. 2 parts. 1861.
- Prölss, R. Von den ältesten Drucken der Dramen Shakespeares. Leipzig, 1905.
- Schmidt, A. Zur Shakespear’schen Textkritik. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
III, 1867. - Van Dam, B. A. P. William Shakespeare. Prosody and Text. An introduction to a better editing and a more adequate appreciation of the Elizabethan poets. Leyden, 1900.
- Vaughan, H. H. New readings and new renderings of Shakespeare’s tragedies. 3 vols. 1878–86.
- Walker, W. S. A critical examination of the text of Shakespeare, with remarks on his language and that of his contemporaries. Ed. Lettssom, W. N. 3 vols. 1860.
- White, R. G. Shakespeare’s scholar: being historical and critical studies of his text, characters, and commentators, with an examination of Mr. Collier’s folio of 1632. New York, 1854.
- 8. G
ENERAL COMMENTARIES AND SUBSIDIARY WORKS - In addition to the books here noted, the introductions to the principal collective editions of the works (see Sec. 2 (b)) should be consulted. For general commentaries and subsidiary works by continental writers (except when translated into English), see Sec. 12.
- (a) Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
- Smith, D. N. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. [With introductory essay on Shakespearean criticism in the eighteenth century.]
- See, also, Walder, E., Sec. 7 (a).
- Davies, T. Dramatic miscellanies, consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakspeare. 3 vols. 1783–4.
- Dennis, John. The impartial critic, or some observations [upon Rymer’s Short View]. 1693.
- —— An essay on the genius and writings of Shakespear. 1712.
- Dryden, John. Of dramatick poesie, an essay. 1668.
- [See, also, the prefaces to his editions of particular plays.]
- Eccles, A. Illustrations and variorum comments on Lear, Cymbeline, and the Merchant of Venice. 3 vols. 1792–1805.
- Farmer, R. An essay on the learning of Shakespeare. Cambridge, 1767. 4th ed. 1821.
- Johnson on Shakespeare, essays and notes. Ed. Raleigh, W. Oxford, 1908.
- Montagu, Elizabeth. An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear. 1769. Several times reprinted.
- Richardson, W. A philosophical analysis of some of Shakespeare’s remarkable characters. Glasgow, 1774. Reissued 1797.
- —— Essays on Shakespeare’s dramatic characters of Richard III, King Lear, and Timon of Athens; to which is added an essay on the faults of Shakespeare. 1784. Reissued 1797.
- Rymer, Thomas. A short view of tragedy, with some reflections on Shakespear, and other practitioners for the stage. 1693.
- Shakspere-allusion book, the: a collection of allusions to Shakspere from 1591 to 1700. Re-edited by Munro, J. 2 vols. 1909. [First published by Ingleby, C. M., as Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse. N. Shaksp. Soc. 1874.]
- Whalley, P. An inquiry into the learning of Shakespeare. 1748.
- Whately T. Remarks on some of the characters of Shakespeare. 1785.
- Whiter, W. Specimen of a commentary on Shakspeare. 1794.
- (b) 1800–1850
- Campbell, Thomas. Remarks on the life and writings of Shakespeare. In Shakespeare’s Dramatic Works. 1838.
- Coleridge, S. T. Notes and lectures on Shakespeare, and some of the old poets and dramatists. 2 vols. 1849.
- Douce, F. Illustrations of Shakspeare. 2 vols. 1807. New ed. 1839.
- Drake, N. Memorials of Shakspeare; or, sketches of his character and genius, by various writers. 1828.
- Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1849–50. E. tr. 2 vols. 1862. Also later eds.
- Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakespear’s plays. 1817.
- Hudson, H. N. Lectures on Shakspeare. 2 vols. New York, 1848.
- —— Shakespeare: his life, art, and character. 2 vols. Boston, 1872.
- Hunter, J. New illustrations of the life, studies, and writings of Shakespeare. 2 vols. 1845.
- Jameson, Anna. Characteristics of women (On the female characters of Shakespeare). 2 vols. 1832.
- Knight, C. Studies of Shakspere. 1849.
- Lamb, C. and M. Tales from Shakespear. 2 vols. 1807.
- Landor, W. S. Citation and examination of William Shakespeare touching deer-stealing. 1834.
- Ulrici, H. Über Shakespeares dramatische Kunst. Halle, 1839. E. tr. [by Morrison, A. J. W.] 1846.
- —— Shakespeares dramatische Kunst. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1847. 3rd ed. Leipzig, 1868–9. E. tr. by Schmitz, L. D. 2 vols. 1876.
- Waldron, F. G. The Shaksperean miscellany. 1802.
- (c) From 1850
- Baker, G. P. The development of Shakespeare as a dramatist. New York, 1907.
- Baynes, T. S. Shakespeare Studies. 1894.
- Boas, F. S. Shakespeare and his predecessors. 1895.
- Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean tragedy. Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. 1904.
- Brandes, G. William Shakespeare. Copenhagen, 1896. E. tr. 2 vols. 1898.
- Brooke, S. A. On ten plays of Shakespeare. 1905. [Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Richard III, Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Macbeth, Coriolanus, Winter’s Tale, Tempest.]
- Bulthaupt, H. A. Shakespeare und der Naturalismus. Weimar, 1893.
- Campbell, L. Tragic drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare. 1904.
- Clarke, C. C. Shakespeare-characters, chiefly those subordinate. 1863.
- Clarke, M. C. The girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines. 3 vols. 1850–2.
- Collins, J. C. Studies in Shakespeare. 1904.
- Corson, H. An introduction to the study of Shakespeare. Boston, 1889. Another ed. London, 1907.
- Dowden, E. Shakspere: a critical study of his mind and art. 1874.
- —— A Shakspere primer. 1877.
- —— Introduction to Shakespeare. 1893.
- Elze, K. William Shakespeare. Halle, 1876. E. tr. by Schmitz, L. D. 1888.
- —— Notes on Elizabethan dramatists. Three series. Halle, 1880–6.
- Fennell, J. H. The Shakespeare repository. 1853.
- Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare manual. 1876.
- —— Introduction to Shakespearian study. 1877.
- Fleming, W. H. Shakespeare’s plots, a study in dramatic construction. 1902.
- —— How to study Shakespeare. 4 vols. New York, 1904.
- Furnivall, F. J. The succession of Shakspere’s works and the use of metrical tests in settling it. 1874.
- Guizot, F. P. G. Shakspeare and his times. E. tr. 1852.
- Hales, J. W. Notes and essays on Shakespeare. 1884.
- Hall, H. T. Shaksperean Fly Leaves. Cambridge, 1871.
- —— Shakspere’s plays: the separate editions of, with the alterations done by various hands. Cambridge, 1873. 2nd ed. 1880.
- —— Shakspearean statistics. 1865. New ed. 1874. [A chronology of the life and works of Shakespeare.]
- Heraud, J. A. Shakspere, his inner life as intimated in his works. 1865.
- Hughes, C. E. The praise of Shakespeare, an English anthology (1596–1902). 1904.
- Ingleby, C. M. Shakespeare, the man and the book. 2 parts. 1877–81.
- —— Occasional papers on Shakespeare. 1881.
- Jusserand, E. Tr. Vol.
III. - Keightley, T. The Shakespeare-expositor. 1867.
- Kemble, F. A. Notes on some of Shakespeare’s plays. 1882.
- Landmann, F. Shakspere and Euphuism. N. Shaksp. Soc. Trans., 1880–6.
- Lanier, S. Shakspere and his forerunners. Studies in Elizabethan poetry and its development from early English. 2 vols. 1902.
- Lloyd, W. W. Essays on the life and plays of Shakespeare. 1858.
- Lounsbury, T. R. Shakespearean wars. i. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. ii. Shakespeare and Voltaire. 2 vols. (Yale Bicentennial Publications.) 1901.
- Luce, M. A handbook to the works of William Shakespeare. 1906. Second ed. 1907.
- MacCallum, M. W. Shakespeare’s Roman plays and their background. 1910.
- Madden, D. H. The diary of Master William Silence: a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport. 1897.
- Maginn, W. Shakespeare papers. 1856.
- Martin, Lady (Helen Faucit). On some of Shakespeare’s female characters. 1885.
- Morgan, A. A. The mind of Shakespeare as exhibited in his works. 1860.
- Morgan, J. A. Digesta Shakespereana: a topical index of printed matter relating to Shakespeare, to the year 1886. 2 parts. New York Shakespeare Soc. 1886–7.
- Moulton, R. G. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. Oxford, 1885.
- —— The moral system of Shakespeare. 1903.
- Price, T. R. A study of Shakespeare’s dramatic method. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
IX, 1894. - Raleigh, W. Shakespeare. (English Men of Letters.) 1907.
- Robertson, J. M. Montaigne and Shakespeare, and other essays. 1909.
- Rushton, W. L. Shakespeare illustrated by old authors. 2 parts. 1867–8.
- —— Shakespeare’s euphuism. 1871.
- Simrock, K. Remarks on the plots of Shakespeare’s plays. E. tr. with notes and additions by J. O. Halliwell. Shakesp. Soc. 1850.
- Smith, A. R. A handbook index to those characters who have speaking parts assigned to them in the First Folio, 1623. 1904.
- Smith, C. R. The rural life of Shakespeare as illustrated by his works. 1870. 2nd ed. 1874.
- Snider, D. J. The system of Shakespeare’s dramas. 2 vols. St. Louis, 1877.
- Stokes, H. P. An attempt to determine the chronological order of Shakespeare’s plays. 1878.
- Swinburne, A. C. A study of Shakespeare. 1880.
- —— The age of Shakespeare. 1908.
- —— Three plays of Shakespeare. 1909. [King Lear, Othello, Richard II.]
- Ten Brink, B. Shakspere. 5 lectures. E. tr. by Franklin, J. 1895.
- Thoms, W. J. Three notelets on Shakespeare: i. Shakespeare in Germany. ii. The folk-lore of Shakespeare. iii. Was Shakespeare ever a Soldier? 1865.
- Thorndike, A. H. The influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shakespeare. Worcester, Mass., 1901.
- Ward. Vol.
I, pp. 487–572; vol.II, pp. 1–295. - Wendell, B. William Shakespeare: a study in Elizabethan literature. 1894.
- White, R. G. Studies in Shakespeare. Boston, 1885.
- Subsidiary Works
- Astronomy. The astronomy of Shakespeare. By Museus. Contemporary Review, July, 1908.
- Bible. Brown, J. Bible truths with Shakespearian parallels. 1864. 3rd ed., 1872. Bullock, C. Shakespeare’s debt to the Bible. 1879. Carter, T. Shakespeare and Holy Scripture; with the version he used. 1905. Eaton, T. R. Shakespeare and the Bible. 1858. Rees, J. Shakespeare and the Bible. Philadelphia, 1876. Wordsworth, C. Shakespeare’s knowledge and use of the Bible. 1864, etc.
- Botany. Beisly, S. Shakspere’s garden, or the plants and flowers named in his works described and defined. 1864. Ellacombe, H. W. Plantlore and garden-craft of Shakespeare. [1878] and [1896]. Grindon, L. H. Shakspeare flora. Manchester, 1883.
