The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume II. The End of the Middle Ages.
- (Bibliography by A. C. Paues)
- I. M
ANUSCRIPTS OF CHAUCER’S WORKS - The Chaucer Society (1868– ) has published diplomatic reprints and autotype specimens of a great number of the Chaucerian MSS. A systematic list of these has been worked out by Koch, J., Anglia, IV, Anz. 112. Cf. further critical accounts by him in Anglia, II, 532, III, 179, IV, 93, VI, Anz. 80, 93, VIII, Anz. 154; Literaturbl. f. germ. u. rom. Phil. 1882, col. 224; 1885, col. 324.
- II. C
OLLECTED WORKS - Lounsbury, T. R. Complete Works. 2 vols. New York. 1901. Nicolas, Sir H. Poetical works. Aldine Edition. 6 vols. 1845. 2nd ed. by Morris, R. 1866.
- Pollard, A. W., Heath, H. F., Liddell, M. H., McCormick, W. S. Works Globe Edition. 1897. [Contains a long and useful introduction summarising sources and relations of MSS. to each other; follows, in the main, the Ellesmere MS.]
- Skeat, W. W. Complete Works. 6 vols. Oxford, 1894. With supplem vol. 1897. [The standard edition.]
- —— The Student’s C., being a complete edition of his Works. Oxford, 1895. [Orthography, as a rule, made uniform.]
- —— Glossarial index to the works of C. Oxford, 1899.
- [Speght, T.] The workes of our ancient and lerned English poet, G C. newly printed. In this impression you shall find these Additions. 1. His Portraiture and Progenie shewed. 2. His Life collected. 3 Arguments to every Booke gathered. 4. Old and obscure Words explained. 5 Authors by him cited, declared 6. Difficulties opened 7. Two Bookes of his never before printed. Impensis G. Bishop; Londini, 1598.
- —— The workes of our Ancient and learned English Poet G. C. newly printed. To that which was done in the former Impression, thus much is now added. 1. In the life of C. many things inserted. 2. The whole worke by old copies reformed. 3. Sentences and Proverbs noted. 4. The Signification of the old and obscure words prooved, also Caracters, shewing from what tongue or dialect they be derived 5. The Latine and French, not Englished by C., translated. 6. The treatise, called Jacke Upland, against Friers; and C.’s A. B. C. called, La priere de nostre dame, at this impression added: A. Isilp, London, 1602. Another edition, 1687 (to which is adjoyn’d the story of the Siege of Thebes by John Lidgate. Together with the life of C.)
- [John Stow.] The workes of G. C. newlie printed, with diverse addicions, whiche were never in print before; with the siege and destruccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by J. Lidgate, monke of Berie J. Kyngston, for J. Wight: London, 1561.
- Thynne, W. The workes of Geffroy C. newly printed, with dyvers workes whiche were never in print before; etc. T. Godfray: L[char]don, 1532. Cf. Skeat, W. W., The works of G. C. and others. Being a reproduction in facsimile of the first collected edition, 1532, from the copy in the British Museum. With an introduction. 1905.
- Tyrwhitt, T. Poetical Works. With an essay on his language and versification, and an introductory discourse; together with notes and a glossary. 1775–8. Last edition, 1843.
- Urry, J. The works of G. C. compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS., out of which three tales are added which were never before printed: By J. Urry, student of Christ Church, Oxon; together with a glossary by a student of the same college [T. Thomas]. To the whole is prefixed the author’s life [by — Dart; corrected and enlarged by W. Thomas,] and a preface, giving an account of this edition [by T. Thomas.] B. Lintot: London, 1721.
- III. A T
REATISE ON THE ASTROLABE - Brae, A. E. The Treatise on the Astrolabe, with notes and illustrations. 1870.
- Skeat, W. W. A Treatise on the Astrolabe; addressed to his son Lowys by G. C.,
A.D. 1391. C. S. Series I, 29, 1872. Also in E.E.T.S. Extra Series, XVI. 1872. - IV. B
OETHIUS - Early editions: Boethius was first printed by Caxton, without date. Cf. Blades, W., The Biography and Typography of Caxton, 1882, p. 213. It is included in Thynne’s edition of 1532, and in subsequent editions of Chaucer’s works.
- Kellner, L. Zur Textkritik von C.’s Boethius. Engl. Stud. XIV (1), 1–53. Liddell, M. H. C.’s translation of Boece’s Boke of Comfort. Acad. 1895, No. 1220, 227.
- Morris, R. C.’s translation of Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiæ, from the Additional MS. 10, 340 in the British Museum. E.E.T.S. Extra Series, v. 1868. C. S. 76 (1886); cf. ibid. 75, C.’s Boece from the Cambridge Univ. Libr. MS. Ii. 3., 21.
- Petersen, K. O. C. and Trivet. MLA. XVIII, 173–193. Skeat, W. W. The true source of C.’s Boethius. Athen. 1891, No. 3339, 549–550. Stewart, H. F. Boethius, an essay. Edinburgh and London, 1891.
- V. T
HE CANTERBURY TALES - The Canterbury Tales. W. Caxton, Westminster, 1478? and 1484?. The boke of the tales of Canterburie … diligently ouirsen & duely examined by … W. Caxton. R. Pynson [London, 1493?]. The boke of C. named Caunterbury Tales. Wynkin de Word: Westmestre 1498. [Here begynneth the boke of Caunterbury Tales … corrected, and newly printed.] R. Pynson: London, 1526.
