The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume II. The End of the Middle Ages.
- L
YDGATE (chief works) - Aesop. Ed. by P. Sauerstein in Anglia, IX.
- Albon and Amphabel. Printed by John Hertford. St. Albans, 1534.
- Assembly of Gods. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1498 and afterwards. Cambridge fascimile reprint of c. 1500 ed., 1906. Reprinted by Pynson, n. d., and twice by Robert Redman in 4to and 16mo, the latter dated 1540. Edited for E.E.T.S. by Triggs, O. L. 1896.
- Churl and the Bird, The. Twice printed by Caxton (1st ed. reprinted in facsimile, Cambridge, 1906), twice by Wynkyn de Worde, once by Pynson. Partly in Halliwell.
- Complaint of the Black Knight. Printed by W. de Worde. Also in editions of Chaucer from Thynne (1532) onwards till discovered to be Lydgate’s by Shirley’s testimony.
- Court of Sapience. Printed by Caxton c. 1481.
- Divers ballades and shorter poems. Also included in older edd. of Chaucer.
- Falls of Princes. First printed by Pynson in 1494; later edd. 1527, 1554 (Tottel) and John Wayland’s 1558.
- Flower of Courtesy. Printed in edd. of Chaucer from Thynne (1532) to Chalmers.
- Guy of Warwick. Printed in part in the Percy Folio by Furnivall, F J. and Hales, J. W., 1868; completely by Zupitza, J., Vienna, 1873; and by Robinson, F. N., Harvard Studies and Notes, v.
- Horse, Goose and Sheep. Twice printed by Caxton, once at least by Wynkyn de Worde. Cambridge facsimile reprint of c. 1499 ed., 1906. Reprinted partly in Halliwell, Minor Poems (v. inf). and in Roxburghe Club edd.
- Margaret’s entry into London, Verses for queen. Not now extant.
- Minor Poems (44). Ed. by J. O. Halliwell for Percy Society. 1840.
- Nightingale Poems, Two. Ed. by O. Glauning for E.E.T.S. 1900.
- Our Lady, The Life of. Printed by Caxton (1484?). Again in 1531. Included by C. E. Tame in 2nd part of Early English Religious Literature. 1871–9.
- Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, The. Printed in extract by Miss K. J. Cust after N. Hill in The Ancient Poem of Guillaume de Guilevile… compared with the Pilgrim’s Progress of John Bunyan. 1858. Completely for E.E.T.S. by F. J. Furnivall and Miss K. Locock in three parts. 1899–01–04. [For Deguileville himself, see ed. Sturzinger, J. J., Roxburghe Club, 1893.]
- Reason and Sensuality. Ed. by Sieper, E., E.E.T.S. 2 parts. 1901–3.
- St. Edmund and Fremund. In C. Horstmann’s Altenglische Legenden. Neue Folge. Heilbronn, 1881. No. 20.
- St. Giles. In Horstman, ibid. No. 19.
- St. Margaret. In Horstman, ibid. No. 21.
- Secreta Secretorum or Secrets of Philisophers (finished by Burgh). Printed for the first time by E.E.T.S. Ed. Steele, R. 1894.
- Stans Puer ad Mensam (Rules of Breeding). Printed by Caxton (c. 1479?), and four (?) times by Wynkyn de Worde (n. d.? 1518 and 1524) as well as often in later manuals of behaviour. Reprinted from MS. in Wright and Halliwell’s Reliquiae Antifquae, I, 1845, and in Hazlitt’s Early Popular Poetry of England, III, 1866.
- Temple of Glass. Printed by Caxton c. 1477. Cambridge facsimile reprint, 1905. Reprinted by Wynkyn de Worde, 1498?–1500?; and twice afterwards at no great interval: by Pynson, existing only in fragments, about the same time; and by Berthelet, J. with no date. Edited with elaborate apparatus (the fullest at present existing for the study of Lydgate) by Schick, J., E.E.T.S. 1891.
- Testament. Printed by Pynson. Reprinted in Halliwell.
- Thebes, The Story of. Printed by W. de Worde n. d. but added by Stow to the 1561 ed. of Chaucer and thenceforward included in edd. of that poet to the time of Chalmers.
- Troy Book. First printed by Pynson in 1513; secondly by R. Braham in 1555. Modernised by T. Heywood as Life and Death of Hector in 1614. Reprint begun by E.E.T.S. Part I, 1906, ed. Bergen, H.
