Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By Hymns. III. “Lord of our soul’s salvation”Samuel John Stone (1839–1900)
Sung in St. Paul’s Cathedral on February 27, 1872
Lord of our earthly weal!
We who in tribulation
Did for Thy mercy kneel,
Lift up glad hearts before Thee,
And eyes no longer dim,
And for Thy grace adore Thee
In eucharistic hymn.
And every fount is dry,
When hearts in supreme anguish
To Thee lift up their cry:
Then doth Thy love deliver!
From Thine unshortened hand
Joy, like the southern river,
O’erflows the weary land.
Death’s shadow, and in fear
To Thee, O L
By the dear Grace that bought us
We cried as in the night,
And lo! the morning brought us
From Thee the living light.
With precious seed of prayer,
Hope’s awful vigil keeping
’Mid rumours of despair,
Now, to Thy glory bringing
Its sheaves of praise along,
Again it cometh singing
A happy harvest song.
Of Grace sublime in power!
That meteth out compassion
By sorrow’s direst hour:
O Love, most high, most holy!
The merciful in might,
That unto hearts most lowly
Is ever Depth and Height.
Our gladness sanctify!
Be this rejoicing nation
To Thee by joy more nigh:
Oh be this great Thanksgiving,
That with one voice we raise,
Wrought into holier living
Through all our after days.
Back to the loyal land;
Still cover with Thine Hand;
Be his to guard and guide,
Now in life’s mid-day splendour,
On to the eventide!