- Classics. Root, R. K. Classical mythology in Shakespeare. Yale Studies in English, no. 19. 1903. Stapfer, P. Shakespeare and classical antiquity. E. Tr. Carey, E. J. 1880. Theobald, W. The classical element in the Shakespeare plays. 1909.
- Fiction, Modern, Shakespeare and. See Tinckam, C. W., in The Publishers’ Circular, 29 June, 1907, 11 April, 1908, 24 October, 1908, 24 April, 1909, 23 April, 1910.
- Folk-lore, Bell, W. Shakespeare’s Puck and his folkslore. 3 vols. 1852–64. Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. (1883.) Thomas, W. J. The folk-lore of Shakespeare. In Three Notelets on Shakespeare. 1865.
- Law. Campbell, John, Lord. Shakespeare’s legal acquirements. 1859. Heard, F. F. Shakespeare as a lawyer. Boston, 1884. Rushton, W. L. Shakespeare a lawyer, 1858; Shakespeare’s legal maxims, 1859 and 1907; Shakespeare’s testamentary language, 1869; Shakespeare illustrated by the Lex Scripta, 1870. T., H. Was Shakespeare a lawyer? 1871.
- Medicine and Psychology. Bucknill, J. C. The psychology of Shakespeare, 1859; The medical knowledge of Shakespeare, 1860: The mad folk of Shakespeare, 1867. Farren, G. Essays on the varieties in mania exhibited in Hamlet, Ophelia, etc. 1833. Harnack, E. Das Gift in der dramatischen Dichtung u. in der antiken Literatur. Leipzig, 1908. [pp. 35–58 deal with Shakespeare’s treatment of poisons and poisoning.] Kellogg, A. O. Shakspeare’s delineations of insanity, imbecility, and suicide. New York, 1866. Stearns, C. W. Shakespeare’s medical knowledge. New York, 1865.
- Music. Elson, L. C. Shakespeare in music. A collation of the chief musical allusions in the plays, etc. 1901.
- Natural History. Ellacombe, H. N. Shakespeare as an angler. 1883. Fennell, J. H. The Shakespeare cyclopaedia; or, a summary of Shakespeare’s knowledge of nature (only part
I, Zoology: man, issued). 1862. Harting, J. E. The ornithology of Shakespeare. 1871. Mayou, B. Natural history of Shakespeare. Manchester (1877). Patterson, R. Natural history of the insects mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays, 1838; Notes upon the reptiles mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays (Zoologist, 1843–4). Phipson, E. The animal-lore of Shakespeare’s time. 1883. Seager, H. W. Natural History in Shakespeare’s time. 1896. - Printing. Blades, W. Shakspere and typography. 1872.
- Stenography. Dewischeit, C. Shakespeare und die Stenographie, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXIV, 1898. - The Supernatural. Gibson, J. P. S. R. Shakespeare’s use of the supernatural. Harness Prize Essay, 1907. 1908. Lucy, M. Shakespeare and the supernatural: a brief study of folklore, superstition and witchcraft in Macbeth, Midsummer Night’s Dream, and The Tempest. (With a bibliography of the subject.) 1906. Moorman, F. W. Pre-Shakespearean Ghosts, Mod. Lang. Rev., vol.
I, no. 2, January, 1906; and Shakespeare’s Ghosts, ibid., no. 3, April, 1906. Stoll, E. E. The objectivity of the ghosts in Shakespeare, Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.XXII, 1907. - Albright, V. E. The Shakesperian stage. Columbia University, New York. 1909.
- Brodmeier, C. Die Shakespeare-Bühne nach den alten Bühnenanweisungen. Weimar, 1904.
- Bulthaupt, H. A. Dramaturgie des Schauspiels, Shakespeare. 6th ed. Oldenburg, 1898.
- Collier, J. P. Memoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. Shakesp. Soc. 1846.
- Delius, N. Über das englische Theaterwesen zu Shakespeares Zeit. Bremen, 1859.
- Elze, K. Eine Aufführung im Globe-Theater. Weimar, 1878.
- Gaehde, C. David Garrick als Shakespearedarsteller und seine Bedeutung für die heutige Schauspielkunst. Schriften der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol.
II. Berlin, 1904. - Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Visits of Shakespeare’s company of actors to the provincial cities and towns of England. 1887.
- Lee, S. Shakespeare and the modern stage. 1906.
- Wegener, R. Die Bühneneinrichtung des Shakespeareschen Theaters nach den zeitgenössischen Dramen. Halle, 1907.
- (Cf., as to the stage and theatrical affairs in the Elizabethan age, bibliography to Chap.
X of Vol. VI.) - 9. C
ONCORDANCES, GLOSSARIES, LANGUAGE, GRAMMAR AND VERSIFICATION - Abbott, E. A. A Shakespearian grammar. 1869. Several times reprinted.
- Bartlett, J. A new and complete concordance or verbal index to words, phrases and passages in Shakespeare. 1894.
- Bathurst, C. Remarks on the differences in Shakespeare’s versification in different periods of his life. 1857.
- Browne, G. H. Notes on Shakespeare’s versification, with a short bibiography. Boston, 1884.
- Clarke, C. and M. C. The Shakespeare key. 1879. [A companion to the Concordance.]
- Clarke, M. C. The complete concordance to Shakepere. 1845. New and revised ed. 1864. [Plays only.]
- Craik, G. L. The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar. 1857. 3rd ed. 1864.
- Cunliffe, R. J. A new Shakespearean dictionary. A glossary of Shakespeare’s language with illustrative quotations. 1910.
- Delius, N. Shakespeare-Lexicon. Bonn, 1852.
- Dyce, A. A glossary to the works of Shakespeare. 1867. (Vol.
IX of works.) New ed., ed. Littledale, H. 1902. - Ellis, A. J. On early English pronunciation with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. 5 parts. Early English Text Society. 1869–89.
- Foster, J. A Shakespeare word-book, being a glossary of archaic forms and varied usages of words employed by Shakespeare. (1908).
- Franz, W. Shakespeare-Grammatik. 2 parts. Halle, 1898–1900. 2nd ed. Heidelberg, 1909.
- —— Die Grundzüge der Sprache Shakespeares. Berlin, 1902.
- —— Orthographie, Lautgebung und Wortbildung in den Werken Shakespeares mit Ausspracheproben. Heidelberg, 1905.
- Furness, Mrs. H. H. The concordance to Shakespeare’s poems. Philadelphia, 1872.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Handbook index to the works of Shakespeare. 1866.
- König, G. Der Vers in Shaksperes Dramen. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte, part 61. Strassburg, 1888.
- Lummert, A. Die Orthographie der ersten Folioausgabe der Shakespeare’schen Dramen. Halle, 1883.
- Morgan, J. A. Venus and Adonis; a study in Warwickshire dialect. New York Shakespeare Society. 1885.
- Nares, R. A glossary of words, phrases, names and allusions in … Shakespeare and his contemporaries. New ed. 1905.
- O’Connor, E. M. An index to the works of Shakspere. New York, 1887.
- Price, T. The construction and types of Shakespeare’s verse as seen in Othello. Papers of the New York Shakespeare Society, no. 8. 1888.
- Schmidt, A. Shakespeare-Lexikon. 2 vols. Berlin, 1874–5. 3rd ed., 2 vols. 1902.
- Smith, C. A. Shakespeare’s present indicative s-endings with plural subjects; a study in the grammar of the first folio. Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, vol.
IV. Baltimore, 1896. - Vietor, W. A Shakespeare phonology, with a rime-index to the poems as a pronouncing vocabulary. Marburg, 1906.
- —— A Shakespeare reader in the old spelling and with a phonetic transcription. Marburg, 1906.
- Würzner, A. Die Orthographie der ersten Quarto-Ausgabe von Shakespeares Venus and Adonis und Lucrece. Vienna, 1887.
- 10. B
IOGRAPHY - For biographical works by continental writers, except where English translations of these are mentioned in this section, see Sec. 12.
- (a) General Works
- The contemporary and other early allusions to Shakespeare have been brought together in The Shakspere Allusion-book (see ante, Sec. 8 (a)).
- Seventeenth century biographical notices of Shakespeare will be found in Fuller’s Worthies, 1662; in Aubrey’s Letters written by Eminent Persons … and lives of Eminent Men, 3 vols., 1813; and in Langbaine’s English Dramatic Poets, Oxford, 1691.
- For eighteenth century notices, see the memoirs prefixed to the editions of the plays by Rowe, Pope, Johnson, Steevens and Malone.
- The following later editions also contain biographical notices: Singer, 1826 (by Symmons, C.); Campbell, T., 1838; Halliwell-Phillipps, 1853–65; Lloyd, 1856; Dyce, A., 1857, etc.; Henry Irving Shakespeare, 1888–90.
- The more important separate biographies are included in the following list.
- Bohn, H. G. The biography and bibliography of Shakespeare. Philobiblon Society. 1863.
- Britton, J. Remarks on the life and writings of Shakespeare. 1818.
- Collier, J. P. New facts regarding the life of Shakespeare. 1835. New particulars regarding the works of Shakespeare. 1836. Further particulars regarding Shakespeare and his works. 1839. Traditionary anecdotes of Shakespeare collected in 1673. 1838. Life of Shakespeare, with a history of the early English stage. 1844.
- De Quincey, T. Shakspeare, a biography. 1864.
- Drake, N. Shakespeare and his times. 2 vols. 1817.
- Elze, K. William Shakespeare. Halle, 1876. E. tr. by Schmitz, L. D. 1888.
- Fleay, F. G. A chronicle history of the life and works of Shakespeare. 1886.
- Furnivall, F. J. and Munro, John. Shakespeare: life and work. [In The Century Shakespeare. A useful handbook.] 1908.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. The life of William Shakespeare. 1848. Illustrations of the life of Shakespeare. 1874. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. Brighton, 1881. 7th ed., 2 vols. 1887. (Later eds. are reprints of this.)
- Knight, C. William Shakspere: a biography. 1843.
- Lee, S. A life of William Shakespeare. 1898. 6th ed. 1908.
- —— Article on Shakespeare in the Dict. of Nat. Biogr.
- Malone, E. Life of Shakespeare. (In vol.
II of the 1821 ed. of the works.) - Rolfe, W. J. A life of Shakespeare. Boston, 1902. Another ed. 1905.
- Skottowe, A. Life of Shakspeare, essays on the ancient theatres, etc. 2 vols. 1824.
- White, R. G. Memoirs of the life of William Shakespeare, with an essay towards the expression of his genius, and an account of the rise of the English drama. Boston, 1865.
- (b) Special Aspects, etc.
- Birch, W. J. An inquiry into the philosophy and religion of Shakspere. 1848. [An attempt to prove that Shakespeare was an atheist.]
- Bracebridge, C. H. Shakespeare no deer-stealer. 1862.
- Brassington, W. S. Shakespeare’s homeland. 1903.
- Calmour, A. C. Fact and fiction about Shakespeare, with some account of the playhouses, etc., of his period. 1894.
- Carter, T. Shakespeare, puritan and recusant. 1897.
- Castelain, M. Shakespeare et Ben Jonson. Revue Germanique, Jan.–Feb. and March–April, 1907. Part
I, Jonson’s censure of Shakespeare. PartII, Shakespeare’s (supposed) attacks on Jonson. - Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, works of art, antiquities, and relics at present exhibited in Shakespeare’s Birthplace. Stratford-on-Avon, 1910.