- A Parallel-text edition from six of the best imprinted MSS. known [Ellesmere, Hengwrt, Cambridge Univ. Lib., C.C.C. Oxford, Petworth and Lansdowne] (the Six-text). C. S. Series 1, 1 (1868), 14 (1870), 15 (1871), 25 (1872), 30 (1873), 31 (1874), 37 (1875), 49 (1877), 72 (1884). Separate issues of the texts forming the Six-text edition, ibid. 2–7, 8–13, 16–20, 26–28, 32–36, 38–43, 50–55, 73, 95, 96. Parallel-text specimens of all accessible imprinted C. MSS., ibid. 81, 85, 86, 90–94, 97; Autotype specimens of the chief C. MSS., ibid. 48, 56, 74. A temporary preface to the Society’s “Six-text” edition of C.’s Canterbury Tales, Part I, by Furnivall, F. J., ibid. Series II, 3 (1868).
- Saunders. Canterbury. Tales. Annotated and accented with illustrations of English life in C.’s Time. 1845. Rev. ed. 1895. Tyrwhitt, T. Canterbury Tales. To which is added, an essay on his language and versification, an introductory discourse, notes and glossary. 5 vols. 1775–8. 5th ed., with a memoir by Gilfillan, George, 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1860. Tyrwhitt’s text, notes and glossary were reprinted in 1892.
- Wright, T. The Canterbury Tales. A new text with illustrative notes. 3 vols. Percy Soc. 1848–51 and 1853.
- Bradshaw, H. The Skeleton of C.’s Canterbury Tales: an attempt to distinguish the several fragments of the work as left by the author. 1868. And in Collected papers by H. B., Cambridge, 1889. Corson, H. Index to the Subjects and Names of the Canterbury Tales. C. S. Series I, 72. 1884.
- Ehrhart, C. Das Datum der Pilgerfahrt nach Canterbury. Engl. Stud. XII, 469–470.
- Hales, J. W. The Date of the Canterbury Tales. Athen. 1893, No. 3415, 443.
- Skeat, W. W. The Evolution of the Canterbury Tales. C. S. Series II, 38 (1903).
- Wlislocki, H. von. Vergleichende Beiträge zu C.’s Canterburygeschichten. Zeitschr. f. vgl. Litgesch. 11, 182–199.
- Editions of Separate Tales
- Carpenter, S.H. Prologue and Kinght’s Tale. Albion Series. Boston, 1902.
- Koch, J. The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale. (Engl. text bibl. hrsg. von J. Hoops.) Berlin, Felber, 1902, and in C. S. Series II, No. 35. 1902.
- Liddell, M. H. The Prologue, the Knight’s Tale, the Nonnes Prestes tale, with grammatical introduction. New York, 1901.
- Mather, F. J. The Prologue, the Knight’s Tale and the Nun’s Priest’s tale. Boston, 1900.
- Morris, R. The Prologue, the Knightes Tale, the Nonne Prestes Tale. Reedited by Skeat. Oxford, 1893.
- Skeat, W. W. The Prologue. Oxford, 1891
- —— The Prioresses Tale, Sir Thopas, the Monkes Tale, the Clerkes Tale, the Squieres Tale. Ibid. 1897.
- —— The Tale of the Man of Lawe, The Pardoneres Tale, The Second Nonnes Tale, The Chanouns Yemannes Tale. Ibid. 1904.
- Wright, W. Aldis. The Clerk’s Tale. Printed from MS. D. 4. 24 in the University Library, Cambridge. Privately printed, London (Bungay), 1867.
- Zupitza, J. The Book of the Tales of Canterbury, Prolog 1–858. Mit Varianten zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1896.
- —— The Pardoner’s Prolog and Tale. C. S. Parallel-text specimens, Series 1, 81 (1890), 85 (1892), 86 (1893), 90 (1897), 91 (1891), the last part 94 (1900) by Furnivall, F. J. and Koch, J.
- Canterbury Tales: Sources and Analogues
- Brock, E. The original of the Man of Law’s Tale. C. S. Series II, 7 (1872). Cf. ibid. The Tale of Merelaus the Emperor, and part of Matthew Paris’s Vita Offae Primi (illustrating incidents in the Man of Law’s Tale).
- Clouston, W. A. Originals and Analogs of the Canterbury Tales. Part IV., Eastern Analogs. C. S. Series II, 20 (1886), 22 (1887).
- Förster, M. Parallelen zu C.’s Prioresses tale. and Freres tale. Arch. cx, 427.
- Fränkel, L. Eine lateinische Parallele zu C.’s Milleres tale. Anglia, XVI, 261–3.
- Furnivall, F. J. Originals and Analogues of C.’s Canterbury Tales (Part II). C. S. Series II, 10 (1875). 6. Alphonsus of Lincoln (Prioress’s Tale); 7. How Reynard caught Chanticleer (source of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale); 8. Two Italian Stories, and a Latin one, like the Pardoner’s Tale; 9. L, dis de le Vescie a Prestre, by Jakes de Basiw (Summoner’s Tale); 10. Petrarch’s Latin Tale of Griseldis (source of the Clerk’s Tale); 11. Five versions of a Pear-tree Story (Merchant’s Tale); 12. Four versions of The Life of Saint Cecilia (source of Second Nun’s Tale).
- Furnivall, F. J. Part III. C. S. Series II, 15 (1876). 13. The Story of Constance (Man of Law’s Tale); 14. The Boy killed by a Jew for singing Gaude Maria; 15. The Paris Beggar boy murdered by a Jew for singing Alma redemptoris mater (Analogues of the Prioress’s Tale).
- —— Two French Fabliaux like the Reeve’s Tale. C. S. Series II, 7 (1872).
