The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume II. The End of the Middle Ages.
- Böddeker, K. Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harleian 2253. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. Berlin, 1878.
- Chambers, E. K. and Sidgwick, F. Early English Lyrics: Amorous, Divine, Moral and Trivial. 1907. Contains a valuable essay on Some Aspects of Mediæval Lyric. Published after completion of present chapter.
- Fehr, B. Die Lieder des Fairfax MS. (Add. 5465, Brit. Mus.) Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprache und Litteraturen, CVI, 49. Braunschweig, 1901.
- —— Die Lieder der Hs Add. 5665. Archiv, CVI, 262.
- —— Weitere Beiträge zur Englischen Lyrik des 15 und 16 Jahrhunderts. (MSS. Sloane 2593, 1212, 3501, Harley 541, 367, 7578.) Archiv, CVII, 48.
- —— Die Lieder der Hs Sloane 2593. Archiv, CIX, 33.
- Flügel, E. Liedersammlungen des XVI Jahrhunderts, besonders aus der Zeit Heinrich’s VIII (MSS., Balliol 354, Add. 31, 922, Royal App. 58). Anglia, XII, XVII, XVIII, XXVI. Halle, 1889– .
- —— Kleinere Mitteilungen aus Handschriften. Anglia, XIV, 463.
- —— Neuenglisches Lesebuch. Halle, 1895.
- Fuller-Maitland, J. A. and Rockstro, W. S. English Carols of the Fifteenth Century. Leadenhall Press, 1891.
- Furnivall, F. J. Political, Religious and Love Poems (some by Lydgate, Sir Richard Ros, Henry Baradoun, Wm. Huchen, etc.), from the archbishop of Canterbury’s Lambeth MS. 306, and other sources, etc. E.E.T.S. XV. 1866 (1903).
- —— Hymns to the Virgin and Christ: The Parliament of Devils, etc. E.E.T.S. XXIV.
- —— Minor Poems of the Vernon Manuscript, Part II. E.E.T.S. CXVII.
- Halliwell, J. O. Early English Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, Selected from an Inedited Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century (Porkington MS.). Warton Club, II. 1855.
- Hausknecht, E. Vier Gedichte von Charles D’Orleans. Anglia, XVII, 445.
- Hazlitt, W. C. Remains of Early Popular Poetry. 4 vols. 1864–66.
- Holthausen, F. Zu Alt- und Mittelenglischen Dichtungen. Anglia, XIII–XXV.
- Horstmann, C. Minor Poems of the Vernon Manuscript, Part I. E.E.T.S. XCVIII.
- Morris, R. An Old English Miscellany, containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, and Religious Poems of the Thirteenth Century. E.E.T.S. XLIX.
- Padelford, F. M. Early Sixteenth Century Lyrics. Boston, 1907.
- Rimbault, E. F. Ancient Poetical Tracts of the Sixteenth Century, reprinted from unique copies, formerly in the possession of the late Thomas Caldecott, Esq. Percy Society, XXVII. 1842.
- Ritson, J. A Select Collection of english Songs. 3 vols. 1783. Contains a valuable introduction.
- —— Ancient Songs and Ballads from the Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution. 1790. Revised by Hazlitt, W. C. 1877. Contains a valuable introduction.
- Sandys, W. Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern (many from Add. MSS. 5465 and 5665). Percy Society, XIX.
- —— Festive Songs, principally of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Percy Society, LXXVII. 1848.
- Taylor, G. W. Poems written in English by charles, duke of Orleans, during his captivity in England after the battle of Agincourt. Roxburghe Club, XXXVIII. 1827.
- Wright, T. Poems of Walter Mapes. Camden Society. 1841.
- —— Specimens of Old Christmas Carols, selected from Manuscripts and Printed Books. Percy Socicty, XVI.
- —— Specimens of Lyric Poetry, composed in England in the Reign of Edward the First (MS., Harleian 2253). Percy Society, XIX. 1842.
- —— Songs and Carols, now first Printed, from a Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century (Bodleian MS., Eng. Poet. E.I.). Percy Society, LXXIII. 1847.
- —— Songs and Carols, from a Manuscript in the British Museum (MS., Sloane 2593). Warton Club, IV. 1856.
- Wright, T. and Halliwell, J. O. Reliquiae Antiquae. 2 vols, 1841.
- Bartsch, K. Altfranzösische Romanzen und Pastourellen. Leipzing, 1870.