- Elton, C. I. William Shakespeare, his family and friends. 1904.
- French, G. R. Shakespeareana genealogica. 1869.
- Fullom, S. W. Shakespeare, the player and the poet. Facts and traditions concerning Shakespeare. 1861.
- Gilchrist, O. An examination of the charges … of Ben Jonson’s enmity toward Shakspeare. 1808.
- Gray, J. W. Shakespeare’s marriage, his departure from Stratford, and other incidents in his life. 1905.
- Green, C. F. The legend of Shakspeare’s crab tree. 1857 and 1862.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Shakespeare’s will, copied from the original … with facsimiles of the three autographs of the poet. 1851.
- Lambert, D. H. Cartae Shakespeareanae. A chronological catalogue of extant evidence relating to the life and works of Shakespeare. 1904.
- Lee, S. (ed). An account of Shakespeare’s England; a survey of social life and conditions in the Elizabethan Age. By various writers. Oxford. (Preparing for publication.)
- —— Stratford-on-Avon from the earliest times to the death of Shakespeare. 1907.
- Madden, F. Observations on an autograph of Shakspere, and the orthography of his name. 1837. Another ed. 1838.
- Munro, J. J. On Shakespeare’s name. See Notes and Queries, 23 April, 1910.
- Ordish, T. F. Shakespeare’s London. 1897.
- Rolfe, W. J. Shakespeare the Boy. 1897.
- Stephenson, H. T. Shakespeare’s London. 1910.
- Stopes, C. C. Shakespeare’s family. 1901.
- —— Shakespeare’s Warwickshire contemporaries. 1907.
- Thornbury, G. W. Shakspere’s England; or, sketches of our social history in the reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols. 1856.
- Wallace, C. W. New Shakespeare discoveries. Harper’s Magazine, March, 1910.
- Walter, J. Shakespeare’s home and rural life. 1874.
- Wheler, R. B. An historical and descriptive account of the birth-place of Shakspeare. 1824. Another ed., ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. 1863.
- Williams, J. L. The home and haunts of Shakespeare. 1893.
- Winter, W. Shakespeare’s England. 1890.
- Wise, G. The autograph of William Shakespeare with facsimiles of his signature … together with 4000 ways of spelling the name. Philadelphia, 1869.
- Wise, J. R. Shakspere: his birthplace and its neighbourhood. 1861.
- (c) Portraits
- Boaden, J. An inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints of Shakspeare. 1824.
- Collier, J. P. Dissertation on the imputed portraits of Shakespeare. 1851.
- Corbin, J. A new portrait of Shakespeare. The case of the Ely Palace painting. 1903.
- Cust, L. On a portrait of Shakespeare in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-upon-Avon. Proc. Soc. Antiq., 2nd ser., vol.
XVI, p. 42, 1895. - Forster, H. R. A few remarks on the Chandos portrait of Shakspeare. 1849.
- Friswell, J. H. Life portraits of Shakspeare. 1864.
- Furness, W. R. Composite photography applied to the portrait of Shakespeare. Philadelphia, 1885.
- Illustrated catalogue of portraits in the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford. 1896.
- Norris, J. P. A. Bibliography of works on the portraits of Shakespeare. Philadelphia, 1879.
- Page, W. A study of Shakespeare’s portraits. 1876.
- Scharf, G. On the principal portraits of Shakespeare. 1864. [From Notes and Queries.]
- Spielmann, M. R. On the portraits of Shakespeare. In vol.
X of the Stratford Town Shakespeare. 1907. - Tausig, P. Shakespeare-Porträts in der Gemmoglyptik. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XLI, 1905. - Wivell, A. An inquiry into the history, etc., of the Shakspeare portraits (with supplement). 1827.
- 11. M
ISCELLANEOUS - Boaden, J. A letter to George Stevens, Esq., containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakespeare published by Mr. S. Ireland. 1796.
- Chalmers, G. An apology for the believers in the Shakspeare papers which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. 1797. With supplements. 1799 and 1800.
- Ireland, S. Miscellaneous papers and legal instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakspeare. 1796.
- —— An investigation of Mr. Malone’s claim to the character of scholar, being an examination of his Inquiry. (1797.)
- Ireland, W. H. Confessions: containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare manuscripts. 1805.
- Jordan, J. Original collections on Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, selected from the original manuscripts written about 1780. Ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. 1864.
- Jordan, J. Original memoirs and historical accounts of the families of Shakespeare and Hart. Ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. 1865.
- Malone, E. Inquiry into the authenticity (of the Ireland MSS.). 1796.
- The Collier controversy:
- The plays of Shakespeare: the text regulated by the old copies and by the recently discovered folio of 1632, containing early manuscript emendations. Ed. Collier, J. P. 1853.
- Brae, A. E. Collier, Coleridge, and Shakespeare. A review. 1860.
- Collier, J. P. Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare’s plays, from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632. 1853. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. 1853.
- —— Seven lectures on Shakespeare and Milton. By the late S. T. Coleridge. A list of all the MS. emendations in Mr. Collier’s folio, 1632; and an introductory preface. 1856.
- —— Reply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton’s Inquiry. 1860.
- Dyce, A. A few notes on Shakespeare; with occasional remarks on the emendations of the manuscript-corrector in Mr. Collier’s copy of the folio 1632. 1853.
- —— Strictures on Mr. Collier’s new edition of Shakespeare, 1858. 1859.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Observations on some of the manuscript emendations of the text of Shakespeare. 1853.
- Hamilton, N. E. S. A. An inquiry into the genuineness of the manuscript corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier’s annotated Shakspere folio, 1632; and of certain Shaksperian documents likewise published by Mr. Collier. 1860.
- Hunter, J. A few words in reply to the animadversions of the Reverend Mr. Dyce. 1853.
- Ingleby, C. M. The Shakspeare fabrications. 1859.
- —— A complete view of the Shakspere controversy concerning the manuscript matter published by Mr. J. Payne Collier. 1861. [Contains a bibliography of the subject.]
- Mommsen, Tycho. Der Perkins-Shakespeare. Berlin, 1854.
- Singer, S. W. The text of Shakespeare vindicated from the interpolations and corruptions advocated by John Payne Collier. 1853.
- Wheatley, H. B. Notes on the life of John Payne Collier, with a complete list of his works and an account of such Shakespeare documents as are believed to be spurious. 1884. [Reprinted from The Bibliographer.]
- [A full list of the publications relating to this controversy will be found in Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual, pp. 2335–7.)
- The Shakespeare-Bacon controversy, etc.:
- Bacon, Delia. The philosophy of the plays of Shakespeare unfolded. 1857. [Based on an article in Putnam’s Monthly, Jan., 1856.]
- Bacon’s Promus of Formularies and Elegancies. Ed. Pott, Mrs. Henry. 1883.
- Baconiana, a quarterly journal. Chicago, 1892.
- Beeching, H. C. William Shakespeare: player, playmaker, and poet. A reply to Mr. George Greenwood. 1908.
- Crawford, C. The Bacon-Shakespeare question. In Collectanea, vol.
II. 1907. - Donnelly, I. The great cryptogram: Francis Bacon’s cypher in the socalled Shakespeare plays. 2 vols. Chicago, 1887.
- Gallup, E. W. The bi-literal cypher of Francis Bacon, discovered in his works. 1900.
- Greenwood, G. G. The Shakespeare problem restated. 1908. [A restatement of the argument that the Stratford Shakespeare was not the author of the plays.]
- —— In re Shakespeare (a reply to Canon Beeching). 1909.
- Pott, Mrs. Henry. Francis Bacon and his secret society. Chicago, 1891.
- —— Did Francis Bacon write Shakespeare? 2nd ed. 1893.
- Schipper, J. Zur Kritik der Shakespeare-Bacon Frage. Vienna, 1889.
- Wyman, W. H. The bibliography of the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy. Cincinnati, 1884. (Continued in Shakespeariana, Philadelphia, 1886.)
- 12. S
- Elze, K. Die englische Sprache und Literatur in Deutschland. Dresden, 1864.
- Engel, J. Shakespeare in Frankreich. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXXIV, pp. 66–118, 1898. - Genée, R. Geschichte der Shakespeare’schen Dramen in Deutschland. Leipzig, 1870.
- Hauffen, A. Shakespeare in Deutschland. Sammlung gemeinnütziger Vorträge. No. 175. Prague, 1893.
- Hense, C. C. Deutsche Dichter in ihrem Verhältnis zu Shakespeare. Shakesp. Jahrb., vols.
I, V, VI, 1865 ff. - Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Berlin, Weimar, 1865 ff.
- Joachimi-Dege, M. Deutsche Shakespeare-Probleme im 18. Jahrhundert und im Zeitalter der Romantik. Leipzig, 1907.
- Jusserand, J. J. Shakespeare en France sous l’ancien régime. Paris, 1898. E. tr. London, 1899.
- Koberstein, A. Shakespeare allmähliches Bekanntwerden in deutschland und Urteile über ihn bis zum Jahr 1773. Vermischte Aufsätze. Leipzig, 1858.
- Lacroix A. L’Influence de Shakespeare sur le théâtre français jusqu’à nos jours. Brussels, 1858.
- Larroumet, G. Shakespeare et le théâtre français. Études d’histoire et de critique dramatiques, pp. 121 ff. Paris, 1892.
- Lee, Sidney. Shakespeare in France. In Shakespeare and the Modern Stage, with other Essays, pp. 198 ff. London, 1906.
- Lotheissen, F. Shakespeare in Frankreich. In Literatur und Gesellschaft in Frankreich zur Zeit der Revolution. Weimar, 1872.
- Pellissier, G. Le Drame Shakespearien en France. In Essais de littérature contemporaine, pp. 69 ff. Paris, 1893.
- Redard, É. Shakespeare dans les pays de langue française. Annales internationales d’Histoire. Congrès de Paris, 1900. Paris, 1901.
- Richter, C. A. Beiträge zum Bekanntwerden Shakespeares in Deutschland. 1. (Programm.) Breslau, 1909.
- Riedel, W. Über Shakespeares Würdigung in England, Frankreich und Deutschland. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen, vol.
XLVIII, 1882. - Suphan, B. Shakespeare im Anbruch der klassischen Zeit unserer Literatur. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXV, pp. 1 ff., 1889, and Deutsche Rundschau, vol.LX, pp. 401 ff. - Thimm, F. Shakespeariana from 1564 to 1864. 2nd ed. London, 1872.
- Unflad, L. Die Shakespeare-Literatur in Deutschland. Munich, 1880.
- Vincke, G. von. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Shakespeare-Übersetzung und Bearbeitung. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XVI, pp. 254 ff., vol.XVII, pp. 82 ff., 1881–2. Rptd. in Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Bühnengeschichte, pp. 64 ff. and 87 ff. Hamburg, 1893. - Ward. Vol.
I, pp. 534 ff. - II. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- i. France
- Jusserand, J. J. Shakespeare in France (see I. above).
- On the performance of 1604 see Journal de Jean Héraord sur l’enfance de Louis XIII, edd. Soulié et de Barthélemy, vol.
