W. Garrett Horder, comp. The Poets’ Bible: New Testament. 1895.
Thomas Toke Lynch (1818–1871)W
A neighbour or a friend
Sometimes came tapping at the door,
A little help to lend;
Then Dorcas said, “Come in, my dear;
All willing hands are welcome here.”
And pity on her tongue,
Her words were mild as well as wise;
And round her room there hung
Nice things to make the children glad,
And warm ones for the old and sad.
Knew Dorcas, as she went,
In any weather up and down,
On doing good intent;
And blest her for her cheerful face,
The kindest woman in the place.
New tears the widows shed;
For, “Who such garments can provide,
Now she is gone?” they said;
Dorcas who by the pleasant sea
Had spent her life so usefully.
With many a heavy sigh,
A little further from the street
And nearer to the sky:
Now in a spacious upper room
She waits the low and narrow tomb.
This is a grievous day.”
Said he, “Submit, and not complain;
But I will kneel and pray:
‘Lord, on thy sorrowing people smile;
Give Dorcas back a little while.’”
“For God will others raise
Whose loving-kindness, in my stead,
His gracious name shall praise
I heard a voice in Paradise
Say, ‘Loving-kindness never dies.’”
Industrious and kind;
For help her good example gives
To willing hand and mind.
Lord, in our hearts her spirit stir;
She followed Thee; we follow her.