- Blume, C. and Dreves, G. M. Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi. Leipzig, in progress.
- Brand, J. and Ellis, Sir H. Observations on Popular Antiquities. 2 vols. 1900.
- Brewer, J. S., Gairdner, J. and Brodie, R. H. Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII. Calendar of State Papers, 1862–1902. Contains full accounts of the revels, etc.
- Chambers, E. K. The Mediaeval Stage. 2 vols. Oxford, 1903.
- Chappell, W. Old English Popular Music. 2 vols. Ed. Woolridge, H. E. 1893.
- Clement, F. Historie g`n`rale de la Musique religieuse. Paris, 1860.
- Conybeare, F. C. The History of Christmas. Journal of American Theology. Vol. III. 1899.
- Coussemaker, E. de. Histoire de l’Harmonie au Moyen Âge. Paris, 1852.
- Crowest, F. J. The Story of British Music, from the Earliest Times. 1896.
- Dawson, W. F. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations. 1902.
- Dickinson, F. H. Missale ad usum insignis et praeclarae Ecclesiae Sarum. 1884.
- Ebert, A. Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande. Vol. III. Leipzig, 1887.
- Freymond, E. Jongleurs and Menestrels, Halle, 1883.
- Gautier, L. Histoire de la Poésie liturgique au Moyen Âge. Paris, 1887.
- Gomme, Mrs. A. B. The Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Tunes. 2 vols. Dictionary of British Folk-Lore. Part 1. 1894–8.
- Gummere, F. B. The Beginnings of Poetry. 1901.
- Guest, E. History of English Rhythms. Ed. Skeat, W. W. 1882.
- Heider, O. Untersuchungen zur mittelenglischen Erotischen Lyrik. Halle, 1905.
- Jeanroy, A. Les Origines de la Poésie lyrique en France au Moyen Âge: Études de Littérature française et compaŕe, suivies de Textes inédits. Paris, 1904.
- —— Lais et descorts français du XIIIesiécle. Paris, 1901.
- —— Mélanges d’Ancienne Poésie Lyrique. Extrait de la Revue des Langues romances. 1902.
- Jusserand, J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages, trans. by Smith, L. T. 1892.
- Montaiglon, A. de. Chansons, ballades et rondeaux. Paris, 1855.
- Montaiglon, A. de, et Rothschild, J. de. Recueil de Poèsies fran¸aises des quinzieème et seiziècles. Bibl. Elzèv. Paris, 1855–78.
- Paris, G. Chansons du XV[char] Siècles. Soc. Anc. Textes Fr. Paris, 1875.
- —— Les Origines de la Poèsie lyrique en France au Moyen Âge. Extrait du Journal des Savants. 1892.
- Petit de Julleville, L. Histoire de la Langue et de la Littèrature Fran¸aise. Vol. 1, pp. 345 ff.: Les Chansons, by Jeanroy, M. Paris, 1896.
- Proctor, F. et Wordsworth, C. Breviarum ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Sarum. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1882–6.
- Raynaud, G. Recueil de Motets fran¸ais des douzième Siècles. 2 vols. Paris, 1882–3.
- —— Rondeaux et autres Poèsies du XV[char] Siecle. Paris, 1889.
- Rimbault, E. F. Book of Christmas Carols, with Ancient Melodies. 1847.
- —— A Little Book of Songs and Ballads. 1851.
- Sandys, W. Christmastide: its History, Festivities and Carols. [No date.]
- Scipper, J. Englische Metrik, in Historischen und Systematischer Entwickelung Dargestellt. 2 vols. Bonn, 1881.
- Schmeller, J. A. Carmina Burana, Lateinische und Deutsche Lieder und Gedichte, einer Handschrift des XIII Jahrhunderts aus Benedictbeuren, auf der K. Bibliothek zu München. Breslau, 1904.
- Sharp, C. J. English Folk-Song: some conclusions. 1907.
- Songs and Madrigals of the Fifteenth Century. Plain Song Society. 1891.
- Thien, H. Über die Englischen Marienklagen. Kiel, 1906.
- Tiersot, J. Historie de la Chanson populaire en France. Paris, 1889.
- Wallaschek, R. Primitive Music: an Inquiry into the Origin and Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances, and Pantomimes of Savage Races. 1893.
- Warton, T. History of English Poetry, from the Twelfth to the close of the Sixteenth Century. Ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 4 vols. 1871.
- Wechssler, E. Die romanischen Marienklagen. Halle, 1893.