I, pp. 88 ff., Paris, 1868. The suggestion by Coote, M. H. C. (The Athenaeum, p. 96, 1865) that one of the plays performed by the English actors in Paris in 1604 was Henry IV, is insufficiently founded. - ii. Germany
- Ayrer, Jakob. Dramen. Ed. Keller, A. von. 5 vols. Stuttgart, 1864–5. Cf. on Ayrer’s supposed indebtedness to Shakespeare, Cohn (post); Lützelberger, E. C. J., Jakob Ayrers Phönizia und Shakespeares Viel Lärm um Nichts, in Album des lit. Vereins in Nürnberg, pp. 1 ff., 1868; Robertson, J. G., Zur Kritik Jakob Ayrers (Diss.), Leipzig, 1902; Kaulfuss-Diesch, C. H., Die Inszenierung des deutschen Dramas an der Wende des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1905; Becker, G., Zur Quellenfrage von Shakespeares Sturm, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XLIII, pp. 155 ff., 1907; Ward, vol.II, p. 195. - Englische Comedien und Tragedien. 1620. Rptd. 1624. Liebeskampff, oder Ander Theil der Englischen Comödien und Tragödien. 1630.
- The literature dealing with the “Englische Komödianten” in Germany is very extensive, and only the more important works are cited below. To these, the reader is referred for a fuller bibliography.
- Cohn, A. Shakespeare in Germany in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Berlin, 1865. Contains texts, with English translations, of Ayrer’s Sidea and Phoenicia, Julius and Hippolyta, Titus Andronicus, Der bestrafte Brudermord, Romeo and Juliet.
- Creizenach, W. Die Schauspiele der englischen Komödianten. Stuttgart, 1889. This edition contains, together with other plays, the Tragoedia von Tito Andronico, Tugend- und Liebesstreit (which shows similarity to Twelfth Night), and Der bestrafte Brudermord, oder Prinz Hamlet aus Dänemark. In the appendix, the Programm zu einer Aufführung des König Lear in Breslau, 1692.
- Herz, E. Englische Schauspieler und englisches Schauspiel zur Zeit Shakespeares in Deutschland. Hamburg, 1903.
- Meissner, J. Die englischen Komödianten zur Zeit Shakespeares in Österreich. Vienna, 1884.
- Tittmann, J. Die Schauspiele der englischen Komödianten in Deutschalnd. Leipzig, 1880.
- Of the repertory of the Englische Komödianten, Der bestrafte Brudermord has awakened most interest. See, in addition to the introduction to Creizenach’s edition, Tanger, G., Der bestrafte Brudermord und sein Verhältnis zu Shakespeares Hamlet, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXIII, pp. 224 ff., 1885; Litzmann, B., Die Entstehungsgeschichte des ersten deutschen Hamlet, in Zeitschrift für vergl. Lit., vol.I, pp. 6 ff., 1888; Pinloche, A., De Shakespearii Hamleto et Germanica tragoedia, quae inscribitur Der bestrafte Brudermord, Paris, 1890; Corbin, J., The German Hamlet and the Earlier English Versions, in Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, vol.V, 1896; Evans, M. Blakemore, Der bestrafte Brudermord, sein Verhältnis zu Shakespeares Hamlet, Hamburg, 1910; and the same writer’s article in Modern Philology, vol.II, pp. 433 ff., 1905, where further bibliographical references will be found. - Gryphius, A. Absurda Comica, oder Herr Peter Squentz. Schimpff-Spiel, 1663. Reprinted, Halle, 1877. Cf. Kollewijn, R. A., Über die Quelle des Peter Squentz, in Archiv für Literaturgesch, vol.
IX, pp. 445 ff., 1878; Gaedertz, K. Th., Zur Kenntnis der altenglischen Bühne, Bremen, 1888; Palm, H., in his edition of Gryphius, 1883; Burg, F., Über die Entwicklung des Peter Squentz-Stoffes bis auf Gryphius, in Zeitschrift für deut. Altert. vol.XXV, pp. 130 ff., 1881. - Kunst über alle Künste ein bös Weib gut zu machen. Eine deutsche Bearbeitung von Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew aus dem Jahr 1672. Neu herausgegeben von R. Köhler. Berlin, 1864. Gottsched, J. C., mentions in his Nöthiger Vorrath (Leipzig, 1757–65) a drama which Weise’s predecessor, Rector Christian Keimann had performed by his pupils in 1658, Die wunderbare Heurath Petruvio mit der bösen Catherine. This play seems to have been performed at Görlitz in 1678 (cf. Bolte, J., in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXVII, pp. 124 ff., 1892). - Christian Weise. Von der bösen Catharine. Herausgegeben von Fulda, L. in Kürschner’s Deutsche Nationalliteratur, vol.
XXXIX, Stuttgart, 1883. Evidently based on both the preceding versions. - iii. Holland
- Gramsbergen, M. Kluchtighe Tragoedie of den Hartog van Pierlepon. Amsterdam, 1650.
- Loffelt, A. C. Nederlandsche navolgingen van Shakespeare en van de oude engelsche Dramatici in de 17. Eeuw. Nederlandsch Spectator, 1868.
- Moltzer, H. E. Shakespeare’s Invloed op het nederlandsch Tooneel der zeventiende Eeuw. Groningen, 1874.
- Sorgen, W. G. F. A. De Tooneelspeelkunst te Utrecht. The Hague, 1885.
- Sybant, A. De dolle Bruyloft. Bley-eyndend-Spel. 1654. Cf. Nederlandsch Spectator, 1880.
- Worp, J. A. Engelsche Tooneelspelers op het vasteland in de 16de en 17de eeuw. Nederlandsch Museum, 1886.
- On the similarity between H. D. de Graaf’s Alcinea, of stantvastige Kuysheydt (1671), and The Winter’s Tale, cf. Bolte, J., in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXVI, pp. 87 ff., 1891. - iv. Scandinavia
- Bolte, J. Englische Komödianten in Dänemark und Schweden. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXIII, pp. 99 ff., 1888. - Dahlgren, F. A. Anteckningar om Stockholms Theatrar, pp. 5 ff. Stockholm, 1868.
- Ravn, V. C. Engelske Instrumentister ved det danske Hof paa Shakespeares Tid. For Idé og Virkelighed, pp. 75 ff. 1870.
- III. The Eighteenth Century
- i. France
- (a) Before Voltaire’s Lettres philosophiques.
- The earliest mentions of Shakespeare’s name in French books are as follows: Baillet, A., Jugemens des Savans, 1685–6; Temple, Sir W., Oeuvres melées, Utrecht, 1693; Journal des Savans, Supplément, Oct., 1708; Boyer, A., The Compleat French-Master, 1705 (?), 1710. Cf. Jusserand, J. J., op. cit.; also Robertson, J. G., The Knowledge of Shakespeare on the Continent at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, in Modern Language Review, vol.
I, pp. 312 ff., 1906. - Collier, J. La critique du Théâtre anglois. Traduite de l’Anglois. Paris, [char]
- Dissertation sur la poésie angloise. Journal littéraire, 1717.
- Le Spectateur, ou le Socrate moderne. Traduit de l’Anglois. Amsterdam, 1714, 1716–18, 1722–30, etc.
- Muralt, B. de. Lettres sur les Anglois et les François. Bern, 1725. Reprint by O. von Greyerz. Bern, 1897.
- (b) Voltaire and Shakespeare.
- The chief writings of Voltaire which have bearing on his attitude to Shakespeare are the following:
- Essai sur la poésie épique. 1728.
- Brutus. Discours sur la Tragédie à mylord Bolingbroke. 1731.
- Lettres philosophiques. (Lettres sur les Anglais.) 1734. E. tr. 1733. A new critical edition by Lanson, G. Paris, 1909. Cf. Le Coq de Villeray, Réponse ou critique des Lettres philosophiques de M. de Voltaire, 1735.
- Ériphyle, 1732; Zaire, 1733; La Mort de César, 1736; Mahomet, 1742; Sémiramis, 1748.
- Appel à toutes les Nations de l’Europe des jugements d’un écrivain anglais, ou manifeste au sujet des honneurs du pavillon entre les théâtres de Londres et de Paris. 1761, 1764.
- Jules César traduit. Observations sur le Jules César de Shakespeare. (Commentaires sur Corneille. 1764.)
- Lettre à l’Académie française. 1776. See also Rutledge, J., Observations à MM. de l’Académie française au sujet d’une lettre de M. de Voltaire, Paris, 1777; Madame de Montagu, Apologie de Shakespeare, en réponse à la critique de M. de Voltaire traduite de l’Anglois, Paris, 1777; Baretti, J., Discours sur Shakespeare et sur M. de Voltaire, London, 1777 (cf. Morandi, L., Voltaire contro Shakespeare, Baretti contro Voltaire, Rome, 1882); Eschenburg, J. J., Shakespeare wider neue voltärische Schmähungen verteidigt, Deutsches Museum, Jan., 1777.
- Irène. Préface (seconde lettre à l’Académie française). 1778.
- Cf. König, W., Voltaire und Shakespeare (Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
X, pp. 259 ff., 1875); Eberlin, Über das Verhältnis Voltaires zu Shakespeare, in Archiv f. d. Studium d. neueren Sprachen, vol.LXI, 1879; Lion, H., Les Tragédies et les Théories dramatiques de Voltaire Paris, 1896; Collins, J. Churton, Bolingbroke, a Historical Study, and Voltaire in England, 1886; id. Montaigne, Voltaire and Rousseau in England, 1908; Lounsbury, T. R., Shakespeare and Voltaire, 1902. There is also an extensive literature dealing with the relations of Voltaire’s tragedies (Brutus, La Mort de César, Zaire, etc.) to Shakespeare. - (c) Contemporary with Voltaire.
- Baculard d’Arnaud, F. Th. de. Le Comte de Comminges. Discours préliminaires. The Hague, 1764–5.
- Chaupepié, J. G. de. Nouveau Dictionnaire historique. Amsterdam, 1750 ff. (Shakespeare, in vol.
IV. 1756.) - Chénier, M. J. Brutus et Cassius. 1790.
- Destouches, Ph. N. de. Scènes angloises, tirées de la comédie intitulée La Tempête. (Destouches was in England in 1717–23.)
- Diderot, D’Alembert, etc. Encyclopédie. Paris, 1751–72. (Articles Génie, Stratford, Tragédie, etc.)
- Ducis, J. F. Hamlet, 1769; Roméo et Juliette, 1772; Le Roi Lear, 1783; Macbeth, 1784; Jean sans Terre, 1791; Othello, 1792. In Oeuvres. Paris, 1819–26. Cf. Grimm and Diderot, Correspondance littéraire, ed. Tourneux, vol.
X; also, Kühn, C., Über Ducis in seiner Beziehung zu Shakespeare (Diss.), Jena, 1875; Penning, G. E., Ducis als Nachahmer Shakespeares, 1884. - Garrick, David. Correspondence. London, 1831. (Letters to French friends.)
- Hénault, President. Nouveau Théâtre Français. François II, roi de France. Paris, 1747.
- Journal anglais. 1775.
- Journal étranger. 1754.
- La Coste, De. Voyage philosophique d’Angleterre fait en 1783 et 1784. London, 1786.
- La Harpe, J. F. Cours de Littérature. Paris, 1799.
