Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By Raban; or, Life Splinters (1880). Work and SpiritWalter Chalmers Smith (1824–1908)
Or the true soul that, working as it can,
Does faithfully the task it has to do,
And keepeth faith alike with God and man?
Or brass is fashioned now into a coin,
Now into fairest chalice that shall hold
To panting lips the sacramental wine:
For brutes by the wayside to quench their thirst,
And there a god emerges from the rough
Unshapely block—yet they were twins at first.
A sordid, or a sacred thought inspires;
And of twin marbles from the quarry brought
One serves the earth, one glows with altar-fires.
To do the highest service to its kind;
There’s something in the art that can unroll
Secrets of beauty shaping in the mind.
To make his cattle-trough with honest heart,
And could not frame the god with gleaming eyes,
As nobly plays the more ignoble part.
And shows the meaner task he has to do,
He is the greater that he strives to win
Only the praise of being just and true.
Which men shall praise, a higher task may find
Plodding his dull round on the common earth,
But conquering envies rising in the mind.
A perfect work, and glorious over all—
Or in the stars that choir with joy elate,
Or in the lichen spreading on the wall.