Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936). Verse: 1885–1918. 1922.
My Lady’s Law
Was never Law to me,
But ’tis enough that she approves
Whatever Law it be.
My constant course I’ll steer;
Not that I heed or deem it dread,
But that she holds it dear.
Her richest argosies,
Those would I spurn, and bid return,
If that should give her ease.
Each spicèd sail from sight,
Sans bitterness, desiring less
Great gear than her delight.
My proven sword to hire—
I would not go nor serve ’em so—
Except at her desire.
Adventure and acclaim,
And clean give o’er, esteeming more
Her favour than my fame.
Sore bond and freest free,
The Law that sways my lady’s ways
Is mystery to me!