- La Place, P. A. de. Le Théâtre Anglois. 8 vols. London, 1745. Cf. Mémoires de Trévoux, August, 1745—October, 1749; and Fiquet du Bocage, Lettre sur le Théâtre Anglois, avec une traduction de l’Avare de Shadwell, etc., 2 vols., Paris, 1752.
- Le Blanc, Abbé. Lettres d’un François. 3 vols. The Hague, 1745; Amsterdam, 1751.
- Le Tourneur, P. F. Shakespeare traduit de l’Anglois. 20 vols. Paris, 1776–82. New edition by Guizot, F., de Barante and A. Pichot. Paris, 1821. Cf. Cushing, M. G., Pierre Le Tourneur, New York, 1909.
- Marmontel, J. F. de. Chefs-d’oeuvre dramatiques. Paris, 1773.
- Mercier, S. Les Tombeaux de Vérone, 1782; Le Vieillard et les trois filles; 1792; Timon d’Athènes, 1794.
- —— Du Théâtre ou nouvel essai sur l’art dramatique. Paris, 1773. De la littérature et des littératures, suivi d’un nouvel examen de la tragédie française. Paris, 1778.
- Montesquieu. Notes sur l’Angleterre. 1730.
- Moreri, L. Supplément au Grand Dictionnaire. 2 vols. Paris, 1735.
- Parallèle entre Shakespeare et Corneille. Journal encyclopédique, 1760.
- Prévost, A. F. Mémoires d’un homme de qualité. Paris, 1728 ff.
- —— Le Pour et le Contre. Paris, 1733 ff. (Articles on Shakespeare, 1738 ff.)
- Racine, L. Remarques sur la poésie de Jean Racine, suivies d’un Traité sur la Poésie dramatique. 3 vols. Paris, 1752.
- Riccoboni, L. Réflexions historiques et critiques sur les differents Théâtres de l’Europe. Paris, 1738.
- Suard, J. B. A. Essai historique sur l’origine et les progrès du drame Anglais. Observations sur Shakespeare. Variétés littéraires, 4 vols. Paris, 1768.
- Besides the adaptations of Shakespeare’s dramas by Chénier, Ducis and Mercier referred to above, the following may also be noted: Le Marchand de Venise, 1768: Douin, Le More de Venise, 1773; Chevalier de Chastellux, Roméo et Juliette, 1774; De Rozoi, Richard III, 1782; Butini, M., Othello, 1785.
- For this sub-section, see, especially, Jusserand, J. J., op. cit.
- ii. Italy and Spain
- Andres, G. Dell’ Origine, progressi e stato attualo d’ogni letteratura. Vols.
I andII. Parma, 1782–5. A Spanish translation of this work—the author was a Spaniard—appeared at Madrid, 1784–1806. - Baretti, J. Discours sur Shakespeare et sur M. de Voltaire. London, 1777. (Cf. Morandi, L., op. cit. and Collison-Morley, L., Baretti, London, 1909.)
- Bettinelli, S. Anno Poetico. Vol.
I, p. 85. Venice, 1793. Lettere inglesi. Opere. Vol.XII, p. 179. Venice, 1799–1801. - Conti, A. Il Cesare. Faenza, 1726. Cf. Conti’s Prose e Poesie, vol.
II, pp. 37 f., 1756. (Julius Caesar was translated into Italian by Valentini, D., in 1756.) - Goldoni, C. I Malcontenti. Verona, 1754.
- Maffei, Scipio. Osservazioni letterarie. Verona, 1737.
- Marenco, V. Lo spirito di patriotismo riguardo alle scienze e alla letteratura. p. 84. Turin, 1783.
- Martinelli, V. Istoria critica della vita civile. p. 173. London, 1752.
- Moratin, L. F. Hamlet. Tragedia de Guillermo Shakespeare. Traducida e ilustrada con la vida del autor y notas criticas. Madrid, 1798. Cf. C. Michaelis, Hamlet in Spanien, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
X, pp. 311 ff., (1874), and Menéndez y Pelayo, Historia de las Ideas estéticas en España, vol.VI, pp. 129 ff., 135 ff. - Nuovo giornale de’ Letterati d’Italia. No. 20. 1788.
- Osservazioni fatte da un viaggiatore in alcuni paesi d’Europa. p. 40. Lucca, 1767.
- Pignotti, L. La tomba di Shakespeare. Florence, 1779.
- Pindemonte, I. Arminio. (Prologo.) 1797.
- Quadrio, F. S. Storia e ragione d’ogni poesia. Vol.
III, i, pp. 149 f.; vol.III, ii, pp. 126, 363; Index vol., pp. 213 f. Milan, 1743–52. - Rolli, P. Vita di Milton, G. (Il Paradiso perduto. London, 1735.)
- Verri, A. Prose translations of Hamlet and Othello. (Cf. Carcano, G., in the Revista Europea, Nov.–Dec., 1845.)
- Cf. Scherillo, M., Ammiratori e imitatori dello Shakespeare prima del Manzoni, in Nuova Antologia, 3rd series, vol.
XLII, pp. 208 ff.; and Bertana E., Teatro tragico italiano del secoloXVIII, in Giornale storico della lett. ital., Suppl.IV, pp. 73 f., 1901. - (Shakespeare was played extensively in Italian and Spanish theatres in translations of the version of Ducis before the end of the eighteenth century.)
- iii. Germany
- (a) Before Borck’s translation of Julius Caesar.
- Acta Eruditorum. Leipzig, 1695, 1702, 1720.
- Allgemeines historisches Lexicon. Ed. Buddeus, J. F. Vol.
IV. Leipzig, 1709. - Bentheim, H. L. Engelländischer Kirch- und Schulen-Staat. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1732.
- Bodmer, J. J. Miltons Verlust des Paradieses (Preface). Zurich, 1732. Critische Abhandlung von dem Wunderbaren in der Poesie. Zurich, 1740. Critische Betrachtungen der poetischen Gemählde der Dichter. Zurich. 1741.
- Compendiöses Gelehrten-Lexicon. Ed. Mencke, J. B. Leipzig, 1715, 1725, 1733.
- Cramer, J. F. Vindiciae nominis Germanici, contra quosdam obtrectatores Gallos. Amsterdam, 1694.
- Feind, B. Gedanken von der Opera. Gedichte 1. Stade, 1708.
- Morhof, D. G. Unterricht von der Teutschen Sprache und Poesie. Kiel, 1682, 1700, 1718.
- Richey, M. 1726 (Mention of Merry Wives). Cf. Wurth, L., Zu Wielands, Eschenburgs und A. W. Schlegels Übersetzungen des Sommernachts-traumes. (Progr.) Budweis, 1897.
- Vernünfftler, der. Hamburg, 1713. No. 85 (Quotation from Henry IV, Part
II ). Cf. Jacoby, Die ersten moralischen Wochenschriften Hamburgs. (Progr.) 1888. - (b) From Borck to Wieland.
- Borck, K. W. von. Versuch einer gebundenen Übersetzung des Trauerspiels vom Tode des Julius Cäsar. Berlin, 1741. Cf. Gottsched’s criticism in Beiträge zur kritischen Historie der deutschen Sprache, vol.
VII, pp. 516 ff., 1741; also J. E. Schlegel’s in same volume (see below); Paetow, W., Die erste metrische deutsche Shakespeareübertragung in ihrer Stellung zu ihrer Literaturepoche (Diss.), Bern, 1892. - Mendelssohn, M. (Cf. Goldstein, L., M. Mendelssohn und die deutsche Ästhetik, pp. 174 ff., Königsberg, 1904.)
- Neue Erweiterungen der Erkenntnis und des Vergnügens. Frankfort and Leipzig, 1753 (Life of Shakespeare); 1756 (Translation of scenes from Richard III).
- Neue Probestücke der Englischen Schaubühne. (Translation of Romeo and Juliet.) Basel, 1758.
- Neuer Büchersaal der schönen Wissenschaften und freyen Künste. Heft 8. Leipzig, 1744
- Schlegel, J. E. Vergleichung Shakespears und Andreas Gryphs. In Gottsched’s Beiträge zur kritischen Historie, etc., vol.
VII, pp. 540 ff., 1741. Rptd. in J. E. Schlegel’s Werke, vol.III, 1704; also in Ästhetische und dramaturgische Schriften, herausg. von J. von Antoniewicz, Stuttgart, 1887. - Wieland, C. M. Shakespears Theatralische Werke. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. 8 vols. Zürich, 1763–66. A new critical edition is appearing in Wielands Gesammelte Schriften, published by the Berlin Academy, begun in 1909. Cf. Köllmann, A., Wieland und Shakespeare (Progr.), Remscheid, 1896; Simpson, M., Eine Vergleichung der Wielandschen Shakespeare-Übersetzung mit dem Orginale (Diss.), Munich, 1898; Stadler, E., Wieland und Shakespeare, Strassburg, 1909.
- (c) Lessing and Shakespeare.
- Lessing mentions or discusses Shakespeare in the following works:
- Beitrage zur Historie und Aufnahme des Theaters. 1750. This periodical also contains a translation by Mylius, C., of the chapters on the English drama from Voltaire’s Lettres philosophiques.
- Theatralische Bibliothek. 1758. Contains a translation of Dryden’s Versuch über die dramatische Poesie.
- Briefe, die neueste Literatur betreffend. No. 17 (16 February, 1759).
- Hamburgische Dramaturgie. Nos. 12, 15, 73. 1767–8.
- Cf. Meisner, F. W., Lessing und Shakespeare, in Publications of the Modern Language Association, vol.
XIX, pp. 234 ff., 1904; Kettner, G., Lessing und Shakespeare, in Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, etc., pp. 267 ff., 1907; Böhtlingk, A., Lessing und Shakespeare, Leipzig, 1808: see also Joachimi-Dege, M., op. cit. pp. 19 ff. - (d) During the Sturm und Drang.
- Brömel, W. H. Gerechtigkeit und Rache. Ein Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. Vienna, 1783. (Measure for Measure.) Gideon von Tromberg. Posse in 3 Akten. Leipzig, 1793. (The Merry Wives.)
- Bürger, G. A. macbeth, ein Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen nach Shakespear. Gottingen, 1783. Cf. Minor, J., Zu Bürgers Macbeth-Übersetzung. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXXVI, p. 90, 1900. - Dalberg, W. H. von. Julius Casar oder die Verschwörung des Brutus. Ein Trauerspiel in sechs Handlungen von Shakespear. Mannheim, 1785. Dalberg also adapted for the Mannheim stage Timon of Athens, the Merchant of Venice and Coriolanus. (See Kilian, E., in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXV, pp. 4 ff., 1890; vol.XXVI, pp. 4 ff., 1892); also Alafberg, F., Dalberg, W. H. von. Berlin, 1907. - Eschenburg, J. J. William Shakespear’s Schauspiele. Neue Ausgabe. 12 vols. Zürich, 1775–7. (A thirteenth volume, containing the doubtful plays appeared in 1782.) A new edition, revised by Eckert, G., appeared in 24 volumes at Mannheim, 1780–8. Cf. Uhde-Bernays, H., Der Mannheimer Shakespeare, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der ersten deutschen Shakespeare-Übersetzungen, Berlin, 1902. A final edition was published at Zurich, 12 vols. 1798–1806.
- —— Über Shakespeare. Zurich, 1787.
