W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
“St. Barnabas the Apostle”
From the Parisian BreviaryC
Thy soul this day set free,
To the calm Heavens from earth did pass,
O holy Barnabas!
Thou gavest up thine all:
He shall thine all, thy treasure be,
Lasting eternally.
Lo, ’mid the saints he stands,
The Spirit’s high behest to bear,
Christ’s Heaven-sent messenger.
Blest bond of brotherhood!
One in the mandate sent from high,
And one in charity.
Did ye that light convey,
When boldly from your race ye turn’d,
Who Faith’s glad message spurn’d?
Shall come that Spirit blest,
Let not our hearts Heaven’s bounty slight,
Deeming their darkness light!
Thrice holy Trinity,
Who hast disclosed in this our night,
Thine everlasting light!