- —— Two Latin Stories like the Friar’s Tale. C. S. Series II, 7 (1872).
- Gough, A. B. The Constance Saga. Palaestra, XXIII.
- Koch, J. An original version of the Knight’s Tale. C. S. Series II, 18 (1878).
- Liddell, M. H. A new Source of the Parson’s tale. Furnivall Miscellany, pp. 255–277, 1901.
- —— The Source of C.’s Person’s Tale. Acad. No. 1256, 1, 447–8; No. 1259, 509.
- Lounsbury, T. R. C. Sources. The Nation, 4 July, 1889, pp. 10–11. (1. Part of Man of Law’s Tale; 2. Strophe in Parl. of Foules.)
- Maynadier, G. H. The Wife of Bath’s tale, its sources and analogues. (The Grimm Libr. XIII.) 1901.
- Petersen, K. O. On the Sources of the Nonne-prestes Tale. (Radcliffe College Monographs, 10.) Boston, 1898.
- —— The Sources of the Parson’s Tale. Boston, 1901. Cf. Litbl. 1903, 153.
- Skeat, W. W. The Sources of C.’s Prioresses tale. Acad. 1894, No. 1165, 153; No. 1167, 195.
- Skeat, W. W. and E. H. Chanticler’s Song. Athen, 1896, No. 3600, 556; No. 3603, 677.
- Sundby, Thor. Albertano of Brescia’s Liber Consilii et Consolationis,
A.D. 1246. (The Latin source of the French original of C.’s Melibe), C. S. Series II, 8 (1873). - Woollcombe, W. W. The sources of the Wife of Bath’s Prologue: C. not a borrower from John of Salisbury. C. S. Series II, 16 (1876).
- Canterbury Tales: General Literature
- Bennewitz, J. C.’s Sir Thopas, eine Parodie auf die altenglischen Ritterromanzen. Helle, 1879.
- Boll, F. C. und Ptolemæus. Anglia, XXI, 222–230.
- Brandl, A. Über einige historische Anspielungen in den C.-Dichtungen.
- Engl. Stud. XII, 161–186 (1. The Sqyeres Tale; 2. C.’s Dream). Also in C. S. Series II, 29 (1892).
- B[rathwait], R. A comment upon the two tales of Sr Jeffray Chaucer, the Miller’s Tale, and the Wife of Bath. 1665. Ed. by Spurgeon, C., C. S. Series II, 33 (1901).
- Cook, A. S. The arming of the combatants in the Knight’s Tale. J. Germ. Phil. IV, 50–54. 1902.
- Eilers, Wilh. Die Erzählung des Pfarrers in C.’s Canterburygeschichten und die Somme de Vices et de Vertus des Frère Lorens. Erlangen, 1882.
- Transl. by Shirley, A., for the C. S. Series II, 19 (1884).
- Emerson, O. F. Some of C.’s lines on the Monk. MPh. 1, 105–115.
- Flügel, E. Some Notes on C.’s Prologue. J. Germ. Phil. 1, 118–135.
- —— Zu C.’s Plorog zu C. T. Anglia, XXIII, 225.
- Furnivall, F. J. C.’s Prioress, her Nun Chaplain and 3 Priests, illustrated from the paper Survey of St Mary’s Abbey, Winschester. C. S. Series II, 16 (1876).
- Holthausen, F. Zu alt- und mittelengl. Dichtungen 28: Zu C.’s Squieres Tale. Anglia, XIV (3), 320 f.
- Jusserand, J. J. C.’s Pardoner: his character illustrated by documents of his time. C. S. Series II, 19 (1884).
- Karbeek, P. Q. C.’s Shipman and his Barge “The Maudelayne.” C. S. Series II, 19 (1884).
- Kirk, R. E. G. and Furnivall, F. J. Analogues of C.’s Canterbury Pilgrimage. C. S. Series II, 36 (1903).
- Kittredge, G. L. Supposed historical allusions in the Squire’s Tale. Engl. Stud. XIII (1), 1–24.
- —— Coryat and the Pardoner’s Tale. MLN. (7), 385–7 (1900).
- —— C. and the Roman de Carit`. MLN. XII, 113–5.
- —— A Friend of C. MLA. XVI. Cf. Litbl. 1903, p. 153.
- Koch. J. Die neapolitanische Hs von C.’s Clerkes tale. Schipper-festchrift, pp. 257–85. Vienna, 1902.
- Köhler, R. Zu The Milleres Tale. Anglia, 1, 38, 186; 11, 135. Cf. Varnhagen, ibid. VII, Anz. p. 81.
- Kölbing, E. Zu C.’s Erzählung des Müllers. Zeit. f. vgl. Literaturgesch. XII, 448–450; XIII, 112.
- —— Zur Knightes Tale. Engl. Stud. 11, 528.
- —— Zu C.’s Caecilien-Legende. Eng. Stud. 1, 215 ff.
- —— Zu Sir Thopas. Engl. Stud. XI, 495.
- Köppel, E. Über das Verhältnis von C.’s Prosa-werken zu seinen Dichtungen und die Echtheit der Parson’s Tale. Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXVII, 33–54.
- Leuschner, B. Über das Verhältnis von The two noble kinsmen zu C.’s Knightes Tale. Halle, 1903.
- Lücke, E. Das Leben der Constanze bei Trivet, C. and Gower. Anglia, XIV, 77 and 147.
- Manly, J. M. Marco Polo and the Squire’s Tale. MLA. XI, 349–362.
- Mather, F. J., junr. On the date of the Knight’s Tale. Furnivall Miscellany, pp. 301–313. 1901.