- Fischer, F. J. Schauspiele von Shakespeare für das Prager Theater adaptirt. Prague, 1778. (Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Richard II, Timon.)
- Gerstenberg, H. W. von. Briefe über Merkwürdigkeiten der Literatur. Schleswig, 1766–7. Nos. 14–18. Reprint by Weilen, A. von. Heilbronn, 1890.
- Herder, J. G. Shakespear. In Von deutscher Art und Kunst, Hamburg, 1773. Cf. Suphan, B., Herder an Gerstenberg über Shakespeare (Vierteljahrsschrift für Lit.-Gesch. vol.
II, pp. 446 ff., 1889). - Heufeld, F. Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark. Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen nach Shakespear. Neue Schauspiele aufgeführt zu Wien, vol.
VII, 1773. Cf. Weilen, A. von, Hamlet auf der deutschen Bühne bis zur Gegenwart, pp. 11 ff., Berlin, 1908. - Jacobowski, L. Klinger und Shakespeare. Ein Beitrag zur Shakespeareomanie der Sturm- und Drangperiode. Dresden, 1891.
- Keckeis, G. Dramaturgische Probleme im Sturm und Drang. Bern, 1907.
- Lenz, J. M. R. Anmerkungen übers Theater nebst angehängtem übersetzten. Stück Shakespeares, Amor vincit omnia (Love’s Labour’s Lost). Leipzig, 1774. Cf. Rauch, H., Lenz und Shakespeare, Ein Beitrag zur Shakespeareomanie der Sturm- und Drangperiode (Diss.), Berlin, 1892.
- Schink, J. F. Dramaturgische Fragmente. 4 vols. Graz, 1781–4. Schink adapted for the stage Macbeth (1780), The Tempest (1780), Taming of the Shrew (Die bezähmte Widerbellerin, oder Gasner der zweite, 1781), and Coriolanus (1789). Cf. Humbert, C., Schink und die erste Periode der deutschen Hamlet-Kritik, in Zeitschrift für lateinlose höhere Schulen, vol.
IX, pp. 321 ff. Schink also parodied Hamlet in Prinz Hamlet von Dännemark, Marionettenspiel, Berlin, 1779. - Schröder, F. L. hamlet, Prinz von Dännemark. Ein Trauerspiel in sechs Aufzügen. Hamburg, 1777. (First performance, Hamburg, 20 September, 1776.) Rptd. in Dramatische Werke, vol.
IV, Berlin, 1831; a revised version appeared in Hamburgisches Theater, vol.III, 1778. Cf. Weilen, A. von, Hamlet auf der deutschen Bühne bis zur Gegenwart, Berlin, 1908. Schröder’s versions of Othello (1776), Merchant of Venice (1777) and Richard II (1778) were not published by him; that of Measure for Measure (1777) appeared in Sammlung von Schauspielen fürs Hamburgische Theater, vol.I, 1790; and of King Lear in vol.IV of Hamburgische Theater, 1778; Henry IV (both parts reduced to one drama, 1778) appeared in 1782 at Vienna. Cf. Vincke, G. von, F. L. Schröder, der deutsche Shakespeare-Begründer, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XI, pp. 1 ff., 1876; also in Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Bühnengeschichte, pp. 5 ff., Hamburg, 1893; Litzmann, B., F. L. Schröder, vol.II, Hamburg, 1894; and Merschberger, H., Die Anfänge Shakespeares auf der Hamburger Bühne, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XXV, pp. 205 ff., 1890. - Wagner, H. L. Macbeth, ein Trauerspiel fünf Aufzügen nach Shakespear. Frankfort, 1779.
- Weisse, C. F. Richard der Dritte. Beytrag zum deutschen Theater. Vol.
I. Leipzig, 1759; 2nd ed., 1765. Reprint, edited by Jacoby, D., Berlin, 1904. - —— Romeo und Julie. Ein bürgerliches Trauerspiel. Beytrag zum deutschen Theater. Vol.
V. 1768. Cf. Minor, J., C. F. Weisse und seine Beziehungen zur deutschen Literatur des 18. Jahrh., Innsbruck, 1880. - Wolff, E. Der Einfluss Shakespeares auf die Sturm- und Drangperiode unserer Literatur im 18. Jahrh. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Lit.-Gesch., vol.
II, 1890. - Other noteworthy translations and adaptations of this period are as follows: Othello, by Schmid, C. H. (Englisches Theater, vol.
I, Leipzig, 1769); by Steffens, J. H., Frankfort, 1770; Merry Wives, by Pelzel (Die lustigen Abentheuer an der Wienn, Vienna, 1771); Cymbeline, by Sulzer, J. G., Danzig, 1772; Macbeth, by Stephanie, G., der jüngere, Vienna, 1773; Midsummer Night’s Dream, by Pauersbach (Die ländlichen Hochzeitfeste, Vienna, 1773); Comedy of Errors, by Grossmann, G. F. W., Frankfort, 1777; Romeo and Julie (Schauspiel mit Gesang), by Gotter, F. W., Leipzig, 1779; King Lear, by Bock, J. C. (Vermischtes Theater der Ausländer, Leipzig, 1779); Much Ado, by Engel, J. J. (Der Vermählungstag, 1779); Hamlet, anonymous, Frankfort, 1779; Richard II, by Gemmingen, O., Mannheim, 1782. - (e) Goethe and Schiller.
- Goethe, J. W. von. Zum Schäkespears Tag. 1771. Plan of a Drama on Julius Caesar. 1774. Götz von Berlichingen. 1773. Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. 1795–6. Romeo and Julie für das Theater bearbeitet. 1812. (Cf. Hauschild, G. R., Das Verhältnis von Goethes Romeo und Julia zu Shakespeares gleichnamiger Tragödie (Progr.), Frankfort, 1907.) Shakespeare und kein Ende. 1815.
- Cf. the following:
- Böhtlingk, A. Goethe und Shakespeare. Leipzig, 1909.
- Düntzer, H. Shakespeare und der junge Goethe. Neue Beiträge zur Goethe-Forschung. Stuttgart, 1891.
- Harnack, O. Über Goethes Verhältnis zu Shakespeare. Essais und Studien. Brunswick, 1899.
- Leo, F. A. Shakespeare und Goethe. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXIV, pp. 9 ff., 1888. - Minor, J. and Sauer, A. Götz und Shakespeare. In Studien zur Goethe-Philologie, pp. 237 ff. Vienna, 1880.
- Ulrici, H. Goethe und Schiller in ihrem Verhältnis zu Shakespeare. In Abhandlungen zur Kunstgeschichte als angewandter Ästhetik. Leipzig, 1876.
- Wagener, C. B. Shakespeares Einfluss auf Goethe in Leben und Dichtung. 1. (Diss.) Halle, 1890.
- For Shakespeare on the Weimar stage during Goethe’s directorship of the theatre, see Burckhardt, C. A. H., Das Repertoire des Weimarischen Theatres unter Goethes Leitung, Hamburg, 1891.
- [char] Macbeth. 1801. (Cf. Schatzmann, G., Schillers Macbeth mit dem Original verglichen, Trautenau, 1889.) Othello (übersetzt von H. Voss; eingerichtet für die Bühne von Schiller). 1805.
- Cf. the following:
- Engel, J. Spüren Shakespeares in Schillers dramatischen Werken. Magdeburg, 1901.
- Köster, A. Schiller als Dramaturg. Berlin, 1891.
- Minor, J. Schiller und Shakespeare. Zeitschrift für deut. Phil. vol.
XX, pp. 71 ff., 1888. - Vincke, G. von. Schiller als Shakespeare-Bearbeiter. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XV, pp. 222 ff., 1880; also in Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Bühnengeschichte, pp. 115 ff., Hamburg, 1893. - (f) The Romantic School.
- Schlegel, A. W. Shakespeare’s Dramatische Werke, übersetzt. Vols.
I–VIII. Berlin, 1797–1801; vol.IX, 1810. Neue Ausgabe, ergänzt und erläutert von L. Tieck. 9 vols. 1825, 1830–3. Revised edition by Ulrici, H., and the German Shakespeare Society, 12 vols. Berlin, 1867–71. By Brandl, A. 10 vols. Leipzig, 1897–9. Many other reprints. A new revised edition by Conrad, H., appeared at Stuttgart, 1905. (See the controversy on the merits of this revision, Shakesp. Jahrb., vols.XXXVIII ff.) The first drama to be performed in Schlegel’s translation was Hamlet, Berlin, 15 October, 1799. - Cf. Bernays, M., Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Schlegel’schen Shakespeare, Leipzig, 1872; Seuffert, B., Wielands, Eschenburgs und Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzungen, in Archiv für Lit.-Gesch. vol.
XIII, pp. 229 ff., 1884; Genée, R., A. W. Schlegel und Shakespeare. Ein Beitrag zur Würdigung der Schlegel’schen Übersetzungen, Berlin, 1904. - Schlegel, A. W. Etwas über William Shakespeare bei Gelegenheit Wilhelm Meisters. In Die Horen, vol.
IV, 1796. Über Shakespeares Romeo und Julia. In Die Horen, vol.X, 1797. First speeimens of his translation also in this journal, 1796. - —— Über dramatische Kunst und Literatur. Vorlesungen. Heidelberg, 1809–11. (Lectures
XXII–XXVII. ) - Schlegel, F. Die Griechen und Römer. 1797. Geschichte der alten und neuen Literatur. Vienna, 1815.
- Tieck, J. L. Der Sturm. Ein Schauspiel von Shakespear, für das Theater bearbeitet. Nebst einer Abhandlung über Shakespeare Behandlung des Wunderbaren. Berlin, 1796. Other adaptations of The Tempest, with music, at this time were: by Gotter, F. W. (Die Horen, vol.
XI, 1797); by Hensler, K. F. (music by Müller, W.), Vienna, 1798; by J. W. D., Cassel, 1798; by Bergh, A. (music by Winter, P.), Munich, 1798. - —— Altenglisches Theater. 2 vols. Berlin, 1811. Sämmtliche Werke, vols.
XXI andXXII. Shakespeares Vorschule. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1823–9. Vier Schauspiele von Shakespeare (doubtful plays). Stuttgart, 1836. Kritische Schriften, vol.IV. Leipzig, 1852. - —— Der junge Tischlermeister. Berlin, 1836.
- Cf. Delius, N., Die Tieck’sche Shakespeare-Kritik, Bonn, 1846; Koch, M., L. Tiecks Stellung zu Shakespeare, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXXII, pp. 330 ff., 1896; also Zelak, D., Tieck und Shakespeare. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Shakespeareomanie in Deutschland, Tarnopol, 1902. - For the attitude of the Romantic School to Shakespeare, see, especially, Joachimi-Dege, M., op cit.
- iv. Holland
- Anonymous translations of Hamlet, The Tempest and The Merry Wives appeared in 1778; of King John, Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew in 1780; of the Comedy of Errors, Henry IV, Part
I, and Othello in 1781. In 1781 Brunius, B., translated Antony and Cleopatra, Richard II and the Two Gentlemen; and in 1782 Coriolanus, Henry IV, PartII, and Much Ado. All these translations were published together in 5 vols. under the title: Tooneelspelen. Met de bronwellen en aanteekeningen van verscheide beroemde schrijveren uit het Engl. vertaald, Amsterdam, 1778–82. - The Hamlet of Ducis was translated in 1777, Lear in 1786 and Othello in 1802.
