Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936). Verse: 1885–1918. 1922.
Mulholland’s Contract
An’ the pens broke up on the lower deck an’ let the creatures free—
An’ the lights went out on the lower deck, an’ no one near but me.
For the lower deck is the dangerousest, requirin’ constant care,
An’ give to me as the strongest man, though used to drink and swear.
For the lower deck was packed with steers thicker’n peas in a pod,
An’ more pens broke at every roll—so I made a Contract with God.
If He got me to port alive I would exalt His Name,
An’ praise His Holy Majesty till further orders came.
For they found me ’tween two drownded ones where the roll had landed me—
An’ a four-inch crack on top of my head, as crazy as could be.
An’ I lay still for seven weeks convalescing of the fall,
An’ readin’ the shiny Scripture texts in the Seaman’s Hospital.
“I never puts on My ministers no more than they can bear.
“So back you go to the-cattle-boats an’ preach My Gospel there.
“But most of all, as well you know, when the steers are mad-afraid;
“So you go back to the cattle-boats an’ preach ’em as I’ve said.
“They must quit gamblin’ their wages, and you must preach it so;
“For now those boats are more like Hell than anything else I know.”
An’ I wanted to preach Religion, handsome an’ out of the wet,
But the Word of the Lord were laid on me, an’ I done what I was set.
An’ turned my cheek to the smiter exactly as Scripture says;
But, following that, I knocked him down an’ led him up to Grace.
An’ I use no knife or pistol an’ I never take no harm,
For the Lord abideth back of me to guide my fighting arm.
An’ I am in charge of the lower deck, an’ I never lose a steer;
An’ I believe in Almighty God an’ I preach His Gospel here.
For I am in charge of the lower deck with all that doth belong—
Which they would not give to a lunatic, and the competition so strong!