- Mead, W. E. The Prologue of the Wife of Bath’s Tale. MLA. XVI, 388–404.
- Proescholdt, L. Eine prosaische Nachbildung der Erzählung des Müllers aus C.’s Canterbury Tales. Anglia, VII, (1), 116–9. Cf. Varnhagen, H., Zu C.’s Erzählung des Müllers, Anglia, VII (2), 81–85.
- Schade, A. Über das Verhältnis von Pope’s January and May, und The Wife of Bath, her Prologue, zu den entsprechenden Abschnitten von C.’s Canterbury Tales. I, Diss. Breslau, 1897. II (Merchant’s Tale), Engl. Stud. XXV, 1–130.
- Schofield, W. H. C.’s Franklin’s Tale. MLA. XVI, 405–449.
- Simon, H. C. A Wicliffite; a critical examination of the Parson’s Tale. C. S. Series II, 16 (1876). Also Schmalkalden, Wilich, 1879.
- Varnhagen, H. Die Erzählung von der Wiege (C.’s Reeves Tale). Engl. Stud. IX (2), 240–266.
- —— Zu C.’s Erzählung des Kaufmanns. Anglia, VII (4), 155–165.
- Westenholz, F. von. Die Griseldissage in der Literaturgeschichte. Heidelberg, 1888.
- VI. T
HE HOUSE OF FAME - The book of Frame made by G. C. Emprynted by W. Caxton: (Westminster, 1486?).
- Here begynneth the boke of Fame, made by G. C.: with dyvers other of his workes… translate out of Frenche… by G. C.; Morall proverbes of Christyne; The complaynt of Mary Magdaleyne; The letter of Dydo to Eneas; A lytell exortacion, howe folke shulde behave them selfe in all c[char]panyes. R. Pynson; London (1526?).
- A Parallel-text edition of C.’s Minor Poems, 10. The House of Fame, from 2 MSS., and Caxton’s and Thynne’s prints, C. S. Series I, 57 (1878). Odd-texts of C.’s Minor Poems, 4. The House of Fame, ibid. 60 (1880). A One-text print, ibid 61 (1880).
- Child, C. G. C.’s House of Fame and Boccaccio’s Amorosa visione. MLN. X (6), 379–384.
- Ford, H. C. Observations on the language of C.’s House of Fame. Diss. Univ. of Virginia. 1899.
- Garrett, A. C. Studies on C.’s House of Fame. Harvard Stud. and Notes, V, 151–176.
- Holthausen, F. C. und Theodolus. Anglia, 11, 264–6.
- Lange, P. C.’s Einfluss auf Douglas. Anglia, VI, 46 ff.
- Lowes, J. L. On the date of the House of Fame. MLA. XX, 854–860.
- Rambeau, A. C.’s House of Fame in seinen Verhältnis zur Divina Commedia. Engl. Stud, 111, 209 ff. Separately printed, Heilbronn, 1880.
- Skeat, W. W. The House of Fame in three books. Oxford, 1893.
- Sypherd, W. O. Studies in C.’s Hous of Fame. C. S. Series II, 39 (1904).
- Uhlemann, E. C.’s House of Fame und Pope’s Temple of Fame. Anglia, VI (1), 107–125.
- Wilbert, H. G. C., The House of Fame (Einleitung und Textverhältnis). Berlin, 1883. (Text, Varianten, Anmerkungen.) Berlin, 1888. (Progr. der Margarethenschule zu Berlin.)
- VII. T
HE LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN - Early editions: Included in Thynne’s print of 1532, and in all subsequent editions.
- Parallel-text editions in the Minor Poems: C. S. Series I, 58 (1879), 59 (1880); Odd-texts, 60 (1880); One-texts, 61 (1880). The two versions of The Prologue, Odd-texts, 23 (1871).
- Bech, M. Quellen und Plan der Legende of Goode Women, und ihr Verhältnis zur Confessio Amantis. Anglia, v. 313–382.
- Bilderbeck, J. B. C.’s Legend of Good Women. 1902.
- Child, C. G. C.’s Legend of Good Women and Boccaccio’s De genealogia deorum. MLN. 276–290 (1896).
- French, J. C. The Problem of the two Prologues etc. Baltimore, 1905.
- Hales, J. W. C.’s Agaton. Mod. Lang. Quart. 1, 5–8.
- Kunz, S. Das Verhältnis der Hss von C.’s Legend of Good Women. Breslauer Dissert. Berlin, 1889.
- Legouis, Emile. Quel fut le premier compos` par C. des deux prologues de la l`gende des femmes exemplaires? (Extrait de la Revue de l’enseignement des langues modernes, XVII, avril.) Le Havre, 1900.
- Lowes, J. L. The Prologue to the Legend of good women as related to the French Marguerite poems, and the Filostrato. MLA. XIX, 593–683.
- Manly, J. M. Observations on the language of C.’s Legend of Good Women.
- Harvard Stud. and Notes, 11. 1–120. Boston, 1893.
- Skeat, W. W. The Legend of Good Women. Oxford, 1889.
- Tctolak, J. S. P. MLN. XXI, 58–62.
HE MINOR POEMS - Early editions: There are two rare editions by Caxton of some of the Minor Poems, viz. of Parliament of Fowls, Gentilesse, Truth, Fortune, Envoy to Scogan, Anelida and Arcite, Purse; see Furnivall, Trial-Forewords, C. S. Series II, 6 (1871), pp. 116, 118; Skeat, Works, 1, 27, who gives a detailed account of the various separate and collected editions.