- Cf. Arnold, Th. J. I., Shakespeare in de nederlandsche Letterkunde. Bibliographisch Adversaria, vol.
IV, pp. 97 ff., Hague, 1878–82. - v. Denmark
- Rosenfeldt, N., translated several plays of Shakespeare’s into Danish as early as 1790–1. Danish opinion of Shakespeare in the later years of the eighteenth century is, for the most part, a reflex of that held in Germany. Luxdorph, B. W. (1716–88) maintained the Voltairean standpoint, while the later Romantic writers, such as Johannes Ewald, Jens Baggesen, and Carsten Hauch, were deeply influenced by Shakespeare.
- vi. Russia
- On Catherine II’s imitations of The Merry Wives and Timon, see Lirondelle, A., Catherine II élève de Shakespeare, in Revue germanique, vol.
IV, pp. 179 ff., 1908. - IV. The Nineteenth Century
- i. France
- (a) L’École Romantique.
- Ampère, J. J. Le Théâtre comparé de Racine et de Shakespeare. Le Globe, 1825.
- barante, A. G. P. B. de. Mélanges historiques et littéraires. 3 vols. Paris, 1835.
- Chasles, Ph. Études sur W. Shakespeare, Marie Stuart, et l’Arétin. Paris, 1851.
- Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Shakespeare. 1801.
- Deschamps, E. Études françaises et étrangères. Paris, 1829. Deschamps also translated Romeo and Juliet, 1839, and Macbeth, 1844.
- Dumas, A. et Meurice, P. Hamlet. Paris, 1847.
- Dupin, Ch. Lettre à Milady Morgan sur Racine et sur Shakespeare. Paris, 1818.
- Duport, P. Essais littéraires sur Shakespeare. Paris, 1828.
- Geoffroy, J. L. Cours de littérature dramatique. Paris, 1819–20.
- Le Globe. 1824–30.
- Guizot, F. De Shakespeare et de la Poésie dramatique. Paris, 1822. Guizot’s new edition of Le Tourneur’s translation of Shakespeare (1821) (see above) was of great importance for the French romantic movement.
- —— Shakespeare et son temps. Paris, 1852.
- Hugo, F. V. Oeuvres complètes de Shakespeare. Traduites. 18 vols. Paris, 1850–67.
- Hugo, V. Cromwell. Tragédie. Préface. Paris, 1827. Cf. Souriau, M., La Préface de Cromwell. Paris, 1897.
- —— William Shakespeare. Paris, 1864.
- Lamartine, A. de. Shakespeare et son oeuvre. Paris, 1865.
- Laroche, R. Oeuvres dramatiques de Shakespeare. Traduction nouvelle, précédée d’une introduction sur le génie de Shakespeare par A. Dumas. 7 vols. Paris, 1839–43.
- magnin, Ch. Le Théâtre anglais à Paris in the Globe, 1827–8. Causeries et Méditations, vol.
II, pp. 62 ff. Paris, 1843. - Mézières, G. Shakespeare, ses oeuvres et ses critiques. Paris, 1860.
- Musset, A. de. Cf. Fricke, E., Der Einfluss Shakespeares auf Alfred de Mussets Dramen (Diss.), Basel, 1901.
- Nodier, Ch. Pensées de Shakespeare extraites de ses oeuvres. Besançon, 1801.
- Schlegel, A. W. Cours de littérature dramatique, traduit. 3 vols. Paris, 1814.
- Sorsum, B. de. La Tempête, Macbeth, Coriolan, Le Songe d’une unit d’été, traduits. 2 vols. Paris, 1826.
- Soulié, F. Roméo et Juliette, tragédie. Paris, 1828.
- Staël, Madame de. De la littérature. Paris, 1800.
- Stendhal (Henri Beyle). Racine et Shakespeare. Paris, 1823.
- Symmes, H. S. Les débuts de la critique dramatique en Angleterre jusqu’à la mort de Shakespeare. Paris, 1903.
- Talma, F. J. Mémoires, ed. par Moreau, C. F. J. B., Paris, 1826, and Dumas, A., Paris, 1849–50. Cf. Lemercier, N., Notice historique sur Talma, Paris, 1827; Barante, op. cit. vol.
III, p. 234. - Vigny, A. de. Othello, traduit. Préface. Paris, 1829.
- Villemain, A. F. Essai biographique et littéraire sur Shakespeare. Paris, 1838.
- Cf., for this section, Wattendorf, L., Essai sur l’influence que Shakespeare a exercée sur la tragédie romantique française,
I etII (Progr.), Coblenz, 1888–9; Lacroix, A., op. cit. - (b) Translations and Criticism since 1864.
- The following are among the more important recent French contributions to the literature of Shakespeare:
- Darmesteter, J. Essais de littérature anglaise. Paris, 1883.
- —— Shakespeare. Paris, 1889.
- Duval, G. Oeuvres dramatiques de William Shakespeare. Traduction nouvelle. 8 vols. Paris, 1908 ff.
- Jusserand, J. J. Histoire littéraire du peuple anglais. Vol.
II. Paris, 1904. (E. tr. London, 1906.) - Montégut, E. Oeuvres complètes de Shakespeare. Traduites par Montégut, E. 10 vols. Paris, 1868–73.
- Renan, E. Caliban, suite de la Tempête. Paris, 1878.
- Stapfer, P. Shakespeare et l’antiquité. Paris, 1879–80.
- Taine, H. Histoire de la littérature anglaise. 4 vols. Paris, 1864.
- ii. Italy
- Carcano, G. Teatro scelto di Shakespeare, tradotto da G. Carcano. 3 vols. Florence, 1857–9. Complete ed., Milan, 1875–82.
- Leoni, M. Tragedie di Shakespeare, tradotte da M. Leoni. 14 vols. Verona, 1819–22.
- Manzoni, A. Il Conte di Carmagnola. 1820. Adelchi. 1822. Cf. Reforgiato, V., Shakespeare e Manzoni, Catania, 1908; Bellezza, P., Gli studi shakespeariani del Manzoni, Giornale stor. della lett. ital., 1898.
- Monti, V. Cf. Kerbaker, M., Shakespeare e Goethe nei versi di V. Monti, Florence, 1897.
- Rossi, E. Studii drammatici e lettere autobiografiche. Florence, 1885.
- Rusconi, C. Teatro completo di Shakespeare. 7 vols. Padua, 1838.
- iii. Spain and Portugal
- Clark, J. Obras de Shakespeare. Versión castellana. Vols.
I–V. Madrid, 1874. - Luiz (King of Portugal). Cf. Condamin, J., Un royal traducteur de Shakespeare, Louis, roi de Portugal, in Études et Souvenirs, Paris, 1883.
- Macpherson, G. Obras dramáticas de Shakespeare. Con estudio de E. Benot. Vols.
I–III. Madrid, 1885. - Michaëlis de Vasconcellos, C. Shakespeare in Portugal. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XV, pp. 266 ff., 1880. - Velasco y Rojas, M. de. Obras de W. Shakespeare traducidas. Vols.
I–III. Madrid, 1872–7. (Poems, Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet.) - White, J. Blanco. Shakespeare. Traducción poética de algunos pasages di sus dramas. Variedades, vol.
I. London, 1824. - Schlegel’s Lectures on dramatic literature were translated into Spanish in 1818.
- iv. Greece
- The standard modern Greek translation is that of Bikela, D., Athens, 1876–82. Cf. Wagner, W., Shakespeare in Griechenland, 1875; Boltz, A., Shakespeare in Griechenland, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XI, pp. 183 ff., 1876. - v. Germany
- (a) Before 1864.
- Bodenstedt, F. Shakespeares Zeitgenossen. 3 vols. Berlin, 1858–60.
- —— Shakespeares Sonetten. Berlin, 1862.
- Deinhardstein, J. L. Adaptations of Twelfth Night (Viola, 1839); and Taming of the Shrew (Die Widerspänstige, 1839).
- Delius, N. Macbeth. Bremen, 1841. Der Mythus von W. Shakespeare. Bonn, 1851. Shakespeare-Lexicon. Bonn, 1852. Über das englische Theaterwesen zu Shakespeares Zeit. Bonn, 1853; etc.
- Delius, N. Sämmtliche Werke Shakespeares. Kritische Ausgabe. 7 vols. Bonn, 1854–61. 5th ed., 2 vols. 1882. Cf. Bernays, M., N. Delius Ausgabe der Shakespeare’schen Werke, 1870. (Schriften zur Kritik und Literaturgeschichte. Vol.
III. Berlin, 1903.) - —— Der Mythus von William Shakspere. Eine Kritik der Shakspere’schen Biographie. Bonn, 1851.
- Dingelstedt, F. Studien und Kopien nach Shakespeare. Budapest, 1858. (Adaptations of Macbeth and The Tempest.)
- Freytag, G. Baudissins Shakespeare-Übersetzung und die Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Gesammelte Werke, vol.
XVI. - Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1849–50. 4th ed., 2 vols. 1872.
- —— Händel und Shakespeare. Leipzig, 1868.
- Grabbe, C. D. Cf. Bartmann, H., Grabbes Verhältnis zu Shakespeare (Diss.), Munster, 1898.
- Grillparzer, F. Cf. Bolin, W., Grillparzers Shakespeare-Studien. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XVIII, 1883. - Hebbel, C. F. Cf. Alberts, W., Hebbels Stellung zu Shakespeare, Berlin, 1908.
- Hegel, G. W. F. Vorlesungen über Äthetik. Berlin, 1835–8.
- Heine, H. Shakespeares Mädchen und Frauen. In Sämmtliche Werke, vol.
V. Leipzig, 1839. Cf. Schalles, E. A., Heines Verhältnis zu Shakespeare, Berlin, 1904. - Immermann, K. Theaterbriefe. Berlin, 1851. The following dramas were performed in Düsseldorf under Immermann’s direction (1834–7): Macbeth, Hamlet, King John, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Julius Caesar. In 1840 As You Like It was represented on an imitation of the Elizabethan stage. Cf. Fellner, R., Geschichte einer deutschen Musterbühne, Stuttgart, 1888.
- Keller, A. and Rapp, M. W. Shakespeares Schauspiele, übersetzt und erläutert. 8 vols. Stuttgart, 1843–6.
- Klingemann, A. Hamlet. Trauerspiel in sechs Aufzügen von William Shakespeare. Nach Goethes Andeutungen im Wilhelm Meister und A. W. Schlegels Übersetzung für die deutsche Bühne bearbeitet. Leipzig, 1815. Cf. Kopp, H., Die Bühnenleitung A. Klingemanns in Braunschweig. 1901.
- Kreyssig, F. Vorlesungen über Shakespeare und seine Werke. 3 vols. Berlin, 1858. 3rd ed. 1877.
- Laube, H. Das Burghtheater. Leipzig, 1868. Cf. Weilen, A. von, Laube und Shakespeare, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XLIII, pp. 98 ff., 1907; also Fischer, R., Shakespeare und das Burgtheater, Eine Reperotirestudie, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.XXXVII, pp. 123 ff., 1901. - Ludwig, O. Shakespeare-Studien. Leipzig, 1871. Cf. Scherer, W., Otto Ludwigs Shakespeare-Studien, in Aufsätze und Vorträge, Berlin, 1874; Meyer, R. M., Otto Ludwigs Shakespeare-Studium, Shakesp, Jahrb., vol.