- Prose. The Damage and Destruction of Realms. Printed by Treverys c. 1520.
- Besides the editions noticed above (especially Schick’s Temple of Glass, and Zupita) and the portions appurtenant in the various histories of English Literature, including Morley’s English Writers, VI, consult Gray’s Metrum; Warton, History of English Poetry, III, (Ed. Hazlitt); Ritson, Bibliographia Poetica u.s.; Courthope, History of English Poetry, I, 1895; Gregory Smith, The Transition Period, Edinburgh, 1900; and the present writer’s History of English Prosody, I, 1906. See also Sidney Lee’s bibliography of Lydgate in the D. of N. B., for Mss., fuller lists, etc., and also H. N. McCracken’s Lydgate Canon, E.E.T.S. 1908, referred to below.
- O
CCLEVE - No early editions except The Letter of Cupid, and perhaps one, or two more, in the early edd. of Chaucer.
- De Regimine Principum. Ed. Wright, T. Roxburghe Club, 1860.
- Poems. Ed. Mason, G. 1796.
- Tale of Jonathas, included by W. Browne in the Shepherds Pipe. 1614.
- Works. E.E.T.S. I and II. 1892–7. Ed. Furnivall, F. J. The editorial matter of these contains the fullest information and discussion yet given as to O.; and something as to him will generally be found in the neighbourhood of notices of Lydgate, e.g. in Ten Brink, Hist. Eng. Lit., vol. II, Eng. trans. pp. 212 ff.
- B
ENEDICT BURGH - Aristotle’s A B C, in Babees Book, ed. Furnivall, F. J. E.E.T.S. 1868.
- Christmas Game, A., in Wright’s Christmas Carols, Percy Society, 1841 (also by Furnivall in N. and Q. 1868).
- Great and Little Cato. Printed three times by Caxton. Facsimile reprint of 1477 ed. princeps. Cambridge, 1906.
- Secrets of the Philosophers (with Lydgate). Ed. Steele, R. E.E.T.S. 1894. Part printed by Halliwell in Lydgate’s Minor Poems and by Ashmole in Treatrum Chemicum.
- G
EORGE ASHBY - Poems. Ed. Bateson, M. E.E.T.S. 1899. MSS. in Trinity College and University Libraries, Cambridge.
- H
ENRY BRADSHAW - Life of St. Radegund. Printed by Pynson, n. d.
- Life of St. Werburgh. Printed by Pynson, 1521. Reprinted by Chetham Society (ed. Hawkins, E., Manchester, 1848) and E.E.T.S. (ed. Horstmann, C.), 1887.
- G
EORGE RIPLEY AND OTHER ALCHEMISTS - The Standard collection, not superseded yet, is Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. 1652. More than once reprinted.
- O
SBERN BOKENAM - Saints’ Lives. Ed. for Roxburghe Club (1835) and by Horstmann, C. (Heilbronn, 1883).
- C
HAUCERIANA - In early edd. of Chaucer as above, more of fewer. The most important except the Tale of Beryn (Chaucer Society, ed. Furnivall and Stone, 1884) in the seventh and supplementary volume of W. W. Skeat’s Works of Chaucer, Oxford, 1897.
- For Critical and other apparatus on the minor poets after Occleve see edd. mentioned and the general authorities cited under Lydgate, especially Morley’s English Writers, VI, adding, for the Chauceriana, the passages appurtenant in edd. of Chaucer and books on him. The most important monograph is that on The Origin and Sources of the “Court of Love,” by W. A. Neilson, Harvard, 1899.
- [For Thomas Usk’s Testament of Love, found in Chaucer edd. from Thynne onwards, see Bradley, H., Athenaeum, 6 February, 1897, and Skeat, W. W., Chaucerian and other pieces, 1897.]
- Since the chapter on the Chaucerians was printed and the above bibliography was composed, the long desired revision of Ritson’s list of Lydgate’s works has appeared in the form of a lecture to the Philological Society by Henry Noble McCracken. This introduces important variations in the canon, such formerly accepted works as London Lickpenny being, for instance, excluded. The list must henceforward be taken into serious account by all Lydgate students. Its author puts it forth in no dictatorial manner. But, as it proceeds on the premiss that “Lydgate was always smooth,” imposes arbitrary rime tests and disqualifies such positive testimony as that of Hawes to his master’s work, it is evident that there must be room for considerable difference of opinion as to the probable correctness of this revision.