- Chaucer Society: A Parallel-text edition of The Compleynt to Pite, The Compleynt of Mars, Series I, 21 (1871); of The A. B. C., The Mother of God, The former Age, To his Scrivener, ibid. 57 (1878); of Truth, The Compleynt of Venus, The Envoy to Scogan, The Envoy to Bukton, Gentilesse, Proverbs, Stedfastness, Fortune, C. to his Empty Purse, ibid. 58 (1879).
- —— Supplementary Parallel-texts of The A B C, The Complaint of Mars, Truth, The Compleynt of Venus, Gentilesse, Lack of Stedfastness, Fortune. Series I, 59 (1880).
- —— One-text print, Part I, The Compleynt to Pite, The Compleynt of Mars, The A B C, with its original. Series I, 24 (1871).
- —— —— Part II, Mother of God, The former age, Adam Scrivener, Truth, Venus, Scogan, Marriage, Gentilesse, Proverbs, Stedfastness, Fortune, Purse. Series I, 61 (1880).
- —— Odd-texts: The A B C, The Complaint to Pite, Truth, Envoy to Scogan, Purse, Series I, 60 (1880?); The Compleynt to Pite, Truth, Lack of Stedfastness, Fortune, Purse, (The Balade of Pite, Roundels), Series I, 77 (1886).
- Furnivall, F. J. Trial-Forewords, to the Parallel-Text edition of C.’s Minor Poems. C. S. Series II, 6 (1871).
- Nicolas, Sir H. The Romaunt of the Rose, Troilus and Creseide and the Minor Poem. 3 vols. 1846.
- Skeat, W. W. The Minor Poems. Oxford, 1888. 2nd ed. 1896.
- Capone, G. I poemi minori di C.: saggio critico. Modica, 1900.
- Flügel, E. C.’s kleinere Gedichte. I. Liste der Hss. Anglia, XXII, 510–528. II. Anmerkungen zum Text. Ibid. XXIII, 195–224 (1. Compleinte to Pite; 2. Adam Scryveyne; 3. Truth).
- Hales, W. E. Of a Temple. Athen. 4. April, 1896, No. 3571.
- Hammond, E. P. Omissions from the editions of C. MLN. XIX, 35–38.
- Holthausen, F. Zu C.’s Cæcilien-legende. Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXVII, 265–273.
- Koch, J. Ausgewählte kleinere Dichtungen Cs. Im Versmasse des Originals in das Deutsche übertragen und mit Erörterungen versehen. Leipzig, 1880. (1. Klage an Frau Mitleid. 2. Geleit an den Schreiber Adam. 3. Das Parlement der Vögel. 4. Wahrheit. 5. Adel. 6. Beständigkeit. 7. Fortuna. 8. Geleit an Bukton. 9. Geleit an Skogan. 10. Klage an meine leere börse.)
- —— A Critical Edition of some of C.’s Minor Poems. Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Programm des Dorotheen städtischen Realgymnasiums. Berlin, 1883. (1. A B C. 2. Adam Scriveyn. 3. Former age. 4. Fortune. 5. Truth. 6. Gentilesse. 7. Stedfastnesse. 8. Bukton. 9. Skogan. 10. Bourse.)
- —— Das Datum von C.’s Mars and Venus. Anglia, IX (3), 582–4.
- —— Anglia, IV, Anz. 95, VI, Anz. 91.
- Manly, J. M. Harvard Studies and Notes, v, 107 ff. (Complaint of Mars.)
- Marshall, T. and Porter, L. A Ryme-Index to C.’s Minor Poems (for the Parallel-text), C. S. Series I, 78 (1887); (for the One-text), 80 (1889).
- Piaget, A. Oton de Granson et ses po`sies. Romania, XX, 237–259, 403–448. (The Compleynt of Venus.)
- Skeat, W. W. An unknown poem by C. Athen, 1891, No. 3310, 440 and 472 f.
- —— C.’s Virelays. Athen. 1893, No. 3410, 281.
- —— A Complaint, possibly by C. Athen. 1894, No. 3482, 98; No. 3484, 162. (1. Complaint to my mortal foe. 2. Balade of no value. 3. Complaint to my lodesterre.)
- —— Two more poems by C. Acad. 1888, No. 834, 292 and No. 835, 307. (1. A Complaynt. 2. Balade of Compleynte.)
- Skeat, W. W. and Pollard, A. W. An unknown balade by C. Athen. 1894, No. 3476, 742, No. 3477, 773 f., No. 3478, 805 f., No. 3479, 837 f.
- Ten Brink, B. Critical edition of Compleynte to Pite. C. S. Series II, 9 (1874).
- Thurein, H. Das Datum von Mars and Venus. Anglia, IX, 582.
- Zupitza, J. Zu dem Gedichte C.’s Dream oder The Idle of Ladies. Herrig’s Archiv, XCII, 68.
- The Book(e) of the Duchess(e)
- Editions: Parallel-text edition, C. S. Series I, 21 (1871); One-text print, ibid. 24 (1871), 60 (1880); Skeat, Minor Poems.
- Bradley, H. C. and Froissart. Acad. 1895, No. 1188, 125 f.
- Lange, Max. Untersuchungen über C.’s Boke of the Duchesse. Halle, 1883.
- Kittredge, G. L. C. and Froissart (with a discussion of the date of Mèliador). Engl. Stud. XXVI, 321–336.
- Kläber, F. Traces of the Canticum (Hohe Lied) and of Boethius De consolatione Philosophiae in C.’s Book of the Duchesse. MLN. XII, 338–380.
- Köppel, E. Gowers franz. Balladen und Chaucer. Engl. Stud. XX, 154.