XXXVII, pp. 59 ff., 1901. - Mommsen, Tycho. Romeo and Juliet. Nebst einer Einleitung über den Werth der Textquellen und den Versbau Shakespeare’s. Oldenburg, 1859.
- —— Marlow und Shakespeare. Eisenach, 1854. (Biogr.)
- Mosenthal, H. Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor. Musik von Nicolai. 1854.
- Rötscher, H. T. Shakespeare in seinen höchsten Charaktergebilden enthüllt und entwickelt. Dresden, 1864.
- Rümelin, G. Shakespeare-Studien. Stuttgart, 1866.
- Schreyvogel, J. (pseud., West, C. A.), adapted Henry IV, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Merchant of Venice, Othello. Cf. Kilian, E., Schreyvogels Shakespeare-Bearbeitungen, Shakesp. Jahrb., vols.
XXXIX, XLI andXLIII, 1903–7. - Simrock, K. Die Quellen des Shakespeare in Novellen, Märchen und Sagen. 3 vols. Berlin, 1831.
- Ulrici, H. Über Shakespeares dramatische Kunst und sein Verhältnis zu Calderon und Goethe. Halle, 1839. (E. tr. of 3rd ed. by Schmitz, L. D. 1876.)
- Vischer, F. T. Kritische Gänge. Neue Folge. Stuttgart, 1861.
- —— Shakespeare-Vorträge. 6 vols. Berlin, 1899–1905.
- Voss, H. and A. W. Shakespeares (von Schlegel noch nicht übersetzte) Schauspiele. 3 vols. Stuttgart, 1810.
- Voss, J. H. und dessen Söhne, H. and A. Shakespeares Schauspiele. 9 vols. Leipzig, 1819–29.
- Only a selection has been given above of the many translations and adaptations of Shakespearean dramas in this period.
- (b) Since 1864.
- Benedix, R. Die Shakespeareomanie. Stuttgart, 1873.
- Bodenstedt, F. Shakespeares Frauencharaktere. Leipzig, 1875.
- Bodenstedt, F., Freiligrath, F., Gildemeister, O., Heyse, P., Kurz, H., Wilbrandt, A. William Shakespeares dramatische Werke übersetzt. Nach der Textrevision und unter Mitwirkung von N. Delius. 36 vols. Leipzig, 1867–71.
- Bulthaupt, H. Shakespeare. Dramaturgie des Schauspiels, vol.
II. Oldenburg, 1883. 6th ed. 1898. - Delius, N. Abhandlungen zu Shakespeare. Elberfeld, 1878. New Series. Elberfeld, 1888.
- —— Dryden und Shakespeare. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
IV, 1869. - Dingelstedt, F. Shakespeares Historien. Deutsche Bühnenausgabe. 3 vols. Berlin, 1867.
- Dingelstedt, F., Jordan, W., Seeger, L., Simrock, K., Viehoff, H., Gelbke, F. A. Shakespeares dramatische Werke und Sonette in neuen Original-Übersetzungen. 10 vols. Hildburghausen, 1865–7.
- Elze, K. William Shakespeare. Halle, 1876.
- —— Abhandlungen zu Shakespeare. Halle, 1877.
- Fischer, K. Shakespeares Charakterentwicklung Richards III. Heidelberg, 1889. Shakespeares Hamlet. Heidelberg, 1896.
- Friesen, H. von. Shakespearestudien. 3 vols. Vienna, 1864–76.
- —— Briefe über Shakespeares Hamlet. Leipzig, 1864.
- Gundolf, F. Shakespeare in deutscher Sprache. Herausgegeben und zum Teil neu übersetzt von F. Gundolf. Berlin, 1908 and cont.
- Hebler, C. Aufsätze über Shakespeare. Bern, 1865. 2nd ed. 1874.
- Hense, C. C. Shakespeare. Untersuchungen und Studien. Halle, 1884.
- —— John Lilly und Shakespeare. Shakesp. Jahrb., vols.
VII andVIII, 1872–3. - Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Berlin, Weimar, 1865 and cont.
- Koch, M. Shakespeare. Stuttgart, 1885.
- Koeppel, E. Studien über Shakespeare’s Wirkung auf zeitgenössiche Dramatiker. Louvain, 1905.
- Koeppel, R. Shakespeare-Studien. Berlin, 1896–9.
- Loening, R. Die Hamlet-Tragödie Shakespeares. Stuttgart, 1893.
- Monrad, M. J. Hamlet und kein Ende. 1878.
- Sarrazin, G. W. Shakespeares Lehrjahre. Eine literarhistorische Studie. Weimar, 1897.
- Schmidt, A. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1889.
- —— King Lear. Berlin, 1879.
- Schücking, L. L. Shakespeare in literarischen Urteil seiner Zeit. Heidelberg, 1898.
- Ten Brink, B. Shakespeare. Fünf Vorlesungen aus dem Nachlass. Strassburg, 1893.
- Tschischwitz, B. Shakspere-Forschungen. Halle, 1868.
- Werder, K. Vorlesungen über Shakespeares Hamlet. Berlin, 1875. Vorlesungen über Shakespeares Macbeth. Berlin, 1885.
- Wetz, W. Shakespeare vom Standpunkt der vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. Vol.
I. Hamburg, 1897. - Wolff, M. J. William Shakespeare. Studien und Aufsätze. Leipzig, 1903.
- —— Shakespeare. Der Dichter und sein Werk. 2 vols. Munich, 1908.
- For some recent German publications on the Shakespearean stage and theatrical affairs in his time, see entries at the close of Sec. 8, ante.
- On Shakespeare in the Meiningen Court Theatre, see Rossmann, W., Über die Shakespeare-Aufführungen in Meiningen, Shakesp. Jahrb. vol.
II, 1867; Oechelhäuser, W., Die Shakespeare-Aufführungen in Meiningen, Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.III 1868; Herrig, H., Die Meininger, 2 parts, Dresden, 1879; Richard, Chronik Sämmtlicher Gastspiele des meiningenschen Hoftheaters, 1874–90, Leipzig, 1890. On the Munich Shakespeare Stage, see Savits, J., Von der Absicht des Dramas, Munich, 1908. On Shakespeare in the Deutsche Theater in Berlin under Max Reinhardt’s direction, see Legband, P., Das Deutsche Theater in Berlin, Munich, 1909. - vi. Holland
- Arnold, J. Shakespeare in de Nederlandsche letterkunde en op het Nederlandsch tooneel. Bibliographische Adversaria, vol.
IV, no. 4 en 5. The Hague, 1879. - Burgersdijk, L. A. J. De Werken van W. Shakespeare. Vertaald door L. A. J. Burgersdijk. 12 vols. Leiden, 1884–8.
- Kok, A. S. Shakespeares Dramatische Werken, vertaald en toegelicht door A. S. Kok. Amsterdam, 1873–80.
- Loffelt, A. C. Uren met Shakespeare. Leiden, 1889.
- Cf. Schneider, L., Shakespeare in den Niederlanden, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXVI, pp. 43 ff., 1891. - vii. Scandinavia
- Foersom, P. and Wulff, P. F. W. Shakespeares Tragiske waerker, oversatte. 7 vols. Copenhagen, 1807–25. 3rd ed., revised and completed by Lembcke, E., Copenhagen, 18 vols., 1868–73. Cf. Bondesen, P. C. B., Skuespilleren Peter Foersom, Shakespeares Tolk, Copenhagen, 1907.
- Brandes, G. William Shakespeare. Copenhagen, 1895–6.
- Hagberg, C. A. Shakespeares dramatiska Arbeten. 12 vols. Lund, 1847–51.
- For other Swedish translations of individual plays, see Bolin, W., Zur Shakespeare-Literatur Schwedens, in Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XV, pp. 73 ff., 1880. - Hauch, C. Afhandlinger og aesthetiske Betragtninger. Ny Raekke. Copenhagen, 1869.
- Jochumsson, M. Hamlet Dana-prins. I íslenzkri pýdingu eptir M. Jochumsson. Reykjavík, 1878.
- Meisling, S. W. Shakespeares Lystspil, oversatte. Vol.
I. (Tempest and Merchant of Venice.) Copenhagen, 1810. - Nyblom, C. R. William Shakespeare’s Sonetter. På svenska återgifna af C. R. Nyblom. Upsala, 1871.
- Oehlenschläger, A. En Skiaersommernats Drøm. Oversat af A. Oehlenschläger. Copenhagen, 1816.
- Schück, H. W. Shakespeare, hans lif och värksamhet. Stockholm, 1883.
- Wergeland, H. Sinclars Død. Sorgespil. Christiania, 1828.
- viii. Hungary
- The complete works in Hungarian, edited by the Kisfaludy Society, 19 vols., Budapest, 1864–78.
- Magyar Shakespeare-Tár. (Shakespeare Magazine.) Edited by Bayer, J. Vol.
I. 1908. - Bayer, J. Shakespeare Drámái Hazáuk Ban. 2 vols. Budapest, 1909. [A full Hungarian bibliography of Shakespeare, dealing with all the translations into Magyar and criticising their value. It also contains a general estimate of Shakespeare’s influence in Hungary.]
- Among the most celebrated translations are those of Julius Caesar and King Lear by Vörösmarty, M., and Hamlet, King John, and Midsummer Night’s Dream by Arany, J. Some translations of scenes, notably from Romeo and Juliet, were produced by Petöfi, A. The first Hungarian writer to mention Shakespeare was Bessenyei, G. (1747–1811).
- ix. Bohemia
- A complete translation into Bohemian by Kolár, J. G., Doucha, F. R, Celakovsky, L. and Maly, J. B., appeared in 9 vols. at Prague, 1856–74.
- x. Russia and Poland
- Bernacki, L. Stanislaus August Poniatowski als Shakespeare-Übersetzer. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XLII, 1906. - Gerbel, E. W. Translation of Shakespeare’s Works into Russian by various authors. 3 vols. St. Petersburg. 1877–8.
- Kraszewski, J. I. Translation of Shakespeare’s Works into Polish by various authors. 8 vols. Warsaw, 1875–7.
- Slöör, K. Macbeth [translation into Finnish]. Helsingfors, 1864.
- Tolstoi, L. N. Shakespeare. Eine Kritische Studie. Übersetzt von Enkhausen, L. 2nd ed. Hanover, 1906.
- Tourgénieff, I. Hamlet and Don Quixote. In Fortnightly Review, vol.
LXII, 1894. - Vengerov, S. A. Translation of Shakespeare’s Works into Russian by various authors. Edited by Vengerov, S. A. 5 vols. St. Petersburg, 1902–4.
- xi. Roumania
- Carp, P. P. Macbeth. Tradus&echeck; de P. P. Carp. Jassi, 1864.
- xii. Japan
- Hausknecht, E. Shakespeare in Japan. Shakesp. Jahrb., vol.
XXIV, 1889. - For the general arrangement of this bibliography, and for the compilation of Sections 1–4, 6 and 8–11, the Editors desire to acknowledge their special obligations to H. G. Aldis, M. A., Peterhouse, Secretary of the University Library.