Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.
By The Prisoner of Love (1904). VII. Losing and SavingFrederick William Orde Ward (1843–1922)
Yet stand upon the losing side
Where martyrs have before us stood,
And scorn the vulgar baits of pride;
Then shall we never know retreat,
Though suffering wrong and sore defeat.
And stumble on the cruel stone,
Which telleth us to pause and pray,
While pilgrims are we left alone;
When we seem vanquished in the fight,
We must be victors for the right.
And danger daily hems us round,
While everywhere some foe or fear
Encroacheth on our holiest ground;
Ah, though we suffer grimly thus,
The awful odds are yet with us.
Upon the heart and cloud the sight,
Or weakness garrisons our wall
And darkness is the only light;
Though drifting hopeless with the tide,
We must be winners on God’s side.