- The Parliament of Fowls
- Early editions: First printed separately by Caxton, about 1477–8, by Pynson 1526 and by Wynkyn de Worde in 1530.
- Parallel-text editions in the C. S. Series I, 21, 22 (1871), 59, 60 (1880); Odd-text, 23 (1871); One-text, 24 (1871).
- Hammond, E. P. On the text of C,’s Parlament of Fouls (Decennial Publ. Univ. of Chicago, vol. VII). 1902.
- Koch, J. Das Handschriftenverhältnis in C.’s Parlament of Foules. I, II, Arch. CXI, 64–92 and 299–315; III, Arch. CXII, 46–69.
- —— The Date (1381) and Personages of the Parlament of Foules. C. S. Series II, 19 (1884).
- —— Versuch einer kritischen Textausgabe von C.’s Parlement of Foules. Progr. Berlin, 1904.
- Köppel, E. Gowers französische Balladen und C. Engl. Stud. XX, 154–6.
- Lounsbury, T. R. The Parliament of Foules. Boston [Mass.], 1877.
- Seelmann, W. Die Vogelsprachen (Vogelparlamente) der mittelaterlichen Litteratur. (Treats also of C.’s Assembly of foules.) Nd. Jahrb. XIV, 101–147. Cf. Addenda in Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXVIII, 370–1.
- Anelida and Arcite
- Parallel-text edition, C. S. Series I, 57 (1878); suppl. Parallel-texts, ibid. 59 (1880); One-text print, ibid. 61 (1880), 77 (1886). Cf. Koch, Anglia, III, 84; Engl. Stud. 1, 290.
- The Story of Queen Anelida and the false Arcite. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477. Cambridge, 1905.
- Köppel, E. C.’s Anelida. Engl. Stud. XX (1), 156–8.
- Koch, J. On Anelida and Arcyte. C.S. Series II, 18 (1878).
- IX. T
HE ROMAUNT OF THE ROSE - Cook, A. The Romaunt of the Rose and Prof. Skeat’s vocabulary test. MLN. 1887 (6).
- Fick, W. Zur Frage von der Authenticität der mittelenglischen Übersetzung des Romans von der Rose. Engl. Stud. IX, (1), 161–7.
- Flügel, E. Über einige Stellen aus dem Almagestum Cl. Ptolemei bei C. und im Rosenroman. Anglia, XVIII, (1), 133–140.
- Furnivall, F. J. The Romaunt of the Rose, from Thynne’s print, 1532. C. S. Series I, 82 (1890).
- Kaluza, M. A parallel text of The Romaunt of the Rose (of which the first 1705 lines are most probably C.’s) from the unique MS. at Glasgow, and its French original, Le Roman de la Rose. Part I. C. S. Series I, 83 (1891).
- —— C. und der rosenroman. Eine litterargeschichtliche Studie. Berlin, 1893.
- Kaluza, M. and Skeat, W. W. The Romance of the Rose. Acad. 1890, No. 948, 11–12, No. 950, 51–52.
- Ker, W. P. The Dark Ages. [See pp. 27–28, for a passage summing up the contrast between the Romaunt of the Rose and the Canterbury Prologue.]
- Kittredge, G. L. The authorship of the English Romaunt of the Rose. Harvard Stud. and Notes, pp. 1–65. 1892.
- Lange, J. H. Zu Fragment B des ME. Rosenromans. Engl. Stud. XXXI, 159–162.
- Lindner, P. Die englische Übersetzung des Romans von der Rose. Engl. Stud. XI (1), 163–173.
- Nicolas, Sir H. Romaunt of the Rose, Troilus and Creseide, and the Minor Poems. With life of the poet. 3 vols. 1846.
- Pound, L. The Romaunt of the Rose: additional evidence that it is C.’s. MLN. XI, 193–204.
- Skeat, W. W. Why the Romaunt of the Rose is not C.’s. C. S. Series II, 19 (1884).
- —— The Romaunt of the Rose. C. S. Essays, Series II, 29 (1892). [Cf. also Bourdillon, F. W., The early editions of the Roman de la Rose, Bibliogr. Soc. 1906; Langlois, E., in Petit de Julleville’s Hist. de la … Litt. fr., 1, 105 ff. ibid., Origines et Sources du Roman de la Rose, Paris, 1890.]
- X. T
ROILUS AND CRISEYDE - Early editions: Troilus was first printed by Caxton in 1482? (Brit. Mus. 11, 589, no title-page), by Wynkyn de Worde in 1517 and by Pynson in 1526. It was included in Thynne’s edition of 1532, and in all subsequent editions of C.’s works.
- Parallel-texts of C.’s Troilus and Criseyde. C. S. 63, 64, 87, 88 (1881–2, 1894–5).
- A One-text print, 79 (1888); Autotype specimen, 62 (1880).
- Broatch, J. W. The indebtedness of C.’s Troilus to Benoït’s Roman. Journ. Germ. Phil. II (1), 14–28.
- Hamilton, G. L. The indebtedness of C.’s Troilus and Criseyde to Guido delle Colonne’s Historia Trojana. New York, 1903.
- Jung, K. Chaucer’s Troilus and Boccaccio’s Filostrato and Filocolo. C. S. Series II, 40 (1904).
- Kittredge, G. L. Observations on the Language of C.’s Troilus. C. S. Series II, 28 (1891).
- Kynaston, F. Amorum Troili et Creseidae libri duo priores Anglico-Latini. 2 parts. Oxoniæ, 1635.
- Macaulay, G. C. Troilus and Criseide in Prof. Skeat’s edition. Acad. No. 1196, 267–9; No. 1198, 338–340.
- McCormick, W. H. Specimen-Extracts from nine unprinted MSS. of C.’s Troilus, with introductions on MSS., metre and grammar. C. S. Series I, 98 (1907).
- —— Another Chaucer stanza. Furnivall Misc. 1901, p. 296.
- —— Studies in C.’s Troilus. C. S. 42 (1906).
- Nicolas, Sir H. Romaunt of the Rose, Troilus and Creseide, and the Minor Poems. 1846.
- Price, Th. Troilus and Criseyde: a study in C.’s method of narrative construction. MLA. XI. 307–322.
- Rossetti, W. M. C.’s Troylus and Cryseyde (from the Harl. MS. 3943) compared with Boccaccio’s Filostrato. C. S. Series I, 44 (1875), 65 (1883).
- Schipper, J. C.’s Troilus and Chriseïs. Öster. Rundschau, 1884, Heft 10–12.
- Skeat, W. W. A Rime-Index to C.’s Troilus. C. S. No. 84 (1891).
- Tatlock, J. S. P. The Dates of C.’s Troilus and Criseyde and Legend of Good Women. MPh. 1, 317–329. See also ibid. III, 36.
- XI. L
IFE OF CHAUCER - Godwin, W. (the elder). Life of G. C.… with sketches of the manners, opinions, arts and literature of England in the fourteenth century. 2 vols. 1803. 2nd ed., 4 vols. 1804.
- Jusserand, J. J. In Revue des deux Mondes, 15 April, 1893.
- Kern, A. A. The Ancestry of C. 1907.
- Kittredge, G. L. C. and some of his friends. MPh., 1, 1–18.
- Lounsbury, T. R. Studies in C. His Life and Writings. 3 vols. 1891.
- Mather, F. J. An inedited document concerning C.’s first Italian journey. MLN. 1896, 419 ff., 510 f.
- Pollard, A. W. Chaucer. 1893.
- Schipper, J. Altenglische Humoristen: G. C. Öster. Rundschau, 1883, Heft. 6. Spielmann, M. H. The Portraits of G. C. C. S. Series II, 31 (1900). Ward, A. W. Chaucer. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1878, 1896.
- C. biographies occur further in the editions of Tyrwhitt, Nicolas, Skeat, etc. See also Life-Records of C. in C. S. Series II, 12 (1875), 14 (1876), 21 (1886), 32 (1900).
- XII. C
HRONOLOGY OF CHAUCER’S WORKS - Koch, J. Über die Chronologie von C.’s Werken. Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXVII, 69–70. Also in C. S. Series II, 27 (1890).
- Tatlock, J. S. P. The development and chronology of C.’s works. C. S. Series II, 37 (1907).
- Ten Brink, B. C. Studien zur Geschichte seiner Entwicklung und zur Chronologie seiner Schriften. Münster, 1870.
- Ten Brink, B. and Köppel, E. Zur Chronologie von C.’s Schriften. Engl. Stud. VII (1), 1–22 and (2), 189–200.
ANGUAGE AND METRE - Cromie, H. Ryme-Index to the Ellesmere MS. of the Cant. Tales. In 8vo. C. S. Series I, 45, 47 (1875), in 4to, 46 (1875), Notes and Corrections, 49 (1877).
- Ellis, A. J. On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and C.… Including a re-arrangement of … F. J. Child’s Memoirs on the language of C. Phil. Soc. 1869. Also issued by the E.E.T.S. and by the C. S.
- Lindner, P. Alliteration in C. C. S. Series II, 16 (1876).
- McCormick, W. S. Another C. stanza? Furnivall Miscellany, pp. 296–300. Morton, E. P. C.’s identical Rimes. MLN. XVIII, 73 f. Saintsbury, G. A History of English Prosody. Vol. I. 1906. Skeat, W. W. On C.’s Use of the Kentish dialect. C. S. Series II, 29 (1892).
- Ten Brink, B. C.’s Sprache und Verskunst. Leipzig, 1884. 2nd ed. 1899. Transl. into English by M. Bentinck Smith. 1902.
- Tyrwhitt, T. On the Versification of C. (See Introduction to his edition of the Cant. Tales.)
- Weymouth, R. F. On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to C., in opposition to the views maintained by … A. J. Ellis in his work On Early English Pronunciation, etc. 1874.
- —— On “Here” and “There” in C. C.S. Series II, 18 (1878).
- XIV. T
RANSLATIONS - Dryden, J. Miscellany, poems, etc. Printed for Jacob Tonson, London, 1692. (January and May; or the Merchant’s Tale, from C. by Mr. A. Pope.)
- —— Fables … translated into verse. (The Knight’s Tale, The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, The Flower and the Leaf, and the Wife of Bath’s Tale.) 1700. Another edition by Johnson, S., The Works of the English Poets. Vol. XX. 1790. Another edition, Fables from Boccaccio and C. 1806.
- Steele, R. Poetical miscellanies, consisting of original poems and translations. By the best hands. (The Wife of Bath, her Prologue, from C. By Mr. Pope.) 1714. 2nd ed. 1727.
- XV. G
ENERAL LITERATURE - Ballerstedt, E. Über C.’s Naturschilderungen. Göttingen, 1891.
- Ballmann, O. C.’s Einfluss auf das englische Drama im Zeitalter der Königin Elizabeth und der beiden ersten Stuartkönige. Halle, 1901.
- Björkman, Erik. G. C. Stockholm, 1906.
- Brandl, A. Article on Middle English Literature in Paul’s Grundr. der germ. Philologie. Vol. II. 1892.2nd ed. 1908.
- —— Über einige historische Anspielungen in C.’s Werken. Engl. Stud. XII, 161.
- Browne, Matthew. Pseud. C.’s England. 2 vols. 1869.
- Browning, E. B. On C. (parts of her review of the Book of the Poets, 1842). C. S. Series II, 9 (1874).
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vol. 1. 1895.
- Cross, W. L. C. as a character in fiction. Anglia, XXV, 251–3.
- Flügel, E. Chauceriana Minora. Anglia, XXI, 245–259.
- Gärtner, O. John Shirley, sein Leben und Wirken. Halle, 1904.
- Hales, J. W., in D. of N. B.
- Hammond, E. P. MS. Pepys 2006, a Chaucerian Codex. MLN. XIX, 196–8.
- Hazlitt, W. On Chaucer and Spenser. Collected Works, ed. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol. v. 1902.
- Jusserand, J. J Hist. Litt. du. Peuple Anglais, Vol. 1. 1896.
- Kington-Oliphant, T.L. On C.’s Reputed Works. C. S. Series 11, 19 (1884).
- Kissner, A. C. in seinen Beziehungen zur ital. Literatur. Bonn, 1867.
- Koch. J. Der gegenwärtige Stand der Chaucerforsehung. Verh. des IX allg. d. Neuphilologentages, pp. 117–27. Hannover, 1901.
- —— Ein Beitrag zur Kritik C.’s. Engl. Stud. 1, 249 ff. Cf. Kölbing, Engl. Stud. II, 528–532.
- Kölbing, E. Byron und C. Engl. Stud. XXI, 231.
- Köppel, E. C. u. Alanus de Insulis. Herrig’s Archiv, xc, p. 149.
- —— Boccaccio’s Visione Amorosa von C. benutzt. Anglia, XIV, 233.
- —— Jehan de Meung (und C.). Anglia, XIV, 238.
- —— Dante und C. Anglia, XIII, 184.
- —— Chauceriana. Anglia, XIV (2), 227–267.
- —— C. und Albertanus Brixiensis. Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXVII, 29–46.
- —— C. und Innocenz des dritten Traktat De contemptu mundi sive de miseria conditionis humanæ. Herrig’s Archiv, LXXXIV, 405–418.
- Littlehales, H. Notes on the Road from London to Canterbury. C. S. Series II, 30 (1898).
- Mamroth, F. G. C., Seine Zeit und seine Abhängigkeit von Boccaccio. Promotions-Schrift. Berlin, 1872.
- Morley, H. English Writers. Vol. v. 1890.
- Morris, E. E. The Physician in C. Furnivall Miscellany, pp. 338–346. 1901.
- Ramsay, J. H. C. and Wycliffe’s Bible. Acad. No. 554, pp. 435 f.
- Root, R. K. The Poetry of C.; a guide to its study and appreciation. 1906.
- Sandras, E. G. Étude sur G. C. considéré comme imitateur des Trouvères. Paris, 1859. Ebert’s review of the above (Jahrb. f. rom. und engl. Lit. 1861, p. 85) has been translated and published in the C. S. Series II, 2, 1868.
- Smith, A. Dreamthorpe. 1863 f.
- Spurgeon, F. E. and Fox, E. Five hundred years of C. Criticisms and Allusions, 1387–1900. Part I, C. S. Series II, 41 (1903).
- Skeat, W. W. The C. Canon, with a discussion of the works associated with the name of G. C. Oxford, 1900. [See also in Athenaeum, 1905, 28 October, for works attributed to Chaucer.]
- Snell, F. J. The Age of C. (1346–1400). With an introd. by J. W. Hales. 1901.
- —— The Fourteenth Century. 1899.
- Ten Brink, B. C. in Geschichte der engl. Lit. Vol. I. Berlin, 1877. (2nd ed. by Brandl, A. 1899.) Vol. II., I. Berlin, 1889. II. 2.ed. by Brandl. Strassburg, 1893. Eng. trans. 1883.
- —— C. Studien zur Geschichte seiner Entwicklung, etc. See above.
- Todd, H. J. Illustrations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and C., collected from authentic documents. (Animadversions upon the annotacions and correct[char]ns of some imperfect[char]ons, of impress[char]ones of C.’s workes… nowe reprinted in… 1598, sett downe by F. Thynne), 1810. “Animadversions” edited by Kingsley, G. H., in E.E.T.S. IX, 1865, and by Furnivall in the C. S. Series 11, 13, 1875.
- Tupper, F. J. Dryden and Speght’s C. MLN. XII, 347–353.
- Wood, H. C.’s Influence upon King James I of Scotland as poet. Halle, 1879.
- Woodbridge, E. C’s Classicism. JGPh. 1, 111–7.
- [For Guillaume de Machault (1300?–1377), see P. Tarbe’s edition, Reims, 1849; and for the poems of Eustace Deschamps, Machault’s nephew, see ed. Marquis de Queux de Saint-Hilaire, S.A.T.F., Paris, 1878 ff.]
- [For The Tale of Gamelyn, see ed. Skeat, W. W., 2nd edn, revised, 1893; cf. the Robyn and Gandeleyn ballad, in Child’s English and Scotch Ballads, vol. v, 1888; Thomas Lodge’s Rosalynde: Euphues golden legacie, 1590; and Lindner, F., Englische Studien, II, pp. 94 ff. and 321 ff.]
- [Edwardes, M., A Summary of the Literatures of Modern Europe… to 1400, 1907, and Körting’s Grundriss may be consulted for bibliographical information. See also Notes and Queries, 5th series, vols. VI and VII, and 6th series, vols. VIII, IX and X.]